""" Utilities for Py2/Py3 interop. """ def with_metaclass(meta, *bases): """ Add metaclasses in both Python 2 and Python 3. Function from jinja2/_compat.py. License: BSD. Use it like this:: class BaseForm(object): pass class FormType(type): pass class Form(with_metaclass(FormType, BaseForm)): pass This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a dummy metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces itself with the actual metaclass. Because of internal type checks we also need to make sure that we downgrade the custom metaclass for one level to something closer to type (that's why __call__ and __init__ comes back from type etc.). This has the advantage over six.with_metaclass of not introducing dummy classes into the final MRO. """ class metaclass(meta): __call__ = type.__call__ __init__ = type.__init__ def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): if this_bases is None: return type.__new__(cls, name, (), d) return meta(name, bases, d) return metaclass('temporary_class', None, {})