import numpy as np import bottleneck as bn from .autotimeit import autotimeit __all__ = ['bench'] def bench(dtype='float64', axis=-1, shapes=[(10,), (1000, 1000), (10,), (1000, 1000)], nans=[False, False, True, True]): """ Bottleneck benchmark. Parameters ---------- dtype : str, optional Data type string such as 'float64', which is the default. axis : int, optional Axis along which to perform the calculations that are being benchmarked. The default is the last axis (axis=-1). shapes : list, optional A list of tuple shapes of input arrays to use in the benchmark. nans : list, optional A list of the bools (True or False), one for each tuple in the `shapes` list, that tells whether the input arrays should be randomly filled with one-third NaNs. Returns ------- A benchmark report is printed to stdout. """ if len(shapes) != len(nans): raise ValueError("`shapes` and `nans` must have the same length") dtype = str(dtype) axis = str(axis) tab = ' ' # Header print('Bottleneck performance benchmark') print("%sBottleneck %s" % (tab, bn.__version__)) print("%sNumpy (np) %s" % (tab, np.__version__)) print("%sSpeed is NumPy time divided by Bottleneck time" % tab) tup = (tab, dtype, axis) print("%sNaN means approx one-third NaNs; %s and axis=%s are used" % tup) print('') header = [" "*14] for nan in nans: if nan: header.append("NaN".center(11)) else: header.append("no NaN".center(11)) print("".join(header)) header = ["".join(str(shape).split(" ")).center(11) for shape in shapes] header = [" "*16] + header print("".join(header)) suite = benchsuite(shapes, dtype, axis, nans) for test in suite: name = test["name"].ljust(12) fmt = tab + name + "%7.1f" + "%11.1f"*(len(shapes) - 1) speed = timer(test['statements'], test['setups']) print(fmt % tuple(speed)) def timer(statements, setups): speed = [] if len(statements) != 2: raise ValueError("Two statements needed.") for setup in setups: with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): t0 = autotimeit(statements[0], setup) t1 = autotimeit(statements[1], setup) speed.append(t1 / t0) return speed def getarray(shape, dtype, nans=False): arr = np.arange(, dtype=dtype) if nans and issubclass(arr.dtype.type, np.inexact): arr[::3] = np.nan else: rs = np.random.RandomState(shape) rs.shuffle(arr) return arr.reshape(*shape) def benchsuite(shapes, dtype, axis, nans): suite = [] def getsetups(setup, shapes, nans): template = """import numpy as np import bottleneck as bn from bottleneck.benchmark.bench import getarray a = getarray(%s, 'DTYPE', %s) %s""" setups = [] for shape, nan in zip(shapes, nans): setups.append(template % (str(shape), str(nan), setup)) return setups # non-moving window functions funcs = ['nansum', 'nanmean', 'nanstd', 'nanvar', 'nanmin', 'nanmax', 'median', 'nanmedian', 'ss', 'nanargmin', 'nanargmax', 'anynan', 'allnan', 'rankdata', 'nanrankdata'] for func in funcs: run = {} run['name'] = func run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, axis=AXIS)", "sl_func(a, axis=AXIS)"] setup = """ from bottleneck import %s as bn_func try: from numpy import %s as sl_func except ImportError: from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func if "%s" == "rankdata": sl_func([1, 2, 3]) """ % (func, func, func, func) run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans) suite.append(run) # partsort, argpartsort funcs = ['partsort', 'argpartsort'] for func in funcs: run = {} run['name'] = func run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, n, axis=AXIS)", "sl_func(a, m, axis=AXIS)"] setup = """ from bottleneck import %s as bn_func from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func if AXIS is None: n = a.size else: n = a.shape[AXIS] n = max(n / 2, 1) m = n - 1 """ % (func, func) run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans) suite.append(run) # replace run = {} run['name'] = "replace" run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, np.nan, 0)", "slow_func(a, np.nan, 0)"] setup = """ from bottleneck import replace as bn_func from bottleneck.slow import replace as slow_func """ run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans) suite.append(run) # moving window function that benchmark against sp.ndimage.convolve1d funcs = ['move_sum', 'move_mean', 'move_std', 'move_min', 'move_max', 'move_median'] for func in funcs: run = {} run['name'] = func run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, window=w, axis=AXIS)", "sw_func(a, window=w, axis=AXIS)"] setup = """ from bottleneck.slow.move import %s as sw_func from bottleneck import %s as bn_func w = a.shape[AXIS] // 5 """ % (func, func) run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans) if axis != 'None': suite.append(run) # Strip leading spaces from setup code for i, run in enumerate(suite): for j in range(len(run['setups'])): t = run['setups'][j] t = '\n'.join([z.strip() for z in t.split('\n')]) suite[i]['setups'][j] = t # Set dtype and axis in setups for i, run in enumerate(suite): for j in range(len(run['setups'])): t = run['setups'][j] t = t.replace('DTYPE', dtype) t = t.replace('AXIS', axis) suite[i]['setups'][j] = t # Set dtype and axis in statements for i, run in enumerate(suite): for j in range(2): t = run['statements'][j] t = t.replace('DTYPE', dtype) t = t.replace('AXIS', axis) suite[i]['statements'][j] = t return suite