""" This class is defined to override standard pickle functionality The goals of it follow: -Serialize lambdas and nested functions to compiled byte code -Deal with main module correctly -Deal with other non-serializable objects It does not include an unpickler, as standard python unpickling suffices. This module was extracted from the `cloud` package, developed by `PiCloud, Inc. `_. Copyright (c) 2012, Regents of the University of California. Copyright (c) 2009 `PiCloud, Inc. `_. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ from __future__ import print_function import operator import io import imp import pickle import struct import sys import types from functools import partial import itertools import dis import traceback if sys.version < '3': from pickle import Pickler try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO PY3 = False else: types.ClassType = type from pickle import _Pickler as Pickler from io import BytesIO as StringIO PY3 = True #relevant opcodes STORE_GLOBAL = dis.opname.index('STORE_GLOBAL') DELETE_GLOBAL = dis.opname.index('DELETE_GLOBAL') LOAD_GLOBAL = dis.opname.index('LOAD_GLOBAL') GLOBAL_OPS = [STORE_GLOBAL, DELETE_GLOBAL, LOAD_GLOBAL] HAVE_ARGUMENT = dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT EXTENDED_ARG = dis.EXTENDED_ARG def islambda(func): return getattr(func,'__name__') == '' _BUILTIN_TYPE_NAMES = {} for k, v in types.__dict__.items(): if type(v) is type: _BUILTIN_TYPE_NAMES[v] = k def _builtin_type(name): return getattr(types, name) class CloudPickler(Pickler): dispatch = Pickler.dispatch.copy() def __init__(self, file, protocol=None): Pickler.__init__(self, file, protocol) # set of modules to unpickle self.modules = set() # map ids to dictionary. used to ensure that functions can share global env self.globals_ref = {} def dump(self, obj): self.inject_addons() try: return Pickler.dump(self, obj) except RuntimeError as e: if 'recursion' in e.args[0]: msg = """Could not pickle object as excessively deep recursion required.""" raise pickle.PicklingError(msg) def save_memoryview(self, obj): """Fallback to save_string""" Pickler.save_string(self, str(obj)) def save_buffer(self, obj): """Fallback to save_string""" Pickler.save_string(self,str(obj)) if PY3: dispatch[memoryview] = save_memoryview else: dispatch[buffer] = save_buffer def save_unsupported(self, obj): raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle objects of type %s" % type(obj)) dispatch[types.GeneratorType] = save_unsupported # itertools objects do not pickle! for v in itertools.__dict__.values(): if type(v) is type: dispatch[v] = save_unsupported def save_module(self, obj): """ Save a module as an import """ mod_name = obj.__name__ # If module is successfully found then it is not a dynamically created module try: _find_module(mod_name) is_dynamic = False except ImportError: is_dynamic = True self.modules.add(obj) if is_dynamic: self.save_reduce(dynamic_subimport, (obj.__name__, vars(obj)), obj=obj) else: self.save_reduce(subimport, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj) dispatch[types.ModuleType] = save_module def save_codeobject(self, obj): """ Save a code object """ if PY3: args = ( obj.co_argcount, obj.co_kwonlyargcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize, obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names, obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name, obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_lnotab, obj.co_freevars, obj.co_cellvars ) else: args = ( obj.co_argcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize, obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names, obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name, obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_lnotab, obj.co_freevars, obj.co_cellvars ) self.save_reduce(types.CodeType, args, obj=obj) dispatch[types.CodeType] = save_codeobject def save_function(self, obj, name=None): """ Registered with the dispatch to handle all function types. Determines what kind of function obj is (e.g. lambda, defined at interactive prompt, etc) and handles the pickling appropriately. """ write = self.write if name is None: name = obj.__name__ modname = pickle.whichmodule(obj, name) # print('which gives %s %s %s' % (modname, obj, name)) try: themodule = sys.modules[modname] except KeyError: # eval'd items such as namedtuple give invalid items for their function __module__ modname = '__main__' if modname == '__main__': themodule = None if themodule: self.modules.add(themodule) if getattr(themodule, name, None) is obj: return self.save_global(obj, name) # if func is lambda, def'ed at prompt, is in main, or is nested, then # we'll pickle the actual function object rather than simply saving a # reference (as is done in default pickler), via save_function_tuple. if (islambda(obj) or getattr(obj.__code__, 'co_filename', None) == '' or themodule is None): self.save_function_tuple(obj) return else: # func is nested klass = getattr(themodule, name, None) if klass is None or klass is not obj: self.save_function_tuple(obj) return if obj.__dict__: # essentially save_reduce, but workaround needed to avoid recursion self.save(_restore_attr) write(pickle.MARK + pickle.GLOBAL + modname + '\n' + name + '\n') self.memoize(obj) self.save(obj.__dict__) write(pickle.TUPLE + pickle.REDUCE) else: write(pickle.GLOBAL + modname + '\n' + name + '\n') self.memoize(obj) dispatch[types.FunctionType] = save_function def save_function_tuple(self, func): """ Pickles an actual func object. A func comprises: code, globals, defaults, closure, and dict. We extract and save these, injecting reducing functions at certain points to recreate the func object. Keep in mind that some of these pieces can contain a ref to the func itself. Thus, a naive save on these pieces could trigger an infinite loop of save's. To get around that, we first create a skeleton func object using just the code (this is safe, since this won't contain a ref to the func), and memoize it as soon as it's created. The other stuff can then be filled in later. """ save = self.save write = self.write code, f_globals, defaults, closure, dct, base_globals = self.extract_func_data(func) save(_fill_function) # skeleton function updater write(pickle.MARK) # beginning of tuple that _fill_function expects # create a skeleton function object and memoize it save(_make_skel_func) save((code, closure, base_globals)) write(pickle.REDUCE) self.memoize(func) # save the rest of the func data needed by _fill_function save(f_globals) save(defaults) save(dct) write(pickle.TUPLE) write(pickle.REDUCE) # applies _fill_function on the tuple @staticmethod def extract_code_globals(co): """ Find all globals names read or written to by codeblock co """ code = getattr(co, 'co_code', None) if code is None: return set() if not PY3: code = [ord(c) for c in code] names = co.co_names out_names = set() n = len(code) i = 0 extended_arg = 0 while i < n: op = code[i] i += 1 if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = code[i] + code[i+1] * 256 + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i += 2 if op == EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg*65536 if op in GLOBAL_OPS: out_names.add(names[oparg]) # see if nested function have any global refs if co.co_consts: for const in co.co_consts: if type(const) is types.CodeType: out_names |= CloudPickler.extract_code_globals(const) return out_names def extract_func_data(self, func): """ Turn the function into a tuple of data necessary to recreate it: code, globals, defaults, closure, dict """ code = func.__code__ # extract all global ref's func_global_refs = self.extract_code_globals(code) # process all variables referenced by global environment f_globals = {} for var in func_global_refs: if var in func.__globals__: f_globals[var] = func.__globals__[var] # defaults requires no processing defaults = func.__defaults__ # process closure closure = [c.cell_contents for c in func.__closure__] if func.__closure__ else [] # save the dict dct = func.__dict__ base_globals = self.globals_ref.get(id(func.__globals__), {}) self.globals_ref[id(func.__globals__)] = base_globals return (code, f_globals, defaults, closure, dct, base_globals) def save_builtin_function(self, obj): if obj.__module__ == "__builtin__": return self.save_global(obj) return self.save_function(obj) dispatch[types.BuiltinFunctionType] = save_builtin_function def save_global(self, obj, name=None, pack=struct.pack): if obj.__module__ == "__builtin__" or obj.__module__ == "builtins": if obj in _BUILTIN_TYPE_NAMES: return self.save_reduce(_builtin_type, (_BUILTIN_TYPE_NAMES[obj],), obj=obj) if name is None: name = obj.__name__ modname = getattr(obj, "__module__", None) if modname is None: modname = pickle.whichmodule(obj, name) if modname == '__main__': themodule = None else: __import__(modname) themodule = sys.modules[modname] self.modules.add(themodule) if hasattr(themodule, name) and getattr(themodule, name) is obj: return Pickler.save_global(self, obj, name) typ = type(obj) if typ is not obj and isinstance(obj, (type, types.ClassType)): d = dict(obj.__dict__) # copy dict proxy to a dict if not isinstance(d.get('__dict__', None), property): # don't extract dict that are properties d.pop('__dict__', None) d.pop('__weakref__', None) # hack as __new__ is stored differently in the __dict__ new_override = d.get('__new__', None) if new_override: d['__new__'] = obj.__new__ self.save_reduce(typ, (obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, d), obj=obj) else: raise pickle.PicklingError("Can't pickle %r" % obj) dispatch[type] = save_global dispatch[types.ClassType] = save_global def save_instancemethod(self, obj): # Memoization rarely is ever useful due to python bounding if obj.__self__ is None: self.save_reduce(getattr, (obj.im_class, obj.__name__)) else: if PY3: self.save_reduce(types.MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__), obj=obj) else: self.save_reduce(types.MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__, obj.__self__.__class__), obj=obj) dispatch[types.MethodType] = save_instancemethod def save_inst(self, obj): """Inner logic to save instance. Based off pickle.save_inst Supports __transient__""" cls = obj.__class__ memo = self.memo write = self.write save = self.save if hasattr(obj, '__getinitargs__'): args = obj.__getinitargs__() len(args) # XXX Assert it's a sequence pickle._keep_alive(args, memo) else: args = () write(pickle.MARK) if self.bin: save(cls) for arg in args: save(arg) write(pickle.OBJ) else: for arg in args: save(arg) write(pickle.INST + cls.__module__ + '\n' + cls.__name__ + '\n') self.memoize(obj) try: getstate = obj.__getstate__ except AttributeError: stuff = obj.__dict__ #remove items if transient if hasattr(obj, '__transient__'): transient = obj.__transient__ stuff = stuff.copy() for k in list(stuff.keys()): if k in transient: del stuff[k] else: stuff = getstate() pickle._keep_alive(stuff, memo) save(stuff) write(pickle.BUILD) if not PY3: dispatch[types.InstanceType] = save_inst def save_property(self, obj): # properties not correctly saved in python self.save_reduce(property, (obj.fget, obj.fset, obj.fdel, obj.__doc__), obj=obj) dispatch[property] = save_property def save_classmethod(self, obj): try: orig_func = obj.__func__ except AttributeError: # Python 2.6 orig_func = obj.__get__(None, object) if isinstance(obj, classmethod): orig_func = orig_func.__func__ # Unbind self.save_reduce(type(obj), (orig_func,), obj=obj) dispatch[classmethod] = save_classmethod dispatch[staticmethod] = save_classmethod def save_itemgetter(self, obj): """itemgetter serializer (needed for namedtuple support)""" class Dummy: def __getitem__(self, item): return item items = obj(Dummy()) if not isinstance(items, tuple): items = (items, ) return self.save_reduce(operator.itemgetter, items) if type(operator.itemgetter) is type: dispatch[operator.itemgetter] = save_itemgetter def save_attrgetter(self, obj): """attrgetter serializer""" class Dummy(object): def __init__(self, attrs, index=None): self.attrs = attrs self.index = index def __getattribute__(self, item): attrs = object.__getattribute__(self, "attrs") index = object.__getattribute__(self, "index") if index is None: index = len(attrs) attrs.append(item) else: attrs[index] = ".".join([attrs[index], item]) return type(self)(attrs, index) attrs = [] obj(Dummy(attrs)) return self.save_reduce(operator.attrgetter, tuple(attrs)) if type(operator.attrgetter) is type: dispatch[operator.attrgetter] = save_attrgetter def save_reduce(self, func, args, state=None, listitems=None, dictitems=None, obj=None): """Modified to support __transient__ on new objects Change only affects protocol level 2 (which is always used by PiCloud""" # Assert that args is a tuple or None if not isinstance(args, tuple): raise pickle.PicklingError("args from reduce() should be a tuple") # Assert that func is callable if not hasattr(func, '__call__'): raise pickle.PicklingError("func from reduce should be callable") save = self.save write = self.write # Protocol 2 special case: if func's name is __newobj__, use NEWOBJ if self.proto >= 2 and getattr(func, "__name__", "") == "__newobj__": #Added fix to allow transient cls = args[0] if not hasattr(cls, "__new__"): raise pickle.PicklingError( "args[0] from __newobj__ args has no __new__") if obj is not None and cls is not obj.__class__: raise pickle.PicklingError( "args[0] from __newobj__ args has the wrong class") args = args[1:] save(cls) #Don't pickle transient entries if hasattr(obj, '__transient__'): transient = obj.__transient__ state = state.copy() for k in list(state.keys()): if k in transient: del state[k] save(args) write(pickle.NEWOBJ) else: save(func) save(args) write(pickle.REDUCE) if obj is not None: self.memoize(obj) # More new special cases (that work with older protocols as # well): when __reduce__ returns a tuple with 4 or 5 items, # the 4th and 5th item should be iterators that provide list # items and dict items (as (key, value) tuples), or None. if listitems is not None: self._batch_appends(listitems) if dictitems is not None: self._batch_setitems(dictitems) if state is not None: save(state) write(pickle.BUILD) def save_partial(self, obj): """Partial objects do not serialize correctly in python2.x -- this fixes the bugs""" self.save_reduce(_genpartial, (obj.func, obj.args, obj.keywords)) if sys.version_info < (2,7): # 2.7 supports partial pickling dispatch[partial] = save_partial def save_file(self, obj): """Save a file""" try: import StringIO as pystringIO #we can't use cStringIO as it lacks the name attribute except ImportError: import io as pystringIO if not hasattr(obj, 'name') or not hasattr(obj, 'mode'): raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle files that do not map to an actual file") if obj is sys.stdout: return self.save_reduce(getattr, (sys,'stdout'), obj=obj) if obj is sys.stderr: return self.save_reduce(getattr, (sys,'stderr'), obj=obj) if obj is sys.stdin: raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle standard input") if obj.closed: raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle closed files") if hasattr(obj, 'isatty') and obj.isatty(): raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle files that map to tty objects") if 'r' not in obj.mode and '+' not in obj.mode: raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle files that are not opened for reading: %s" % obj.mode) name = obj.name retval = pystringIO.StringIO() try: # Read the whole file curloc = obj.tell() obj.seek(0) contents = obj.read() obj.seek(curloc) except IOError: raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle file %s as it cannot be read" % name) retval.write(contents) retval.seek(curloc) retval.name = name self.save(retval) self.memoize(obj) def save_ellipsis(self, obj): self.save_reduce(_gen_ellipsis, ()) def save_not_implemented(self, obj): self.save_reduce(_gen_not_implemented, ()) if PY3: dispatch[io.TextIOWrapper] = save_file else: dispatch[file] = save_file dispatch[type(Ellipsis)] = save_ellipsis dispatch[type(NotImplemented)] = save_not_implemented """Special functions for Add-on libraries""" def inject_addons(self): """Plug in system. Register additional pickling functions if modules already loaded""" pass # Shorthands for legacy support def dump(obj, file, protocol=2): CloudPickler(file, protocol).dump(obj) def dumps(obj, protocol=2): file = StringIO() cp = CloudPickler(file,protocol) cp.dump(obj) return file.getvalue() # including pickles unloading functions in this namespace load = pickle.load loads = pickle.loads #hack for __import__ not working as desired def subimport(name): __import__(name) return sys.modules[name] def dynamic_subimport(name, vars): mod = imp.new_module(name) mod.__dict__.update(vars) sys.modules[name] = mod return mod # restores function attributes def _restore_attr(obj, attr): for key, val in attr.items(): setattr(obj, key, val) return obj def _get_module_builtins(): return pickle.__builtins__ def print_exec(stream): ei = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(ei[0], ei[1], ei[2], None, stream) def _modules_to_main(modList): """Force every module in modList to be placed into main""" if not modList: return main = sys.modules['__main__'] for modname in modList: if type(modname) is str: try: mod = __import__(modname) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('warning: could not import %s\n. ' 'Your function may unexpectedly error due to this import failing;' 'A version mismatch is likely. Specific error was:\n' % modname) print_exec(sys.stderr) else: setattr(main, mod.__name__, mod) #object generators: def _genpartial(func, args, kwds): if not args: args = () if not kwds: kwds = {} return partial(func, *args, **kwds) def _gen_ellipsis(): return Ellipsis def _gen_not_implemented(): return NotImplemented def _fill_function(func, globals, defaults, dict): """ Fills in the rest of function data into the skeleton function object that were created via _make_skel_func(). """ func.__globals__.update(globals) func.__defaults__ = defaults func.__dict__ = dict return func def _make_cell(value): return (lambda: value).__closure__[0] def _reconstruct_closure(values): return tuple([_make_cell(v) for v in values]) def _make_skel_func(code, closures, base_globals = None): """ Creates a skeleton function object that contains just the provided code and the correct number of cells in func_closure. All other func attributes (e.g. func_globals) are empty. """ closure = _reconstruct_closure(closures) if closures else None if base_globals is None: base_globals = {} base_globals['__builtins__'] = __builtins__ return types.FunctionType(code, base_globals, None, None, closure) def _find_module(mod_name): """ Iterate over each part instead of calling imp.find_module directly. This function is able to find submodules (e.g. sickit.tree) """ path = None for part in mod_name.split('.'): if path is not None: path = [path] file, path, description = imp.find_module(part, path) return file, path, description """Constructors for 3rd party libraries Note: These can never be renamed due to client compatibility issues""" def _getobject(modname, attribute): mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[attribute]) return mod.__dict__[attribute] """ Use copy_reg to extend global pickle definitions """ if sys.version_info < (3, 4): method_descriptor = type(str.upper) def _reduce_method_descriptor(obj): return (getattr, (obj.__objclass__, obj.__name__)) try: import copy_reg as copyreg except ImportError: import copyreg copyreg.pickle(method_descriptor, _reduce_method_descriptor)