from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import re import sys from os.path import isdir, isfile, join from conda.compat import iteritems, PY3, text_type from conda.utils import memoized, md5_file import conda.config as cc from conda.resolve import MatchSpec from conda.cli.common import specs_from_url from conda_build import exceptions from conda_build.features import feature_list try: import yaml # try to import C loader try: from yaml import CBaseLoader as BaseLoader except ImportError: from yaml import BaseLoader except ImportError: sys.exit('Error: could not import yaml (required to read meta.yaml ' 'files of conda recipes)') from conda_build.config import config from conda_build.utils import comma_join on_win = (sys.platform == 'win32') def ns_cfg(): # Remember to update the docs of any of this changes plat = cc.subdir py = config.CONDA_PY np = config.CONDA_NPY pl = config.CONDA_PERL lua = config.CONDA_LUA assert isinstance(py, int), py d = dict( linux=plat.startswith('linux-'), linux32=bool(plat == 'linux-32'), linux64=bool(plat == 'linux-64'), arm=plat.startswith('linux-arm'), osx=plat.startswith('osx-'), unix=plat.startswith(('linux-', 'osx-')), win=plat.startswith('win-'), win32=bool(plat == 'win-32'), win64=bool(plat == 'win-64'), x86=plat.endswith(('-32', '-64')), x86_64=plat.endswith('-64'), pl=pl, py=py, lua=lua, luajit=bool(lua[0] == "2"), py3k=bool(30 <= py < 40), py2k=bool(20 <= py < 30), py26=bool(py == 26), py27=bool(py == 27), py33=bool(py == 33), py34=bool(py == 34), py35=bool(py == 35), np=np, os=os, environ=os.environ, ) for machine in cc.non_x86_linux_machines: d[machine] = bool(plat == 'linux-%s' % machine) for feature, value in feature_list: d[feature] = value d.update(os.environ) return d # Selectors must be either: # - at end of the line # - embedded (anywhere) within a comment # # Notes: # - [([^\[\]]+)\] means "find a pair of brackets containing any # NON-bracket chars, and capture the contents" # - (?(2).*)$ means "allow trailing characters iff group 2 (#.*) was found." sel_pat = re.compile(r'(.+?)\s*(#.*)?\[([^\[\]]+)\](?(2).*)$') def select_lines(data, namespace): lines = [] for i, line in enumerate(data.splitlines()): line = line.rstrip() if line.lstrip().startswith('#'): # Don't bother with comment only lines continue m = sel_pat.match(line) if m: cond = try: if eval(cond, namespace, {}): lines.append( except: sys.exit('''\ Error: Invalid selector in meta.yaml line %d: %s ''' % (i + 1, line)) sys.exit(1) continue lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n' @memoized def yamlize(data): try: return yaml.load(data, Loader=BaseLoader) except yaml.error.YAMLError as e: if '{{' in data: try: import jinja2 jinja2 # Avoid pyflakes failure: 'jinja2' imported but unused except ImportError: raise exceptions.UnableToParseMissingJinja2(original=e) raise exceptions.UnableToParse(original=e) allowed_license_families = set(""" AGPL Apache BSD GPL2 GPL3 LGPL MIT Other PSF Proprietary Public-Domain """.split()) def ensure_valid_license_family(meta): try: license_family = meta['about']['license_family'] except KeyError: return if license_family not in allowed_license_families: raise RuntimeError(exceptions.indent( "about/license_family '%s' not allowed. Allowed families are %s." % (license_family, comma_join(sorted(allowed_license_families))))) def ensure_valid_fields(meta): try: pin_depends = meta['build']['pin_depends'] except KeyError: pin_depends = '' if pin_depends not in ('', 'record', 'strict'): raise RuntimeError("build/pin_depends cannot be '%s'" % pin_depends) def parse(data, path=None): data = select_lines(data, ns_cfg()) res = yamlize(data) # ensure the result is a dict if res is None: res = {} for field in FIELDS: if field not in res: continue # ensure that empty fields are dicts (otherwise selectors can cause invalid fields) if not res[field]: res[field] = {} if not isinstance(res[field], dict): raise RuntimeError("The %s field should be a dict, not %s in file %s." % (field, res[field].__class__.__name__, path)) ensure_valid_fields(res) ensure_valid_license_family(res) return sanitize(res) trues = {'y', 'on', 'true', 'yes'} falses = {'n', 'no', 'false', 'off'} default_structs = { 'source/patches': list, 'build/entry_points': list, 'build/script_env': list, 'build/features': list, 'build/track_features': list, 'requirements/build': list, 'requirements/run': list, 'requirements/conflicts': list, 'test/requires': list, 'test/files': list, 'test/commands': list, 'test/imports': list, 'package/version': text_type, 'build/string': text_type, 'build/pin_depends': text_type, 'source/svn_rev': text_type, 'source/git_tag': text_type, 'source/git_branch': text_type, 'source/md5': text_type, 'source/git_rev': text_type, 'source/path': text_type, 'source/git_url': text_type, 'build/osx_is_app': bool, 'build/preserve_egg_dir': bool, 'build/binary_relocation': bool, 'build/noarch_python': bool, 'build/detect_binary_files_with_prefix': bool, 'build/skip': bool, 'app/own_environment': bool } def sanitize(meta): """ Sanitize the meta-data to remove aliases/handle deprecation """ # make a copy to avoid side-effects meta = meta.copy() sanitize_funs = [('source', _git_clean), ] for section, func in sanitize_funs: if section in meta: meta[section] = func(meta[section]) return meta def _git_clean(source_meta): """ Reduce the redundancy in git specification by removing git_tag and git_branch. If one is specified, copy to git_rev. If more than one field is used to specified, exit and complain. """ git_rev_tags_old = ('git_branch', 'git_tag') git_rev = 'git_rev' git_rev_tags = (git_rev,) + git_rev_tags_old has_rev_tags = tuple(bool(source_meta.get(tag, text_type())) for tag in git_rev_tags) if sum(has_rev_tags) > 1: msg = "Error: multiple git_revs:" msg += ', '.join("{}".format(key) for key, has in zip(git_rev_tags, has_rev_tags) if has) sys.exit(msg) # make a copy of the input so we have no side-effects ret_meta = source_meta.copy() # loop over the old versions for key, has in zip(git_rev_tags[1:], has_rev_tags[1:]): # update if needed if has: ret_meta[git_rev_tags[0]] = ret_meta[key] # and remove ret_meta.pop(key, None) return ret_meta # If you update this please update the example in # conda-docs/docs/source/build.rst FIELDS = { 'package': ['name', 'version'], 'source': ['fn', 'url', 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'path', 'git_url', 'git_tag', 'git_branch', 'git_rev', 'git_depth', 'hg_url', 'hg_tag', 'svn_url', 'svn_rev', 'svn_ignore_externals', 'patches' ], 'build': ['number', 'string', 'entry_points', 'osx_is_app', 'features', 'track_features', 'preserve_egg_dir', 'no_link', 'binary_relocation', 'script', 'noarch_python', 'has_prefix_files', 'binary_has_prefix_files', 'ignore_prefix_files', 'detect_binary_files_with_prefix', 'rpaths', 'script_env', 'always_include_files', 'skip', 'msvc_compiler', 'pin_depends' # pin_depends is experimental still ], 'requirements': ['build', 'run', 'conflicts'], 'app': ['entry', 'icon', 'summary', 'type', 'cli_opts', 'own_environment'], 'test': ['requires', 'commands', 'files', 'imports'], 'about': ['home', 'dev_url', 'doc_url', 'license_url', # these are URLs 'license', 'summary', 'description', 'license_family', # text 'license_file', 'readme', # paths in source tree ], } def check_bad_chrs(s, field): bad_chrs = '=!@#$%^&*:;"\'\\|<>?/ ' if field in ('package/version', 'build/string'): bad_chrs += '-' for c in bad_chrs: if c in s: sys.exit("Error: bad character '%s' in %s: %s" % (c, field, s)) def handle_config_version(ms, ver, dep_type='run'): """ 'ms' is an instance of MatchSpec, and 'ver' is the version from the configuration, e.g. for == 'python', ver = 26 or None, return a (sometimes new) MatchSpec object """ if ms.strictness == 3: return ms if ms.strictness == 2: if ms.spec.split()[1] == 'x.x': if ver is None: raise RuntimeError("'%s' requires external setting" % ms.spec) # (no return here - proceeds below) else: # regular version return ms # If we don't have a configured version, or we are dealing with a simple # numpy runtime dependency; just use "numpy"/the name of the package as # the specification. In practice this means that a recipe which just # defines numpy as a runtime dependency will match any version of numpy # at install time. if ver is None or (dep_type == 'run' and ms.strictness == 1 and == 'numpy'): return MatchSpec( ver = text_type(ver) if '.' not in ver: if == 'numpy': ver = '%s.%s' % (ver[0], ver[1:]) else: ver = '.'.join(ver) return MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (, ver)) class MetaData(object): def __init__(self, path): assert isdir(path) self.path = path self.meta_path = join(path, 'meta.yaml') self.requirements_path = join(path, 'requirements.txt') if not isfile(self.meta_path): self.meta_path = join(path, 'conda.yaml') if not isfile(self.meta_path): sys.exit("Error: meta.yaml or conda.yaml not found in %s" % path) # Start with bare-minimum contents so we can call environ.get_dict() with impunity # We'll immediately replace these contents in parse_again() self.meta = parse("package:\n" " name: uninitialized", path=self.meta_path) # This is the 'first pass' parse of meta.yaml, so not all variables are defined yet # (e.g. GIT_FULL_HASH, etc. are undefined) # Therefore, undefined jinja variables are permitted here # In the second pass, we'll be more strict. See self.undefined_jinja_vars = [] self.parse_again(permit_undefined_jinja=True) def parse_again(self, permit_undefined_jinja=False): """Redo parsing for key-value pairs that are not initialized in the first pass. permit_undefined_jinja: If True, *any* use of undefined jinja variables will evaluate to an emtpy string, without emitting an error. """ if not self.meta_path: return self.meta = parse(self._get_contents(permit_undefined_jinja), path=self.meta_path) if (isfile(self.requirements_path) and not self.meta['requirements']['run']): self.meta.setdefault('requirements', {}) run_requirements = specs_from_url(self.requirements_path) self.meta['requirements']['run'] = run_requirements @classmethod def fromdict(cls, metadata): """ Create a MetaData object from metadata dict directly. """ m = super(MetaData, cls).__new__(cls) m.path = '' m.meta_path = '' m.meta = sanitize(metadata) return m def get_section(self, section): return self.meta.get(section, {}) def get_value(self, field, default=None, autotype=True): """ Get a value from a meta.yaml. :param field: Field to return :param default: Default object to return if field doesn't exist :param autotype: If True, return the default type of field if one exists. False will return the default object. :return: """ section, key = field.split('/') # get correct default if autotype and default is None and field in default_structs: default = default_structs[field]() value = self.get_section(section).get(key, default) # handle yaml 1.1 boolean values if isinstance(value, text_type): if value.lower() in trues: value = True elif value.lower() in falses: value = False return value def check_fields(self): for section, submeta in iteritems(self.meta): if section == 'extra': continue if section not in FIELDS: sys.exit("Error: unknown section: %s" % section) for key in submeta: if key not in FIELDS[section]: sys.exit("Error: in section %r: unknown key %r" % (section, key)) def name(self): res = self.get_value('package/name') if not res: sys.exit('Error: package/name missing in: %r' % self.meta_path) res = text_type(res) if res != res.lower(): sys.exit('Error: package/name must be lowercase, got: %r' % res) check_bad_chrs(res, 'package/name') return res def version(self): res = self.get_value('package/version') if res is None: sys.exit("Error: package/version missing in: %r" % self.meta_path) check_bad_chrs(res, 'package/version') return res def build_number(self): return int(self.get_value('build/number', 0)) def ms_depends(self, typ='run'): res = [] name_ver_list = [ ('python', config.CONDA_PY), ('numpy', config.CONDA_NPY), ('perl', config.CONDA_PERL), ('lua', config.CONDA_LUA), # r is kept for legacy installations, r-base deprecates it. ('r', config.CONDA_R), ('r-base', config.CONDA_R), ] for spec in self.get_value('requirements/' + typ, []): try: ms = MatchSpec(spec) except AssertionError: raise RuntimeError("Invalid package specification: %r" % spec) if == raise RuntimeError("%s cannot depend on itself" % for name, ver in name_ver_list: if == name: if self.get_value('build/noarch_python'): continue ms = handle_config_version(ms, ver, typ) for c in '=!@#$%^&*:;"\'\\|<>?/': if c in sys.exit("Error: bad character '%s' in package name " "dependency '%s'" % (c, parts = spec.split() if len(parts) >= 2: if parts[1] in {'>', '>=', '=', '==', '!=', '<', '<='}: msg = ("Error: bad character '%s' in package version " "dependency '%s'" % (parts[1], if len(parts) >= 3: msg += "\nPerhaps you meant '%s %s%s'" % (, parts[1], parts[2]) sys.exit(msg) res.append(ms) return res def build_id(self): ret = self.get_value('build/string') if ret: check_bad_chrs(ret, 'build/string') return ret res = [] version_pat = re.compile(r'(?:==)?(\d+)\.(\d+)') for name, s in (('numpy', 'np'), ('python', 'py'), ('perl', 'pl'), ('lua', 'lua'), ('r', 'r'), ('r-base', 'r')): for ms in self.ms_depends(): if == name: try: v = ms.spec.split()[1] except IndexError: if name not in ['numpy']: res.append(s) break if any(i in v for i in ',|>!<'): break if name not in ['perl', 'lua', 'r', 'r-base']: match = version_pat.match(v) if match: res.append(s + + else: res.append(s + v.strip('*')) break features = self.get_value('build/features', []) if res: res.append('_') if features: res.extend(('_'.join(features), '_')) res.append('%d' % self.build_number()) return ''.join(res) def dist(self): return '%s-%s-%s' % (, self.version(), self.build_id()) def pkg_fn(self): return "%s.tar.bz2" % self.dist() def is_app(self): return bool(self.get_value('app/entry')) def app_meta(self): d = {'type': 'app'} if self.get_value('app/icon'): d['icon'] = '%s.png' % md5_file(join( self.path, self.get_value('app/icon'))) for field, key in [('app/entry', 'app_entry'), ('app/type', 'app_type'), ('app/cli_opts', 'app_cli_opts'), ('app/summary', 'summary'), ('app/own_environment', 'app_own_environment')]: value = self.get_value(field) if value: d[key] = value return d def info_index(self): d = dict(, version=self.version(), build=self.build_id(), build_number=self.build_number(), platform=cc.platform, arch=cc.arch_name, subdir=cc.subdir, depends=sorted(' '.join(ms.spec.split()) for ms in self.ms_depends()), ) for key in ('license', 'license_family'): value = self.get_value('about/' + key) if value: d[key] = value if self.get_value('build/features'): d['features'] = ' '.join(self.get_value('build/features')) if self.get_value('build/track_features'): d['track_features'] = ' '.join(self.get_value('build/track_features')) if self.get_value('build/noarch_python'): d['platform'] = d['arch'] = None d['subdir'] = 'noarch' if self.is_app(): d.update(self.app_meta()) return d def has_prefix_files(self): ret = self.get_value('build/has_prefix_files', []) if not isinstance(ret, list): raise RuntimeError('build/has_prefix_files should be a list of paths') if sys.platform == 'win32': if any('\\' in i for i in ret): raise RuntimeError("build/has_prefix_files paths must use / " "as the path delimiter on Windows") return ret def ignore_prefix_files(self): ret = self.get_value('build/ignore_prefix_files', False) if type(ret) not in (list, bool): raise RuntimeError('build/ignore_prefix_files should be boolean or a list of paths') if sys.platform == 'win32': if type(ret) is list and any('\\' in i for i in ret): raise RuntimeError("build/ignore_prefix_files paths must use / " "as the path delimiter on Windows") return ret def always_include_files(self): return self.get_value('build/always_include_files', []) def binary_has_prefix_files(self): ret = self.get_value('build/binary_has_prefix_files', []) if not isinstance(ret, list): raise RuntimeError('build/binary_has_prefix_files should be a list of paths') if sys.platform == 'win32': if any('\\' in i for i in ret): raise RuntimeError("build/binary_has_prefix_files paths must use / " "as the path delimiter on Windows") return ret def skip(self): return self.get_value('build/skip', False) def _get_contents(self, permit_undefined_jinja): ''' Get the contents of our [meta.yaml|conda.yaml] file. If jinja is installed, then the template.render function is called before standard conda macro processors. permit_undefined_jinja: If True, *any* use of undefined jinja variables will evaluate to an emtpy string, without emitting an error. ''' try: import jinja2 except ImportError: print("There was an error importing jinja2.", file=sys.stderr) print("Please run `conda install jinja2` to enable jinja template support", file=sys.stderr) # noqa with open(self.meta_path) as fd: return from conda_build.jinja_context import context_processor, UndefinedNeverFail, FilteredLoader path, filename = os.path.split(self.meta_path) loaders = [ # search relative to '/Lib/site-packages/conda_build/templates' jinja2.PackageLoader('conda_build'), # search relative to RECIPE_DIR jinja2.FileSystemLoader(path) ] # search relative to current conda environment directory conda_env_path = os.environ.get('CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV') # path to current conda environment if conda_env_path and os.path.isdir(conda_env_path): conda_env_path = os.path.abspath(conda_env_path) conda_env_path = conda_env_path.replace('\\', '/') # need unix-style path env_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(conda_env_path) loaders.append(jinja2.PrefixLoader({'$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV': env_loader})) undefined_type = jinja2.StrictUndefined if permit_undefined_jinja: # The UndefinedNeverFail class keeps a global list of all undefined names # Clear any leftover names from the last parse. UndefinedNeverFail.all_undefined_names = [] undefined_type = UndefinedNeverFail loader = FilteredLoader(jinja2.ChoiceLoader(loaders)) env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, undefined=undefined_type) env.globals.update(ns_cfg()) env.globals.update(context_processor(self, path)) try: template = env.get_or_select_template(filename) rendered = template.render(environment=env) if permit_undefined_jinja: self.undefined_jinja_vars = UndefinedNeverFail.all_undefined_names else: self.undefined_jinja_vars = [] return rendered except jinja2.TemplateError as ex: sys.exit("Error: Failed to render jinja template in {}:\n{}" .format(self.meta_path, ex.message)) def __unicode__(self): ''' String representation of the MetaData. ''' return text_type(self.__dict__) def __str__(self): if PY3: return self.__unicode__() else: return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') def __repr__(self): ''' String representation of the MetaData. ''' return self.__str__() def uses_vcs_in_meta(self): """returns true if recipe contains metadata associated with version control systems. If this metadata is present, a download/copy will be forced in parse_or_try_download. """ vcs_types = ["git", "svn", "hg"] if "source" in self.meta: for vcs in vcs_types: if vcs + "_url" in self.meta["source"]: # translate command name to package name. # If more than hg, need a dict for this. if vcs == "hg": vcs = "mercurial" return vcs # We would get here if we use Jinja2 templating, but specify source with path. with open(self.meta_path) as f: metayaml = for vcs in vcs_types: matches = re.findall(r"{}_[^\.\s\'\"]+".format(vcs.upper()), metayaml) if len(matches) > 0: if vcs == "hg": vcs = "mercurial" return vcs return None def uses_vcs_in_build(self): build_script = "bld.bat" if on_win else "" build_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.meta_path), build_script) if os.path.isfile(build_script): vcs_types = ["git", "svn", "hg"] with open(self.meta_path) as f: build_script = for vcs in vcs_types: matches = re.findall(r"{}(?:\.exe)?".format(vcs), build_script) if len(matches) > 0: if vcs == "hg": vcs = "mercurial" return vcs return None