from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import sys import shutil from os.path import dirname, isdir, isfile, join # Leverage the hard work done by setuptools/distutils to find vcvarsall using # either the registry or the VS**COMNTOOLS environment variable from distutils.msvc9compiler import find_vcvarsall as distutils_find_vcvarsall from distutils.msvc9compiler import Reg, WINSDK_BASE import conda.config as cc from conda_build.config import config from conda_build import environ from conda_build import source from conda_build.utils import _check_call assert sys.platform == 'win32' # Set up a load of paths that can be imported from the tests if 'ProgramFiles(x86)' in os.environ: PROGRAM_FILES_PATH = os.environ['ProgramFiles(x86)'] else: PROGRAM_FILES_PATH = os.environ['ProgramFiles'] WIN_SDK_71_PATH = Reg.get_value(os.path.join(WINSDK_BASE, 'v7.1'), 'installationfolder') WIN_SDK_71_BAT_PATH = os.path.join(WIN_SDK_71_PATH, 'Bin', 'SetEnv.cmd') # Get the Visual Studio 2008 path (not the Visual C++ for Python path) # and get the 'vcvars64.bat' from inside the bin (in the directory above # that returned by distutils_find_vcvarsall) VCVARS64_VS9_BAT_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(distutils_find_vcvarsall(9)), 'bin', 'vcvars64.bat') VS_VERSION_STRING = { '8.0': 'Visual Studio 8 2005', '9.0': 'Visual Studio 9 2008', '10.0': 'Visual Studio 10 2010', '11.0': 'Visual Studio 11 2012', '12.0': 'Visual Studio 12 2013', '14.0': 'Visual Studio 14 2015' } def fix_staged_scripts(): """ Fixes scripts which have been installed unix-style to have a .bat helper """ scripts_dir = join(config.build_prefix, 'Scripts') if not isdir(scripts_dir): return for fn in os.listdir(scripts_dir): # process all the extensionless files if not isfile(join(scripts_dir, fn)) or '.' in fn: continue with open(join(scripts_dir, fn)) as f: line = f.readline().lower() # If it's a #!python script if not (line.startswith('#!') and 'python' in line.lower()): continue print('Adjusting unix-style #! script %s, ' 'and adding a .bat file for it' % fn) # copy it with a .py extension (skipping that first #! line) with open(join(scripts_dir, fn + ''), 'w') as fo: fo.write( # now create the .exe file shutil.copyfile(join(dirname(__file__), 'cli-%d.exe' % cc.bits), join(scripts_dir, fn + '.exe')) # remove the original script os.remove(join(scripts_dir, fn)) def build_vcvarsall_vs_path(version): """ Given the Visual Studio version, returns the default path to the Microsoft Visual Studio vcvarsall.bat file. Expected versions are of the form {9, 10, 12, 14} """ vstools = "VS{0}0COMNTOOLS".format(version) if vstools in os.environ: return os.path.join(os.environ[vstools], '..\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat') else: # prefer looking at env var; fall back to program files defaults return os.path.join(PROGRAM_FILES_PATH, 'Microsoft Visual Studio {}'.format(version), 'VC', 'vcvarsall.bat') def msvc_env_cmd(bits, override=None): arch_selector = 'x86' if bits == 32 else 'amd64' msvc_env_lines = [] version = None if override is not None: version = override # The DISTUTILS_USE_SDK variable tells distutils to not try and validate # the MSVC compiler. For < 3.5 this still forcibly looks for 'cl.exe'. # For > 3.5 it literally just skips the validation logic. # See distutils and / # for more information. msvc_env_lines.append('set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1') # This is also required to hit the 'don't validate' logic on < 3.5. # For > 3.5 this is ignored. msvc_env_lines.append('set MSSdk=1') if not version: if config.PY3K and config.use_MSVC2015: version = '14.0' elif config.PY3K: version = '10.0' else: version = '9.0' vcvarsall_vs_path = build_vcvarsall_vs_path(version) def build_vcvarsall_cmd(cmd, arch=arch_selector): # Default argument `arch_selector` is defined above return 'call "{cmd}" {arch}'.format(cmd=cmd, arch=arch) msvc_env_lines.append('set "VS_VERSION={}"'.format(version)) msvc_env_lines.append('set "VS_MAJOR={}"'.format(version.split('.')[0])) msvc_env_lines.append('set "VS_YEAR={}"'.format(VS_VERSION_STRING[version][-4:])) msvc_env_lines.append('set "CMAKE_GENERATOR={}"'.format(VS_VERSION_STRING[version] + {64: ' Win64', 32: ''}[bits])) # tell msys2 to ignore path conversions for issue-causing windows-style flags in build # See msvc_env_lines.append('set "MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL=/AI;/AL;/OUT;/out;%MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL%"') msvc_env_lines.append('set "MSYS2_ENV_CONV_EXCL=CL"') if version == '10.0': win_sdk_arch = '/Release /x86' if bits == 32 else '/Release /x64' win_sdk_cmd = build_vcvarsall_cmd(WIN_SDK_71_BAT_PATH, arch=win_sdk_arch) # There are two methods of building Python 3.3 and 3.4 extensions (both # of which required Visual Studio 2010 - as explained in the Python wiki # # 1) Use the Windows SDK 7.1 # 2) Use Visual Studio 2010 (any edition) # However, VS2010 never shipped with a 64-bit compiler, so in this case # **only** option (1) applies. For this reason, we always try and # activate the Windows SDK first. Unfortunately, unsuccessfully setting # up the environment does **not EXIT 1** and therefore we must fall # back to attempting to set up VS2010. # DelayedExpansion is required for the SetEnv.cmd msvc_env_lines.append('Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion') msvc_env_lines.append(win_sdk_cmd) # If the WindowsSDKDir environment variable has not been successfully # set then try activating VS2010 msvc_env_lines.append('if not "%WindowsSDKDir%" == "{}" ( {} )'.format( WIN_SDK_71_PATH, build_vcvarsall_cmd(vcvarsall_vs_path))) elif version == '9.0': error1 = 'if errorlevel 1 {}' # Setuptools captures the logic of preferring the Microsoft Visual C++ # Compiler for Python 2.7 - falls back to VS2008 if necessary msvc_env_lines.append(build_vcvarsall_cmd(vcvarsall_vs_path)) # The Visual Studio 2008 Express edition does not properly contain # the amd64 build files, so we call the vcvars64.bat manually, # rather than using the vcvarsall.bat which would try and call the # missing bat file. if arch_selector == 'amd64': msvc_env_lines.append(error1.format( build_vcvarsall_cmd(VCVARS64_VS9_BAT_PATH))) else: # Visual Studio 14 or otherwise msvc_env_lines.append(build_vcvarsall_cmd(vcvarsall_vs_path)) return '\n'.join(msvc_env_lines) + '\n' def kill_processes(process_names=["msbuild.exe"]): # for things that uniform across both APIs import psutil # list of pids changed APIs from v1 to v2. try: # V1 API from psutil import get_pid_list except: try: # V2 API from psutil import pids as get_pid_list except: raise ImportError("psutil failed to import.") for n in get_pid_list(): try: p = psutil.Process(n) if in (process_name.lower() for process_name in process_names): print('Terminating:', p.terminate() except: continue def build(m, bld_bat, dirty=False, activate=True): env = environ.get_dict(m, dirty=dirty) for name in 'BIN', 'INC', 'LIB': path = env['LIBRARY_' + name] if not isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) src_dir = source.get_dir() if os.path.isfile(bld_bat): with open(bld_bat) as fi: data = with open(join(src_dir, 'bld.bat'), 'w') as fo: # more debuggable with echo on fo.write('@echo on\n') for key, value in env.items(): fo.write('set "{key}={value}"\n'.format(key=key, value=value)) fo.write("set INCLUDE={};%INCLUDE%\n".format(env["LIBRARY_INC"])) fo.write("set LIB={};%LIB%\n".format(env["LIBRARY_LIB"])) fo.write(msvc_env_cmd(bits=cc.bits, override=m.get_value('build/msvc_compiler', None))) if activate: fo.write("call activate _build\n") fo.write("REM ===== end generated header =====\n") fo.write(data) cmd = [os.environ['COMSPEC'], '/c', 'bld.bat'] _check_call(cmd, cwd=src_dir) kill_processes() fix_staged_scripts()