from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from functools import partial from hashlib import md5 from operator import attrgetter import pickle import os import uuid import warnings from toolz import merge, groupby, curry, identity from toolz.functoolz import Compose from .compatibility import bind_method, unicode from .context import _globals from .utils import Dispatch, ignoring __all__ = ("Base", "compute", "normalize_token", "tokenize", "visualize") class Base(object): """Base class for dask collections""" def visualize(self, filename='mydask', format=None, optimize_graph=False, **kwargs): """ Render the computation of this object's task graph using graphviz. Requires ``graphviz`` to be installed. Parameters ---------- filename : str or None, optional The name (without an extension) of the file to write to disk. If `filename` is None, no file will be written, and we communicate with dot using only pipes. format : {'png', 'pdf', 'dot', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'jpg'}, optional Format in which to write output file. Default is 'png'. optimize_graph : bool, optional If True, the graph is optimized before rendering. Otherwise, the graph is displayed as is. Default is False. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to forward to ``to_graphviz``. Returns ------- result : IPython.diplay.Image, IPython.display.SVG, or None See for more information. See also -------- dask.base.visualize Notes ----- For more information on optimization see here: """ return visualize(self, filename=filename, format=format, optimize_graph=optimize_graph, **kwargs) def _visualize(self, filename='mydask', format=None, optimize_graph=False): warn = DeprecationWarning("``_visualize`` is deprecated, use " "``visualize`` instead.") warnings.warn(warn) return self.visualize(filename=filename, format=format, optimize_graph=optimize_graph) def compute(self, **kwargs): """Compute several dask collections at once. Parameters ---------- get : callable, optional A scheduler ``get`` function to use. If not provided, the default is to check the global settings first, and then fall back to the collection defaults. optimize_graph : bool, optional If True [default], the graph is optimized before computation. Otherwise the graph is run as is. This can be useful for debugging. kwargs Extra keywords to forward to the scheduler ``get`` function. """ return compute(self, **kwargs)[0] @classmethod def _get(cls, dsk, keys, get=None, **kwargs): get = get or _globals['get'] or cls._default_get dsk2 = cls._optimize(dsk, keys, **kwargs) return get(dsk2, keys, **kwargs) @classmethod def _bind_operator(cls, op): """ bind operator to this class """ name = op.__name__ if name.endswith('_'): # for and_ and or_ name = name[:-1] elif name == 'inv': name = 'invert' meth = '__{0}__'.format(name) if name in ('abs', 'invert', 'neg', 'pos'): bind_method(cls, meth, cls._get_unary_operator(op)) else: bind_method(cls, meth, cls._get_binary_operator(op)) if name in ('eq', 'gt', 'ge', 'lt', 'le', 'ne', 'getitem'): return rmeth = '__r{0}__'.format(name) bind_method(cls, rmeth, cls._get_binary_operator(op, inv=True)) @classmethod def _get_unary_operator(cls, op): """ Must return a method used by unary operator """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def _get_binary_operator(cls, op, inv=False): """ Must return a method used by binary operator """ raise NotImplementedError def compute(*args, **kwargs): """Compute several dask collections at once. Parameters ---------- args : object Any number of objects. If the object is a dask collection, it's computed and the result is returned. Otherwise it's passed through unchanged. get : callable, optional A scheduler ``get`` function to use. If not provided, the default is to check the global settings first, and then fall back to defaults for the collections. optimize_graph : bool, optional If True [default], the optimizations for each collection are applied before computation. Otherwise the graph is run as is. This can be useful for debugging. kwargs Extra keywords to forward to the scheduler ``get`` function. Examples -------- >>> import dask.array as da >>> a = da.arange(10, chunks=2).sum() >>> b = da.arange(10, chunks=2).mean() >>> compute(a, b) (45, 4.5) """ variables = [a for a in args if isinstance(a, Base)] if not variables: return args get = kwargs.pop('get', None) or _globals['get'] if not get: get = variables[0]._default_get if not all(a._default_get == get for a in variables): raise ValueError("Compute called on multiple collections with " "differing default schedulers. Please specify a " "scheduler `get` function using either " "the `get` kwarg or globally with `set_options`.") if kwargs.get('optimize_graph', True): groups = groupby(attrgetter('_optimize'), variables) dsk = merge([opt(merge([v.dask for v in val]), [v._keys() for v in val], **kwargs) for opt, val in groups.items()]) else: dsk = merge(var.dask for var in variables) keys = [var._keys() for var in variables] results = get(dsk, keys, **kwargs) results_iter = iter(results) return tuple(a if not isinstance(a, Base) else a._finalize(next(results_iter)) for a in args) def visualize(*args, **kwargs): """ Visualize several dask graphs at once. Requires ``graphviz`` to be installed. All options that are not the dask graph(s) should be passed as keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- dsk : dict(s) or collection(s) The dask graph(s) to visualize. filename : str or None, optional The name (without an extension) of the file to write to disk. If `filename` is None, no file will be written, and we communicate with dot using only pipes. format : {'png', 'pdf', 'dot', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'jpg'}, optional Format in which to write output file. Default is 'png'. optimize_graph : bool, optional If True, the graph is optimized before rendering. Otherwise, the graph is displayed as is. Default is False. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to forward to ``to_graphviz``. Returns ------- result : IPython.diplay.Image, IPython.display.SVG, or None See for more information. See also -------- Notes ----- For more information on optimization see here: """ dsks = [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, dict)] args = [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, Base)] filename = kwargs.pop('filename', 'mydask') optimize_graph = kwargs.pop('optimize_graph', False) from import dot_graph if optimize_graph: dsks.extend([arg._optimize(arg.dask, arg._keys()) for arg in args]) else: dsks.extend([arg.dask for arg in args]) dsk = merge(dsks) return dot_graph(dsk, filename=filename, **kwargs) def normalize_function(func): if isinstance(func, curry): func = func._partial if isinstance(func, Compose): first = getattr(func, 'first', None) funcs = reversed((first,) + func.funcs) if first else func.funcs return tuple(normalize_function(f) for f in funcs) elif isinstance(func, partial): kws = tuple(sorted(func.keywords.items())) if func.keywords else () return (normalize_function(func.func), func.args, kws) else: try: return pickle.dumps(func, protocol=0) except: try: import cloudpickle return cloudpickle.dumps(func, protocol=0) except: return str(func) normalize_token = Dispatch() normalize_token.register((int, float, str, unicode, bytes, type(None), type, slice), identity) @partial(normalize_token.register, dict) def normalize_dict(d): return normalize_token(sorted(d.items(), key=str)) @partial(normalize_token.register, (tuple, list, set)) def normalize_seq(seq): return type(seq).__name__, list(map(normalize_token, seq)) @partial(normalize_token.register, object) def normalize_object(o): if callable(o): return normalize_function(o) else: return uuid.uuid4().hex @partial(normalize_token.register, Base) def normalize_base(b): return type(b).__name__, b.key with ignoring(ImportError): import pandas as pd @partial(normalize_token.register, pd.Index) def normalize_index(ind): return [, normalize_token(ind.values)] @partial(normalize_token.register, pd.Categorical) def normalize_categorical(cat): return [normalize_token(, normalize_token(cat.categories), cat.ordered] @partial(normalize_token.register, pd.Series) def normalize_series(s): return [, s.dtype, normalize_token(s._data.blocks[0].values), normalize_token(s.index)] @partial(normalize_token.register, pd.DataFrame) def normalize_dataframe(df): data = [block.values for block in df._data.blocks] data += [df.columns, df.index] return list(map(normalize_token, data)) with ignoring(ImportError): import numpy as np @partial(normalize_token.register, np.ndarray) def normalize_array(x): if not x.shape: return (str(x), x.dtype) if hasattr(x, 'mode') and hasattr(x, 'filename'): return x.filename, os.path.getmtime(x.filename), x.dtype, x.shape if x.dtype.hasobject: try: data = md5('-'.join(x.flat).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() except TypeError: data = md5(b'-'.join([str(item).encode() for item in x.flat])).hexdigest() else: try: data = md5(x.ravel().view('i1').data).hexdigest() except (BufferError, AttributeError, ValueError): data = md5(x.copy().ravel().view('i1').data).hexdigest() return (data, x.dtype, x.shape, x.strides) normalize_token.register(np.dtype, repr) normalize_token.register(np.generic, repr) with ignoring(ImportError): from collections import OrderedDict @partial(normalize_token.register, OrderedDict) def normalize_ordered_dict(d): return type(d).__name__, normalize_token(list(d.items())) def tokenize(*args, **kwargs): """ Deterministic token >>> tokenize([1, 2, '3']) '7d6a880cd9ec03506eee6973ff551339' >>> tokenize('Hello') == tokenize('Hello') True """ if kwargs: args = args + (kwargs,) return md5(str(tuple(map(normalize_token, args))).encode()).hexdigest()