from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from collections import Iterator from itertools import chain from warnings import warn import operator import uuid from toolz import merge, unique, curry, first from .utils import concrete, funcname from . import base from .compatibility import apply from . import threaded from .optimize import inline_functions from .core import flatten __all__ = ['compute', 'do', 'Delayed', 'delayed'] def flat_unique(ls): """Flatten ``ls``, filter by unique id, and return a list""" return list(unique(chain.from_iterable(ls), key=id)) def unzip(ls, nout): """Unzip a list of lists into ``nout`` outputs.""" out = list(zip(*ls)) if not out: out = [()] * nout return out def to_task_dasks(expr, **kwargs): """Normalize a python object and extract all sub-dasks. - Replace ``Delayed`` with their keys - Convert literals to things the schedulers can handle - Extract dasks from all enclosed values Parameters ---------- expr : object The object to be normalized. This function knows how to handle ``Delayed``s, as well as most builtin python types. Returns ------- task : normalized task to be run dasks : list of dasks that form the dag for this task Examples -------- >>> a = value(1, 'a') >>> b = value(2, 'b') >>> task, dasks = to_task_dasks([a, b, 3]) >>> task # doctest: +SKIP (list, ['a', 'b', 3]) >>> dasks # doctest: +SKIP [{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}] >>> task, dasks = to_task_dasks({a: 1, b: 2}) >>> task # doctest: +SKIP (dict, [['a', 1], ['b', 2]]) >>> dasks # doctest: +SKIP [{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}] """ is_top = kwargs.get('is_top', True) if isinstance(expr, Delayed): return expr.key, expr._dasks if isinstance(expr, base.Base): name = tokenize(expr, pure=True) keys = expr._keys() dsk = expr._optimize(expr.dask, keys) dsk[name] = (expr._finalize, (concrete, keys)) return name, [dsk] if isinstance(expr, tuple) and type(expr) != tuple: return expr, [] if isinstance(expr, (Iterator, list, tuple, set)): args, dasks = unzip((to_task_dasks(e, is_top=False) for e in expr), 2) args = list(args) dasks = flat_unique(dasks) # Ensure output type matches input type if is_top or isinstance(expr, (tuple, set)): return (type(expr), args), dasks else: return args, dasks if isinstance(expr, dict): args, dasks = to_task_dasks([[k, v] for k, v in expr.items()], is_top=False) return (dict, args), dasks return expr, [] def tokenize(*args, **kwargs): """Mapping function from task -> consistent name. Parameters ---------- args : object Python objects that summarize the task. pure : boolean, optional If True, a consistent hash function is tried on the input. If this fails, then a unique identifier is used. If False (default), then a unique identifier is always used. """ if kwargs.pop('pure', False): return base.tokenize(*args, **kwargs) else: return str(uuid.uuid4()) @curry def delayed(obj, name=None, pure=False): """Wraps a function or object to produce a ``Delayed``. ``Delayed`` objects act as proxies for the object they wrap, but all operations on them are done lazily by building up a dask graph internally. Parameters ---------- obj : object The function or object to wrap name : string or hashable, optional The key to use in the underlying graph for the wrapped object. Defaults to hashing content. pure : bool, optional Indicates whether calling the resulting ``Delayed`` object is a pure operation. If True, arguments to the call are hashed to produce deterministic keys. Default is False. Examples -------- Apply to functions to delay execution: >>> def inc(x): ... return x + 1 >>> inc(10) 11 >>> x = delayed(inc, pure=True)(10) >>> type(x) == Delayed True >>> x.compute() 11 Can be used as a decorator: >>> @delayed(pure=True) ... def add(a, b): ... return a + b >>> add(1, 2).compute() 3 ``delayed`` also accepts an optional keyword ``pure``. If False (default), then subsequent calls will always produce a different ``Delayed``. This is useful for non-pure functions (such as ``time`` or ``random``). >>> from random import random >>> out1 = delayed(random, pure=False)() >>> out2 = delayed(random, pure=False)() >>> out1.key == out2.key False If you know a function is pure (output only depends on the input, with no global state), then you can set ``pure=True``. This will attempt to apply a consistent name to the output, but will fallback on the same behavior of ``pure=False`` if this fails. >>> @delayed(pure=True) ... def add(a, b): ... return a + b >>> out1 = add(1, 2) >>> out2 = add(1, 2) >>> out1.key == out2.key True The key name of the result of calling a delayed object is determined by hashing the arguments by default. To explicitly set the name, you can use the ``dask_key_name`` keyword when calling the function: >>> add(1, 2) # doctest: +SKIP Delayed('add-3dce7c56edd1ac2614add714086e950f') >>> add(1, 2, dask_key_name='three') Delayed('three') Note that objects with the same key name are assumed to have the same result. If you set the names explicitly you should make sure your key names are different for different results. >>> add(1, 2, dask_key_name='three') >>> add(2, 1, dask_key_name='three') >>> add(2, 2, dask_key_name='four') ``delayed`` can also be applied to objects to make operations on them lazy: >>> a = delayed([1, 2, 3]) >>> isinstance(a, Delayed) True >>> a.compute() [1, 2, 3] The key name of a delayed object is hashed by default. To explicitly set the name, you can use the ``name`` keyword: >>> a = delayed([1, 2, 3], name='mylist') >>> a Delayed('mylist') Delayed results act as a proxy to the underlying object. Many operators are supported: >>> (a + [1, 2]).compute() [1, 2, 3, 1, 2] >>> a[1].compute() 2 Method and attribute access also works: >>> a.count(2).compute() 1 Note that if a method doesn't exist, no error will be thrown until runtime: >>> res = a.not_a_real_method() >>> res.compute() # doctest: +SKIP AttributeError("'list' object has no attribute 'not_a_real_method'") Methods are assumed to be impure by default, meaning that subsequent calls may return different results. To assume purity, set `pure=True`. This allows sharing of any intermediate values. >>> a.count(2, pure=True).key == a.count(2, pure=True).key True As with function calls, method calls also support the ``dask_key_name`` keyword: >>> a.count(2, dask_key_name="count_2") Delayed("count_2") """ if isinstance(obj, Delayed): return obj task, dasks = to_task_dasks(obj) if not dasks: return DelayedLeaf(obj, pure=pure, name=name) else: if not name: name = '%s-%s' % (type(obj).__name__, tokenize(task, pure=pure)) dasks.append({name: task}) return Delayed(name, dasks) do = delayed def compute(*args, **kwargs): """Evaluate more than one ``Delayed`` at once. Note that the only difference between this function and ``dask.base.compute`` is that this implicitly wraps python objects in ``Delayed``, allowing for collections of dask objects to be computed. Examples -------- >>> a = value(1) >>> b = a + 2 >>> c = a + 3 >>> compute(b, c) # Compute both simultaneously (3, 4) >>> compute(a, [b, c]) # Works for lists of Delayed (1, [3, 4]) """ args = [delayed(a) for a in args] return base.compute(*args, **kwargs) def right(method): """Wrapper to create 'right' version of operator given left version""" def _inner(self, other): return method(other, self) return _inner class Delayed(base.Base): """Represents a value to be computed by dask. Equivalent to the output from a single key in a dask graph. """ __slots__ = ('_key', '_dasks') _finalize = staticmethod(first) _default_get = staticmethod(threaded.get) @staticmethod def _optimize(dsk, keys, **kwargs): return inline_functions(dsk, list(flatten(keys)), [getattr]) def __init__(self, name, dasks): object.__setattr__(self, '_key', name) object.__setattr__(self, '_dasks', dasks) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(*state) return self def __getstate__(self): return (self._key, self._dasks) @property def dask(self): return merge(*self._dasks) @property def key(self): return self._key def _keys(self): return [self.key] def __repr__(self): return "Delayed({0})".format(repr(self.key)) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key) def __dir__(self): return dir(type(self)) def __getattr__(self, attr): if not attr.startswith('_'): return delayed(getattr, pure=True)(self, attr) else: raise AttributeError("Attribute {0} not found".format(attr)) def __setattr__(self, attr, val): raise TypeError("Delayed objects are immutable") def __setitem__(self, index, val): raise TypeError("Delayed objects are immutable") def __iter__(self): raise TypeError("Delayed objects are not iterable") def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): pure = kwargs.pop('pure', False) name = kwargs.pop('dask_key_name', None) func = delayed(apply, pure=pure) if name is not None: return func(self, args, kwargs, dask_key_name=name) return func(self, args, kwargs) def __bool__(self): raise TypeError("Truth of Delayed objects is not supported") __nonzero__ = __bool__ @classmethod def _get_binary_operator(cls, op, inv=False): method = delayed(right(op) if inv else op, pure=True) return lambda *args, **kwargs: method(*args, **kwargs) _get_unary_operator = _get_binary_operator class DelayedLeaf(Delayed): def __init__(self, obj, name=None, pure=False): if name is None: try: name = obj.__name__ + tokenize(obj, pure=pure) except AttributeError: name = '%s-%s' % (type(obj).__name__, tokenize(obj, pure=pure)) object.__setattr__(self, '_dasks', [{name: obj}]) object.__setattr__(self, 'pure', pure) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(*state) return self def __getstate__(self): return (self._data, self._key, self.pure) @property def _key(self): return first(self._dasks[0]) @property def _data(self): return first(self._dasks[0].values()) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): dask_key_name = kwargs.pop('dask_key_name', None) pure = kwargs.pop('pure', self.pure) if dask_key_name is None: name = (funcname(self._data) + '-' + tokenize(self._key, *args, pure=pure, **kwargs)) else: name = dask_key_name args, dasks = unzip(map(to_task_dasks, args), 2) if kwargs: dask_kwargs, dasks2 = to_task_dasks(kwargs) dasks = dasks + (dasks2,) task = (apply, self._data, list(args), dask_kwargs) else: task = (self._data,) + args dasks = flat_unique(dasks) dasks.append({name: task}) return Delayed(name, dasks) for op in [operator.abs, operator.neg, operator.pos, operator.invert, operator.add, operator.sub, operator.mul, operator.floordiv, operator.truediv, operator.mod, operator.pow, operator.and_, operator.or_, operator.xor, operator.lshift, operator.rshift, operator.eq,,,, operator.le,, operator.getitem]: Delayed._bind_operator(op) base.normalize_token.register(Delayed, lambda a: a.key) Value = Delayed def value(val, name=None): warn("``dask.imperative.value`` is renamed to ``delayed``") return delayed(val, name=name)