from dask.rewrite import RewriteRule, RuleSet, head, args, VAR, Traverser def inc(x): return x + 1 def add(x, y): return x + y def double(x): return x * 2 def test_head(): assert head((inc, 1)) == inc assert head((add, 1, 2)) == add assert head((add, (inc, 1), (inc, 1))) == add assert head([1, 2, 3]) == list def test_args(): assert args((inc, 1)) == (1,) assert args((add, 1, 2)) == (1, 2) assert args(1) == () assert args([1, 2, 3]) == [1, 2, 3] def test_traverser(): term = (add, (inc, 1), (double, (inc, 1), 2)) t = Traverser(term) t2 = t.copy() assert t.current == add assert t.current == inc # Ensure copies aren't advanced when the original advances assert t2.current == add t.skip() assert t.current == double assert t.current == inc assert list(t2) == [add, inc, 1, double, inc, 1, 2] vars = ("a", "b", "c") # add(a, 1) -> inc(a) rule1 = RewriteRule((add, "a", 1), (inc, "a"), vars) # add(a, a) -> double(a) rule2 = RewriteRule((add, "a", "a"), (double, "a"), vars) # add(inc(a), inc(a)) -> add(double(a), 2) rule3 = RewriteRule((add, (inc, "a"), (inc, "a")), (add, (double, "a"), 2), vars) # add(inc(b), inc(a)) -> add(add(a, b), 2) rule4 = RewriteRule((add, (inc, "b"), (inc, "a")), (add, (add, "a", "b"), 2), vars) # sum([c, b, a]) -> add(add(a, b), c) rule5 = RewriteRule((sum, ["c", "b", "a"]), (add, (add, "a", "b"), "c"), vars) # list(x) -> x if x is a list def repl_list(sd): x = sd['x'] if isinstance(x, list): return x else: return (list, x) rule6 = RewriteRule((list, 'x'), repl_list, ('x',)) def test_RewriteRule(): # Test extraneous vars are removed, varlist is correct assert rule1.vars == ("a",) assert rule1._varlist == ["a"] assert rule2.vars == ("a",) assert rule2._varlist == ["a", "a"] assert rule3.vars == ("a",) assert rule3._varlist == ["a", "a"] assert rule4.vars == ("a", "b") assert rule4._varlist == ["b", "a"] assert rule5.vars == ("a", "b", "c") assert rule5._varlist == ["c", "b", "a"] def test_RewriteRuleSubs(): # Test both rhs substitution and callable rhs assert rule1.subs({'a': 1}) == (inc, 1) assert rule6.subs({'x': [1, 2, 3]}) == [1, 2, 3] rules = [rule1, rule2, rule3, rule4, rule5, rule6] rs = RuleSet(*rules) def test_RuleSet(): net = ({add: ({VAR: ({VAR: ({}, [1]), 1: ({}, [0])}, []), inc: ({VAR: ({inc: ({VAR: ({}, [2, 3])}, [])}, [])}, [])}, []), list: ({VAR: ({}, [5])}, []), sum: ({list: ({VAR: ({VAR: ({VAR: ({}, [4])}, [])}, [])}, [])}, [])}, []) assert rs._net == net assert rs.rules == rules def test_matches(): term = (add, 2, 1) matches = list(rs.iter_matches(term)) assert len(matches) == 1 assert matches[0] == (rule1, {'a': 2}) # Test matches specific before general term = (add, 1, 1) matches = list(rs.iter_matches(term)) assert len(matches) == 2 assert matches[0] == (rule1, {'a': 1}) assert matches[1] == (rule2, {'a': 1}) # Test matches unhashable. What it's getting rewritten to doesn't make # sense, this is just to test that it works. :) term = (add, [1], [1]) matches = list(rs.iter_matches(term)) assert len(matches) == 1 assert matches[0] == (rule2, {'a': [1]}) # Test match at depth term = (add, (inc, 1), (inc, 1)) matches = list(rs.iter_matches(term)) assert len(matches) == 3 assert matches[0] == (rule3, {'a': 1}) assert matches[1] == (rule4, {'a': 1, 'b': 1}) assert matches[2] == (rule2, {'a': (inc, 1)}) # Test non-linear pattern checking term = (add, 2, 3) matches = list(rs.iter_matches(term)) assert len(matches) == 0 def test_rewrite(): # Rewrite inside list term = (sum, [(add, 1, 1), (add, 1, 1), (add, 1, 1)]) new_term = rs.rewrite(term) assert new_term == (add, (add, (inc, 1), (inc, 1)), (inc, 1)) # Rules aren't applied to exhaustion, this can be further simplified new_term = rs.rewrite(new_term) assert new_term == (add, (add, (double, 1), 2), (inc, 1)) term = (add, (add, (add, (add, 1, 2), (add, 1, 2)), (add, (add, 1, 2), (add, 1, 2))), 1) assert rs.rewrite(term) == (inc, (double, (double, (add, 1, 2)))) # Callable RewriteRule rhs term = (list, [1, 2, 3]) assert rs.rewrite(term) == [1, 2, 3] term = (list, (map, inc, [1, 2, 3])) assert rs.rewrite(term) == term