import os if == 'nt': # Manually load dlls before loading the extension modules. # This is handled via rpaths on Unix based systems. from ctypes import cdll import os.path # If libdynd.dll is already on the path, use it. try: # The default dll search order should give precedence to copies of # libdynd in the same directory as this file. cdll.LoadLibrary('libdyndt.dll') cdll.LoadLibrary('libdynd.dll') except OSError: # Try to load it from the Program Files directories where libdynd # installs by default. This matches the search path for libdynd used # in the CMake build for dynd-python. import sys is_64_bit = sys.maxsize > 2**32 processor_arch = os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') err_str = ('Fallback search for libdynd.dll failed because the "{}" ' 'environment variable was not set. Please make sure that ' 'either libdynd is on the DLL search path or that it is ' 'in the default install directory and the runtime ' 'environment has the necessary system-specified ' 'environment variables properly set. On 64 bit Windows ' 'with 64 bit Python the needed variables are ' '"PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" and "ProgramFiles". On 64 bit ' 'Windows with 32 bit Python the needed variables are ' '"PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" and "ProgramFiles(x86)". On 32 ' 'bit Windows the needed variables are ' '"PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" and "ProgramFiles".') if processor_arch is None: raise RuntimeError(err_str.format('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE')) is_32_on_64_bit = (is_64_bit and not processor_arch.endswith('64')) if not is_32_on_64_bit: prog_files = os.environ.get('ProgramFiles') if prog_files is None: raise RuntimeError(err_str.format('ProgramFiles')) else: prog_files = os.environ.get('ProgramFiles(x86)') if prog_files is None: raise RuntimeError(err_str.format('ProgramFiles(x86)')) dynd_lib_dir = os.path.join(prog_files, 'libdynd', 'lib') if os.path.isdir(dynd_lib_dir): cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(dynd_lib_dir, 'libdyndt.dll')) cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(dynd_lib_dir, 'libdynd.dll')) from .config import _dynd_version_string as __libdynd_version__, \ _dynd_python_version_string as __version__, \ _dynd_git_sha1 as __libdynd_git_sha1__, \ _dynd_python_git_sha1 as __git_sha1__ def annotate(*args, **kwds): def wrap(func): func.__annotations__ = {} try: func.__annotations__['return'] = args[0] except IndexError: pass if len(args[1:]) > func.__code__.co_argcount: raise TypeError('{0} takes {1} positional arguments but {2} positional annotations were given'.format(func, func.__code__.co_argcount, len(args) - 1)) for key, value in zip(func.__code__.co_varnames, args[1:]): func.__annotations__[key] = value for key, value in kwds.items(): if key not in func.__code__.co_varnames: raise TypeError("{0} got an unexpected keyword annotation '{1}'".format(func, key)) if key in func.__annotations__: raise TypeError("{0} got multiple values for annotation '{1}'".format(func, key)) func.__annotations__[key] = value return func return wrap def test(verbosity=1, xunitfile=None, exit=False): """ Runs the full DyND test suite, outputing the results of the tests to sys.stdout. Parameters ---------- verbosity : int, optional Value 0 prints very little, 1 prints a little bit, and 2 prints the test names while testing. xunitfile : string, optional If provided, writes the test results to an xunit style xml file. This is useful for running the tests in a CI server such as Jenkins. exit : bool, optional If True, the function will call sys.exit with an error code after the tests are finished. """ import os, sys, subprocess import numpy from .tests import get_tst_module import unittest print('Running unit tests for the DyND Python bindings') print('Python version: %s' % sys.version) print('Python prefix: %s' % sys.prefix) print('DyND-Python module: %s' % os.path.dirname(__file__)) print('DyND-Python version: %s' % __version__) print('DyND-Python git sha1: %s' % __git_sha1__) print('LibDyND version: %s' % __libdynd_version__) print('LibDyND git sha1: %s' % __libdynd_git_sha1__) print('NumPy version: %s' % numpy.__version__) sys.stdout.flush() if xunitfile is None: # Run all the tests all_suites = [] for fn in os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests')): if fn.startswith('test_') and fn.endswith('.py'): tst = get_tst_module(fn[:-3]) all_suites.append(unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(tst)) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stdout, verbosity=verbosity) result = if exit: sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful()) else: return result else: import nose import os argv = ['nosetests', '--verbosity=%d' % verbosity] # Output an xunit file if requested if xunitfile: argv.extend(['--with-xunit', '--xunit-file=%s' % xunitfile]) # Add all 'tests' subdirectories to the options rootdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir): if 'tests' in dirs: testsdir = os.path.join(root, 'tests') argv.append(testsdir) print('Test dir: %s' % testsdir[len(rootdir)+1:]) # Ask nose to do its thing return nose.main(argv=argv, exit=exit)