# Wrapper module for _ssl. Written by Bill Janssen. # Ported to gevent by Denis Bilenko. """SSL wrapper for socket objects on Python 3. For the documentation, refer to :mod:`ssl` module manual. This module implements cooperative SSL socket wrappers. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import ssl as __ssl__ _ssl = __ssl__._ssl import errno from gevent.socket import socket, timeout_default from gevent.socket import error as socket_error from gevent.socket import timeout as _socket_timeout from weakref import ref as _wref __implements__ = [ 'SSLContext', 'SSLSocket', 'wrap_socket', 'get_server_certificate', ] __imports__ = [] name = value = None for name in dir(__ssl__): if name in __implements__: continue if name.startswith('__'): continue if name == 'socket': # SSLSocket *must* subclass gevent.socket.socket; see issue 597 continue value = getattr(__ssl__, name) globals()[name] = value __imports__.append(name) del name, value __all__ = __implements__ + __imports__ orig_SSLContext = __ssl__.SSLContext class SSLContext(orig_SSLContext): def wrap_socket(self, sock, server_side=False, do_handshake_on_connect=True, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, server_hostname=None): return SSLSocket(sock=sock, server_side=server_side, do_handshake_on_connect=do_handshake_on_connect, suppress_ragged_eofs=suppress_ragged_eofs, server_hostname=server_hostname, _context=self) if not hasattr(orig_SSLContext, 'check_hostname'): # Python 3.3 lacks this check_hostname = False class _contextawaresock(socket._gevent_sock_class): # We have to pass the raw stdlib socket to SSLContext.wrap_socket. # That method in turn can pass that object on to things like SNI callbacks. # It wouldn't have access to any of the attributes on the SSLSocket, like # context, that it's supposed to (see test_ssl.test_sni_callback). Our # solution is to keep a weak reference to the SSLSocket on the raw # socket and delegate. # We keep it in a slot to avoid having the ability to set any attributes # we're not prepared for (because we don't know what to delegate.) __slots__ = ('_sslsock',) @property def context(self): return self._sslsock().context @context.setter def context(self, ctx): self._sslsock().context = ctx def __getattr__(self, name): try: return getattr(self._sslsock(), name) except RuntimeError: # XXX: If the attribute doesn't exist, # we infinitely recurse pass raise AttributeError(name) class SSLSocket(socket): """ gevent `ssl.SSLSocket `_ for Python 3. """ _gevent_sock_class = _contextawaresock def __init__(self, sock=None, keyfile=None, certfile=None, server_side=False, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE, ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23, ca_certs=None, do_handshake_on_connect=True, family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, fileno=None, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, npn_protocols=None, ciphers=None, server_hostname=None, _context=None): if _context: self._context = _context else: if server_side and not certfile: raise ValueError("certfile must be specified for server-side " "operations") if keyfile and not certfile: raise ValueError("certfile must be specified") if certfile and not keyfile: keyfile = certfile self._context = SSLContext(ssl_version) self._context.verify_mode = cert_reqs if ca_certs: self._context.load_verify_locations(ca_certs) if certfile: self._context.load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile) if npn_protocols: self._context.set_npn_protocols(npn_protocols) if ciphers: self._context.set_ciphers(ciphers) self.keyfile = keyfile self.certfile = certfile self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs self.ssl_version = ssl_version self.ca_certs = ca_certs self.ciphers = ciphers # Can't use sock.type as other flags (such as SOCK_NONBLOCK) get # mixed in. if sock.getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE) != SOCK_STREAM: raise NotImplementedError("only stream sockets are supported") if server_side and server_hostname: raise ValueError("server_hostname can only be specified " "in client mode") if self._context.check_hostname and not server_hostname: raise ValueError("check_hostname requires server_hostname") self.server_side = server_side self.server_hostname = server_hostname self.do_handshake_on_connect = do_handshake_on_connect self.suppress_ragged_eofs = suppress_ragged_eofs connected = False if sock is not None: socket.__init__(self, family=sock.family, type=sock.type, proto=sock.proto, fileno=sock.fileno()) self.settimeout(sock.gettimeout()) # see if it's connected try: sock.getpeername() except socket_error as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOTCONN: raise else: connected = True sock.detach() elif fileno is not None: socket.__init__(self, fileno=fileno) else: socket.__init__(self, family=family, type=type, proto=proto) self._sock._sslsock = _wref(self) self._closed = False self._sslobj = None self._connected = connected if connected: # create the SSL object try: self._sslobj = self.context._wrap_socket(self._sock, server_side, server_hostname) if do_handshake_on_connect: timeout = self.gettimeout() if timeout == 0.0: # non-blocking raise ValueError("do_handshake_on_connect should not be specified for non-blocking sockets") self.do_handshake() except socket_error as x: self.close() raise x @property def context(self): return self._context @context.setter def context(self, ctx): self._context = ctx self._sslobj.context = ctx def dup(self): raise NotImplementedError("Can't dup() %s instances" % self.__class__.__name__) def _checkClosed(self, msg=None): # raise an exception here if you wish to check for spurious closes pass def _check_connected(self): if not self._connected: # getpeername() will raise ENOTCONN if the socket is really # not connected; note that we can be connected even without # _connected being set, e.g. if connect() first returned # EAGAIN. self.getpeername() def read(self, len=1024, buffer=None): """Read up to LEN bytes and return them. Return zero-length string on EOF.""" self._checkClosed() if not self._sslobj: raise ValueError("Read on closed or unwrapped SSL socket.") while True: try: if buffer is not None: return self._sslobj.read(len, buffer) else: return self._sslobj.read(len or 1024) except SSLWantReadError: if self.timeout == 0.0: raise self._wait(self._read_event, timeout_exc=_SSLErrorReadTimeout) except SSLWantWriteError: if self.timeout == 0.0: raise # note: using _SSLErrorReadTimeout rather than _SSLErrorWriteTimeout below is intentional self._wait(self._write_event, timeout_exc=_SSLErrorReadTimeout) except SSLError as ex: if ex.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_EOF and self.suppress_ragged_eofs: if buffer is None: return b'' else: return 0 else: raise def write(self, data): """Write DATA to the underlying SSL channel. Returns number of bytes of DATA actually transmitted.""" self._checkClosed() if not self._sslobj: raise ValueError("Write on closed or unwrapped SSL socket.") while True: try: return self._sslobj.write(data) except SSLError as ex: if ex.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: if self.timeout == 0.0: raise self._wait(self._read_event, timeout_exc=_SSLErrorWriteTimeout) elif ex.args[0] == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: if self.timeout == 0.0: raise self._wait(self._write_event, timeout_exc=_SSLErrorWriteTimeout) else: raise def getpeercert(self, binary_form=False): """Returns a formatted version of the data in the certificate provided by the other end of the SSL channel. Return None if no certificate was provided, {} if a certificate was provided, but not validated.""" self._checkClosed() self._check_connected() return self._sslobj.peer_certificate(binary_form) def selected_npn_protocol(self): self._checkClosed() if not self._sslobj or not _ssl.HAS_NPN: return None else: return self._sslobj.selected_npn_protocol() if hasattr(_ssl, 'HAS_ALPN'): # 3.5+ def selected_alpn_protocol(self): self._checkClosed() if not self._sslobj or not _ssl.HAS_ALPN: return None else: return self._sslobj.selected_alpn_protocol() def shared_ciphers(self): """Return a list of ciphers shared by the client during the handshake or None if this is not a valid server connection. """ return self._sslobj.shared_ciphers() def version(self): """Return a string identifying the protocol version used by the current SSL channel. """ if not self._sslobj: return None return self._sslobj.version() # We inherit sendfile from super(); it always uses `send` def cipher(self): self._checkClosed() if not self._sslobj: return None else: return self._sslobj.cipher() def compression(self): self._checkClosed() if not self._sslobj: return None else: return self._sslobj.compression() def send(self, data, flags=0, timeout=timeout_default): self._checkClosed() if timeout is timeout_default: timeout = self.timeout if self._sslobj: if flags != 0: raise ValueError( "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to send() on %s" % self.__class__) while True: try: return self._sslobj.write(data) except SSLWantReadError: if self.timeout == 0.0: return 0 self._wait(self._read_event) except SSLWantWriteError: if self.timeout == 0.0: return 0 self._wait(self._write_event) else: return socket.send(self, data, flags, timeout) def sendto(self, data, flags_or_addr, addr=None): self._checkClosed() if self._sslobj: raise ValueError("sendto not allowed on instances of %s" % self.__class__) elif addr is None: return socket.sendto(self, data, flags_or_addr) else: return socket.sendto(self, data, flags_or_addr, addr) def sendmsg(self, *args, **kwargs): # Ensure programs don't send data unencrypted if they try to # use this method. raise NotImplementedError("sendmsg not allowed on instances of %s" % self.__class__) def sendall(self, data, flags=0): self._checkClosed() if self._sslobj: if flags != 0: raise ValueError( "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to sendall() on %s" % self.__class__) try: return socket.sendall(self, data, flags) except _socket_timeout: if self.timeout == 0.0: # Raised by the stdlib on non-blocking sockets raise SSLWantWriteError("The operation did not complete (write)") raise def recv(self, buflen=1024, flags=0): self._checkClosed() if self._sslobj: if flags != 0: raise ValueError( "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv() on %s" % self.__class__) return self.read(buflen) else: return socket.recv(self, buflen, flags) def recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes=None, flags=0): self._checkClosed() if buffer and (nbytes is None): nbytes = len(buffer) elif nbytes is None: nbytes = 1024 if self._sslobj: if flags != 0: raise ValueError("non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv_into() on %s" % self.__class__) return self.read(nbytes, buffer) else: return socket.recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes, flags) def recvfrom(self, buflen=1024, flags=0): self._checkClosed() if self._sslobj: raise ValueError("recvfrom not allowed on instances of %s" % self.__class__) else: return socket.recvfrom(self, buflen, flags) def recvfrom_into(self, buffer, nbytes=None, flags=0): self._checkClosed() if self._sslobj: raise ValueError("recvfrom_into not allowed on instances of %s" % self.__class__) else: return socket.recvfrom_into(self, buffer, nbytes, flags) def recvmsg(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("recvmsg not allowed on instances of %s" % self.__class__) def recvmsg_into(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("recvmsg_into not allowed on instances of " "%s" % self.__class__) def pending(self): self._checkClosed() if self._sslobj: return self._sslobj.pending() else: return 0 def shutdown(self, how): self._checkClosed() self._sslobj = None socket.shutdown(self, how) def unwrap(self): if self._sslobj: while True: try: s = self._sslobj.shutdown() break except SSLWantReadError: if self.timeout == 0.0: return 0 self._wait(self._read_event) except SSLWantWriteError: if self.timeout == 0.0: return 0 self._wait(self._write_event) self._sslobj = None # The return value of shutting down the SSLObject is the # original wrapped socket, i.e., _contextawaresock. But that # object doesn't have the gevent wrapper around it so it can't # be used. We have to wrap it back up with a gevent wrapper. sock = socket(family=s.family, type=s.type, proto=s.proto, fileno=s.fileno()) s.detach() return sock else: raise ValueError("No SSL wrapper around " + str(self)) def _real_close(self): self._sslobj = None # self._closed = True socket._real_close(self) def do_handshake(self): """Perform a TLS/SSL handshake.""" self._check_connected() while True: try: self._sslobj.do_handshake() break except SSLWantReadError: if self.timeout == 0.0: raise self._wait(self._read_event, timeout_exc=_SSLErrorHandshakeTimeout) except SSLWantWriteError: if self.timeout == 0.0: raise self._wait(self._write_event, timeout_exc=_SSLErrorHandshakeTimeout) if self.context.check_hostname: if not self.server_hostname: raise ValueError("check_hostname needs server_hostname " "argument") match_hostname(self.getpeercert(), self.server_hostname) def _real_connect(self, addr, connect_ex): if self.server_side: raise ValueError("can't connect in server-side mode") # Here we assume that the socket is client-side, and not # connected at the time of the call. We connect it, then wrap it. if self._connected: raise ValueError("attempt to connect already-connected SSLSocket!") self._sslobj = self.context._wrap_socket(self._sock, False, self.server_hostname) try: if connect_ex: rc = socket.connect_ex(self, addr) else: rc = None socket.connect(self, addr) if not rc: if self.do_handshake_on_connect: self.do_handshake() self._connected = True return rc except socket_error: self._sslobj = None raise def connect(self, addr): """Connects to remote ADDR, and then wraps the connection in an SSL channel.""" self._real_connect(addr, False) def connect_ex(self, addr): """Connects to remote ADDR, and then wraps the connection in an SSL channel.""" return self._real_connect(addr, True) def accept(self): """Accepts a new connection from a remote client, and returns a tuple containing that new connection wrapped with a server-side SSL channel, and the address of the remote client.""" newsock, addr = socket.accept(self) newsock = self.context.wrap_socket(newsock, do_handshake_on_connect=self.do_handshake_on_connect, suppress_ragged_eofs=self.suppress_ragged_eofs, server_side=True) return newsock, addr def get_channel_binding(self, cb_type="tls-unique"): """Get channel binding data for current connection. Raise ValueError if the requested `cb_type` is not supported. Return bytes of the data or None if the data is not available (e.g. before the handshake). """ if cb_type not in CHANNEL_BINDING_TYPES: raise ValueError("Unsupported channel binding type") if cb_type != "tls-unique": raise NotImplementedError("{0} channel binding type not implemented".format(cb_type)) if self._sslobj is None: return None return self._sslobj.tls_unique_cb() # Python 3.2 onwards raise normal timeout errors, not SSLError. # See https://bugs.python.org/issue10272 _SSLErrorReadTimeout = _socket_timeout('The read operation timed out') _SSLErrorWriteTimeout = _socket_timeout('The write operation timed out') _SSLErrorHandshakeTimeout = _socket_timeout('The handshake operation timed out') def wrap_socket(sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None, server_side=False, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE, ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23, ca_certs=None, do_handshake_on_connect=True, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, ciphers=None): return SSLSocket(sock=sock, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, server_side=server_side, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ssl_version=ssl_version, ca_certs=ca_certs, do_handshake_on_connect=do_handshake_on_connect, suppress_ragged_eofs=suppress_ragged_eofs, ciphers=ciphers) def get_server_certificate(addr, ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23, ca_certs=None): """Retrieve the certificate from the server at the specified address, and return it as a PEM-encoded string. If 'ca_certs' is specified, validate the server cert against it. If 'ssl_version' is specified, use it in the connection attempt.""" host, port = addr if (ca_certs is not None): cert_reqs = CERT_REQUIRED else: cert_reqs = CERT_NONE s = create_connection(addr) s = wrap_socket(s, ssl_version=ssl_version, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ca_certs=ca_certs) dercert = s.getpeercert(True) s.close() return DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(dercert)