# Copyright (c) 2012 Denis Bilenko. See LICENSE for details. from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import os from gevent.hub import get_hub, getcurrent, sleep, integer_types from gevent.event import AsyncResult from gevent.greenlet import Greenlet from gevent.pool import GroupMappingMixin from gevent.lock import Semaphore from gevent._threading import Lock, Queue, start_new_thread __all__ = ['ThreadPool', 'ThreadResult'] class ThreadPool(GroupMappingMixin): """ .. note:: The method :meth:`apply_async` will always return a new greenlet, bypassing the threadpool entirely. """ def __init__(self, maxsize, hub=None): if hub is None: hub = get_hub() self.hub = hub self._maxsize = 0 self.manager = None self.pid = os.getpid() self.fork_watcher = hub.loop.fork(ref=False) self._init(maxsize) def _set_maxsize(self, maxsize): if not isinstance(maxsize, integer_types): raise TypeError('maxsize must be integer: %r' % (maxsize, )) if maxsize < 0: raise ValueError('maxsize must not be negative: %r' % (maxsize, )) difference = maxsize - self._maxsize self._semaphore.counter += difference self._maxsize = maxsize self.adjust() # make sure all currently blocking spawn() start unlocking if maxsize increased self._semaphore._start_notify() def _get_maxsize(self): return self._maxsize maxsize = property(_get_maxsize, _set_maxsize) def __repr__(self): return '<%s at 0x%x %s/%s/%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), len(self), self.size, self.maxsize) def __len__(self): # XXX just do unfinished_tasks property return self.task_queue.unfinished_tasks def _get_size(self): return self._size def _set_size(self, size): if size < 0: raise ValueError('Size of the pool cannot be negative: %r' % (size, )) if size > self._maxsize: raise ValueError('Size of the pool cannot be bigger than maxsize: %r > %r' % (size, self._maxsize)) if self.manager: self.manager.kill() while self._size < size: self._add_thread() delay = 0.0001 while self._size > size: while self._size - size > self.task_queue.unfinished_tasks: self.task_queue.put(None) if getcurrent() is self.hub: break sleep(delay) delay = min(delay * 2, .05) if self._size: self.fork_watcher.start(self._on_fork) else: self.fork_watcher.stop() size = property(_get_size, _set_size) def _init(self, maxsize): self._size = 0 self._semaphore = Semaphore(1) self._lock = Lock() self.task_queue = Queue() self._set_maxsize(maxsize) def _on_fork(self): # fork() only leaves one thread; also screws up locks; # let's re-create locks and threads. # NOTE: See comment in gevent.hub.reinit. pid = os.getpid() if pid != self.pid: self.pid = pid # Do not mix fork() and threads; since fork() only copies one thread # all objects referenced by other threads has refcount that will never # go down to 0. self._init(self._maxsize) def join(self): """Waits until all outstanding tasks have been completed.""" delay = 0.0005 while self.task_queue.unfinished_tasks > 0: sleep(delay) delay = min(delay * 2, .05) def kill(self): self.size = 0 def _adjust_step(self): # if there is a possibility & necessity for adding a thread, do it while self._size < self._maxsize and self.task_queue.unfinished_tasks > self._size: self._add_thread() # while the number of threads is more than maxsize, kill one # we do not check what's already in task_queue - it could be all Nones while self._size - self._maxsize > self.task_queue.unfinished_tasks: self.task_queue.put(None) if self._size: self.fork_watcher.start(self._on_fork) else: self.fork_watcher.stop() def _adjust_wait(self): delay = 0.0001 while True: self._adjust_step() if self._size <= self._maxsize: return sleep(delay) delay = min(delay * 2, .05) def adjust(self): self._adjust_step() if not self.manager and self._size > self._maxsize: # might need to feed more Nones into the pool self.manager = Greenlet.spawn(self._adjust_wait) def _add_thread(self): with self._lock: self._size += 1 try: start_new_thread(self._worker, ()) except: with self._lock: self._size -= 1 raise def spawn(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a new task to the threadpool that will run ``func(*args, **kwargs)``. Waits until a slot is available. Creates a new thread if necessary. :return: A :class:`gevent.event.AsyncResult`. """ while True: semaphore = self._semaphore semaphore.acquire() if semaphore is self._semaphore: break thread_result = None try: task_queue = self.task_queue result = AsyncResult() # XXX We're calling the semaphore release function in the hub, otherwise # we get LoopExit (why?). Previously it was done with a rawlink on the # AsyncResult and the comment that it is "competing for order with get(); this is not # good, just make ThreadResult release the semaphore before doing anything else" thread_result = ThreadResult(result, hub=self.hub, call_when_ready=semaphore.release) task_queue.put((func, args, kwargs, thread_result)) self.adjust() except: if thread_result is not None: thread_result.destroy() semaphore.release() raise return result def _decrease_size(self): if sys is None: return _lock = getattr(self, '_lock', None) if _lock is not None: with _lock: self._size -= 1 def _worker(self): need_decrease = True try: while True: task_queue = self.task_queue task = task_queue.get() try: if task is None: need_decrease = False self._decrease_size() # we want first to decrease size, then decrease unfinished_tasks # otherwise, _adjust might think there's one more idle thread that # needs to be killed return func, args, kwargs, thread_result = task try: value = func(*args, **kwargs) except: exc_info = getattr(sys, 'exc_info', None) if exc_info is None: return thread_result.handle_error((self, func), exc_info()) else: if sys is None: return thread_result.set(value) del value finally: del func, args, kwargs, thread_result, task finally: if sys is None: return task_queue.task_done() finally: if need_decrease: self._decrease_size() def apply_e(self, expected_errors, function, args=None, kwargs=None): """ .. deprecated:: 1.1a2 Identical to :meth:`apply`; the ``expected_errors`` argument is ignored. """ # Deprecated but never documented. In the past, before # self.apply() allowed all errors to be raised to the caller, # expected_errors allowed a caller to specify a set of errors # they wanted to be raised, through the wrap_errors function. # In practice, it always took the value Exception or # BaseException. return self.apply(function, args, kwargs) def _apply_immediately(self): # If we're being called from a different thread than the one that # created us, e.g., because a worker task is trying to use apply() # recursively, we have no choice but to run the task immediately; # if we try to AsyncResult.get() in the worker thread, it's likely to have # nothing to switch to and lead to a LoopExit. return get_hub() is not self.hub def _apply_async_cb_spawn(self, callback, result): callback(result) def _apply_async_use_greenlet(self): # Always go to Greenlet because our self.spawn uses threads return True class ThreadResult(object): exc_info = () _call_when_ready = None def __init__(self, receiver, hub=None, call_when_ready=None): if hub is None: hub = get_hub() self.receiver = receiver self.hub = hub self.value = None self.context = None self.async = hub.loop.async() self.async.start(self._on_async) if call_when_ready: self._call_when_ready = call_when_ready @property def exception(self): return self.exc_info[1] if self.exc_info else None def _on_async(self): self.async.stop() if self._call_when_ready: # Typically this is pool.semaphore.release and we have to # call this in the Hub; if we don't we get the dreaded # LoopExit (XXX: Why?) self._call_when_ready() try: if self.exc_info: self.hub.handle_error(self.context, *self.exc_info) self.context = None self.async = None self.hub = None self._call_when_ready = None if self.receiver is not None: self.receiver(self) finally: self.receiver = None self.value = None if self.exc_info: self.exc_info = (self.exc_info[0], self.exc_info[1], None) def destroy(self): if self.async is not None: self.async.stop() self.async = None self.context = None self.hub = None self._call_when_ready = None self.receiver = None def _ready(self): if self.async is not None: self.async.send() def set(self, value): self.value = value self._ready() def handle_error(self, context, exc_info): self.context = context self.exc_info = exc_info self._ready() # link protocol: def successful(self): return self.exception is None def wrap_errors(errors, function, args, kwargs): """ .. deprecated:: 1.1a2 Previously used by ThreadPool.apply_e. """ try: return True, function(*args, **kwargs) except errors as ex: return False, ex