"""Box class. Represents a container that can be used to group other widgets. """ # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from .widget import Widget, DOMWidget, register, widget_serialization from traitlets import Unicode, Tuple, Int, CaselessStrEnum, Instance @register('IPython.Box') class Box(DOMWidget): """Displays multiple widgets in a group.""" _model_name = Unicode('BoxModel', sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('BoxView', sync=True) # Child widgets in the container. # Using a tuple here to force reassignment to update the list. # When a proper notifying-list trait exists, that is what should be used here. children = Tuple(sync=True, **widget_serialization) _overflow_values = ['visible', 'hidden', 'scroll', 'auto', 'initial', 'inherit', ''] overflow_x = CaselessStrEnum( values=_overflow_values, default_value='', sync=True, help="""Specifies what happens to content that is too large for the rendered region.""") overflow_y = CaselessStrEnum( values=_overflow_values, default_value='', sync=True, help="""Specifies what happens to content that is too large for the rendered region.""") box_style = CaselessStrEnum( values=['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''], default_value='', allow_none=True, sync=True, help="""Use a predefined styling for the box.""") def __init__(self, children = (), **kwargs): kwargs['children'] = children super(Box, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.on_displayed(Box._fire_children_displayed) def _fire_children_displayed(self): for child in self.children: child._handle_displayed() @register('IPython.Proxy') class Proxy(Widget): """A DOMWidget that holds another DOMWidget or nothing.""" _model_name = Unicode('ProxyModel', sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('ProxyView', sync=True) # Child widget of the Proxy child = Instance(DOMWidget, allow_none=True, sync=True, **widget_serialization) def __init__(self, child, **kwargs): kwargs['child'] = child super(Proxy, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.on_displayed(Proxy._fire_child_displayed) def _fire_child_displayed(self): if self.child is not None: self.child._handle_displayed() @register('IPython.PlaceProxy') class PlaceProxy(Proxy): """Renders the child widget at the specified selector.""" _view_name = Unicode('PlaceProxyView', sync=True) selector = Unicode(sync=True) @register('IPython.FlexBox') class FlexBox(Box): """Displays multiple widgets using the flexible box model.""" _view_name = Unicode('FlexBoxView', sync=True) orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['vertical', 'horizontal'], default_value='vertical', sync=True) flex = Int(0, sync=True, help="""Specify the flexible-ness of the model.""") def _flex_changed(self, name, old, new): new = min(max(0, new), 2) if self.flex != new: self.flex = new _locations = ['start', 'center', 'end', 'baseline', 'stretch'] pack = CaselessStrEnum( values=_locations, default_value='start', sync=True) align = CaselessStrEnum( values=_locations, default_value='start', sync=True) def VBox(*pargs, **kwargs): """Displays multiple widgets vertically using the flexible box model.""" kwargs['orientation'] = 'vertical' return FlexBox(*pargs, **kwargs) def HBox(*pargs, **kwargs): """Displays multiple widgets horizontally using the flexible box model.""" kwargs['orientation'] = 'horizontal' return FlexBox(*pargs, **kwargs)