"""Output class. Represents a widget that can be used to display output within the widget area. """ # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from .widget import DOMWidget import sys from traitlets import Unicode, List from IPython.display import clear_output from jupyter_client.session import Message from IPython import get_ipython class Output(DOMWidget): """Widget used as a context manager to display output. This widget can capture and display stdout, stderr, and rich output. To use it, create an instance of it and display it. Then use it as a context manager. Any output produced while in it's context will be captured and displayed in it instead of the standard output area. Example import ipywidgets as widgets from IPython.display import display out = widgets.Output() display(out) print('prints to output area') with out: print('prints to output widget')""" _view_name = Unicode('OutputView', sync=True) def clear_output(self, *pargs, **kwargs): with self: clear_output(*pargs, **kwargs) def __enter__(self): """Called upon entering output widget context manager.""" self._flush() kernel = get_ipython().kernel session = kernel.session send = session.send self._original_send = send self._session = session def send_hook(stream, msg_or_type, content=None, parent=None, ident=None, buffers=None, track=False, header=None, metadata=None): # Handle both prebuild messages and unbuilt messages. if isinstance(msg_or_type, (Message, dict)): msg_type = msg_or_type['msg_type'] msg = dict(msg_or_type) else: msg_type = msg_or_type msg = session.msg(msg_type, content=content, parent=parent, header=header, metadata=metadata) # If this is a message type that we want to forward, forward it. if stream is kernel.iopub_socket and msg_type in ['clear_output', 'stream', 'display_data']: self.send(msg) else: send(stream, msg, ident=ident, buffers=buffers, track=track) session.send = send_hook def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): """Called upon exiting output widget context manager.""" self._flush() self._session.send = self._original_send def _flush(self): """Flush stdout and stderr buffers.""" sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush()