from jedi._compatibility import encoding, is_py3, u import inspect import os import time try: if == 'nt': # does not work on Windows, as pyreadline and colorama interfere raise ImportError else: # Use colorama for nicer console output. from colorama import Fore, init from colorama import initialise # pytest resets the stream at the end - causes troubles. Since after # every output the stream is reset automatically we don't need this. initialise.atexit_done = True init() except ImportError: class Fore(object): RED = '' GREEN = '' YELLOW = '' RESET = '' NOTICE = object() WARNING = object() SPEED = object() enable_speed = False enable_warning = False enable_notice = False # callback, interface: level, str debug_function = None ignored_modules = ['jedi.evaluate.builtin', 'jedi.parser'] _debug_indent = -1 _start_time = time.time() def reset_time(): global _start_time, _debug_indent _start_time = time.time() _debug_indent = -1 def increase_indent(func): """Decorator for makin """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global _debug_indent _debug_indent += 1 try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: _debug_indent -= 1 return result return wrapper def dbg(message, *args): """ Looks at the stack, to see if a debug message should be printed. """ if debug_function and enable_notice: frm = inspect.stack()[1] mod = inspect.getmodule(frm[0]) if not (mod.__name__ in ignored_modules): i = ' ' * _debug_indent debug_function(NOTICE, i + 'dbg: ' + message % tuple(u(repr(a)) for a in args)) def warning(message, *args): if debug_function and enable_warning: i = ' ' * _debug_indent debug_function(WARNING, i + 'warning: ' + message % tuple(u(repr(a)) for a in args)) def speed(name): if debug_function and enable_speed: now = time.time() i = ' ' * _debug_indent debug_function(SPEED, i + 'speed: ' + '%s %s' % (name, now - _start_time)) def print_to_stdout(level, str_out): """ The default debug function """ if level == NOTICE: col = Fore.GREEN elif level == WARNING: col = Fore.RED else: col = Fore.YELLOW if not is_py3: str_out = str_out.encode(encoding, 'replace') print(col + str_out + Fore.RESET) # debug_function = print_to_stdout