""" Searching for names with given scope and name. This is very central in Jedi and Python. The name resolution is quite complicated with descripter, ``__getattribute__``, ``__getattr__``, ``global``, etc. Flow checks +++++++++++ Flow checks are not really mature. There's only a check for ``isinstance``. It would check whether a flow has the form of ``if isinstance(a, type_or_tuple)``. Unfortunately every other thing is being ignored (e.g. a == '' would be easy to check for -> a is a string). There's big potential in these checks. """ from itertools import chain from jedi._compatibility import unicode, u from jedi.parser import tree from jedi import debug from jedi import common from jedi import settings from jedi.evaluate import representation as er from jedi.evaluate import dynamic from jedi.evaluate import compiled from jedi.evaluate import docstrings from jedi.evaluate import iterable from jedi.evaluate import imports from jedi.evaluate import analysis from jedi.evaluate import flow_analysis from jedi.evaluate import param from jedi.evaluate import helpers from jedi.evaluate.cache import memoize_default def filter_after_position(names, position): """ Removes all names after a certain position. If position is None, just returns the names list. """ if position is None: return names names_new = [] for n in names: # Filter positions and also allow list comprehensions and lambdas. if n.start_pos[0] is not None and n.start_pos < position \ or isinstance(n.get_definition(), (tree.CompFor, tree.Lambda)): names_new.append(n) return names_new def filter_definition_names(names, origin, position=None): """ Filter names that are actual definitions in a scope. Names that are just used will be ignored. """ # Just calculate the scope from the first stmt = names[0].get_definition() scope = stmt.get_parent_scope() if not (isinstance(scope, er.FunctionExecution) and isinstance(scope.base, er.LambdaWrapper)): names = filter_after_position(names, position) names = [name for name in names if name.is_definition()] # Private name mangling (compile.c) disallows access on names # preceeded by two underscores `__` if used outside of the class. Names # that also end with two underscores (e.g. __id__) are not affected. for name in list(names): if name.value.startswith('__') and not name.value.endswith('__'): if filter_private_variable(scope, origin): names.remove(name) return names class NameFinder(object): def __init__(self, evaluator, scope, name_str, position=None): self._evaluator = evaluator # Make sure that it's not just a syntax tree node. self.scope = evaluator.wrap(scope) self.name_str = name_str self.position = position @debug.increase_indent def find(self, scopes, search_global=False): # TODO rename scopes to names_dicts names = self.filter_name(scopes) types = self._names_to_types(names, search_global) if not names and not types \ and not (isinstance(self.name_str, tree.Name) and isinstance(self.name_str.parent.parent, tree.Param)): if not isinstance(self.name_str, (str, unicode)): # TODO Remove? if search_global: message = ("NameError: name '%s' is not defined." % self.name_str) analysis.add(self._evaluator, 'name-error', self.name_str, message) else: analysis.add_attribute_error(self._evaluator, self.scope, self.name_str) debug.dbg('finder._names_to_types: %s -> %s', names, types) return types def scopes(self, search_global=False): if search_global: return global_names_dict_generator(self._evaluator, self.scope, self.position) else: return ((n, None) for n in self.scope.names_dicts(search_global)) def names_dict_lookup(self, names_dict, position): def get_param(scope, el): if isinstance(el.get_parent_until(tree.Param), tree.Param): return scope.param_by_name(str(el)) return el search_str = str(self.name_str) try: names = names_dict[search_str] if not names: # We want names, otherwise stop. return [] except KeyError: return [] names = filter_definition_names(names, self.name_str, position) name_scope = None # Only the names defined in the last position are valid definitions. last_names = [] for name in reversed(sorted(names, key=lambda name: name.start_pos)): stmt = name.get_definition() name_scope = self._evaluator.wrap(stmt.get_parent_scope()) if isinstance(self.scope, er.Instance) and not isinstance(name_scope, er.Instance): # Instances should not be checked for positioning, because we # don't know in which order the functions are called. last_names.append(name) continue if isinstance(name_scope, compiled.CompiledObject): # Let's test this. TODO need comment. shouldn't this be # filtered before? last_names.append(name) continue if isinstance(name, compiled.CompiledName) \ or isinstance(name, er.InstanceName) and isinstance(name._origin_name, compiled.CompiledName): last_names.append(name) continue if isinstance(self.name_str, tree.Name): origin_scope = self.name_str.get_parent_until(tree.Scope, reverse=True) else: origin_scope = None if isinstance(stmt.parent, compiled.CompiledObject): # TODO seriously? this is stupid. continue check = flow_analysis.break_check(self._evaluator, name_scope, stmt, origin_scope) if check is not flow_analysis.UNREACHABLE: last_names.append(name) if check is flow_analysis.REACHABLE: break if isinstance(name_scope, er.FunctionExecution): # Replace params return [get_param(name_scope, n) for n in last_names] return last_names def filter_name(self, names_dicts): """ Searches names that are defined in a scope (the different `names_dicts`), until a name fits. """ names = [] for names_dict, position in names_dicts: names = self.names_dict_lookup(names_dict, position) if names: break debug.dbg('finder.filter_name "%s" in (%s): %s@%s', self.name_str, self.scope, u(names), self.position) return list(self._clean_names(names)) def _clean_names(self, names): """ ``NameFinder.filter_name`` should only output names with correct wrapper parents. We don't want to see AST classes out in the evaluation, so remove them already here! """ for n in names: definition = n.parent if isinstance(definition, (tree.Function, tree.Class, tree.Module)): yield self._evaluator.wrap(definition).name else: yield n def _check_getattr(self, inst): """Checks for both __getattr__ and __getattribute__ methods""" result = [] # str is important, because it shouldn't be `Name`! name = compiled.create(self._evaluator, str(self.name_str)) with common.ignored(KeyError): result = inst.execute_subscope_by_name('__getattr__', name) if not result: # this is a little bit special. `__getattribute__` is executed # before anything else. But: I know no use case, where this # could be practical and the jedi would return wrong types. If # you ever have something, let me know! with common.ignored(KeyError): result = inst.execute_subscope_by_name('__getattribute__', name) return result def _names_to_types(self, names, search_global): types = [] # Add isinstance and other if/assert knowledge. if isinstance(self.name_str, tree.Name): # Ignore FunctionExecution parents for now. flow_scope = self.name_str until = flow_scope.get_parent_until(er.FunctionExecution) while not isinstance(until, er.FunctionExecution): flow_scope = flow_scope.get_parent_scope(include_flows=True) if flow_scope is None: break # TODO check if result is in scope -> no evaluation necessary n = check_flow_information(self._evaluator, flow_scope, self.name_str, self.position) if n: return n for name in names: new_types = _name_to_types(self._evaluator, name, self.scope) if isinstance(self.scope, (er.Class, er.Instance)) and not search_global: types += self._resolve_descriptors(name, new_types) else: types += new_types if not names and isinstance(self.scope, er.Instance): # handling __getattr__ / __getattribute__ types = self._check_getattr(self.scope) return types def _resolve_descriptors(self, name, types): # The name must not be in the dictionary, but part of the class # definition. __get__ is only called if the descriptor is defined in # the class dictionary. name_scope = name.get_definition().get_parent_scope() if not isinstance(name_scope, (er.Instance, tree.Class)): return types result = [] for r in types: try: desc_return = r.get_descriptor_returns except AttributeError: result.append(r) else: result += desc_return(self.scope) return result @memoize_default([], evaluator_is_first_arg=True) def _name_to_types(evaluator, name, scope): types = [] typ = name.get_definition() if typ.isinstance(tree.ForStmt): for_types = evaluator.eval_element(typ.children[3]) for_types = iterable.get_iterator_types(for_types) types += check_tuple_assignments(for_types, name) elif typ.isinstance(tree.CompFor): for_types = evaluator.eval_element(typ.children[3]) for_types = iterable.get_iterator_types(for_types) types += check_tuple_assignments(for_types, name) elif isinstance(typ, tree.Param): types += _eval_param(evaluator, typ, scope) elif typ.isinstance(tree.ExprStmt): types += _remove_statements(evaluator, typ, name) elif typ.isinstance(tree.WithStmt): types += evaluator.eval_element(typ.node_from_name(name)) elif isinstance(typ, tree.Import): types += imports.ImportWrapper(evaluator, name).follow() elif isinstance(typ, tree.GlobalStmt): # TODO theoretically we shouldn't be using search_global here, it # doesn't make sense, because it's a local search (for that name)! # However, globals are not that important and resolving them doesn't # guarantee correctness in any way, because we don't check for when # something is executed. types += evaluator.find_types(typ.get_parent_scope(), str(name), search_global=True) elif isinstance(typ, tree.TryStmt): # TODO an exception can also be a tuple. Check for those. # TODO check for types that are not classes and add it to # the static analysis report. exceptions = evaluator.eval_element(name.prev_sibling().prev_sibling()) types = list(chain.from_iterable( evaluator.execute(t) for t in exceptions)) else: if typ.isinstance(er.Function): typ = typ.get_decorated_func() types.append(typ) return types def _remove_statements(evaluator, stmt, name): """ This is the part where statements are being stripped. Due to lazy evaluation, statements like a = func; b = a; b() have to be evaluated. """ types = [] # Remove the statement docstr stuff for now, that has to be # implemented with the evaluator class. #if stmt.docstr: #res_new.append(stmt) check_instance = None if isinstance(stmt, er.InstanceElement) and stmt.is_class_var: check_instance = stmt.instance stmt = stmt.var types += evaluator.eval_statement(stmt, seek_name=name) if check_instance is not None: # class renames types = [er.get_instance_el(evaluator, check_instance, a, True) if isinstance(a, (er.Function, tree.Function)) else a for a in types] return types def _eval_param(evaluator, param, scope): res_new = [] func = param.get_parent_scope() cls = func.parent.get_parent_until((tree.Class, tree.Function)) from jedi.evaluate.param import ExecutedParam, Arguments if isinstance(cls, tree.Class) and param.position_nr == 0 \ and not isinstance(param, ExecutedParam): # This is where we add self - if it has never been # instantiated. if isinstance(scope, er.InstanceElement): res_new.append(scope.instance) else: inst = er.Instance(evaluator, evaluator.wrap(cls), Arguments(evaluator, ()), is_generated=True) res_new.append(inst) return res_new # Instances are typically faked, if the instance is not called from # outside. Here we check it for __init__ functions and return. if isinstance(func, er.InstanceElement) \ and func.instance.is_generated and str(func.name) == '__init__': param = func.var.params[param.position_nr] # Add docstring knowledge. doc_params = docstrings.follow_param(evaluator, param) if doc_params: return doc_params if isinstance(param, ExecutedParam): return res_new + param.eval(evaluator) else: # Param owns no information itself. res_new += dynamic.search_params(evaluator, param) if not res_new: if param.stars: t = 'tuple' if param.stars == 1 else 'dict' typ = evaluator.find_types(compiled.builtin, t)[0] res_new = evaluator.execute(typ) if param.default: res_new += evaluator.eval_element(param.default) return res_new def check_flow_information(evaluator, flow, search_name, pos): """ Try to find out the type of a variable just with the information that is given by the flows: e.g. It is also responsible for assert checks.:: if isinstance(k, str): k. # <- completion here ensures that `k` is a string. """ if not settings.dynamic_flow_information: return None result = [] if flow.is_scope(): # Check for asserts. try: names = reversed(flow.names_dict[search_name.value]) except (KeyError, AttributeError): names = [] for name in names: ass = name.get_parent_until(tree.AssertStmt) if isinstance(ass, tree.AssertStmt) and pos is not None and ass.start_pos < pos: result = _check_isinstance_type(evaluator, ass.assertion(), search_name) if result: break if isinstance(flow, (tree.IfStmt, tree.WhileStmt)): element = flow.children[1] result = _check_isinstance_type(evaluator, element, search_name) return result def _check_isinstance_type(evaluator, element, search_name): try: assert element.type == 'power' # this might be removed if we analyze and, etc assert len(element.children) == 2 first, trailer = element.children assert isinstance(first, tree.Name) and first.value == 'isinstance' assert trailer.type == 'trailer' and trailer.children[0] == '(' assert len(trailer.children) == 3 # arglist stuff arglist = trailer.children[1] args = param.Arguments(evaluator, arglist, trailer) lst = list(args.unpack()) # Disallow keyword arguments assert len(lst) == 2 and lst[0][0] is None and lst[1][0] is None name = lst[0][1][0] # first argument, values, first value # Do a simple get_code comparison. They should just have the same code, # and everything will be all right. classes = lst[1][1][0] call = helpers.call_of_name(search_name) assert name.get_code() == call.get_code() except AssertionError: return [] result = [] for typ in evaluator.eval_element(classes): for typ in (typ.values() if isinstance(typ, iterable.Array) else [typ]): result += evaluator.execute(typ) return result def global_names_dict_generator(evaluator, scope, position): """ For global name lookups. Yields tuples of (names_dict, position). If the position is None, the position does not matter anymore in that scope. This function is used to include names from outer scopes. For example, when the current scope is function: >>> from jedi._compatibility import u, no_unicode_pprint >>> from jedi.parser import Parser, load_grammar >>> parser = Parser(load_grammar(), u(''' ... x = ['a', 'b', 'c'] ... def func(): ... y = None ... ''')) >>> scope = parser.module.subscopes[0] >>> scope `global_names_dict_generator` is a generator. First it yields names from most inner scope. >>> from jedi.evaluate import Evaluator >>> evaluator = Evaluator(load_grammar()) >>> scope = evaluator.wrap(scope) >>> pairs = list(global_names_dict_generator(evaluator, scope, (4, 0))) >>> no_unicode_pprint(pairs[0]) ({'func': [], 'y': []}, (4, 0)) Then it yields the names from one level "lower". In this example, this is the most outer scope. As you can see, the position in the tuple is now None, because typically the whole module is loaded before the function is called. >>> no_unicode_pprint(pairs[1]) ({'func': [], 'x': []}, None) After that we have a few underscore names that are part of the module. >>> sorted(pairs[2][0].keys()) ['__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__'] >>> pairs[3] # global names -> there are none in our example. ({}, None) >>> pairs[4] # package modules -> Also none. ({}, None) Finally, it yields names from builtin, if `include_builtin` is true (default). >>> pairs[5][0].values() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [[], ...] """ in_func = False while scope is not None: if not (scope.type == 'classdef' and in_func): # Names in methods cannot be resolved within the class. for names_dict in scope.names_dicts(True): yield names_dict, position if scope.type == 'funcdef': # The position should be reset if the current scope is a function. in_func = True position = None scope = evaluator.wrap(scope.get_parent_scope()) # Add builtins to the global scope. for names_dict in compiled.builtin.names_dicts(True): yield names_dict, None def check_tuple_assignments(types, name): """ Checks if tuples are assigned. """ for index in name.assignment_indexes(): new_types = [] for r in types: try: func = r.get_exact_index_types except AttributeError: debug.warning("Invalid tuple lookup #%s of result %s in %s", index, types, name) else: try: new_types += func(index) except IndexError: pass types = new_types return types def filter_private_variable(scope, origin_node): """Check if a variable is defined inside the same class or outside.""" instance = scope.get_parent_scope() coming_from = origin_node while coming_from is not None \ and not isinstance(coming_from, (tree.Class, compiled.CompiledObject)): coming_from = coming_from.get_parent_scope() # CompiledObjects don't have double underscore attributes, but Jedi abuses # those for fakes (builtins.pym -> list). if isinstance(instance, compiled.CompiledObject): return instance != coming_from else: return isinstance(instance, er.Instance) and instance.base.base != coming_from