# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This tokenizer has been copied from the ``tokenize.py`` standard library tokenizer. The reason was simple: The standard library tokenizer fails if the indentation is not right. The fast parser of jedi however requires "wrong" indentation. Basically this is a stripped down version of the standard library module, so you can read the documentation there. Additionally we included some speed and memory optimizations here. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import string import re from io import StringIO from jedi.parser.token import (tok_name, N_TOKENS, ENDMARKER, STRING, NUMBER, NAME, OP, ERRORTOKEN, NEWLINE, INDENT, DEDENT) from jedi._compatibility import is_py3 cookie_re = re.compile("coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)") if is_py3: # Python 3 has str.isidentifier() to check if a char is a valid identifier is_identifier = str.isidentifier else: namechars = string.ascii_letters + '_' is_identifier = lambda s: s in namechars COMMENT = N_TOKENS tok_name[COMMENT] = 'COMMENT' def group(*choices): return '(' + '|'.join(choices) + ')' def maybe(*choices): return group(*choices) + '?' # Note: we use unicode matching for names ("\w") but ascii matching for # number literals. whitespace = r'[ \f\t]*' comment = r'#[^\r\n]*' name = r'\w+' hex_number = r'0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+' bin_number = r'0[bB][01]+' oct_number = r'0[oO][0-7]+' dec_number = r'(?:0+|[1-9][0-9]*)' int_number = group(hex_number, bin_number, oct_number, dec_number) exponent = r'[eE][-+]?[0-9]+' point_float = group(r'[0-9]+\.[0-9]*', r'\.[0-9]+') + maybe(exponent) Expfloat = r'[0-9]+' + exponent float_number = group(point_float, Expfloat) imag_number = group(r'[0-9]+[jJ]', float_number + r'[jJ]') number = group(imag_number, float_number, int_number) # Tail end of ' string. single = r"[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'" # Tail end of " string. double = r'[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"' # Tail end of ''' string. single3 = r"[^'\\]*(?:(?:\\.|'(?!''))[^'\\]*)*'''" # Tail end of """ string. double3 = r'[^"\\]*(?:(?:\\.|"(?!""))[^"\\]*)*"""' triple = group("[uUbB]?[rR]?'''", '[uUbB]?[rR]?"""') # Single-line ' or " string. # Because of leftmost-then-longest match semantics, be sure to put the # longest operators first (e.g., if = came before ==, == would get # recognized as two instances of =). operator = group(r"\*\*=?", r">>=?", r"<<=?", r"!=", r"//=?", r"->", r"[+\-*/%&|^=<>]=?", r"~") bracket = '[][(){}]' special = group(r'\r?\n', r'\.\.\.', r'[:;.,@]') funny = group(operator, bracket, special) # First (or only) line of ' or " string. cont_str = group(r"[bBuU]?[rR]?'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*" + group("'", r'\\\r?\n'), r'[bBuU]?[rR]?"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*' + group('"', r'\\\r?\n')) pseudo_extras = group(r'\\\r?\n', comment, triple) pseudo_token = group(whitespace) + \ group(pseudo_extras, number, funny, cont_str, name) def _compile(expr): return re.compile(expr, re.UNICODE) pseudoprog, single3prog, double3prog = map( _compile, (pseudo_token, single3, double3)) endprogs = {"'": _compile(single), '"': _compile(double), "'''": single3prog, '"""': double3prog, "r'''": single3prog, 'r"""': double3prog, "b'''": single3prog, 'b"""': double3prog, "u'''": single3prog, 'u"""': double3prog, "R'''": single3prog, 'R"""': double3prog, "B'''": single3prog, 'B"""': double3prog, "U'''": single3prog, 'U"""': double3prog, "br'''": single3prog, 'br"""': double3prog, "bR'''": single3prog, 'bR"""': double3prog, "Br'''": single3prog, 'Br"""': double3prog, "BR'''": single3prog, 'BR"""': double3prog, "ur'''": single3prog, 'ur"""': double3prog, "uR'''": single3prog, 'uR"""': double3prog, "Ur'''": single3prog, 'Ur"""': double3prog, "UR'''": single3prog, 'UR"""': double3prog, 'r': None, 'R': None, 'b': None, 'B': None} triple_quoted = {} for t in ("'''", '"""', "r'''", 'r"""', "R'''", 'R"""', "b'''", 'b"""', "B'''", 'B"""', "u'''", 'u"""', "U'''", 'U"""', "br'''", 'br"""', "Br'''", 'Br"""', "bR'''", 'bR"""', "BR'''", 'BR"""', "ur'''", 'ur"""', "Ur'''", 'Ur"""', "uR'''", 'uR"""', "UR'''", 'UR"""'): triple_quoted[t] = t single_quoted = {} for t in ("'", '"', "r'", 'r"', "R'", 'R"', "b'", 'b"', "B'", 'B"', "u'", 'u"', "U'", 'U"', "br'", 'br"', "Br'", 'Br"', "bR'", 'bR"', "BR'", 'BR"', "ur'", 'ur"', "Ur'", 'Ur"', "uR'", 'uR"', "UR'", 'UR"'): single_quoted[t] = t del _compile tabsize = 8 ALWAYS_BREAK_TOKENS = (';', 'import', 'from', 'class', 'def', 'try', 'except', 'finally', 'while', 'return') def source_tokens(source): """Generate tokens from a the source code (string).""" source = source + '\n' # end with \n, because the parser needs it readline = StringIO(source).readline return generate_tokens(readline) def generate_tokens(readline): """ A heavily modified Python standard library tokenizer. Additionally to the default information, yields also the prefix of each token. This idea comes from lib2to3. The prefix contains all information that is irrelevant for the parser like newlines in parentheses or comments. """ paren_level = 0 # count parentheses indents = [0] lnum = 0 numchars = '0123456789' contstr = '' contline = None # We start with a newline. This makes indent at the first position # possible. It's not valid Python, but still better than an INDENT in the # second line (and not in the first). This makes quite a few things in # Jedi's fast parser possible. new_line = True prefix = '' # Should never be required, but here for safety additional_prefix = '' while True: # loop over lines in stream line = readline() # readline returns empty when finished. See StringIO if not line: if contstr: yield ERRORTOKEN, contstr, contstr_start, prefix break lnum += 1 pos, max = 0, len(line) if contstr: # continued string endmatch = endprog.match(line) if endmatch: pos = endmatch.end(0) yield STRING, contstr + line[:pos], contstr_start, prefix contstr = '' contline = None else: contstr = contstr + line contline = contline + line continue while pos < max: pseudomatch = pseudoprog.match(line, pos) if not pseudomatch: # scan for tokens txt = line[pos] if line[pos] in '"\'': # If a literal starts but doesn't end the whole rest of the # line is an error token. txt = line[pos:] yield ERRORTOKEN, txt, (lnum, pos), prefix pos += 1 continue prefix = additional_prefix + pseudomatch.group(1) additional_prefix = '' start, pos = pseudomatch.span(2) spos = (lnum, start) token, initial = line[start:pos], line[start] if new_line and initial not in '\r\n#': new_line = False if paren_level == 0: if start > indents[-1]: yield INDENT, '', spos, '' indents.append(start) while start < indents[-1]: yield DEDENT, '', spos, '' indents.pop() if (initial in numchars or # ordinary number (initial == '.' and token != '.' and token != '...')): yield NUMBER, token, spos, prefix elif initial in '\r\n': if not new_line and paren_level == 0: yield NEWLINE, token, spos, prefix else: additional_prefix = prefix + token new_line = True elif initial == '#': # Comments assert not token.endswith("\n") additional_prefix = prefix + token elif token in triple_quoted: endprog = endprogs[token] endmatch = endprog.match(line, pos) if endmatch: # all on one line pos = endmatch.end(0) token = line[start:pos] yield STRING, token, spos, prefix else: contstr_start = (lnum, start) # multiple lines contstr = line[start:] contline = line break elif initial in single_quoted or \ token[:2] in single_quoted or \ token[:3] in single_quoted: if token[-1] == '\n': # continued string contstr_start = lnum, start endprog = (endprogs.get(initial) or endprogs.get(token[1]) or endprogs.get(token[2])) contstr = line[start:] contline = line break else: # ordinary string yield STRING, token, spos, prefix elif is_identifier(initial): # ordinary name if token in ALWAYS_BREAK_TOKENS: paren_level = 0 while True: indent = indents.pop() if indent > start: yield DEDENT, '', spos, '' else: indents.append(indent) break yield NAME, token, spos, prefix elif initial == '\\' and line[start:] in ('\\\n', '\\\r\n'): # continued stmt additional_prefix += prefix + line[start:] break else: if token in '([{': paren_level += 1 elif token in ')]}': paren_level -= 1 yield OP, token, spos, prefix end_pos = (lnum, max - 1) # As the last position we just take the maximally possible position. We # remove -1 for the last new line. for indent in indents[1:]: yield DEDENT, '', end_pos, '' yield ENDMARKER, '', end_pos, prefix