""" This module contains variables with global |jedi| settings. To change the behavior of |jedi|, change the variables defined in :mod:`jedi.settings`. Plugins should expose an interface so that the user can adjust the configuration. Example usage:: from jedi import settings settings.case_insensitive_completion = True Completion output ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autodata:: case_insensitive_completion .. autodata:: add_dot_after_module .. autodata:: add_bracket_after_function .. autodata:: no_completion_duplicates Filesystem cache ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autodata:: cache_directory .. autodata:: use_filesystem_cache Parser ~~~~~~ .. autodata:: fast_parser Dynamic stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autodata:: dynamic_array_additions .. autodata:: dynamic_params .. autodata:: dynamic_params_for_other_modules .. autodata:: additional_dynamic_modules .. autodata:: auto_import_modules .. _settings-recursion: Recursions ~~~~~~~~~~ Recursion settings are important if you don't want extremly recursive python code to go absolutely crazy. First of there is a global limit :data:`max_executions`. This limit is important, to set a maximum amount of time, the completion may use. The default values are based on experiments while completing the |jedi| library itself (inception!). But I don't think there's any other Python library that uses recursion in a similarly extreme way. These settings make the completion definitely worse in some cases. But a completion should also be fast. .. autodata:: max_until_execution_unique .. autodata:: max_function_recursion_level .. autodata:: max_executions_without_builtins .. autodata:: max_executions .. autodata:: scale_call_signatures Caching ~~~~~~~ .. autodata:: star_import_cache_validity .. autodata:: call_signatures_validity """ import os import platform # ---------------- # completion output settings # ---------------- case_insensitive_completion = True """ The completion is by default case insensitive. """ add_dot_after_module = False """ Adds a dot after a module, because a module that is not accessed this way is definitely not the normal case. However, in VIM this doesn't work, that's why it isn't used at the moment. """ add_bracket_after_function = False """ Adds an opening bracket after a function, because that's normal behaviour. Removed it again, because in VIM that is not very practical. """ no_completion_duplicates = True """ If set, completions with the same name don't appear in the output anymore, but are in the `same_name_completions` attribute. """ # ---------------- # Filesystem cache # ---------------- use_filesystem_cache = True """ Use filesystem cache to save once parsed files with pickle. """ if platform.system().lower() == 'windows': _cache_directory = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA') or '~', 'Jedi', 'Jedi') elif platform.system().lower() == 'darwin': _cache_directory = os.path.join('~', 'Library', 'Caches', 'Jedi') else: _cache_directory = os.path.join(os.getenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME') or '~/.cache', 'jedi') cache_directory = os.path.expanduser(_cache_directory) """ The path where all the caches can be found. On Linux, this defaults to ``~/.cache/jedi/``, on OS X to ``~/Library/Caches/Jedi/`` and on Windows to ``%APPDATA%\\Jedi\\Jedi\\``. On Linux, if environment variable ``$XDG_CACHE_HOME`` is set, ``$XDG_CACHE_HOME/jedi`` is used instead of the default one. """ # ---------------- # parser # ---------------- fast_parser = True """ Use the fast parser. This means that reparsing is only being done if something has been changed e.g. to a function. If this happens, only the function is being reparsed. """ # ---------------- # dynamic stuff # ---------------- dynamic_array_additions = True """ check for `append`, etc. on arrays: [], {}, () as well as list/set calls. """ dynamic_params = True """ A dynamic param completion, finds the callees of the function, which define the params of a function. """ dynamic_params_for_other_modules = True """ Do the same for other modules. """ additional_dynamic_modules = [] """ Additional modules in which |jedi| checks if statements are to be found. This is practical for IDEs, that want to administrate their modules themselves. """ dynamic_flow_information = True """ Check for `isinstance` and other information to infer a type. """ auto_import_modules = [ 'hashlib', # setattr ] """ Modules that are not analyzed but imported, although they contain Python code. This improves autocompletion for libraries that use ``setattr`` or ``globals()`` modifications a lot. """ # ---------------- # recursions # ---------------- max_until_execution_unique = 50 """ This limit is probably the most important one, because if this limit is exceeded, functions can only be one time executed. So new functions will be executed, complex recursions with the same functions again and again, are ignored. """ max_function_recursion_level = 5 """ `max_function_recursion_level` is more about whether the recursions are stopped in deepth or in width. The ratio beetween this and `max_until_execution_unique` is important here. It stops a recursion (after the number of function calls in the recursion), if it was already used earlier. """ max_executions_without_builtins = 200 """ .. todo:: Document this. """ max_executions = 250 """ A maximum amount of time, the completion may use. """ scale_call_signatures = 0.1 """ Because call_signatures is normally used on every single key hit, it has to be faster than a normal completion. This is the factor that is used to scale `max_executions` and `max_until_execution_unique`: """ # ---------------- # caching validity (time) # ---------------- star_import_cache_validity = 60.0 """ In huge packages like numpy, checking all star imports on every completion might be slow, therefore we do a star import caching, that lasts a certain time span (in seconds). """ call_signatures_validity = 3.0 """ Finding function calls might be slow (0.1-0.5s). This is not acceptible for normal writing. Therefore cache it for a short time. """