# XXX Ripped off from numba.tests; we should factor it out somewhere? import argparse import collections import contextlib import cProfile import gc import os import multiprocessing import sys import time import unittest import warnings from unittest import result, runner, signals from ..six import StringIO # "unittest.main" is really the TestProgram class! # (defined in a module named itself "unittest.main"...) class NumbaTestProgram(unittest.main): """ A TestProgram subclass adding the following options: * a -R option to enable reference leak detection * a --profile option to enable profiling of the test run Currently the options are only added in 3.4+. """ refleak = False profile = False multiprocess = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.discovered_suite = kwargs.pop('suite', None) # HACK to force unittest not to change warning display options # (so that NumbaWarnings don't appear all over the place) sys.warnoptions.append(':x') super(NumbaTestProgram, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def createTests(self): if self.discovered_suite is not None: self.test = self.discovered_suite else: super(NumbaTestProgram, self).createTests() def _getParentArgParser(self): # NOTE: this hook only exists on Python 3.4+. The options won't be # added in earlier versions (which use optparse - 3.3 - or getopt() # - 2.x). parser = super(NumbaTestProgram, self)._getParentArgParser() if self.testRunner is None: parser.add_argument('-R', '--refleak', dest='refleak', action='store_true', help='Detect reference / memory leaks') parser.add_argument('-m', '--multiprocess', dest='multiprocess', action='store_true', help='Parallelize tests') parser.add_argument('--profile', dest='profile', action='store_true', help='Profile the test run') return parser def parseArgs(self, argv): if sys.version_info < (3, 4): # We want these options to work on all versions, emulate them. if '-R' in argv: argv.remove('-R') self.refleak = True if '-m' in argv: argv.remove('-m') self.multiprocess = True super(NumbaTestProgram, self).parseArgs(argv) if self.verbosity <= 0: # We aren't interested in informational messages / warnings when # running with '-q'. self.buffer = True def runTests(self): if self.refleak: self.testRunner = RefleakTestRunner if not hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"): warnings.warn("detecting reference leaks requires a debug build " "of Python, only memory leaks will be detected") elif self.testRunner is None: self.testRunner = unittest.TextTestRunner if self.multiprocess: self.testRunner = ParallelTestRunner(self.testRunner, verbosity=self.verbosity, failfast=self.failfast, buffer=self.buffer) def run_tests_real(): super(NumbaTestProgram, self).runTests() if self.profile: filename = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(sys.modules['__main__'].__file__) )[0] + '.prof' p = cProfile.Profile(timer=time.perf_counter) # 3.3+ p.enable() try: p.runcall(run_tests_real) finally: p.disable() print("Writing test profile data into %r" % (filename,)) p.dump_stats(filename) else: run_tests_real() # Monkey-patch unittest so that individual test modules get our custom # options for free. unittest.main = NumbaTestProgram # The reference leak detection code is liberally taken and adapted from # Python's own Lib/test/regrtest.py. def _refleak_cleanup(): # Collect cyclic trash and read memory statistics immediately after. try: func1 = sys.getallocatedblocks except AttributeError: func1 = lambda: 42 try: func2 = sys.gettotalrefcount except AttributeError: func2 = lambda: 42 # Flush standard output, so that buffered data is sent to the OS and # associated Python objects are reclaimed. for stream in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr, sys.__stdout__, sys.__stderr__): if stream is not None: stream.flush() sys._clear_type_cache() # This also clears the various internal CPython freelists. gc.collect() return func1(), func2() class ReferenceLeakError(RuntimeError): pass class IntPool(collections.defaultdict): def __missing__(self, key): return key class RefleakTestResult(runner.TextTestResult): warmup = 3 repetitions = 6 def _huntLeaks(self, test): self.stream.flush() repcount = self.repetitions nwarmup = self.warmup rc_deltas = [0] * (repcount - nwarmup) alloc_deltas = [0] * (repcount - nwarmup) # Preallocate ints likely to be stored in rc_deltas and alloc_deltas, # to make sys.getallocatedblocks() less flaky. _int_pool = IntPool() for i in range(-200, 200): _int_pool[i] for i in range(repcount): # Use a pristine, silent result object to avoid recursion res = result.TestResult() test.run(res) # Poorly-written tests may fail when run several times. # In this case, abort the refleak run and report the failure. if not res.wasSuccessful(): self.failures.extend(res.failures) self.errors.extend(res.errors) raise AssertionError del res alloc_after, rc_after = _refleak_cleanup() if i >= nwarmup: rc_deltas[i - nwarmup] = _int_pool[rc_after - rc_before] alloc_deltas[i - nwarmup] = _int_pool[alloc_after - alloc_before] alloc_before, rc_before = alloc_after, rc_after return rc_deltas, alloc_deltas def addSuccess(self, test): try: rc_deltas, alloc_deltas = self._huntLeaks(test) except AssertionError: # Test failed when repeated assert not self.wasSuccessful() return # These checkers return False on success, True on failure def check_rc_deltas(deltas): return any(deltas) def check_alloc_deltas(deltas): # At least 1/3rd of 0s if 3 * deltas.count(0) < len(deltas): return True # Nothing else than 1s, 0s and -1s if not set(deltas) <= set((1,0,-1)): return True return False failed = False for deltas, item_name, checker in [ (rc_deltas, 'references', check_rc_deltas), (alloc_deltas, 'memory blocks', check_alloc_deltas)]: if checker(deltas): msg = '%s leaked %s %s, sum=%s' % ( test, deltas, item_name, sum(deltas)) failed = True try: raise ReferenceLeakError(msg) except Exception: exc_info = sys.exc_info() if self.showAll: self.stream.write("%s = %r " % (item_name, deltas)) self.addFailure(test, exc_info) if not failed: super(RefleakTestResult, self).addSuccess(test) class RefleakTestRunner(runner.TextTestRunner): resultclass = RefleakTestResult def _flatten_suite(test): """Expand suite into list of tests """ if isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite): tests = [] for x in test: tests.extend(_flatten_suite(x)) return tests else: return [test] class ParallelTestResult(runner.TextTestResult): """ A TestResult able to inject results from other results. """ def add_results(self, result): """ Add the results from the other *result* to this result. """ self.stream.write(result.stream.getvalue()) self.stream.flush() self.testsRun += result.testsRun self.failures.extend(result.failures) self.errors.extend(result.errors) self.skipped.extend(result.skipped) self.expectedFailures.extend(result.expectedFailures) self.unexpectedSuccesses.extend(result.unexpectedSuccesses) class _MinimalResult(object): """ A minimal, picklable TestResult-alike object. """ __slots__ = ( 'failures', 'errors', 'skipped', 'expectedFailures', 'unexpectedSuccesses', 'stream', 'shouldStop', 'testsRun') def fixup_case(self, case): """ Remove any unpicklable attributes from TestCase instance *case*. """ # Python 3.3 doesn't reset this one. case._outcomeForDoCleanups = None def __init__(self, original_result): for attr in self.__slots__: setattr(self, attr, getattr(original_result, attr)) for case, _ in self.expectedFailures: self.fixup_case(case) for case, _ in self.errors: self.fixup_case(case) for case, _ in self.failures: self.fixup_case(case) class _FakeStringIO(object): """ A trivial picklable StringIO-alike for Python 2. """ def __init__(self, value): self._value = value def getvalue(self): return self._value class _MinimalRunner(object): """ A minimal picklable object able to instantiate a runner in a child process and run a test case with it. """ def __init__(self, runner_cls, runner_args): self.runner_cls = runner_cls self.runner_args = runner_args # Python 2 doesn't know how to pickle instance methods, so we use __call__ # instead. def __call__(self, test): # Executed in child process kwargs = self.runner_args # Force recording of output in a buffer (it will be printed out # by the parent). kwargs['stream'] = StringIO() runner = self.runner_cls(**kwargs) result = runner._makeResult() # Avoid child tracebacks when Ctrl-C is pressed. signals.installHandler() signals.registerResult(result) result.failfast = runner.failfast result.buffer = runner.buffer with self.cleanup_object(test): test(result) # HACK as cStringIO.StringIO isn't picklable in 2.x result.stream = _FakeStringIO(result.stream.getvalue()) return _MinimalResult(result) @contextlib.contextmanager def cleanup_object(self, test): """ A context manager which cleans up unwanted attributes on a test case (or any other object). """ vanilla_attrs = set(test.__dict__) try: yield test finally: spurious_attrs = set(test.__dict__) - vanilla_attrs for name in spurious_attrs: del test.__dict__[name] class ParallelTestRunner(runner.TextTestRunner): """ A test runner which delegates the actual running to a pool of child processes. """ resultclass = ParallelTestResult def __init__(self, runner_cls, **kwargs): runner.TextTestRunner.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.runner_cls = runner_cls self.runner_args = kwargs def _run_inner(self, result): # We hijack TextTestRunner.run()'s inner logic by passing this # method as if it were a test case. child_runner = _MinimalRunner(self.runner_cls, self.runner_args) pool = multiprocessing.Pool() imap = pool.imap_unordered try: for child_result in imap(child_runner, self._test_list): result.add_results(child_result) if child_result.shouldStop: break return result finally: # Kill the still active workers pool.terminate() pool.join() def run(self, test): self._test_list = _flatten_suite(test) # This will call self._run_inner() on the created result object, # and print out the detailed test results at the end. return super(ParallelTestRunner, self).run(self._run_inner) try: import faulthandler except ImportError: pass else: try: # May fail in IPython Notebook with UnsupportedOperation faulthandler.enable() except BaseException as e: msg = "Failed to enable faulthandler due to:\n{err}" warnings.warn(msg.format(err=e))