""" Limited tests of the elliptic functions module. A full suite of extensive testing can be found in elliptic_torture_tests.py Author of the first version: M.T. Taschuk References: [1] Abramowitz & Stegun. 'Handbook of Mathematical Functions, 9th Ed.', (Dover duplicate of 1972 edition) [2] Whittaker 'A Course of Modern Analysis, 4th Ed.', 1946, Cambridge University Press """ import mpmath import random from mpmath import * def mpc_ae(a, b, eps=eps): res = True res = res and a.real.ae(b.real, eps) res = res and a.imag.ae(b.imag, eps) return res zero = mpf(0) one = mpf(1) jsn = ellipfun('sn') jcn = ellipfun('cn') jdn = ellipfun('dn') calculate_nome = lambda k: qfrom(k=k) def test_ellipfun(): mp.dps = 15 assert ellipfun('ss', 0, 0) == 1 assert ellipfun('cc', 0, 0) == 1 assert ellipfun('dd', 0, 0) == 1 assert ellipfun('nn', 0, 0) == 1 assert ellipfun('sn', 0.25, 0).ae(sin(0.25)) assert ellipfun('cn', 0.25, 0).ae(cos(0.25)) assert ellipfun('dn', 0.25, 0).ae(1) assert ellipfun('ns', 0.25, 0).ae(csc(0.25)) assert ellipfun('nc', 0.25, 0).ae(sec(0.25)) assert ellipfun('nd', 0.25, 0).ae(1) assert ellipfun('sc', 0.25, 0).ae(tan(0.25)) assert ellipfun('sd', 0.25, 0).ae(sin(0.25)) assert ellipfun('cd', 0.25, 0).ae(cos(0.25)) assert ellipfun('cs', 0.25, 0).ae(cot(0.25)) assert ellipfun('dc', 0.25, 0).ae(sec(0.25)) assert ellipfun('ds', 0.25, 0).ae(csc(0.25)) assert ellipfun('sn', 0.25, 1).ae(tanh(0.25)) assert ellipfun('cn', 0.25, 1).ae(sech(0.25)) assert ellipfun('dn', 0.25, 1).ae(sech(0.25)) assert ellipfun('ns', 0.25, 1).ae(coth(0.25)) assert ellipfun('nc', 0.25, 1).ae(cosh(0.25)) assert ellipfun('nd', 0.25, 1).ae(cosh(0.25)) assert ellipfun('sc', 0.25, 1).ae(sinh(0.25)) assert ellipfun('sd', 0.25, 1).ae(sinh(0.25)) assert ellipfun('cd', 0.25, 1).ae(1) assert ellipfun('cs', 0.25, 1).ae(csch(0.25)) assert ellipfun('dc', 0.25, 1).ae(1) assert ellipfun('ds', 0.25, 1).ae(csch(0.25)) assert ellipfun('sn', 0.25, 0.5).ae(0.24615967096986145833) assert ellipfun('cn', 0.25, 0.5).ae(0.96922928989378439337) assert ellipfun('dn', 0.25, 0.5).ae(0.98473484156599474563) assert ellipfun('ns', 0.25, 0.5).ae(4.0624038700573130369) assert ellipfun('nc', 0.25, 0.5).ae(1.0317476065024692949) assert ellipfun('nd', 0.25, 0.5).ae(1.0155017958029488665) assert ellipfun('sc', 0.25, 0.5).ae(0.25397465134058993408) assert ellipfun('sd', 0.25, 0.5).ae(0.24997558792415733063) assert ellipfun('cd', 0.25, 0.5).ae(0.98425408443195497052) assert ellipfun('cs', 0.25, 0.5).ae(3.9374008182374110826) assert ellipfun('dc', 0.25, 0.5).ae(1.0159978158253033913) assert ellipfun('ds', 0.25, 0.5).ae(4.0003906313579720593) def test_calculate_nome(): mp.dps = 100 q = calculate_nome(zero) assert(q == zero) mp.dps = 25 # used Mathematica's EllipticNomeQ[m] math1 = [(mpf(1)/10, mpf('0.006584651553858370274473060')), (mpf(2)/10, mpf('0.01394285727531826872146409')), (mpf(3)/10, mpf('0.02227743615715350822901627')), (mpf(4)/10, mpf('0.03188334731336317755064299')), (mpf(5)/10, mpf('0.04321391826377224977441774')), (mpf(6)/10, mpf('0.05702025781460967637754953')), (mpf(7)/10, mpf('0.07468994353717944761143751')), (mpf(8)/10, mpf('0.09927369733882489703607378')), (mpf(9)/10, mpf('0.1401731269542615524091055')), (mpf(9)/10, mpf('0.1401731269542615524091055'))] for i in math1: m = i[0] q = calculate_nome(sqrt(m)) assert q.ae(i[1]) mp.dps = 15 def test_jtheta(): mp.dps = 25 z = q = zero for n in range(1,5): value = jtheta(n, z, q) assert(value == (n-1)//2) for q in [one, mpf(2)]: for n in range(1,5): raised = True try: r = jtheta(n, z, q) except: pass else: raised = False assert(raised) z = one/10 q = one/11 # Mathematical N[EllipticTheta[1, 1/10, 1/11], 25] res = mpf('0.1069552990104042681962096') result = jtheta(1, z, q) assert(result.ae(res)) # Mathematica N[EllipticTheta[2, 1/10, 1/11], 25] res = mpf('1.101385760258855791140606') result = jtheta(2, z, q) assert(result.ae(res)) # Mathematica N[EllipticTheta[3, 1/10, 1/11], 25] res = mpf('1.178319743354331061795905') result = jtheta(3, z, q) assert(result.ae(res)) # Mathematica N[EllipticTheta[4, 1/10, 1/11], 25] res = mpf('0.8219318954665153577314573') result = jtheta(4, z, q) assert(result.ae(res)) # test for sin zeros for jtheta(1, z, q) # test for cos zeros for jtheta(2, z, q) z1 = pi z2 = pi/2 for i in range(10): qstring = str(random.random()) q = mpf(qstring) result = jtheta(1, z1, q) assert(result.ae(0)) result = jtheta(2, z2, q) assert(result.ae(0)) mp.dps = 15 def test_jtheta_issue_79(): # near the circle of covergence |q| = 1 the convergence slows # down; for |q| > Q_LIM the theta functions raise ValueError mp.dps = 30 mp.dps += 30 q = mpf(6)/10 - one/10**6 - mpf(8)/10 * j mp.dps -= 30 # Mathematica run first # N[EllipticTheta[3, 1, 6/10 - 10^-6 - 8/10*I], 2000] # then it works: # N[EllipticTheta[3, 1, 6/10 - 10^-6 - 8/10*I], 30] res = mpf('32.0031009628901652627099524264') + \ mpf('16.6153027998236087899308935624') * j result = jtheta(3, 1, q) # check that for abs(q) > Q_LIM a ValueError exception is raised mp.dps += 30 q = mpf(6)/10 - one/10**7 - mpf(8)/10 * j mp.dps -= 30 try: result = jtheta(3, 1, q) except ValueError: pass else: assert(False) # bug reported in issue 79 mp.dps = 100 z = (1+j)/3 q = mpf(368983957219251)/10**15 + mpf(636363636363636)/10**15 * j # Mathematica N[EllipticTheta[1, z, q], 35] res = mpf('2.4439389177990737589761828991467471') + \ mpf('0.5446453005688226915290954851851490') *j mp.dps = 30 result = jtheta(1, z, q) assert(result.ae(res)) mp.dps = 80 z = 3 + 4*j q = 0.5 + 0.5*j r1 = jtheta(1, z, q) mp.dps = 15 r2 = jtheta(1, z, q) assert r1.ae(r2) mp.dps = 80 z = 3 + j q1 = exp(j*3) # longer test # for n in range(1, 6) for n in range(1, 2): mp.dps = 80 q = q1*(1 - mpf(1)/10**n) r1 = jtheta(1, z, q) mp.dps = 15 r2 = jtheta(1, z, q) assert r1.ae(r2) mp.dps = 15 # issue 79 about high derivatives assert jtheta(3, 4.5, 0.25, 9).ae(1359.04892680683) assert jtheta(3, 4.5, 0.25, 50).ae(-6.14832772630905e+33) mp.dps = 50 r = jtheta(3, 4.5, 0.25, 9) assert r.ae('1359.048926806828939547859396600218966947753213803') r = jtheta(3, 4.5, 0.25, 50) assert r.ae('-6148327726309051673317975084654262.4119215720343656') def test_jtheta_identities(): """ Tests the some of the jacobi identidies found in Abramowitz, Sec. 16.28, Pg. 576. The identities are tested to 1 part in 10^98. """ mp.dps = 110 eps1 = ldexp(eps, 30) for i in range(10): qstring = str(random.random()) q = mpf(qstring) zstring = str(10*random.random()) z = mpf(zstring) # Abramowitz 16.28.1 # v_1(z, q)**2 * v_4(0, q)**2 = v_3(z, q)**2 * v_2(0, q)**2 # - v_2(z, q)**2 * v_3(0, q)**2 term1 = (jtheta(1, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(4, zero, q)**2) term2 = (jtheta(3, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(2, zero, q)**2) term3 = (jtheta(2, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(3, zero, q)**2) equality = term1 - term2 + term3 assert(equality.ae(0, eps1)) zstring = str(100*random.random()) z = mpf(zstring) # Abramowitz 16.28.2 # v_2(z, q)**2 * v_4(0, q)**2 = v_4(z, q)**2 * v_2(0, q)**2 # - v_1(z, q)**2 * v_3(0, q)**2 term1 = (jtheta(2, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(4, zero, q)**2) term2 = (jtheta(4, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(2, zero, q)**2) term3 = (jtheta(1, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(3, zero, q)**2) equality = term1 - term2 + term3 assert(equality.ae(0, eps1)) # Abramowitz 16.28.3 # v_3(z, q)**2 * v_4(0, q)**2 = v_4(z, q)**2 * v_3(0, q)**2 # - v_1(z, q)**2 * v_2(0, q)**2 term1 = (jtheta(3, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(4, zero, q)**2) term2 = (jtheta(4, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(3, zero, q)**2) term3 = (jtheta(1, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(2, zero, q)**2) equality = term1 - term2 + term3 assert(equality.ae(0, eps1)) # Abramowitz 16.28.4 # v_4(z, q)**2 * v_4(0, q)**2 = v_3(z, q)**2 * v_3(0, q)**2 # - v_2(z, q)**2 * v_2(0, q)**2 term1 = (jtheta(4, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(4, zero, q)**2) term2 = (jtheta(3, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(3, zero, q)**2) term3 = (jtheta(2, z, q)**2) * (jtheta(2, zero, q)**2) equality = term1 - term2 + term3 assert(equality.ae(0, eps1)) # Abramowitz 16.28.5 # v_2(0, q)**4 + v_4(0, q)**4 == v_3(0, q)**4 term1 = (jtheta(2, zero, q))**4 term2 = (jtheta(4, zero, q))**4 term3 = (jtheta(3, zero, q))**4 equality = term1 + term2 - term3 assert(equality.ae(0, eps1)) mp.dps = 15 def test_jtheta_complex(): mp.dps = 30 z = mpf(1)/4 + j/8 q = mpf(1)/3 + j/7 # Mathematica N[EllipticTheta[1, 1/4 + I/8, 1/3 + I/7], 35] res = mpf('0.31618034835986160705729105731678285') + \ mpf('0.07542013825835103435142515194358975') * j r = jtheta(1, z, q) assert(mpc_ae(r, res)) # Mathematica N[EllipticTheta[2, 1/4 + I/8, 1/3 + I/7], 35] res = mpf('1.6530986428239765928634711417951828') + \ mpf('0.2015344864707197230526742145361455') * j r = jtheta(2, z, q) assert(mpc_ae(r, res)) # Mathematica N[EllipticTheta[3, 1/4 + I/8, 1/3 + I/7], 35] res = mpf('1.6520564411784228184326012700348340') + \ mpf('0.1998129119671271328684690067401823') * j r = jtheta(3, z, q) assert(mpc_ae(r, res)) # Mathematica N[EllipticTheta[4, 1/4 + I/8, 1/3 + I/7], 35] res = mpf('0.37619082382228348252047624089973824') - \ mpf('0.15623022130983652972686227200681074') * j r = jtheta(4, z, q) assert(mpc_ae(r, res)) # check some theta function identities mp.dos = 100 z = mpf(1)/4 + j/8 q = mpf(1)/3 + j/7 mp.dps += 10 a = [0,0, jtheta(2, 0, q), jtheta(3, 0, q), jtheta(4, 0, q)] t = [0, jtheta(1, z, q), jtheta(2, z, q), jtheta(3, z, q), jtheta(4, z, q)] r = [(t[2]*a[4])**2 - (t[4]*a[2])**2 + (t[1] *a[3])**2, (t[3]*a[4])**2 - (t[4]*a[3])**2 + (t[1] *a[2])**2, (t[1]*a[4])**2 - (t[3]*a[2])**2 + (t[2] *a[3])**2, (t[4]*a[4])**2 - (t[3]*a[3])**2 + (t[2] *a[2])**2, a[2]**4 + a[4]**4 - a[3]**4] mp.dps -= 10 for x in r: assert(mpc_ae(x, mpc(0))) mp.dps = 15 def test_djtheta(): mp.dps = 30 z = one/7 + j/3 q = one/8 + j/5 # Mathematica N[EllipticThetaPrime[1, 1/7 + I/3, 1/8 + I/5], 35] res = mpf('1.5555195883277196036090928995803201') - \ mpf('0.02439761276895463494054149673076275') * j result = jtheta(1, z, q, 1) assert(mpc_ae(result, res)) # Mathematica N[EllipticThetaPrime[2, 1/7 + I/3, 1/8 + I/5], 35] res = mpf('0.19825296689470982332701283509685662') - \ mpf('0.46038135182282106983251742935250009') * j result = jtheta(2, z, q, 1) assert(mpc_ae(result, res)) # Mathematica N[EllipticThetaPrime[3, 1/7 + I/3, 1/8 + I/5], 35] res = mpf('0.36492498415476212680896699407390026') - \ mpf('0.57743812698666990209897034525640369') * j result = jtheta(3, z, q, 1) assert(mpc_ae(result, res)) # Mathematica N[EllipticThetaPrime[4, 1/7 + I/3, 1/8 + I/5], 35] res = mpf('-0.38936892528126996010818803742007352') + \ mpf('0.66549886179739128256269617407313625') * j result = jtheta(4, z, q, 1) assert(mpc_ae(result, res)) for i in range(10): q = (one*random.random() + j*random.random())/2 # identity in Wittaker, Watson &21.41 a = jtheta(1, 0, q, 1) b = jtheta(2, 0, q)*jtheta(3, 0, q)*jtheta(4, 0, q) assert(a.ae(b)) # test higher derivatives mp.dps = 20 for q,z in [(one/3, one/5), (one/3 + j/8, one/5), (one/3, one/5 + j/8), (one/3 + j/7, one/5 + j/8)]: for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]: r = jtheta(n, z, q, 2) r1 = diff(lambda zz: jtheta(n, zz, q), z, n=2) assert r.ae(r1) r = jtheta(n, z, q, 3) r1 = diff(lambda zz: jtheta(n, zz, q), z, n=3) assert r.ae(r1) # identity in Wittaker, Watson &21.41 q = one/3 z = zero a = [0]*5 a[1] = jtheta(1, z, q, 3)/jtheta(1, z, q, 1) for n in [2,3,4]: a[n] = jtheta(n, z, q, 2)/jtheta(n, z, q) equality = a[2] + a[3] + a[4] - a[1] assert(equality.ae(0)) mp.dps = 15 def test_jsn(): """ Test some special cases of the sn(z, q) function. """ mp.dps = 100 # trival case result = jsn(zero, zero) assert(result == zero) # Abramowitz Table 16.5 # # sn(0, m) = 0 for i in range(10): qstring = str(random.random()) q = mpf(qstring) equality = jsn(zero, q) assert(equality.ae(0)) # Abramowitz Table 16.6.1 # # sn(z, 0) = sin(z), m == 0 # # sn(z, 1) = tanh(z), m == 1 # # It would be nice to test these, but I find that they run # in to numerical trouble. I'm currently treating as a boundary # case for sn function. mp.dps = 25 arg = one/10 #N[JacobiSN[1/10, 2^-100], 25] res = mpf('0.09983341664682815230681420') m = ldexp(one, -100) result = jsn(arg, m) assert(result.ae(res)) # N[JacobiSN[1/10, 1/10], 25] res = mpf('0.09981686718599080096451168') result = jsn(arg, arg) assert(result.ae(res)) mp.dps = 15 def test_jcn(): """ Test some special cases of the cn(z, q) function. """ mp.dps = 100 # Abramowitz Table 16.5 # cn(0, q) = 1 qstring = str(random.random()) q = mpf(qstring) cn = jcn(zero, q) assert(cn.ae(one)) # Abramowitz Table 16.6.2 # # cn(u, 0) = cos(u), m == 0 # # cn(u, 1) = sech(z), m == 1 # # It would be nice to test these, but I find that they run # in to numerical trouble. I'm currently treating as a boundary # case for cn function. mp.dps = 25 arg = one/10 m = ldexp(one, -100) #N[JacobiCN[1/10, 2^-100], 25] res = mpf('0.9950041652780257660955620') result = jcn(arg, m) assert(result.ae(res)) # N[JacobiCN[1/10, 1/10], 25] res = mpf('0.9950058256237368748520459') result = jcn(arg, arg) assert(result.ae(res)) mp.dps = 15 def test_jdn(): """ Test some special cases of the dn(z, q) function. """ mp.dps = 100 # Abramowitz Table 16.5 # dn(0, q) = 1 mstring = str(random.random()) m = mpf(mstring) dn = jdn(zero, m) assert(dn.ae(one)) mp.dps = 25 # N[JacobiDN[1/10, 1/10], 25] res = mpf('0.9995017055025556219713297') arg = one/10 result = jdn(arg, arg) assert(result.ae(res)) mp.dps = 15 def test_sn_cn_dn_identities(): """ Tests the some of the jacobi elliptic function identities found on Mathworld. Haven't found in Abramowitz. """ mp.dps = 100 N = 5 for i in range(N): qstring = str(random.random()) q = mpf(qstring) zstring = str(100*random.random()) z = mpf(zstring) # MathWorld # sn(z, q)**2 + cn(z, q)**2 == 1 term1 = jsn(z, q)**2 term2 = jcn(z, q)**2 equality = one - term1 - term2 assert(equality.ae(0)) # MathWorld # k**2 * sn(z, m)**2 + dn(z, m)**2 == 1 for i in range(N): mstring = str(random.random()) m = mpf(qstring) k = m.sqrt() zstring = str(10*random.random()) z = mpf(zstring) term1 = k**2 * jsn(z, m)**2 term2 = jdn(z, m)**2 equality = one - term1 - term2 assert(equality.ae(0)) for i in range(N): mstring = str(random.random()) m = mpf(mstring) k = m.sqrt() zstring = str(random.random()) z = mpf(zstring) # MathWorld # k**2 * cn(z, m)**2 + (1 - k**2) = dn(z, m)**2 term1 = k**2 * jcn(z, m)**2 term2 = 1 - k**2 term3 = jdn(z, m)**2 equality = term3 - term1 - term2 assert(equality.ae(0)) K = ellipk(k**2) # Abramowitz Table 16.5 # sn(K, m) = 1; K is K(k), first complete elliptic integral r = jsn(K, m) assert(r.ae(one)) # Abramowitz Table 16.5 # cn(K, q) = 0; K is K(k), first complete elliptic integral equality = jcn(K, m) assert(equality.ae(0)) # Abramowitz Table 16.6.3 # dn(z, 0) = 1, m == 0 z = m value = jdn(z, zero) assert(value.ae(one)) mp.dps = 15 def test_sn_cn_dn_complex(): mp.dps = 30 # N[JacobiSN[1/4 + I/8, 1/3 + I/7], 35] in Mathematica res = mpf('0.2495674401066275492326652143537') + \ mpf('0.12017344422863833381301051702823') * j u = mpf(1)/4 + j/8 m = mpf(1)/3 + j/7 r = jsn(u, m) assert(mpc_ae(r, res)) #N[JacobiCN[1/4 + I/8, 1/3 + I/7], 35] res = mpf('0.9762691700944007312693721148331') - \ mpf('0.0307203994181623243583169154824')*j r = jcn(u, m) #assert r.real.ae(res.real) #assert r.imag.ae(res.imag) assert(mpc_ae(r, res)) #N[JacobiDN[1/4 + I/8, 1/3 + I/7], 35] res = mpf('0.99639490163039577560547478589753039') - \ mpf('0.01346296520008176393432491077244994')*j r = jdn(u, m) assert(mpc_ae(r, res)) mp.dps = 15 def test_elliptic_integrals(): # Test cases from Carlson's paper mp.dps = 15 assert elliprd(0,2,1).ae(1.7972103521033883112) assert elliprd(2,3,4).ae(0.16510527294261053349) assert elliprd(j,-j,2).ae(0.65933854154219768919) assert elliprd(0,j,-j).ae(1.2708196271909686299 + 2.7811120159520578777j) assert elliprd(0,j-1,j).ae(-1.8577235439239060056 - 0.96193450888838559989j) assert elliprd(-2-j,-j,-1+j).ae(1.8249027393703805305 - 1.2218475784827035855j) for n in [5, 15, 30, 60, 100]: mp.dps = n assert elliprf(1,2,0).ae('1.3110287771460599052324197949455597068413774757158115814084108519003952935352071251151477664807145467230678763') assert elliprf(0.5,1,0).ae('1.854074677301371918433850347195260046217598823521766905585928045056021776838119978357271861650371897277771871') assert elliprf(j,-j,0).ae('1.854074677301371918433850347195260046217598823521766905585928045056021776838119978357271861650371897277771871') assert elliprf(j-1,j,0).ae(mpc('0.79612586584233913293056938229563057846592264089185680214929401744498956943287031832657642790719940442165621412', '-1.2138566698364959864300942567386038975419875860741507618279563735753073152507112254567291141460317931258599889')) assert elliprf(2,3,4).ae('0.58408284167715170669284916892566789240351359699303216166309375305508295130412919665541330837704050454472379308') assert elliprf(j,-j,2).ae('1.0441445654064360931078658361850779139591660747973017593275012615517220315993723776182276555339288363064476126') assert elliprf(j-1,j,1-j).ae(mpc('0.93912050218619371196624617169781141161485651998254431830645241993282941057500174238125105410055253623847335313', '-0.53296252018635269264859303449447908970360344322834582313172115220559316331271520508208025270300138589669326136')) assert elliprc(0,0.25).ae(+pi) assert elliprc(2.25,2).ae(+ln2) assert elliprc(0,j).ae(mpc('1.1107207345395915617539702475151734246536554223439225557713489017391086982748684776438317336911913093408525532', '-1.1107207345395915617539702475151734246536554223439225557713489017391086982748684776438317336911913093408525532')) assert elliprc(-j,j).ae(mpc('1.2260849569072198222319655083097718755633725139745941606203839524036426936825652935738621522906572884239069297', '-0.34471136988767679699935618332997956653521218571295874986708834375026550946053920574015526038040124556716711353')) assert elliprc(0.25,-2).ae(ln2/3) assert elliprc(j,-1).ae(mpc('0.77778596920447389875196055840799837589537035343923012237628610795937014001905822029050288316217145443865649819', '0.1983248499342877364755170948292130095921681309577950696116251029742793455964385947473103628983664877025779304')) assert elliprj(0,1,2,3).ae('0.77688623778582332014190282640545501102298064276022952731669118325952563819813258230708177398475643634103990878') assert elliprj(2,3,4,5).ae('0.14297579667156753833233879421985774801466647854232626336218889885463800128817976132826443904216546421431528308') assert elliprj(2,3,4,-1+j).ae(mpc('0.13613945827770535203521374457913768360237593025944342652613569368333226052158214183059386307242563164036672709', '-0.38207561624427164249600936454845112611060375760094156571007648297226090050927156176977091273224510621553615189')) assert elliprj(j,-j,0,2).ae('1.6490011662710884518243257224860232300246792717163891216346170272567376981346412066066050103935109581019055806') assert elliprj(-1+j,-1-j,1,2).ae('0.94148358841220238083044612133767270187474673547917988681610772381758628963408843935027667916713866133196845063') assert elliprj(j,-j,0,1-j).ae(mpc('1.8260115229009316249372594065790946657011067182850435297162034335356430755397401849070610280860044610878657501', '1.2290661908643471500163617732957042849283739403009556715926326841959667290840290081010472716420690899886276961')) assert elliprj(-1+j,-1-j,1,-3+j).ae(mpc('-0.61127970812028172123588152373622636829986597243716610650831553882054127570542477508023027578037045504958619422', '-1.0684038390006807880182112972232562745485871763154040245065581157751693730095703406209466903752930797510491155')) assert elliprj(-1+j,-2-j,-j,-1+j).ae(mpc('1.8249027393703805304622013339009022294368078659619988943515764258335975852685224202567854526307030593012768954', '-1.2218475784827035854568450371590419833166777535029296025352291308244564398645467465067845461070602841312456831')) assert elliprg(0,16,16).ae(+pi) assert elliprg(2,3,4).ae('1.7255030280692277601061148835701141842692457170470456590515892070736643637303053506944907685301315299153040991') assert elliprg(0,j,-j).ae('0.42360654239698954330324956174109581824072295516347109253028968632986700241706737986160014699730561497106114281') assert elliprg(j-1,j,0).ae(mpc('0.44660591677018372656731970402124510811555212083508861036067729944477855594654762496407405328607219895053798354', '0.70768352357515390073102719507612395221369717586839400605901402910893345301718731499237159587077682267374159282')) assert elliprg(-j,j-1,j).ae(mpc('0.36023392184473309033675652092928695596803358846377334894215349632203382573844427952830064383286995172598964266', '0.40348623401722113740956336997761033878615232917480045914551915169013722542827052849476969199578321834819903921')) assert elliprg(0, mpf('0.0796'), 4).ae('1.0284758090288040009838871385180217366569777284430590125081211090574701293154645750017813190805144572673802094') mp.dps = 15 def test_issue_238(): assert isnan(qfrom(m=nan))