""" Torture tests for asymptotics and high precision evaluation of special functions. (Other torture tests may also be placed here.) Running this file (gmpy and psyco recommended!) takes several CPU minutes. With Python 2.6+, multiprocessing is used automatically to run tests in parallel if many cores are available. (A single test may take between a second and several minutes; possibly more.) The idea: * We evaluate functions at positive, negative, imaginary, 45- and 135-degree complex values with magnitudes between 10^-20 to 10^20, at precisions between 5 and 150 digits (we can go even higher for fast functions). * Comparing the result from two different precision levels provides a strong consistency check (particularly for functions that use different algorithms at different precision levels). * That the computation finishes at all (without failure), within reasonable time, provides a check that evaluation works at all: that the code runs, that it doesn't get stuck in an infinite loop, and that it doesn't use some extremely slowly algorithm where it could use a faster one. TODO: * Speed up those functions that take long to finish! * Generalize to test more cases; more options. * Implement a timeout mechanism. * Some functions are notably absent, including the following: * inverse trigonometric functions (some become inaccurate for complex arguments) * ci, si (not implemented properly for large complex arguments) * zeta functions (need to modify test not to try too large imaginary values) * and others... """ import sys, os from timeit import default_timer as clock if "-psyco" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('-psyco') import psyco psyco.full() if "-nogmpy" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('-nogmpy') os.environ['MPMATH_NOGMPY'] = 'Y' filt = '' if not sys.argv[-1].endswith(".py"): filt = sys.argv[-1] from mpmath import * from mpmath.libmp.backend import exec_ def test_asymp(f, maxdps=150, verbose=False, huge_range=False): dps = [5,15,25,50,90,150,500,1500,5000,10000] dps = [p for p in dps if p <= maxdps] def check(x,y,p,inpt): if abs(x-y)/abs(y) < workprec(20)(power)(10, -p+1): return print() print("Error!") print("Input:", inpt) print("dps =", p) print("Result 1:", x) print("Result 2:", y) print("Absolute error:", abs(x-y)) print("Relative error:", abs(x-y)/abs(y)) raise AssertionError exponents = range(-20,20) if huge_range: exponents += [-1000, -100, -50, 50, 100, 1000] for n in exponents: if verbose: sys.stdout.write(". ") mp.dps = 25 xpos = mpf(10)**n / 1.1287 xneg = -xpos ximag = xpos*j xcomplex1 = xpos*(1+j) xcomplex2 = xpos*(-1+j) for i in range(len(dps)): if verbose: print("Testing dps = %s" % dps[i]) mp.dps = dps[i] new = f(xpos), f(xneg), f(ximag), f(xcomplex1), f(xcomplex2) if i != 0: p = dps[i-1] check(prev[0], new[0], p, xpos) check(prev[1], new[1], p, xneg) check(prev[2], new[2], p, ximag) check(prev[3], new[3], p, xcomplex1) check(prev[4], new[4], p, xcomplex2) prev = new if verbose: print() a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = 1.5, -2.25, 3.125, 4, 2 def test_bernoulli_huge(): p, q = bernfrac(9000) assert p % 10**10 == 9636701091 assert q == 4091851784687571609141381951327092757255270 mp.dps = 15 assert str(bernoulli(10**100)) == '-2.58183325604736e+987675256497386331227838638980680030172857347883537824464410652557820800494271520411283004120790908623' mp.dps = 50 assert str(bernoulli(10**100)) == '-2.5818332560473632073252488656039475548106223822913e+987675256497386331227838638980680030172857347883537824464410652557820800494271520411283004120790908623' mp.dps = 15 cases = """\ test_bernoulli_huge() test_asymp(lambda z: +pi, maxdps=10000) test_asymp(lambda z: +e, maxdps=10000) test_asymp(lambda z: +ln2, maxdps=10000) test_asymp(lambda z: +ln10, maxdps=10000) test_asymp(lambda z: +phi, maxdps=10000) test_asymp(lambda z: +catalan, maxdps=5000) test_asymp(lambda z: +euler, maxdps=5000) test_asymp(lambda z: +glaisher, maxdps=1000) test_asymp(lambda z: +khinchin, maxdps=1000) test_asymp(lambda z: +twinprime, maxdps=150) test_asymp(lambda z: stieltjes(2), maxdps=150) test_asymp(lambda z: +mertens, maxdps=150) test_asymp(lambda z: +apery, maxdps=5000) test_asymp(sqrt, maxdps=10000, huge_range=True) test_asymp(cbrt, maxdps=5000, huge_range=True) test_asymp(lambda z: root(z,4), maxdps=5000, huge_range=True) test_asymp(lambda z: root(z,-5), maxdps=5000, huge_range=True) test_asymp(exp, maxdps=5000, huge_range=True) test_asymp(expm1, maxdps=1500) test_asymp(ln, maxdps=5000, huge_range=True) test_asymp(cosh, maxdps=5000) test_asymp(sinh, maxdps=5000) test_asymp(tanh, maxdps=1500) test_asymp(sin, maxdps=5000, huge_range=True) test_asymp(cos, maxdps=5000, huge_range=True) test_asymp(tan, maxdps=1500) test_asymp(agm, maxdps=1500, huge_range=True) test_asymp(ellipk, maxdps=1500) test_asymp(ellipe, maxdps=1500) test_asymp(lambertw, huge_range=True) test_asymp(lambda z: lambertw(z,-1)) test_asymp(lambda z: lambertw(z,1)) test_asymp(lambda z: lambertw(z,4)) test_asymp(gamma) test_asymp(loggamma) # huge_range=True ? test_asymp(ei) test_asymp(e1) test_asymp(li, huge_range=True) test_asymp(ci) test_asymp(si) test_asymp(chi) test_asymp(shi) test_asymp(erf) test_asymp(erfc) test_asymp(erfi) test_asymp(lambda z: besselj(2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: bessely(2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: besseli(2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: besselk(2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: besselj(-2.25, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: bessely(-2.25, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: besseli(-2.25, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: besselk(-2.25, z)) test_asymp(airyai) test_asymp(airybi) test_asymp(lambda z: hyp0f1(a1, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: hyp1f1(a1, a2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: hyp1f2(a1, a2, a3, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: hyp2f0(a1, a2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: hyperu(a1, a2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: hyp2f1(a1, a2, a3, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: hyp2f2(a1, a2, a3, a4, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: hyp2f3(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: coulombf(a1, a2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: coulombg(a1, a2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: polylog(2,z)) test_asymp(lambda z: polylog(3,z)) test_asymp(lambda z: polylog(-2,z)) test_asymp(lambda z: expint(4, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: expint(-4, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: expint(2.25, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: gammainc(2.5, z, 5)) test_asymp(lambda z: gammainc(2.5, 5, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: hermite(3, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: hermite(2.5, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: legendre(3, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: legendre(4, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: legendre(2.5, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: legenp(a1, a2, z)) test_asymp(lambda z: legenq(a1, a2, z), maxdps=90) # abnormally slow test_asymp(lambda z: jtheta(1, z, 0.5)) test_asymp(lambda z: jtheta(2, z, 0.5)) test_asymp(lambda z: jtheta(3, z, 0.5)) test_asymp(lambda z: jtheta(4, z, 0.5)) test_asymp(lambda z: jtheta(1, z, 0.5, 1)) test_asymp(lambda z: jtheta(2, z, 0.5, 1)) test_asymp(lambda z: jtheta(3, z, 0.5, 1)) test_asymp(lambda z: jtheta(4, z, 0.5, 1)) test_asymp(barnesg, maxdps=90) """ def testit(line): if filt in line: print(line) t1 = clock() exec_(line, globals(), locals()) t2 = clock() elapsed = t2-t1 print("Time:", elapsed, "for", line, "(OK)") if __name__ == '__main__': try: from multiprocessing import Pool mapf = Pool(None).map print("Running tests with multiprocessing") except ImportError: print("Not using multiprocessing") mapf = map t1 = clock() tasks = cases.splitlines() mapf(testit, tasks) t2 = clock() print("Cumulative wall time:", t2-t1)