"""Utility for calling pandoc""" # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import subprocess import warnings import re from io import TextIOWrapper, BytesIO from nbconvert.utils.version import check_version from ipython_genutils.py3compat import cast_bytes, which from .exceptions import ConversionException _minimal_version = "1.12.1" def pandoc(source, fmt, to, extra_args=None, encoding='utf-8'): """Convert an input string using pandoc. Pandoc converts an input string `from` a format `to` a target format. Parameters ---------- source : string Input string, assumed to be valid format `from`. fmt : string The name of the input format (markdown, etc.) to : string The name of the output format (html, etc.) Returns ------- out : unicode Output as returned by pandoc. Raises ------ PandocMissing If pandoc is not installed. Any error messages generated by pandoc are printed to stderr. """ cmd = ['pandoc', '-f', fmt, '-t', to] if extra_args: cmd.extend(extra_args) # this will raise an exception that will pop us out of here check_pandoc_version() # we can safely continue p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = p.communicate(cast_bytes(source, encoding)) out = TextIOWrapper(BytesIO(out), encoding, 'replace').read() return out.rstrip('\n') def get_pandoc_version(): """Gets the Pandoc version if Pandoc is installed. If the minimal version is not met, it will probe Pandoc for its version, cache it and return that value. If the minimal version is met, it will return the cached version and stop probing Pandoc (unless :func:`clean_cache()` is called). Raises ------ PandocMissing If pandoc is unavailable. """ global __version if __version is None: if not which('pandoc'): raise PandocMissing() out = subprocess.check_output(['pandoc', '-v'], universal_newlines=True) out_lines = out.splitlines() version_pattern = re.compile(r"^\d+(\.\d+){1,}$") for tok in out_lines[0].split(): if version_pattern.match(tok): __version = tok break return __version def check_pandoc_version(): """Returns True if pandoc's version meets at least minimal version. Raises ------ PandocMissing If pandoc is unavailable. """ v = get_pandoc_version() if v is None: warnings.warn("Sorry, we cannot determine the version of pandoc.\n" "Please consider reporting this issue and include the" "output of pandoc --version.\nContinuing...", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) return False ok = check_version(v , _minimal_version ) if not ok: warnings.warn( "You are using an old version of pandoc (%s)\n" % v + "Recommended version is %s.\nTry updating." % _minimal_version + "http://pandoc.org/installing.html.\nContinuing with doubts...", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) return ok #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Exception handling #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PandocMissing(ConversionException): """Exception raised when Pandoc is missing.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PandocMissing, self).__init__( "Pandoc wasn't found.\n" + "Please check that pandoc is installed:\n" + "http://pandoc.org/installing.html" ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal state management #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clean_cache(): global __version __version = None __version = None