# encoding: utf-8 """ Utilities for getting information about Jupyter and the system it's running in. """ # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from __future__ import absolute_import import os import platform import pprint import sys import subprocess from ipython_genutils import py3compat, encoding import notebook def pkg_commit_hash(pkg_path): """Get short form of commit hash given directory `pkg_path` We get the commit hash from git if it's a repo. If this fail, we return a not-found placeholder tuple Parameters ---------- pkg_path : str directory containing package only used for getting commit from active repo Returns ------- hash_from : str Where we got the hash from - description hash_str : str short form of hash """ # maybe we are in a repository, check for a .git folder p = os.path cur_path = None par_path = pkg_path while cur_path != par_path: cur_path = par_path if p.exists(p.join(cur_path, '.git')): proc = subprocess.Popen('git rev-parse --short HEAD', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=pkg_path, shell=True) repo_commit, _ = proc.communicate() if repo_commit: return 'repository', repo_commit.strip().decode('ascii') else: return u'', u'' par_path = p.dirname(par_path) return u'', u'' def pkg_info(pkg_path): """Return dict describing the context of this package Parameters ---------- pkg_path : str path containing __init__.py for package Returns ------- context : dict with named parameters of interest """ src, hsh = pkg_commit_hash(pkg_path) return dict( notebook_version=notebook.__version__, notebook_path=pkg_path, commit_source=src, commit_hash=hsh, sys_version=sys.version, sys_executable=sys.executable, sys_platform=sys.platform, platform=platform.platform(), os_name=os.name, default_encoding=encoding.DEFAULT_ENCODING, ) def get_sys_info(): """Return useful information about the system as a dict.""" p = os.path path = p.realpath(p.dirname(p.abspath(p.join(notebook.__file__)))) return pkg_info(path)