from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from .regex import RegexDispatcher

__all__ = 'resource'

resource = RegexDispatcher('resource')

@resource.register('.*', priority=1)
def resource_all(uri, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Refer to data by strings

    Translate a string pointing to data into a Python object pointing to that

    Filenames for common formats are valid URIs

    >>> resource('myfile.csv')  # doctest: +SKIP
    <odo.CSV ...>

    Database connection strings may embed connection information

    >>> resource('postgresql://user:pass@hostname/db::tablename')  # doctest: +SKIP
    Table('tablename', MetaData(bind=Engine(postgres://...  ... )))

    When possible ``resource`` returns an object from another popular library.
    In the case above ``resource`` gives you a ``sqlalchemy.Table`` object.

    What kinds of strings does resource support?

    Filenames with common formats as well as collections of those files

        myfile.csv - CSV files
        myfile.txt - Text files
        myfile.json - JSON and line-delimited JSON
        myfile.*.csv - Collections of files

    Some files, like HDF5 files or sqlite files, require a second piece of
    information, like a datapath or tablename.  We use the separator ``::`` in
    these cases.


    Many systems use protocols like ``sqlite://`` to specify additional
    information.  We also use these to disambiguate when one file format, like
    HDF5, might have several possible internal formats, like standard HDF5 or
    Pandas' HDFStore


    or JSON vs JSON-lines


    These strings are defined as regular expressions.  See ``resource.funcs``
    to see what your installation currently supports.

    >>> resource.funcs  # doctest: +SKIP
    {'.+\.csv)(\.gz|\.bz)?': <function odo.backends.csv.resource_csv>,
     '.+\.json)(\.gz|\.bz)?': <function odo.backends.json.resource_json>,
     '\w+sql\s+://.+': <function odo.backends.sql.resource_sql>,

    Relation with ``odo``

    The main ``odo`` function uses ``resource`` to resolve string URIs.

    The following call:

    >>> odo('some-sorce', target)  # doctest: +SKIP

    is shorthand for the following:

    >>> odo(resource('some-sorce'), target)  # doctest: +SKIP

    Create datasets with resource

    Resource can also create new datasets by provding a datashape

    >>> resource('myfile.hdf5::/data', dshape='1000 * 1000 * float32')  # doctest: +SKIP
    <HDF5 dataset "data": shape (1000, 1000), type "<f4">

    To learn more about datashapes see the function ``discover``

    See Also

    raise NotImplementedError("Unable to parse uri to data resource: " + uri)

@resource.register('.+::.+', priority=15)
def resource_split(uri, *args, **kwargs):
    uri, other = uri.rsplit('::', 1)
    return resource(uri, other, *args, **kwargs)