from __future__ import absolute_import # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 openpyxl from openpyxl.styles.colors import Color, BLACK, WHITE from openpyxl.utils.units import ( pixels_to_EMU, EMU_to_pixels, short_color, ) from openpyxl.compat import deprecated from openpyxl.xml.functions import Element, SubElement, tostring from openpyxl.xml.constants import ( DRAWING_NS, SHEET_DRAWING_NS, CHART_NS, CHART_DRAWING_NS, PKG_REL_NS ) from openpyxl.compat.strings import safe_string class Shape(object): """ a drawing inside a chart coordiantes are specified by the user in the axis units """ MARGIN_LEFT = 6 + 13 + 1 MARGIN_BOTTOM = 17 + 11 FONT_WIDTH = 7 FONT_HEIGHT = 8 ROUND_RECT = 'roundRect' RECT = 'rect' # other shapes to define : ''' "line" "lineInv" "triangle" "rtTriangle" "diamond" "parallelogram" "trapezoid" "nonIsoscelesTrapezoid" "pentagon" "hexagon" "heptagon" "octagon" "decagon" "dodecagon" "star4" "star5" "star6" "star7" "star8" "star10" "star12" "star16" "star24" "star32" "roundRect" "round1Rect" "round2SameRect" "round2DiagRect" "snipRoundRect" "snip1Rect" "snip2SameRect" "snip2DiagRect" "plaque" "ellipse" "teardrop" "homePlate" "chevron" "pieWedge" "pie" "blockArc" "donut" "noSmoking" "rightArrow" "leftArrow" "upArrow" "downArrow" "stripedRightArrow" "notchedRightArrow" "bentUpArrow" "leftRightArrow" "upDownArrow" "leftUpArrow" "leftRightUpArrow" "quadArrow" "leftArrowCallout" "rightArrowCallout" "upArrowCallout" "downArrowCallout" "leftRightArrowCallout" "upDownArrowCallout" "quadArrowCallout" "bentArrow" "uturnArrow" "circularArrow" "leftCircularArrow" "leftRightCircularArrow" "curvedRightArrow" "curvedLeftArrow" "curvedUpArrow" "curvedDownArrow" "swooshArrow" "cube" "can" "lightningBolt" "heart" "sun" "moon" "smileyFace" "irregularSeal1" "irregularSeal2" "foldedCorner" "bevel" "frame" "halfFrame" "corner" "diagStripe" "chord" "arc" "leftBracket" "rightBracket" "leftBrace" "rightBrace" "bracketPair" "bracePair" "straightConnector1" "bentConnector2" "bentConnector3" "bentConnector4" "bentConnector5" "curvedConnector2" "curvedConnector3" "curvedConnector4" "curvedConnector5" "callout1" "callout2" "callout3" "accentCallout1" "accentCallout2" "accentCallout3" "borderCallout1" "borderCallout2" "borderCallout3" "accentBorderCallout1" "accentBorderCallout2" "accentBorderCallout3" "wedgeRectCallout" "wedgeRoundRectCallout" "wedgeEllipseCallout" "cloudCallout" "cloud" "ribbon" "ribbon2" "ellipseRibbon" "ellipseRibbon2" "leftRightRibbon" "verticalScroll" "horizontalScroll" "wave" "doubleWave" "plus" "flowChartProcess" "flowChartDecision" "flowChartInputOutput" "flowChartPredefinedProcess" "flowChartInternalStorage" "flowChartDocument" "flowChartMultidocument" "flowChartTerminator" "flowChartPreparation" "flowChartManualInput" "flowChartManualOperation" "flowChartConnector" "flowChartPunchedCard" "flowChartPunchedTape" "flowChartSummingJunction" "flowChartOr" "flowChartCollate" "flowChartSort" "flowChartExtract" "flowChartMerge" "flowChartOfflineStorage" "flowChartOnlineStorage" "flowChartMagneticTape" "flowChartMagneticDisk" "flowChartMagneticDrum" "flowChartDisplay" "flowChartDelay" "flowChartAlternateProcess" "flowChartOffpageConnector" "actionButtonBlank" "actionButtonHome" "actionButtonHelp" "actionButtonInformation" "actionButtonForwardNext" "actionButtonBackPrevious" "actionButtonEnd" "actionButtonBeginning" "actionButtonReturn" "actionButtonDocument" "actionButtonSound" "actionButtonMovie" "gear6" "gear9" "funnel" "mathPlus" "mathMinus" "mathMultiply" "mathDivide" "mathEqual" "mathNotEqual" "cornerTabs" "squareTabs" "plaqueTabs" "chartX" "chartStar" "chartPlus" ''' @deprecated("Chart Drawings need a complete rewrite") def __init__(self, chart, coordinates=((0, 0), (1, 1)), text=None, scheme="accent1"): self.chart = chart self.coordinates = coordinates # in axis units self.text = text self.scheme = scheme = Shape.RECT self.border_width = 0 self.border_color = BLACK # "F3B3C5" self.color = WHITE self.text_color = BLACK @property def border_color(self): return self._border_color @border_color.setter def border_color(self, color): self._border_color = short_color(color) @property def color(self): return self._color @color.setter def color(self, color): self._color = short_color(color) @property def text_color(self): return self._text_color @text_color.setter def text_color(self, color): self._text_color = short_color(color) @property def border_width(self): return self._border_width @border_width.setter def border_width(self, w): self._border_width = w @property def coordinates(self): """Return coordindates in axis units""" return self._coordinates @coordinates.setter def coordinates(self, coords): """ set shape coordinates in percentages (left, top, right, bottom) """ # this needs refactoring to reflect changes in charts self.axis_coordinates = coords (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = coords # bottom left, top right drawing_width = pixels_to_EMU(self.chart.drawing.width) drawing_height = pixels_to_EMU(self.chart.drawing.height) plot_width = drawing_width * self.chart.width plot_height = drawing_height * self.chart.height margin_left = self.chart._get_margin_left() * drawing_width xunit = plot_width / self.chart.get_x_units() margin_top = self.chart._get_margin_top() * drawing_height yunit = self.chart.get_y_units() x_start = (margin_left + (float(x1) * xunit)) / drawing_width y_start = ((margin_top + plot_height - (float(y1) * yunit)) / drawing_height) x_end = (margin_left + (float(x2) * xunit)) / drawing_width y_end = ((margin_top + plot_height - (float(y2) * yunit)) / drawing_height) # allow user to specify y's in whatever order # excel expect y_end to be lower if y_end < y_start: y_end, y_start = y_start, y_end self._coordinates = ( self._norm_pct(x_start), self._norm_pct(y_start), self._norm_pct(x_end), self._norm_pct(y_end) ) @staticmethod def _norm_pct(pct): """ force shapes to appear by truncating too large sizes """ if pct > 1: return 1 elif pct < 0: return 0 return pct class ShapeWriter(object): """ one file per shape """ def __init__(self, shapes): self._shapes = shapes def write(self, shape_id): root = Element('{%s}userShapes' % CHART_NS) for shape in self._shapes: anchor = SubElement(root, '{%s}relSizeAnchor' % CHART_DRAWING_NS) xstart, ystart, xend, yend = shape.coordinates _from = SubElement(anchor, '{%s}from' % CHART_DRAWING_NS) SubElement(_from, '{%s}x' % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(xstart) SubElement(_from, '{%s}y' % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(ystart) _to = SubElement(anchor, '{%s}to' % CHART_DRAWING_NS) SubElement(_to, '{%s}x' % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(xend) SubElement(_to, '{%s}y' % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(yend) sp = SubElement(anchor, '{%s}sp' % CHART_DRAWING_NS, {'macro':'', 'textlink':''}) nvspr = SubElement(sp, '{%s}nvSpPr' % CHART_DRAWING_NS) SubElement(nvspr, '{%s}cNvPr' % CHART_DRAWING_NS, {'id':str(shape_id), 'name':'shape %s' % shape_id}) SubElement(nvspr, '{%s}cNvSpPr' % CHART_DRAWING_NS) sppr = SubElement(sp, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_DRAWING_NS) frm = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}xfrm' % DRAWING_NS,) # no transformation SubElement(frm, '{%s}off' % DRAWING_NS, {'x':'0', 'y':'0'}) SubElement(frm, '{%s}ext' % DRAWING_NS, {'cx':'0', 'cy':'0'}) prstgeom = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}prstGeom' % DRAWING_NS, {'prst':str(}) SubElement(prstgeom, '{%s}avLst' % DRAWING_NS) fill = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS, ) SubElement(fill, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val':shape.color}) border = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}ln' % DRAWING_NS, {'w':str(shape._border_width)}) sf = SubElement(border, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS) SubElement(sf, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val':shape.border_color}) self._write_style(sp) self._write_text(sp, shape) shape_id += 1 return tostring(root) def _write_text(self, node, shape): """ write text in the shape """ tx_body = SubElement(node, '{%s}txBody' % CHART_DRAWING_NS) SubElement(tx_body, '{%s}bodyPr' % DRAWING_NS, {'vertOverflow':'clip'}) SubElement(tx_body, '{%s}lstStyle' % DRAWING_NS) p = SubElement(tx_body, '{%s}p' % DRAWING_NS) if shape.text: r = SubElement(p, '{%s}r' % DRAWING_NS) rpr = SubElement(r, '{%s}rPr' % DRAWING_NS, {'lang':'en-US'}) fill = SubElement(rpr, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS) SubElement(fill, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val':shape.text_color}) SubElement(r, '{%s}t' % DRAWING_NS).text = shape.text else: SubElement(p, '{%s}endParaRPr' % DRAWING_NS, {'lang':'en-US'}) def _write_style(self, node): """ write style theme """ style = SubElement(node, '{%s}style' % CHART_DRAWING_NS) ln_ref = SubElement(style, '{%s}lnRef' % DRAWING_NS, {'idx':'2'}) scheme_clr = SubElement(ln_ref, '{%s}schemeClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val':'accent1'}) SubElement(scheme_clr, '{%s}shade' % DRAWING_NS, {'val':'50000'}) fill_ref = SubElement(style, '{%s}fillRef' % DRAWING_NS, {'idx':'1'}) SubElement(fill_ref, '{%s}schemeClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val':'accent1'}) effect_ref = SubElement(style, '{%s}effectRef' % DRAWING_NS, {'idx':'0'}) SubElement(effect_ref, '{%s}schemeClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val':'accent1'}) font_ref = SubElement(style, '{%s}fontRef' % DRAWING_NS, {'idx':'minor'}) SubElement(font_ref, '{%s}schemeClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val':'lt1'})