from __future__ import absolute_import # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 openpyxl """Read in global settings to be maintained by the workbook object.""" # package imports from openpyxl.xml.functions import fromstring, safe_iterator from openpyxl.xml.constants import ( DCORE_NS, COREPROPS_NS, DCTERMS_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS, CONTYPES_NS, PKG_REL_NS, REL_NS, ARC_CONTENT_TYPES, ARC_WORKBOOK, ARC_WORKBOOK_RELS, WORKSHEET_TYPE, EXTERNAL_LINK, ) from openpyxl.workbook import DocumentProperties from openpyxl.utils.datetime import ( CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900, CALENDAR_MAC_1904 ) from openpyxl.workbook.names.named_range import ( NamedRange, NamedValue, split_named_range, refers_to_range, external_range, ) import datetime import re # constants VALID_WORKSHEET = WORKSHEET_TYPE def read_excel_base_date(archive): src = root = fromstring(src) wbPr = root.find('{%s}workbookPr' % SHEET_MAIN_NS) if wbPr is not None and wbPr.get('date1904') in ('1', 'true'): return CALENDAR_MAC_1904 return CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900 def read_content_types(archive): """Read content types.""" xml_source = root = fromstring(xml_source) contents_root = root.findall('{%s}Override' % CONTYPES_NS) for type in contents_root: yield type.get('ContentType'), type.get('PartName') def read_rels(archive): """Read relationships for a workbook""" xml_source = tree = fromstring(xml_source) for element in safe_iterator(tree, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS): rId = element.get('Id') pth = element.get("Target") typ = element.get('Type') # normalise path if pth.startswith("/xl"): pth = pth.replace("/xl", "xl") elif not pth.startswith("xl") and not pth.startswith(".."): pth = "xl/" + pth yield rId, {'path':pth, 'type':typ} def read_sheets(archive): """Read worksheet titles and ids for a workbook""" xml_source = tree = fromstring(xml_source) for element in safe_iterator(tree, '{%s}sheet' % SHEET_MAIN_NS): attrib = element.attrib attrib['id'] = attrib["{%s}id" % REL_NS] del attrib["{%s}id" % REL_NS] if attrib['id']: yield attrib def detect_worksheets(archive): """Return a list of worksheets""" # content types has a list of paths but no titles # workbook has a list of titles and relIds but no paths # workbook_rels has a list of relIds and paths but no titles # rels = {'id':{'title':'', 'path':''} } content_types = read_content_types(archive) valid_sheets = dict((path, ct) for ct, path in content_types if ct == VALID_WORKSHEET) rels = dict(read_rels(archive)) for sheet in read_sheets(archive): rel = rels[sheet['id']] rel['title'] = sheet['name'] rel['sheet_id'] = sheet['sheetId'] rel['state'] = sheet.get('state', 'visible') if ("/" + rel['path'] in valid_sheets or "worksheets" in rel['path']): # fallback in case content type is missing yield rel def detect_external_links(archive): rels = read_rels(archive) for rId, d in rels: if d['type'] == EXTERNAL_LINK: pth = d['path'] def read_workbook_code_name(xml_source): tree = fromstring(xml_source) pr = tree.find("{%s}workbookPr" % SHEET_MAIN_NS) if pr is None: pr = {} return pr.get('codeName', 'ThisWorkbook') def read_workbook_settings(xml_source): root = fromstring(xml_source) view = root.find('*/' '{%s}workbookView' % SHEET_MAIN_NS) if view is not None: if 'activeTab' in view.attrib: return int(view.attrib['activeTab'])