from sys import getsizeof import operator import numpy as np import pandas.index as _index from pandas import compat from pandas.compat import lrange, range from pandas.compat.numpy import function as nv from pandas.indexes.base import Index, _index_shared_docs from pandas.util.decorators import Appender, cache_readonly import pandas.core.common as com import pandas.indexes.base as ibase import pandas.lib as lib from pandas.indexes.numeric import Int64Index class RangeIndex(Int64Index): """ Immutable Index implementing a monotonic range. RangeIndex is a memory-saving special case of Int64Index limited to representing monotonic ranges. Parameters ---------- start : int (default: 0), or other RangeIndex instance. If int and "stop" is not given, interpreted as "stop" instead. stop : int (default: 0) step : int (default: 1) name : object, optional Name to be stored in the index copy : bool, default False Unused, accepted for homogeneity with other index types. """ _typ = 'rangeindex' _engine_type = _index.Int64Engine def __new__(cls, start=None, stop=None, step=None, name=None, dtype=None, fastpath=False, copy=False, **kwargs): if fastpath: return cls._simple_new(start, stop, step, name=name) cls._validate_dtype(dtype) # RangeIndex if isinstance(start, RangeIndex): if name is None: name = return cls._simple_new(name=name, **dict(start._get_data_as_items())) # validate the arguments def _ensure_int(value, field): try: new_value = int(value) assert(new_value == value) except (ValueError, AssertionError): raise TypeError("RangeIndex(...) must be called with integers," " {value} was passed for {field}".format( value=type(value).__name__, field=field) ) return new_value if start is None: start = 0 else: start = _ensure_int(start, 'start') if stop is None: stop = start start = 0 else: stop = _ensure_int(stop, 'stop') if step is None: step = 1 elif step == 0: raise ValueError("Step must not be zero") else: step = _ensure_int(step, 'step') return cls._simple_new(start, stop, step, name) @classmethod def from_range(cls, data, name=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): """ create RangeIndex from a range (py3), or xrange (py2) object """ if not isinstance(data, range): raise TypeError( '{0}(...) must be called with object coercible to a ' 'range, {1} was passed'.format(cls.__name__, repr(data))) if compat.PY3: step = data.step stop = data.stop start = data.start else: # seems we only have indexing ops to infer # rather than direct accessors if len(data) > 1: step = data[1] - data[0] stop = data[-1] + step start = data[0] elif len(data): start = data[0] stop = data[0] + 1 step = 1 else: start = stop = 0 step = 1 return RangeIndex(start, stop, step, dtype=dtype, name=name, **kwargs) @classmethod def _simple_new(cls, start, stop=None, step=None, name=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): result = object.__new__(cls) # handle passed None, non-integers if start is None or not com.is_integer(start): try: return RangeIndex(start, stop, step, name=name, **kwargs) except TypeError: return Index(start, stop, step, name=name, **kwargs) result._start = start result._stop = stop or 0 result._step = step or 1 = name for k, v in compat.iteritems(kwargs): setattr(result, k, v) result._reset_identity() return result @staticmethod def _validate_dtype(dtype): """ require dtype to be None or int64 """ if not (dtype is None or com.is_int64_dtype(dtype)): raise TypeError('Invalid to pass a non-int64 dtype to RangeIndex') @cache_readonly def _constructor(self): """ return the class to use for construction """ return Int64Index @cache_readonly def _data(self): return np.arange(self._start, self._stop, self._step, dtype=np.int64) @cache_readonly def _int64index(self): return Int64Index(self._data,, fastpath=True) def _get_data_as_items(self): """ return a list of tuples of start, stop, step """ return [('start', self._start), ('stop', self._stop), ('step', self._step)] def __reduce__(self): d = self._get_attributes_dict() d.update(dict(self._get_data_as_items())) return ibase._new_Index, (self.__class__, d), None def _format_attrs(self): """ Return a list of tuples of the (attr, formatted_value) """ attrs = self._get_data_as_items() if is not None: attrs.append(('name', ibase.default_pprint( return attrs def _format_data(self): # we are formatting thru the attributes return None @cache_readonly def nbytes(self): """ return the number of bytes in the underlying data """ return sum([getsizeof(getattr(self, v)) for v in ['_start', '_stop', '_step']]) def memory_usage(self, deep=False): """ Memory usage of my values Parameters ---------- deep : bool Introspect the data deeply, interrogate `object` dtypes for system-level memory consumption Returns ------- bytes used Notes ----- Memory usage does not include memory consumed by elements that are not components of the array if deep=False See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.nbytes """ return self.nbytes @property def dtype(self): return np.dtype(np.int64) @property def is_unique(self): """ return if the index has unique values """ return True @property def has_duplicates(self): return False def tolist(self): return lrange(self._start, self._stop, self._step) @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_shallow_copy']) def _shallow_copy(self, values=None, **kwargs): if values is None: return RangeIndex(, fastpath=True, **dict(self._get_data_as_items())) else: kwargs.setdefault('name', return self._int64index._shallow_copy(values, **kwargs) @Appender(ibase._index_shared_docs['copy']) def copy(self, name=None, deep=False, dtype=None, **kwargs): self._validate_dtype(dtype) if name is None: name = return RangeIndex(name=name, fastpath=True, **dict(self._get_data_as_items())) def argsort(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the indices that would sort the index and its underlying data. Returns ------- argsorted : numpy array See also -------- numpy.ndarray.argsort """ nv.validate_argsort(args, kwargs) if self._step > 0: return np.arange(len(self)) else: return np.arange(len(self) - 1, -1, -1) def equals(self, other): """ Determines if two Index objects contain the same elements. """ if isinstance(other, RangeIndex): ls = len(self) lo = len(other) return (ls == lo == 0 or ls == lo == 1 and self._start == other._start or ls == lo and self._start == other._start and self._step == other._step) return super(RangeIndex, self).equals(other) def intersection(self, other): """ Form the intersection of two Index objects. Sortedness of the result is not guaranteed Parameters ---------- other : Index or array-like Returns ------- intersection : Index """ if not isinstance(other, RangeIndex): return super(RangeIndex, self).intersection(other) # check whether intervals intersect # deals with in- and decreasing ranges int_low = max(min(self._start, self._stop + 1), min(other._start, other._stop + 1)) int_high = min(max(self._stop, self._start + 1), max(other._stop, other._start + 1)) if int_high <= int_low: return RangeIndex() # Method hint: linear Diophantine equation # solve intersection problem # performance hint: for identical step sizes, could use # cheaper alternative gcd, s, t = self._extended_gcd(self._step, other._step) # check whether element sets intersect if (self._start - other._start) % gcd: return RangeIndex() # calculate parameters for the RangeIndex describing the # intersection disregarding the lower bounds tmp_start = self._start + (other._start - self._start) * \ self._step // gcd * s new_step = self._step * other._step // gcd new_index = RangeIndex(tmp_start, int_high, new_step, fastpath=True) # adjust index to limiting interval new_index._start = new_index._min_fitting_element(int_low) return new_index def _min_fitting_element(self, lower_limit): """Returns the smallest element greater than or equal to the limit""" no_steps = -(-(lower_limit - self._start) // abs(self._step)) return self._start + abs(self._step) * no_steps def _max_fitting_element(self, upper_limit): """Returns the largest element smaller than or equal to the limit""" no_steps = (upper_limit - self._start) // abs(self._step) return self._start + abs(self._step) * no_steps def _extended_gcd(self, a, b): """ Extended Euclidean algorithms to solve Bezout's identity: a*x + b*y = gcd(x, y) Finds one particular solution for x, y: s, t Returns: gcd, s, t """ s, old_s = 0, 1 t, old_t = 1, 0 r, old_r = b, a while r: quotient = old_r // r old_r, r = r, old_r - quotient * r old_s, s = s, old_s - quotient * s old_t, t = t, old_t - quotient * t return old_r, old_s, old_t def union(self, other): """ Form the union of two Index objects and sorts if possible Parameters ---------- other : Index or array-like Returns ------- union : Index """ self._assert_can_do_setop(other) if len(other) == 0 or self.equals(other): return self if len(self) == 0: return other if isinstance(other, RangeIndex): start_s, step_s = self._start, self._step end_s = self._start + self._step * (len(self) - 1) start_o, step_o = other._start, other._step end_o = other._start + other._step * (len(other) - 1) if self._step < 0: start_s, step_s, end_s = end_s, -step_s, start_s if other._step < 0: start_o, step_o, end_o = end_o, -step_o, start_o if len(self) == 1 and len(other) == 1: step_s = step_o = abs(self._start - other._start) elif len(self) == 1: step_s = step_o elif len(other) == 1: step_o = step_s start_r = min(start_s, start_o) end_r = max(end_s, end_o) if step_o == step_s: if ((start_s - start_o) % step_s == 0 and (start_s - end_o) <= step_s and (start_o - end_s) <= step_s): return RangeIndex(start_r, end_r + step_s, step_s) if ((step_s % 2 == 0) and (abs(start_s - start_o) <= step_s / 2) and (abs(end_s - end_o) <= step_s / 2)): return RangeIndex(start_r, end_r + step_s / 2, step_s / 2) elif step_o % step_s == 0: if ((start_o - start_s) % step_s == 0 and (start_o + step_s >= start_s) and (end_o - step_s <= end_s)): return RangeIndex(start_r, end_r + step_s, step_s) elif step_s % step_o == 0: if ((start_s - start_o) % step_o == 0 and (start_s + step_o >= start_o) and (end_s - step_o <= end_o)): return RangeIndex(start_r, end_r + step_o, step_o) return self._int64index.union(other) def join(self, other, how='left', level=None, return_indexers=False): """ *this is an internal non-public method* Compute join_index and indexers to conform data structures to the new index. Parameters ---------- other : Index how : {'left', 'right', 'inner', 'outer'} level : int or level name, default None return_indexers : boolean, default False Returns ------- join_index, (left_indexer, right_indexer) """ if how == 'outer' and self is not other: # note: could return RangeIndex in more circumstances return self._int64index.join(other, how, level, return_indexers) return super(RangeIndex, self).join(other, how, level, return_indexers) def __len__(self): """ return the length of the RangeIndex """ return max(0, -(-(self._stop - self._start) // self._step)) @property def size(self): return len(self) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Conserve RangeIndex type for scalar and slice keys. """ super_getitem = super(RangeIndex, self).__getitem__ if lib.isscalar(key): n = int(key) if n != key: return super_getitem(key) if n < 0: n = len(self) + key if n < 0 or n > len(self) - 1: raise IndexError("index {key} is out of bounds for axis 0 " "with size {size}".format(key=key, size=len(self))) return self._start + n * self._step if isinstance(key, slice): # This is basically PySlice_GetIndicesEx, but delegation to our # super routines if we don't have integers l = len(self) # complete missing slice information step = 1 if key.step is None else key.step if key.start is None: start = l - 1 if step < 0 else 0 else: start = key.start if start < 0: start += l if start < 0: start = -1 if step < 0 else 0 if start >= l: start = l - 1 if step < 0 else l if key.stop is None: stop = -1 if step < 0 else l else: stop = key.stop if stop < 0: stop += l if stop < 0: stop = -1 if stop > l: stop = l # delegate non-integer slices if (start != int(start) or stop != int(stop) or step != int(step)): return super_getitem(key) # convert indexes to values start = self._start + self._step * start stop = self._start + self._step * stop step = self._step * step return RangeIndex(start, stop, step,, fastpath=True) # fall back to Int64Index return super_getitem(key) def __floordiv__(self, other): if com.is_integer(other): if (len(self) == 0 or self._start % other == 0 and self._step % other == 0): start = self._start // other step = self._step // other stop = start + len(self) * step return RangeIndex(start, stop, step,, fastpath=True) if len(self) == 1: start = self._start // other return RangeIndex(start, start + 1, 1,, fastpath=True) return self._int64index // other @classmethod def _add_numeric_methods_binary(cls): """ add in numeric methods, specialized to RangeIndex """ def _make_evaluate_binop(op, opstr, reversed=False, step=False): """ Parameters ---------- op : callable that accepts 2 parms perform the binary op opstr : string string name of ops reversed : boolean, default False if this is a reversed op, e.g. radd step : callable, optional, default to False op to apply to the step parm if not None if False, use the existing step """ def _evaluate_numeric_binop(self, other): other = self._validate_for_numeric_binop(other, op, opstr) attrs = self._get_attributes_dict() attrs = self._maybe_update_attributes(attrs) if reversed: self, other = other, self try: # alppy if we have an override if step: rstep = step(self._step, other) # we don't have a representable op # so return a base index if not com.is_integer(rstep) or not rstep: raise ValueError else: rstep = self._step rstart = op(self._start, other) rstop = op(self._stop, other) result = RangeIndex(rstart, rstop, rstep, **attrs) # for compat with numpy / Int64Index # even if we can represent as a RangeIndex, return # as a Float64Index if we have float-like descriptors if not all([com.is_integer(x) for x in [rstart, rstop, rstep]]): result = result.astype('float64') return result except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass # convert to Int64Index ops if isinstance(self, RangeIndex): self = self.values if isinstance(other, RangeIndex): other = other.values return Index(op(self, other), **attrs) return _evaluate_numeric_binop cls.__add__ = cls.__radd__ = _make_evaluate_binop( operator.add, '__add__') cls.__sub__ = _make_evaluate_binop(operator.sub, '__sub__') cls.__rsub__ = _make_evaluate_binop( operator.sub, '__sub__', reversed=True) cls.__mul__ = cls.__rmul__ = _make_evaluate_binop( operator.mul, '__mul__', step=operator.mul) cls.__truediv__ = _make_evaluate_binop( operator.truediv, '__truediv__', step=operator.truediv) cls.__rtruediv__ = _make_evaluate_binop( operator.truediv, '__truediv__', reversed=True, step=operator.truediv) if not compat.PY3: cls.__div__ = _make_evaluate_binop( operator.div, '__div__', step=operator.div) cls.__rdiv__ = _make_evaluate_binop( operator.div, '__div__', reversed=True, step=operator.div) RangeIndex._add_numeric_methods() RangeIndex._add_logical_methods()