from pandas.compat import lrange import numpy as np import pandas.core.common as com from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame import pandas.core.nanops as nanops def pivot_annual(series, freq=None): """ Group a series by years, taking leap years into account. The output has as many rows as distinct years in the original series, and as many columns as the length of a leap year in the units corresponding to the original frequency (366 for daily frequency, 366*24 for hourly...). The fist column of the output corresponds to Jan. 1st, 00:00:00, while the last column corresponds to Dec, 31st, 23:59:59. Entries corresponding to Feb. 29th are masked for non-leap years. For example, if the initial series has a daily frequency, the 59th column of the output always corresponds to Feb. 28th, the 61st column to Mar. 1st, and the 60th column is masked for non-leap years. With a hourly initial frequency, the (59*24)th column of the output always correspond to Feb. 28th 23:00, the (61*24)th column to Mar. 1st, 00:00, and the 24 columns between (59*24) and (61*24) are masked. If the original frequency is less than daily, the output is equivalent to ``series.convert('A', func=None)``. Parameters ---------- series : Series freq : string or None, default None Returns ------- annual : DataFrame """ index = series.index year = index.year years = nanops.unique1d(year) if freq is not None: freq = freq.upper() else: freq = series.index.freq if freq == 'D': width = 366 offset = index.dayofyear - 1 # adjust for leap year offset[(~isleapyear(year)) & (offset >= 59)] += 1 columns = lrange(1, 367) # todo: strings like 1/1, 1/25, etc.? elif freq in ('M', 'BM'): width = 12 offset = index.month - 1 columns = lrange(1, 13) elif freq == 'H': width = 8784 grouped = series.groupby(series.index.year) defaulted = grouped.apply(lambda x: x.reset_index(drop=True)) defaulted.index = defaulted.index.droplevel(0) offset = np.asarray(defaulted.index) offset[~isleapyear(year) & (offset >= 1416)] += 24 columns = lrange(1, 8785) else: raise NotImplementedError(freq) flat_index = (year - years.min()) * width + offset flat_index = com._ensure_platform_int(flat_index) values = np.empty((len(years), width)) values.fill(np.nan) values.put(flat_index, series.values) return DataFrame(values, index=years, columns=columns) def isleapyear(year): """ Returns true if year is a leap year. Parameters ---------- year : integer / sequence A given (list of) year(s). """ year = np.asarray(year) return np.logical_or(year % 400 == 0, np.logical_and(year % 4 == 0, year % 100 > 0))