# This file is part of Patsy # Copyright (C) 2011 Nathaniel Smith # See file LICENSE.txt for license information. # This file implements a simple "shunting yard algorithm" parser for infix # languages with parentheses. It is used as the core of our parser for # formulas, but is generic enough to be used for other purposes as well # (e.g. parsing linear constraints). It just builds a parse tree; semantics # are somebody else's problem. # # Plus it spends energy on tracking where each item in the parse tree comes # from, to allow high-quality error reporting. # # You are expected to provide an collection of Operators, a collection of # atomic types, and an iterator that provides Tokens. Each Operator should # have a unique token_type (which is an arbitrary Python object), and each # Token should have a matching token_type, or one of the special types # Token.LPAREN, Token.RPAREN. Each Token is required to have a valid Origin # attached, for error reporting. # XX: still seriously consider putting the magic intercept handling into the # tokenizer. we'd still need separate term-sets that get pasted together by ~ # to create the modeldesc, though... heck maybe we should just have a # modeldesc be 1-or-more termsets, with the convention that if it's 1, then # it's a rhs, and if it's 2, it's (lhs, rhs), and otherwise you're on your # own. Test: would this be useful for multiple-group log-linear models, # maybe? Answer: Perhaps. outcome ~ x1 + x2 ~ group. But lots of other # plausible, maybe better ways to write this -- (outcome | group) ~ x1 + x2? # "outcome ~ x1 + x2", group="group"? etc. from __future__ import print_function __all__ = ["Token", "ParseNode", "Operator", "parse"] from patsy import PatsyError from patsy.origin import Origin from patsy.util import (repr_pretty_delegate, repr_pretty_impl, no_pickling, assert_no_pickling) class _UniqueValue(object): def __init__(self, print_as): self._print_as = print_as def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._print_as) __getstate__ = no_pickling class Token(object): """A token with possible payload. .. attribute:: type An arbitrary object indicating the type of this token. Should be :term:`hashable`, but otherwise it can be whatever you like. """ LPAREN = _UniqueValue("LPAREN") RPAREN = _UniqueValue("RPAREN") def __init__(self, type, origin, extra=None): self.type = type self.origin = origin self.extra = extra __repr__ = repr_pretty_delegate def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): assert not cycle kwargs = [] if self.extra is not None: kwargs = [("extra", self.extra)] return repr_pretty_impl(p, self, [self.type, self.origin], kwargs) __getstate__ = no_pickling class ParseNode(object): def __init__(self, type, token, args, origin): self.type = type self.token = token self.args = args self.origin = origin __repr__ = repr_pretty_delegate def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): return repr_pretty_impl(p, self, [self.type, self.token, self.args]) __getstate__ = no_pickling class Operator(object): def __init__(self, token_type, arity, precedence): self.token_type = token_type self.arity = arity self.precedence = precedence def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.token_type, self.arity, self.precedence) __getstate__ = no_pickling class _StackOperator(object): def __init__(self, op, token): self.op = op self.token = token __getstate__ = no_pickling _open_paren = Operator(Token.LPAREN, -1, -9999999) class _ParseContext(object): def __init__(self, unary_ops, binary_ops, atomic_types, trace): self.op_stack = [] self.noun_stack = [] self.unary_ops = unary_ops self.binary_ops = binary_ops self.atomic_types = atomic_types self.trace = trace __getstate__ = no_pickling def _read_noun_context(token, c): if token.type == Token.LPAREN: if c.trace: print("Pushing open-paren") c.op_stack.append(_StackOperator(_open_paren, token)) return True elif token.type in c.unary_ops: if c.trace: print("Pushing unary op %r" % (token.type,)) c.op_stack.append(_StackOperator(c.unary_ops[token.type], token)) return True elif token.type in c.atomic_types: if c.trace: print("Pushing noun %r (%r)" % (token.type, token.extra)) c.noun_stack.append(ParseNode(token.type, token, [], token.origin)) return False else: raise PatsyError("expected a noun, not '%s'" % (token.origin.relevant_code(),), token) def _run_op(c): assert c.op_stack stackop = c.op_stack.pop() args = [] for i in range(stackop.op.arity): args.append(c.noun_stack.pop()) args.reverse() if c.trace: print("Reducing %r (%r)" % (stackop.op.token_type, args)) node = ParseNode(stackop.op.token_type, stackop.token, args, Origin.combine([stackop.token] + args)) c.noun_stack.append(node) def _read_op_context(token, c): if token.type == Token.RPAREN: if c.trace: print("Found close-paren") while c.op_stack and c.op_stack[-1].op.token_type != Token.LPAREN: _run_op(c) if not c.op_stack: raise PatsyError("missing '(' or extra ')'", token) assert c.op_stack[-1].op.token_type == Token.LPAREN # Expand the origin of the item on top of the noun stack to include # the open and close parens: combined = Origin.combine([c.op_stack[-1].token, c.noun_stack[-1].token, token]) c.noun_stack[-1].origin = combined # Pop the open-paren c.op_stack.pop() return False elif token.type in c.binary_ops: if c.trace: print("Found binary operator %r" % (token.type)) stackop = _StackOperator(c.binary_ops[token.type], token) while (c.op_stack and stackop.op.precedence <= c.op_stack[-1].op.precedence): _run_op(c) if c.trace: print("Pushing binary operator %r" % (token.type)) c.op_stack.append(stackop) return True else: raise PatsyError("expected an operator, not '%s'" % (token.origin.relevant_code(),), token) def infix_parse(tokens, operators, atomic_types, trace=False): token_source = iter(tokens) unary_ops = {} binary_ops = {} for op in operators: assert op.precedence > _open_paren.precedence if op.arity == 1: unary_ops[op.token_type] = op elif op.arity == 2: binary_ops[op.token_type] = op else: raise ValueError("operators must be unary or binary") c = _ParseContext(unary_ops, binary_ops, atomic_types, trace) # This is an implementation of Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting_yard_algorithm # http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Misc/exp_parsing.htm want_noun = True for token in token_source: if c.trace: print("Reading next token (want_noun=%r)" % (want_noun,)) if want_noun: want_noun = _read_noun_context(token, c) else: want_noun = _read_op_context(token, c) if c.trace: print("End of token stream") if want_noun: raise PatsyError("expected a noun, but instead the expression ended", c.op_stack[-1].token.origin) while c.op_stack: if c.op_stack[-1].op.token_type == Token.LPAREN: raise PatsyError("Unmatched '('", c.op_stack[-1].token) _run_op(c) assert len(c.noun_stack) == 1 return c.noun_stack.pop() # Much more thorough tests in parse_formula.py, this is just a smoke test: def test_infix_parse(): ops = [Operator("+", 2, 10), Operator("*", 2, 20), Operator("-", 1, 30)] atomic = ["ATOM1", "ATOM2"] # a + -b * (c + d) mock_origin = Origin("asdf", 2, 3) tokens = [Token("ATOM1", mock_origin, "a"), Token("+", mock_origin, "+"), Token("-", mock_origin, "-"), Token("ATOM2", mock_origin, "b"), Token("*", mock_origin, "*"), Token(Token.LPAREN, mock_origin, "("), Token("ATOM1", mock_origin, "c"), Token("+", mock_origin, "+"), Token("ATOM2", mock_origin, "d"), Token(Token.RPAREN, mock_origin, ")")] tree = infix_parse(tokens, ops, atomic) def te(tree, type, extra): assert tree.type == type assert tree.token.extra == extra te(tree, "+", "+") te(tree.args[0], "ATOM1", "a") assert tree.args[0].args == [] te(tree.args[1], "*", "*") te(tree.args[1].args[0], "-", "-") assert len(tree.args[1].args[0].args) == 1 te(tree.args[1].args[0].args[0], "ATOM2", "b") te(tree.args[1].args[1], "+", "+") te(tree.args[1].args[1].args[0], "ATOM1", "c") te(tree.args[1].args[1].args[1], "ATOM2", "d") from nose.tools import assert_raises # No ternary ops assert_raises(ValueError, infix_parse, [], [Operator("+", 3, 10)], ["ATOMIC"]) # smoke test just to make sure there are no egregious bugs in 'trace' infix_parse(tokens, ops, atomic, trace=True)