import datetime import difflib import os import time import warnings import rope.base.fscommands from rope.base import taskhandle, exceptions, utils class Change(object): """The base class for changes Rope refactorings return `Change` objects. They can be previewed, committed or undone. """ def do(self, job_set=None): """Perform the change .. note:: Do use this directly. Use `` instead. """ def undo(self, job_set=None): """Perform the change .. note:: Do use this directly. Use `History.undo()` instead. """ def get_description(self): """Return the description of this change This can be used for previewing the changes. """ return str(self) def get_changed_resources(self): """Return the list of resources that will be changed""" return [] @property @utils.saveit def _operations(self): return _ResourceOperations(self.resource.project) class ChangeSet(Change): """A collection of `Change` objects This class holds a collection of changes. This class provides these fields: * `changes`: the list of changes * `description`: the goal of these changes """ def __init__(self, description, timestamp=None): self.changes = [] self.description = description self.time = timestamp def do(self, job_set=taskhandle.NullJobSet()): try: done = [] for change in self.changes: done.append(change) self.time = time.time() except Exception: for change in done: change.undo() raise def undo(self, job_set=taskhandle.NullJobSet()): try: done = [] for change in reversed(self.changes): change.undo(job_set) done.append(change) except Exception: for change in done: raise def add_change(self, change): self.changes.append(change) def get_description(self): result = [str(self) + ':\n\n\n'] for change in self.changes: result.append(change.get_description()) result.append('\n') return ''.join(result) def __str__(self): if self.time is not None: date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.time) if == string_date = 'today' elif == ( - datetime.timedelta(1)): string_date = 'yesterday' elif date.year == string_date = date.strftime('%b %d') else: string_date = date.strftime('%d %b, %Y') string_time = date.strftime('%H:%M:%S') string_time = '%s %s ' % (string_date, string_time) return self.description + ' - ' + string_time return self.description def get_changed_resources(self): result = set() for change in self.changes: result.update(change.get_changed_resources()) return result def _handle_job_set(function): """A decorator for handling `taskhandle.JobSet`\s A decorator for handling `taskhandle.JobSet`\s for `do` and `undo` methods of `Change`\s. """ def call(self, job_set=taskhandle.NullJobSet()): job_set.started_job(str(self)) function(self) job_set.finished_job() return call class ChangeContents(Change): """A class to change the contents of a file Fields: * `resource`: The `rope.base.resources.File` to change * `new_contents`: What to write in the file """ def __init__(self, resource, new_contents, old_contents=None): self.resource = resource # IDEA: Only saving diffs; possible problems when undo/redoing self.new_contents = new_contents self.old_contents = old_contents @_handle_job_set def do(self): if self.old_contents is None: self.old_contents = self._operations.write_file(self.resource, self.new_contents) @_handle_job_set def undo(self): if self.old_contents is None: raise exceptions.HistoryError( 'Undoing a change that is not performed yet!') self._operations.write_file(self.resource, self.old_contents) def __str__(self): return 'Change <%s>' % self.resource.path def get_description(self): new = self.new_contents old = self.old_contents if old is None: if self.resource.exists(): old = else: old = '' result = difflib.unified_diff( old.splitlines(True), new.splitlines(True), 'a/' + self.resource.path, 'b/' + self.resource.path) return ''.join(list(result)) def get_changed_resources(self): return [self.resource] class MoveResource(Change): """Move a resource to a new location Fields: * `resource`: The `rope.base.resources.Resource` to move * `new_resource`: The destination for move; It is the moved resource not the folder containing that resource. """ def __init__(self, resource, new_location, exact=False): self.project = resource.project self.resource = resource if not exact: new_location = _get_destination_for_move(resource, new_location) if resource.is_folder(): self.new_resource = self.project.get_folder(new_location) else: self.new_resource = self.project.get_file(new_location) @_handle_job_set def do(self): self._operations.move(self.resource, self.new_resource) @_handle_job_set def undo(self): self._operations.move(self.new_resource, self.resource) def __str__(self): return 'Move <%s>' % self.resource.path def get_description(self): return 'rename from %s\nrename to %s' % (self.resource.path, self.new_resource.path) def get_changed_resources(self): return [self.resource, self.new_resource] class CreateResource(Change): """A class to create a resource Fields: * `resource`: The resource to create """ def __init__(self, resource): self.resource = resource @_handle_job_set def do(self): self._operations.create(self.resource) @_handle_job_set def undo(self): self._operations.remove(self.resource) def __str__(self): return 'Create Resource <%s>' % (self.resource.path) def get_description(self): return 'new file %s' % (self.resource.path) def get_changed_resources(self): return [self.resource] def _get_child_path(self, parent, name): if parent.path == '': return name else: return parent.path + '/' + name class CreateFolder(CreateResource): """A class to create a folder See docs for `CreateResource`. """ def __init__(self, parent, name): resource = parent.project.get_folder(self._get_child_path(parent, name)) super(CreateFolder, self).__init__(resource) class CreateFile(CreateResource): """A class to create a file See docs for `CreateResource`. """ def __init__(self, parent, name): resource = parent.project.get_file(self._get_child_path(parent, name)) super(CreateFile, self).__init__(resource) class RemoveResource(Change): """A class to remove a resource Fields: * `resource`: The resource to be removed """ def __init__(self, resource): self.resource = resource @_handle_job_set def do(self): self._operations.remove(self.resource) # TODO: Undoing remove operations @_handle_job_set def undo(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'Undoing `RemoveResource` is not implemented yet.') def __str__(self): return 'Remove <%s>' % (self.resource.path) def get_changed_resources(self): return [self.resource] def count_changes(change): """Counts the number of basic changes a `Change` will make""" if isinstance(change, ChangeSet): result = 0 for child in change.changes: result += count_changes(child) return result return 1 def create_job_set(task_handle, change): return task_handle.create_jobset(str(change), count_changes(change)) class _ResourceOperations(object): def __init__(self, project): self.project = project self.fscommands = project.fscommands self.direct_commands = rope.base.fscommands.FileSystemCommands() def _get_fscommands(self, resource): if self.project.is_ignored(resource): return self.direct_commands return self.fscommands def write_file(self, resource, contents): data = rope.base.fscommands.unicode_to_file_data(contents) fscommands = self._get_fscommands(resource) fscommands.write(resource.real_path, data) for observer in list(self.project.observers): observer.resource_changed(resource) def move(self, resource, new_resource): fscommands = self._get_fscommands(resource) fscommands.move(resource.real_path, new_resource.real_path) for observer in list(self.project.observers): observer.resource_moved(resource, new_resource) def create(self, resource): if resource.is_folder(): self._create_resource(resource.path, kind='folder') else: self._create_resource(resource.path) for observer in list(self.project.observers): observer.resource_created(resource) def remove(self, resource): fscommands = self._get_fscommands(resource) fscommands.remove(resource.real_path) for observer in list(self.project.observers): observer.resource_removed(resource) def _create_resource(self, file_name, kind='file'): resource_path = self.project._get_resource_path(file_name) if os.path.exists(resource_path): raise exceptions.RopeError('Resource <%s> already exists' % resource_path) resource = self.project.get_file(file_name) if not resource.parent.exists(): raise exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError( 'Parent folder of <%s> does not exist' % resource.path) fscommands = self._get_fscommands(resource) try: if kind == 'file': fscommands.create_file(resource_path) else: fscommands.create_folder(resource_path) except IOError, e: raise exceptions.RopeError(e) def _get_destination_for_move(resource, destination): dest_path = resource.project._get_resource_path(destination) if os.path.isdir(dest_path): if destination != '': return destination + '/' + else: return return destination class ChangeToData(object): def convertChangeSet(self, change): description = change.description changes = [] for child in change.changes: changes.append(self(child)) return (description, changes, change.time) def convertChangeContents(self, change): return (change.resource.path, change.new_contents, change.old_contents) def convertMoveResource(self, change): return (change.resource.path, change.new_resource.path) def convertCreateResource(self, change): return (change.resource.path, change.resource.is_folder()) def convertRemoveResource(self, change): return (change.resource.path, change.resource.is_folder()) def __call__(self, change): change_type = type(change) if change_type in (CreateFolder, CreateFile): change_type = CreateResource method = getattr(self, 'convert' + change_type.__name__) return (change_type.__name__, method(change)) class DataToChange(object): def __init__(self, project): self.project = project def makeChangeSet(self, description, changes, time=None): result = ChangeSet(description, time) for child in changes: result.add_change(self(child)) return result def makeChangeContents(self, path, new_contents, old_contents): resource = self.project.get_file(path) return ChangeContents(resource, new_contents, old_contents) def makeMoveResource(self, old_path, new_path): resource = self.project.get_file(old_path) return MoveResource(resource, new_path, exact=True) def makeCreateResource(self, path, is_folder): if is_folder: resource = self.project.get_folder(path) else: resource = self.project.get_file(path) return CreateResource(resource) def makeRemoveResource(self, path, is_folder): if is_folder: resource = self.project.get_folder(path) else: resource = self.project.get_file(path) return RemoveResource(resource) def __call__(self, data): method = getattr(self, 'make' + data[0]) return method(*data[1])