"""Project file system commands. This modules implements file system operations used by rope. Different version control systems can be supported by implementing the interface provided by `FileSystemCommands` class. See `SubversionCommands` and `MercurialCommands` for example. """ import os import shutil import subprocess def create_fscommands(root): dirlist = os.listdir(root) commands = {'.hg': MercurialCommands, '.svn': SubversionCommands, '.git': GITCommands, '_svn': SubversionCommands, '_darcs': DarcsCommands} for key in commands: if key in dirlist: try: return commands[key](root) except (ImportError, OSError): pass return FileSystemCommands() class FileSystemCommands(object): def create_file(self, path): open(path, 'w').close() def create_folder(self, path): os.mkdir(path) def move(self, path, new_location): shutil.move(path, new_location) def remove(self, path): if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path) def write(self, path, data): file_ = open(path, 'wb') try: file_.write(data) finally: file_.close() class SubversionCommands(object): def __init__(self, *args): self.normal_actions = FileSystemCommands() import pysvn self.client = pysvn.Client() def create_file(self, path): self.normal_actions.create_file(path) self.client.add(path, force=True) def create_folder(self, path): self.normal_actions.create_folder(path) self.client.add(path, force=True) def move(self, path, new_location): self.client.move(path, new_location, force=True) def remove(self, path): self.client.remove(path, force=True) def write(self, path, data): self.normal_actions.write(path, data) class MercurialCommands(object): def __init__(self, root): self.hg = self._import_mercurial() self.normal_actions = FileSystemCommands() try: self.ui = self.hg.ui.ui( verbose=False, debug=False, quiet=True, interactive=False, traceback=False, report_untrusted=False) except: self.ui = self.hg.ui.ui() self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'interactive', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'debug', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'traceback', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'verbose', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'report_untrusted', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'quiet', 'yes') self.repo = self.hg.hg.repository(self.ui, root) def _import_mercurial(self): import mercurial.commands import mercurial.hg import mercurial.ui return mercurial def create_file(self, path): self.normal_actions.create_file(path) self.hg.commands.add(self.ui, self.repo, path) def create_folder(self, path): self.normal_actions.create_folder(path) def move(self, path, new_location): self.hg.commands.rename(self.ui, self.repo, path, new_location, after=False) def remove(self, path): self.hg.commands.remove(self.ui, self.repo, path) def write(self, path, data): self.normal_actions.write(path, data) class GITCommands(object): def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self._do(['version']) self.normal_actions = FileSystemCommands() def create_file(self, path): self.normal_actions.create_file(path) self._do(['add', self._in_dir(path)]) def create_folder(self, path): self.normal_actions.create_folder(path) def move(self, path, new_location): self._do(['mv', self._in_dir(path), self._in_dir(new_location)]) def remove(self, path): self._do(['rm', self._in_dir(path)]) def write(self, path, data): # XXX: should we use ``git add``? self.normal_actions.write(path, data) def _do(self, args): _execute(['git'] + args, cwd=self.root) def _in_dir(self, path): if path.startswith(self.root): return path[len(self.root) + 1:] return self.root class DarcsCommands(object): def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self.normal_actions = FileSystemCommands() def create_file(self, path): self.normal_actions.create_file(path) self._do(['add', path]) def create_folder(self, path): self.normal_actions.create_folder(path) self._do(['add', path]) def move(self, path, new_location): self._do(['mv', path, new_location]) def remove(self, path): self.normal_actions.remove(path) def write(self, path, data): self.normal_actions.write(path, data) def _do(self, args): _execute(['darcs'] + args, cwd=self.root) def _execute(args, cwd=None): process = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process.wait() return process.returncode def unicode_to_file_data(contents, encoding=None): if not isinstance(contents, unicode): return contents if encoding is None: encoding = read_str_coding(contents) if encoding is not None: return contents.encode(encoding) try: return contents.encode() except UnicodeEncodeError: return contents.encode('utf-8') def file_data_to_unicode(data, encoding=None): result = _decode_data(data, encoding) if '\r' in result: result = result.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') return result def _decode_data(data, encoding): if isinstance(data, unicode): return data if encoding is None: encoding = read_str_coding(data) if encoding is None: # there is no encoding tip, we need to guess. # PEP263 says that "encoding not explicitly defined" means it is ascii, # but we will use utf8 instead since utf8 fully covers ascii and btw is # the only non-latin sane encoding. encoding = 'utf-8' try: return data.decode(encoding) except (UnicodeError, LookupError): # fallback to latin1: it should never fail return data.decode('latin1') def read_file_coding(path): file = open(path, 'b') count = 0 result = [] buffsize = 10 while True: current = file.read(10) if not current: break count += current.count('\n') result.append(current) file.close() return _find_coding(''.join(result)) def read_str_coding(source): try: first = source.index('\n') + 1 second = source.index('\n', first) + 1 except ValueError: second = len(source) return _find_coding(source[:second]) def _find_coding(text): coding = 'coding' try: start = text.index(coding) + len(coding) if text[start] not in '=:': return start += 1 while start < len(text) and text[start].isspace(): start += 1 end = start while end < len(text): c = text[end] if not c.isalnum() and c not in '-_': break end += 1 return text[start:end] except ValueError: pass