import bisect import keyword import rope.base.simplify def get_name_at(resource, offset): source_code = word_finder = Worder(source_code) return word_finder.get_word_at(offset) class Worder(object): """A class for finding boundaries of words and expressions Note that in these methods, offset should be the index of the character not the index of the character after it. """ def __init__(self, code, handle_ignores=False): simplified = rope.base.simplify.real_code(code) self.code_finder = _RealFinder(simplified, code) self.handle_ignores = handle_ignores self.code = code def _init_ignores(self): ignores = rope.base.simplify.ignored_regions(self.code) self.dumb_finder = _RealFinder(self.code, self.code) self.starts = [ignored[0] for ignored in ignores] self.ends = [ignored[1] for ignored in ignores] def _context_call(self, name, offset): if self.handle_ignores: if not hasattr(self, 'starts'): self._init_ignores() start = bisect.bisect(self.starts, offset) if start > 0 and offset < self.ends[start - 1]: return getattr(self.dumb_finder, name)(offset) return getattr(self.code_finder, name)(offset) def get_primary_at(self, offset): return self._context_call('get_primary_at', offset) def get_word_at(self, offset): return self._context_call('get_word_at', offset) def get_primary_range(self, offset): return self._context_call('get_primary_range', offset) def get_splitted_primary_before(self, offset): return self._context_call('get_splitted_primary_before', offset) def get_word_range(self, offset): return self._context_call('get_word_range', offset) def is_function_keyword_parameter(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_function_keyword_parameter(offset) def is_a_class_or_function_name_in_header(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_a_class_or_function_name_in_header(offset) def is_from_statement_module(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_from_statement_module(offset) def is_from_aliased(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_from_aliased(offset) def find_parens_start_from_inside(self, offset): return self.code_finder.find_parens_start_from_inside(offset) def is_a_name_after_from_import(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_a_name_after_from_import(offset) def is_from_statement(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_from_statement(offset) def get_from_aliased(self, offset): return self.code_finder.get_from_aliased(offset) def is_import_statement(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_import_statement(offset) def is_assigned_here(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_assigned_here(offset) def is_a_function_being_called(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_a_function_being_called(offset) def get_word_parens_range(self, offset): return self.code_finder.get_word_parens_range(offset) def is_name_assigned_in_class_body(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_name_assigned_in_class_body(offset) def is_on_function_call_keyword(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_on_function_call_keyword(offset) def _find_parens_start(self, offset): return self.code_finder._find_parens_start(offset) def get_parameters(self, first, last): return self.code_finder.get_parameters(first, last) def get_from_module(self, offset): return self.code_finder.get_from_module(offset) def is_assigned_in_a_tuple_assignment(self, offset): return self.code_finder.is_assigned_in_a_tuple_assignment(offset) def get_assignment_type(self, offset): return self.code_finder.get_assignment_type(offset) def get_function_and_args_in_header(self, offset): return self.code_finder.get_function_and_args_in_header(offset) def get_lambda_and_args(self, offset): return self.code_finder.get_lambda_and_args(offset) def find_function_offset(self, offset): return self.code_finder.find_function_offset(offset) class _RealFinder(object): def __init__(self, code, raw): self.code = code self.raw = raw def _find_word_start(self, offset): current_offset = offset while current_offset >= 0 and self._is_id_char(current_offset): current_offset -= 1 return current_offset + 1 def _find_word_end(self, offset): while offset + 1 < len(self.code) and self._is_id_char(offset + 1): offset += 1 return offset def _find_last_non_space_char(self, offset): while offset >= 0 and self.code[offset].isspace(): if self.code[offset] == '\n': return offset offset -= 1 return max(-1, offset) def get_word_at(self, offset): offset = self._get_fixed_offset(offset) return self.raw[self._find_word_start(offset): self._find_word_end(offset) + 1] def _get_fixed_offset(self, offset): if offset >= len(self.code): return offset - 1 if not self._is_id_char(offset): if offset > 0 and self._is_id_char(offset - 1): return offset - 1 if offset < len(self.code) - 1 and self._is_id_char(offset + 1): return offset + 1 return offset def _is_id_char(self, offset): return self.code[offset].isalnum() or self.code[offset] == '_' def _find_string_start(self, offset): kind = self.code[offset] try: return self.code.rindex(kind, 0, offset) except ValueError: return 0 def _find_parens_start(self, offset): offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset - 1) while offset >= 0 and self.code[offset] not in '[({': if self.code[offset] not in ':,': offset = self._find_primary_start(offset) offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset - 1) return offset def _find_atom_start(self, offset): old_offset = offset if self.code[offset] == '\n': return offset + 1 if self.code[offset].isspace(): offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset) if self.code[offset] in '\'"': return self._find_string_start(offset) if self.code[offset] in ')]}': return self._find_parens_start(offset) if self._is_id_char(offset): return self._find_word_start(offset) return old_offset def _find_primary_without_dot_start(self, offset): """It tries to find the undotted primary start It is different from `self._get_atom_start()` in that it follows function calls, too; such as in ``f(x)``. """ last_atom = offset offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(last_atom) while offset > 0 and self.code[offset] in ')]': last_atom = self._find_parens_start(offset) offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(last_atom - 1) if offset >= 0 and (self.code[offset] in '"\'})]' or self._is_id_char(offset)): atom_start = self._find_atom_start(offset) if not keyword.iskeyword(self.code[atom_start:offset + 1]): return atom_start return last_atom def _find_primary_start(self, offset): if offset >= len(self.code): offset = len(self.code) - 1 if self.code[offset] != '.': offset = self._find_primary_without_dot_start(offset) else: offset = offset + 1 while offset > 0: prev = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset - 1) if offset <= 0 or self.code[prev] != '.': break offset = self._find_primary_without_dot_start(prev - 1) if not self._is_id_char(offset): break return offset def get_primary_at(self, offset): offset = self._get_fixed_offset(offset) start, end = self.get_primary_range(offset) return self.raw[start:end].strip() def get_splitted_primary_before(self, offset): """returns expression, starting, starting_offset This function is used in `rope.codeassist.assist` function. """ if offset == 0: return ('', '', 0) end = offset - 1 word_start = self._find_atom_start(end) real_start = self._find_primary_start(end) if self.code[word_start:offset].strip() == '': word_start = end if self.code[end].isspace(): word_start = end if self.code[real_start:word_start].strip() == '': real_start = word_start if real_start == word_start == end and not self._is_id_char(end): return ('', '', offset) if real_start == word_start: return ('', self.raw[word_start:offset], word_start) else: if self.code[end] == '.': return (self.raw[real_start:end], '', offset) last_dot_position = word_start if self.code[word_start] != '.': last_dot_position = self._find_last_non_space_char(word_start - 1) last_char_position = self._find_last_non_space_char(last_dot_position - 1) if self.code[word_start].isspace(): word_start = offset return (self.raw[real_start:last_char_position + 1], self.raw[word_start:offset], word_start) def _get_line_start(self, offset): try: return self.code.rindex('\n', 0, offset + 1) except ValueError: return 0 def _get_line_end(self, offset): try: return self.code.index('\n', offset) except ValueError: return len(self.code) def is_name_assigned_in_class_body(self, offset): word_start = self._find_word_start(offset - 1) word_end = self._find_word_end(offset) + 1 if '.' in self.code[word_start:word_end]: return False line_start = self._get_line_start(word_start) line = self.code[line_start:word_start].strip() return not line and self.get_assignment_type(offset) == '=' def is_a_class_or_function_name_in_header(self, offset): word_start = self._find_word_start(offset - 1) line_start = self._get_line_start(word_start) prev_word = self.code[line_start:word_start].strip() return prev_word in ['def', 'class'] def _find_first_non_space_char(self, offset): if offset >= len(self.code): return len(self.code) while offset < len(self.code) and self.code[offset].isspace(): if self.code[offset] == '\n': return offset offset += 1 return offset def is_a_function_being_called(self, offset): word_end = self._find_word_end(offset) + 1 next_char = self._find_first_non_space_char(word_end) return next_char < len(self.code) and \ self.code[next_char] == '(' and \ not self.is_a_class_or_function_name_in_header(offset) def _find_import_end(self, start): return self._get_line_end(start) def is_import_statement(self, offset): try: last_import = self.code.rindex('import ', 0, offset) except ValueError: return False return self._find_import_end(last_import + 7) >= offset def is_from_statement(self, offset): try: last_from = self.code.rindex('from ', 0, offset) from_import = self.code.index(' import ', last_from) from_names = from_import + 8 except ValueError: return False from_names = self._find_first_non_space_char(from_names) return self._find_import_end(from_names) >= offset def is_from_statement_module(self, offset): if offset >= len(self.code) - 1: return False stmt_start = self._find_primary_start(offset) line_start = self._get_line_start(stmt_start) prev_word = self.code[line_start:stmt_start].strip() return prev_word == 'from' def is_a_name_after_from_import(self, offset): try: if len(self.code) > offset and self.code[offset] == '\n': line_start = self._get_line_start(offset - 1) else: line_start = self._get_line_start(offset) last_from = self.code.rindex('from ', line_start, offset) from_import = self.code.index(' import ', last_from) from_names = from_import + 8 except ValueError: return False if from_names - 1 > offset: return False return self._find_import_end(from_names) >= offset def get_from_module(self, offset): try: last_from = self.code.rindex('from ', 0, offset) import_offset = self.code.index(' import ', last_from) end = self._find_last_non_space_char(import_offset) return self.get_primary_at(end) except ValueError: pass def is_from_aliased(self, offset): if not self.is_a_name_after_from_import(offset): return False try: end = self._find_word_end(offset) as_end = min(self._find_word_end(end + 1), len(self.code)) as_start = self._find_word_start(as_end) if self.code[as_start:as_end + 1] == 'as': return True except ValueError: return False def get_from_aliased(self, offset): try: end = self._find_word_end(offset) as_ = self._find_word_end(end + 1) alias = self._find_word_end(as_ + 1) start = self._find_word_start(alias) return self.raw[start:alias + 1] except ValueError: pass def is_function_keyword_parameter(self, offset): word_end = self._find_word_end(offset) if word_end + 1 == len(self.code): return False next_char = self._find_first_non_space_char(word_end + 1) equals = self.code[next_char:next_char + 2] if equals == '==' or not equals.startswith('='): return False word_start = self._find_word_start(offset) prev_char = self._find_last_non_space_char(word_start - 1) return prev_char - 1 >= 0 and self.code[prev_char] in ',(' def is_on_function_call_keyword(self, offset): stop = self._get_line_start(offset) if self._is_id_char(offset): offset = self._find_word_start(offset) - 1 offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset) if offset <= stop or self.code[offset] not in '(,': return False parens_start = self.find_parens_start_from_inside(offset) return stop < parens_start def find_parens_start_from_inside(self, offset): stop = self._get_line_start(offset) opens = 1 while offset > stop: if self.code[offset] == '(': break if self.code[offset] != ',': offset = self._find_primary_start(offset) offset -= 1 return max(stop, offset) def is_assigned_here(self, offset): return self.get_assignment_type(offset) is not None def get_assignment_type(self, offset): # XXX: does not handle tuple assignments word_end = self._find_word_end(offset) next_char = self._find_first_non_space_char(word_end + 1) single = self.code[next_char:next_char + 1] double = self.code[next_char:next_char + 2] triple = self.code[next_char:next_char + 3] if double not in ('==', '<=', '>=', '!='): for op in [single, double, triple]: if op.endswith('='): return op def get_primary_range(self, offset): start = self._find_primary_start(offset) end = self._find_word_end(offset) + 1 return (start, end) def get_word_range(self, offset): offset = max(0, offset) start = self._find_word_start(offset) end = self._find_word_end(offset) + 1 return (start, end) def get_word_parens_range(self, offset, opening='(', closing=')'): end = self._find_word_end(offset) start_parens = self.code.index(opening, end) index = start_parens open_count = 0 while index < len(self.code): if self.code[index] == opening: open_count += 1 if self.code[index] == closing: open_count -= 1 if open_count == 0: return (start_parens, index + 1) index += 1 return (start_parens, index) def get_parameters(self, first, last): keywords = [] args = [] current = self._find_last_non_space_char(last - 1) while current > first: primary_start = current current = self._find_primary_start(current) while current != first and self.code[current] not in '=,': current = self._find_last_non_space_char(current - 1) primary = self.raw[current + 1:primary_start + 1].strip() if self.code[current] == '=': primary_start = current - 1 current -= 1 while current != first and self.code[current] not in ',': current = self._find_last_non_space_char(current - 1) param_name = self.raw[current + 1:primary_start + 1].strip() keywords.append((param_name, primary)) else: args.append(primary) current = self._find_last_non_space_char(current - 1) args.reverse() keywords.reverse() return args, keywords def is_assigned_in_a_tuple_assignment(self, offset): start = self._get_line_start(offset) end = self._get_line_end(offset) primary_start = self._find_primary_start(offset) primary_end = self._find_word_end(offset) prev_char_offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(primary_start - 1) next_char_offset = self._find_first_non_space_char(primary_end + 1) next_char = prev_char = '' if prev_char_offset >= start: prev_char = self.code[prev_char_offset] if next_char_offset < end: next_char = self.code[next_char_offset] try: equals_offset = self.code.index('=', start, end) except ValueError: return False if prev_char not in '(,' and next_char not in ',)': return False parens_start = self.find_parens_start_from_inside(offset) # XXX: only handling (x, y) = value return offset < equals_offset and \ self.code[start:parens_start].strip() == '' def get_function_and_args_in_header(self, offset): offset = self.find_function_offset(offset) lparens, rparens = self.get_word_parens_range(offset) return self.raw[offset:rparens + 1] def find_function_offset(self, offset, definition='def '): while True: offset = self.code.index(definition, offset) if offset == 0 or not self._is_id_char(offset - 1): break offset += 1 def_ = offset + 4 return self._find_first_non_space_char(def_) def get_lambda_and_args(self, offset): offset = self.find_function_offset(offset, definition = 'lambda ') lparens, rparens = self.get_word_parens_range(offset, opening=' ', closing=':') return self.raw[offset:rparens + 1]