import keyword import sys import warnings import rope.base.codeanalyze import rope.base.evaluate from rope.base import pyobjects, pyobjectsdef, pynames, builtins, exceptions, worder from rope.base.codeanalyze import SourceLinesAdapter from rope.contrib import fixsyntax from rope.refactor import functionutils def code_assist(project, source_code, offset, resource=None, templates=None, maxfixes=1, later_locals=True): """Return python code completions as a list of `CodeAssistProposal`\s `resource` is a `rope.base.resources.Resource` object. If provided, relative imports are handled. `maxfixes` is the maximum number of errors to fix if the code has errors in it. If `later_locals` is `False` names defined in this scope and after this line is ignored. """ if templates is not None: warnings.warn('Codeassist no longer supports templates', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) assist = _PythonCodeAssist( project, source_code, offset, resource=resource, maxfixes=maxfixes, later_locals=later_locals) return assist() def starting_offset(source_code, offset): """Return the offset in which the completion should be inserted Usually code assist proposals should be inserted like:: completion = result = (source_code[:starting_offset] + completion + source_code[offset:]) Where starting_offset is the offset returned by this function. """ word_finder = worder.Worder(source_code, True) expression, starting, starting_offset = \ word_finder.get_splitted_primary_before(offset) return starting_offset def get_doc(project, source_code, offset, resource=None, maxfixes=1): """Get the pydoc""" fixer = fixsyntax.FixSyntax(project.pycore, source_code, resource, maxfixes) pymodule = fixer.get_pymodule() pyname = fixer.pyname_at(offset) if pyname is None: return None pyobject = pyname.get_object() return PyDocExtractor().get_doc(pyobject) def get_calltip(project, source_code, offset, resource=None, maxfixes=1, ignore_unknown=False, remove_self=False): """Get the calltip of a function The format of the returned string is ``module_name.holding_scope_names.function_name(arguments)``. For classes `__init__()` and for normal objects `__call__()` function is used. Note that the offset is on the function itself *not* after the its open parenthesis. (Actually it used to be the other way but it was easily confused when string literals were involved. So I decided it is better for it not to try to be too clever when it cannot be clever enough). You can use a simple search like:: offset = source_code.rindex('(', 0, offset) - 1 to handle simple situations. If `ignore_unknown` is `True`, `None` is returned for functions without source-code like builtins and extensions. If `remove_self` is `True`, the first parameter whose name is self will be removed for methods. """ fixer = fixsyntax.FixSyntax(project.pycore, source_code, resource, maxfixes) pymodule = fixer.get_pymodule() pyname = fixer.pyname_at(offset) if pyname is None: return None pyobject = pyname.get_object() return PyDocExtractor().get_calltip(pyobject, ignore_unknown, remove_self) def get_definition_location(project, source_code, offset, resource=None, maxfixes=1): """Return the definition location of the python name at `offset` Return a (`rope.base.resources.Resource`, lineno) tuple. If no `resource` is given and the definition is inside the same module, the first element of the returned tuple would be `None`. If the location cannot be determined ``(None, None)`` is returned. """ fixer = fixsyntax.FixSyntax(project.pycore, source_code, resource, maxfixes) pymodule = fixer.get_pymodule() pyname = fixer.pyname_at(offset) if pyname is not None: module, lineno = pyname.get_definition_location() if module is not None: return module.get_module().get_resource(), lineno return (None, None) def find_occurrences(*args, **kwds): import rope.contrib.findit warnings.warn('Use `rope.contrib.findit.find_occurrences()` instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return rope.contrib.findit.find_occurrences(*args, **kwds) class CompletionProposal(object): """A completion proposal The `scope` instance variable shows where proposed name came from and can be 'global', 'local', 'builtin', 'attribute', 'keyword', 'imported', 'parameter_keyword'. The `type` instance variable shows the approximate type of the proposed object and can be 'instance', 'class', 'function', 'module', and `None`. All possible relations between proposal's `scope` and `type` are shown in the table below (different scopes in rows and types in columns): | instance | class | function | module | None local | + | + | + | + | global | + | + | + | + | builtin | + | + | + | | attribute | + | + | + | + | imported | + | + | + | + | keyword | | | | | + parameter_keyword | | | | | + """ def __init__(self, name, scope, pyname=None): = name self.pyname = pyname self.scope = self._get_scope(scope) def __str__(self): return '%s (%s, %s)' % (, self.scope, self.type) def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def parameters(self): """The names of the parameters the function takes. Returns None if this completion is not a function. """ pyname = self.pyname if isinstance(pyname, pynames.ImportedName): pyname = pyname._get_imported_pyname() if isinstance(pyname, pynames.DefinedName): pyobject = pyname.get_object() if isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractFunction): return pyobject.get_param_names() @property def type(self): pyname = self.pyname if isinstance(pyname, builtins.BuiltinName): pyobject = pyname.get_object() if isinstance(pyobject, builtins.BuiltinFunction): return 'function' elif isinstance(pyobject, builtins.BuiltinClass): clsobj = pyobject.builtin return 'class' elif isinstance(pyobject, builtins.BuiltinObject) or \ isinstance(pyobject, builtins.BuiltinName): return 'instance' elif isinstance(pyname, pynames.ImportedModule): return 'module' elif isinstance(pyname, pynames.ImportedName) or \ isinstance(pyname, pynames.DefinedName): pyobject = pyname.get_object() if isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractFunction): return 'function' if isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractClass): return 'class' return 'instance' def _get_scope(self, scope): if isinstance(self.pyname, builtins.BuiltinName): return 'builtin' if isinstance(self.pyname, pynames.ImportedModule) or \ isinstance(self.pyname, pynames.ImportedName): return 'imported' return scope def get_doc(self): """Get the proposed object's docstring. Returns None if it can not be get. """ if not self.pyname: return None pyobject = self.pyname.get_object() if not hasattr(pyobject, 'get_doc'): return None return self.pyname.get_object().get_doc() @property def kind(self): warnings.warn("the proposal's `kind` property is deprecated, " \ "use `scope` instead") return self.scope # leaved for backward compatibility CodeAssistProposal = CompletionProposal class NamedParamProposal(CompletionProposal): """A parameter keyword completion proposal Holds reference to ``_function`` -- the function which parameter ``name`` belongs to. This allows to determine default value for this parameter. """ def __init__(self, name, function): self.argname = name name = '%s=' % name super(NamedParamProposal, self).__init__(name, 'parameter_keyword') self._function = function def get_default(self): """Get a string representation of a param's default value. Returns None if there is no default value for this param. """ definfo = for arg, default in definfo.args_with_defaults: if self.argname == arg: return default return None def sorted_proposals(proposals, scopepref=None, typepref=None): """Sort a list of proposals Return a sorted list of the given `CodeAssistProposal`\s. `scopepref` can be a list of proposal scopes. Defaults to ``['parameter_keyword', 'local', 'global', 'imported', 'attribute', 'builtin', 'keyword']``. `typepref` can be a list of proposal types. Defaults to ``['class', 'function', 'instance', 'module', None]``. (`None` stands for completions with no type like keywords.) """ sorter = _ProposalSorter(proposals, scopepref, typepref) return sorter.get_sorted_proposal_list() def starting_expression(source_code, offset): """Return the expression to complete""" word_finder = worder.Worder(source_code, True) expression, starting, starting_offset = \ word_finder.get_splitted_primary_before(offset) if expression: return expression + '.' + starting return starting def default_templates(): warnings.warn('default_templates() is deprecated.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return {} class _PythonCodeAssist(object): def __init__(self, project, source_code, offset, resource=None, maxfixes=1, later_locals=True): self.project = project self.pycore = self.project.pycore self.code = source_code self.resource = resource self.maxfixes = maxfixes self.later_locals = later_locals self.word_finder = worder.Worder(source_code, True) self.expression, self.starting, self.offset = \ self.word_finder.get_splitted_primary_before(offset) keywords = keyword.kwlist def _find_starting_offset(self, source_code, offset): current_offset = offset - 1 while current_offset >= 0 and (source_code[current_offset].isalnum() or source_code[current_offset] in '_'): current_offset -= 1; return current_offset + 1 def _matching_keywords(self, starting): result = [] for kw in self.keywords: if kw.startswith(starting): result.append(CompletionProposal(kw, 'keyword')) return result def __call__(self): if self.offset > len(self.code): return [] completions = list(self._code_completions().values()) if self.expression.strip() == '' and self.starting.strip() != '': completions.extend(self._matching_keywords(self.starting)) return completions def _dotted_completions(self, module_scope, holding_scope): result = {} found_pyname = rope.base.evaluate.eval_str(holding_scope, self.expression) if found_pyname is not None: element = found_pyname.get_object() compl_scope = 'attribute' if isinstance(element, (pyobjectsdef.PyModule, pyobjectsdef.PyPackage)): compl_scope = 'imported' for name, pyname in element.get_attributes().items(): if name.startswith(self.starting): result[name] = CompletionProposal(name, compl_scope, pyname) return result def _undotted_completions(self, scope, result, lineno=None): if scope.parent != None: self._undotted_completions(scope.parent, result) if lineno is None: names = scope.get_propagated_names() else: names = scope.get_names() for name, pyname in names.items(): if name.startswith(self.starting): compl_scope = 'local' if scope.get_kind() == 'Module': compl_scope = 'global' if lineno is None or self.later_locals or \ not self._is_defined_after(scope, pyname, lineno): result[name] = CompletionProposal(name, compl_scope, pyname) def _from_import_completions(self, pymodule): module_name = self.word_finder.get_from_module(self.offset) if module_name is None: return {} pymodule = self._find_module(pymodule, module_name) result = {} for name in pymodule: if name.startswith(self.starting): result[name] = CompletionProposal(name, scope='global', pyname=pymodule[name]) return result def _find_module(self, pymodule, module_name): dots = 0 while module_name[dots] == '.': dots += 1 pyname = pynames.ImportedModule(pymodule, module_name[dots:], dots) return pyname.get_object() def _is_defined_after(self, scope, pyname, lineno): location = pyname.get_definition_location() if location is not None and location[1] is not None: if location[0] == scope.pyobject.get_module() and \ lineno <= location[1] <= scope.get_end(): return True def _code_completions(self): lineno = self.code.count('\n', 0, self.offset) + 1 fixer = fixsyntax.FixSyntax(self.pycore, self.code, self.resource, self.maxfixes) pymodule = fixer.get_pymodule() module_scope = pymodule.get_scope() code = pymodule.source_code lines = code.split('\n') result = {} start = fixsyntax._logical_start(lines, lineno) indents = fixsyntax._get_line_indents(lines[start - 1]) inner_scope = module_scope.get_inner_scope_for_line(start, indents) if self.word_finder.is_a_name_after_from_import(self.offset): return self._from_import_completions(pymodule) if self.expression.strip() != '': result.update(self._dotted_completions(module_scope, inner_scope)) else: result.update(self._keyword_parameters(module_scope.pyobject, inner_scope)) self._undotted_completions(inner_scope, result, lineno=lineno) return result def _keyword_parameters(self, pymodule, scope): offset = self.offset if offset == 0: return {} word_finder = worder.Worder(self.code, True) lines = SourceLinesAdapter(self.code) lineno = lines.get_line_number(offset) if word_finder.is_on_function_call_keyword(offset - 1): name_finder = rope.base.evaluate.ScopeNameFinder(pymodule) function_parens = word_finder.\ find_parens_start_from_inside(offset - 1) primary = word_finder.get_primary_at(function_parens - 1) try: function_pyname = rope.base.evaluate.\ eval_str(scope, primary) except exceptions.BadIdentifierError, e: return {} if function_pyname is not None: pyobject = function_pyname.get_object() if isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractFunction): pass elif isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractClass) and \ '__init__' in pyobject: pyobject = pyobject['__init__'].get_object() elif '__call__' in pyobject: pyobject = pyobject['__call__'].get_object() if isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractFunction): param_names = [] param_names.extend( pyobject.get_param_names(special_args=False)) result = {} for name in param_names: if name.startswith(self.starting): result[name + '='] = NamedParamProposal( name, pyobject ) return result return {} class _ProposalSorter(object): """Sort a list of code assist proposals""" def __init__(self, code_assist_proposals, scopepref=None, typepref=None): self.proposals = code_assist_proposals if scopepref is None: scopepref = ['parameter_keyword', 'local', 'global', 'imported', 'attribute', 'builtin', 'keyword'] self.scopepref = scopepref if typepref is None: typepref = ['class', 'function', 'instance', 'module', None] self.typerank = dict((type, index) for index, type in enumerate(typepref)) def get_sorted_proposal_list(self): """Return a list of `CodeAssistProposal`""" proposals = {} for proposal in self.proposals: proposals.setdefault(proposal.scope, []).append(proposal) result = [] for scope in self.scopepref: scope_proposals = proposals.get(scope, []) scope_proposals = [proposal for proposal in scope_proposals if proposal.type in self.typerank] scope_proposals.sort(self._proposal_cmp) result.extend(scope_proposals) return result def _proposal_cmp(self, proposal1, proposal2): if proposal1.type != proposal2.type: return cmp(self.typerank.get(proposal1.type, 100), self.typerank.get(proposal2.type, 100)) return self._compare_underlined_names(, def _compare_underlined_names(self, name1, name2): def underline_count(name): result = 0 while result < len(name) and name[result] == '_': result += 1 return result underline_count1 = underline_count(name1) underline_count2 = underline_count(name2) if underline_count1 != underline_count2: return cmp(underline_count1, underline_count2) return cmp(name1, name2) class PyDocExtractor(object): def get_doc(self, pyobject): if isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractFunction): return self._get_function_docstring(pyobject) elif isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractClass): return self._get_class_docstring(pyobject) elif isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractModule): return self._trim_docstring(pyobject.get_doc()) return None def get_calltip(self, pyobject, ignore_unknown=False, remove_self=False): try: if isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractClass): pyobject = pyobject['__init__'].get_object() if not isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractFunction): pyobject = pyobject['__call__'].get_object() except exceptions.AttributeNotFoundError: return None if ignore_unknown and not isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.PyFunction): return if isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.AbstractFunction): result = self._get_function_signature(pyobject, add_module=True) if remove_self and self._is_method(pyobject): return result.replace('(self)', '()').replace('(self, ', '(') return result def _get_class_docstring(self, pyclass): contents = self._trim_docstring(pyclass.get_doc(), 2) supers = [super.get_name() for super in pyclass.get_superclasses()] doc = 'class %s(%s):\n\n' % (pyclass.get_name(), ', '.join(supers)) + contents if '__init__' in pyclass: init = pyclass['__init__'].get_object() if isinstance(init, pyobjects.AbstractFunction): doc += '\n\n' + self._get_single_function_docstring(init) return doc def _get_function_docstring(self, pyfunction): functions = [pyfunction] if self._is_method(pyfunction): functions.extend(self._get_super_methods(pyfunction.parent, pyfunction.get_name())) return '\n\n'.join([self._get_single_function_docstring(function) for function in functions]) def _is_method(self, pyfunction): return isinstance(pyfunction, pyobjects.PyFunction) and \ isinstance(pyfunction.parent, pyobjects.PyClass) def _get_single_function_docstring(self, pyfunction): signature = self._get_function_signature(pyfunction) docs = self._trim_docstring(pyfunction.get_doc(), indents=2) return signature + ':\n\n' + docs def _get_super_methods(self, pyclass, name): result = [] for super_class in pyclass.get_superclasses(): if name in super_class: function = super_class[name].get_object() if isinstance(function, pyobjects.AbstractFunction): result.append(function) result.extend(self._get_super_methods(super_class, name)) return result def _get_function_signature(self, pyfunction, add_module=False): location = self._location(pyfunction, add_module) if isinstance(pyfunction, pyobjects.PyFunction): info = return location + info.to_string() else: return '%s(%s)' % (location + pyfunction.get_name(), ', '.join(pyfunction.get_param_names())) def _location(self, pyobject, add_module=False): location = [] parent = pyobject.parent while parent and not isinstance(parent, pyobjects.AbstractModule): location.append(parent.get_name()) location.append('.') parent = parent.parent if add_module: if isinstance(pyobject, pyobjects.PyFunction): module = pyobject.get_module() location.insert(0, self._get_module(pyobject)) if isinstance(parent, builtins.BuiltinModule): location.insert(0, parent.get_name() + '.') return ''.join(location) def _get_module(self, pyfunction): module = pyfunction.get_module() if module is not None: resource = module.get_resource() if resource is not None: return pyfunction.pycore.modname(resource) + '.' return '' def _trim_docstring(self, docstring, indents=0): """The sample code from :PEP:`257`""" if not docstring: return '' # Convert tabs to spaces (following normal Python rules) # and split into a list of lines: lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines() # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count): indent = sys.maxint for line in lines[1:]: stripped = line.lstrip() if stripped: indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped)) # Remove indentation (first line is special): trimmed = [lines[0].strip()] if indent < sys.maxint: for line in lines[1:]: trimmed.append(line[indent:].rstrip()) # Strip off trailing and leading blank lines: while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]: trimmed.pop() while trimmed and not trimmed[0]: trimmed.pop(0) # Return a single string: return '\n'.join((' ' * indents + line for line in trimmed)) # Deprecated classes class TemplateProposal(CodeAssistProposal): def __init__(self, name, template): warnings.warn('TemplateProposal is deprecated.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) super(TemplateProposal, self).__init__(name, 'template') self.template = template class Template(object): def __init__(self, template): self.template = template warnings.warn('Template is deprecated.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) def variables(self): return [] def substitute(self, mapping): return self.template def get_cursor_location(self, mapping): return len(self.template)