"""Fix the name of modules This module is useful when you want to rename many of the modules in your project. That can happen specially when you want to change their naming style. For instance:: fixer = FixModuleNames(project) changes = fixer.get_changes(fixer=str.lower) project.do(changes) Here it renames all modules and packages to use lower-cased chars. You can tell it to use any other style by using the ``fixer`` argument. """ from rope.base import change, taskhandle from rope.contrib import changestack from rope.refactor import rename class FixModuleNames(object): def __init__(self, project): self.project = project def get_changes(self, fixer=str.lower, task_handle=taskhandle.NullTaskHandle()): """Fix module names `fixer` is a function that takes and returns a `str`. Given the name of a module, it should return the fixed name. """ stack = changestack.ChangeStack(self.project, 'Fixing module names') jobset = task_handle.create_jobset('Fixing module names', self._count_fixes(fixer) + 1) try: while True: for resource in self._tobe_fixed(fixer): jobset.started_job(resource.path) renamer = rename.Rename(self.project, resource) changes = renamer.get_changes(fixer(self._name(resource))) stack.push(changes) jobset.finished_job() break else: break finally: jobset.started_job('Reverting to original state') stack.pop_all() jobset.finished_job() return stack.merged() def _count_fixes(self, fixer): return len(list(self._tobe_fixed(fixer))) def _tobe_fixed(self, fixer): for resource in self.project.pycore.get_python_files(): modname = self._name(resource) if modname != fixer(modname): yield resource def _name(self, resource): modname = resource.name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] if modname == '__init__': modname = resource.parent.name return modname