Copyright (c) 2013 The Spyder Development Team Licensed under the terms of the MIT License (see spyderlib/ for details) What is the purpose of this directory? ====================================== The files present here (licensed also MIT) are used to cleanly update user configuration options from Spyder versions previous to 2.3. They way they did an update was by resetting *all* config options to new defaults, which was quite bad from a usability point of view. Now we compare new defaults against a copy of their previous values and only change those that are different in the user config file. This way almost all his/her values remain intact. In particular: * defaults-2.4.0.ini is used to do the update when the previous used version is between 2.1.9 and 2.3.0beta3 * defaults-3.0.0.ini is used when the previous version is 2.3.0beta4 Notes ===== 1. Please don't add more files here, unless you know what you're doing.