# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2012 Pierre Raybaut # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyderlib/__init__.py for details) """IPython Console plugin Handles IPython clients (and in the future, will handle IPython kernels too -- meanwhile, the external console plugin is handling them)""" # pylint: disable=C0103 # pylint: disable=R0903 # pylint: disable=R0911 # pylint: disable=R0201 # Stdlib imports import atexit import os import os.path as osp import sys # Qt imports from spyderlib.qt.QtGui import (QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QFormLayout, QMessageBox, QGroupBox, QDialogButtonBox, QDialog, QTabWidget, QFontComboBox, QCheckBox, QApplication, QLabel,QLineEdit, QPushButton, QKeySequence, QWidget) from spyderlib.qt.compat import getopenfilename from spyderlib.qt.QtCore import SIGNAL, Qt # IPython imports from IPython.core.application import get_ipython_dir from IPython.kernel.connect import find_connection_file from IPython.qt.manager import QtKernelManager try: # IPython = "<=2.0" from IPython.external.ssh import tunnel as zmqtunnel import IPython.external.pexpect as pexpect except ImportError: from zmq.ssh import tunnel as zmqtunnel # analysis:ignore try: import pexpect # analysis:ignore except ImportError: pexpect = None # analysis:ignore # Local imports from spyderlib import dependencies from spyderlib.baseconfig import _ from spyderlib.config import CONF from spyderlib.utils.misc import get_error_match, remove_backslashes from spyderlib.utils import programs from spyderlib.utils.qthelpers import get_icon, create_action from spyderlib.widgets.tabs import Tabs from spyderlib.widgets.ipython import IPythonClient from spyderlib.widgets.findreplace import FindReplace from spyderlib.plugins import SpyderPluginWidget, PluginConfigPage from spyderlib.py3compat import to_text_string SYMPY_REQVER = '>=0.7.3' dependencies.add("sympy", _("Symbolic mathematics in the IPython Console"), required_version=SYMPY_REQVER) # Replacing pyzmq openssh_tunnel method to work around the issue # https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/issues/589 which was solved in pyzmq # https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/pull/615 def _stop_tunnel(cmd): pexpect.run(cmd) def openssh_tunnel(self, lport, rport, server, remoteip='', keyfile=None, password=None, timeout=0.4): if pexpect is None: raise ImportError("pexpect unavailable, use paramiko_tunnel") ssh="ssh " if keyfile: ssh += "-i " + keyfile if ':' in server: server, port = server.split(':') ssh += " -p %s" % port cmd = "%s -O check %s" % (ssh, server) (output, exitstatus) = pexpect.run(cmd, withexitstatus=True) if not exitstatus: pid = int(output[output.find("(pid=")+5:output.find(")")]) cmd = "%s -O forward -L %s" % ( ssh, lport, remoteip, rport, server) (output, exitstatus) = pexpect.run(cmd, withexitstatus=True) if not exitstatus: atexit.register(_stop_tunnel, cmd.replace("-O forward", "-O cancel", 1)) return pid cmd = "%s -f -S none -L %s sleep %i" % ( ssh, lport, remoteip, rport, server, timeout) # pop SSH_ASKPASS from env env = os.environ.copy() env.pop('SSH_ASKPASS', None) ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting' tunnel = pexpect.spawn(cmd, env=env) failed = False while True: try: i = tunnel.expect([ssh_newkey, '[Pp]assword:'], timeout=.1) if i==0: host = server.split('@')[-1] question = _("The authenticity of host %s can't be " "established. Are you sure you want to continue " "connecting?") % host reply = QMessageBox.question(self, _('Warning'), question, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: tunnel.sendline('yes') continue else: tunnel.sendline('no') raise RuntimeError( _("The authenticity of the host can't be established")) if i==1 and password is not None: tunnel.sendline(password) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: continue except pexpect.EOF: if tunnel.exitstatus: raise RuntimeError(_("Tunnel '%s' failed to start") % cmd) else: return tunnel.pid else: if failed or password is None: raise RuntimeError(_("Could not connect to remote host")) # TODO: Use this block when pyzmq bug #620 is fixed # # Prompt a passphrase dialog to the user for a second attempt # password, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, _('Password'), # _('Enter password for: ') + server, # echo=QLineEdit.Password) # if ok is False: # raise RuntimeError('Could not connect to remote host.') tunnel.sendline(password) failed = True class IPythonConsoleConfigPage(PluginConfigPage): def __init__(self, plugin, parent): PluginConfigPage.__init__(self, plugin, parent) self.get_name = lambda: _("IPython console") def setup_page(self): newcb = self.create_checkbox mpl_present = programs.is_module_installed("matplotlib") # --- Display --- font_group = self.create_fontgroup(option=None, text=None, fontfilters=QFontComboBox.MonospacedFonts) # Interface Group interface_group = QGroupBox(_("Interface")) banner_box = newcb(_("Display initial banner"), 'show_banner', tip=_("This option lets you hide the message shown at\n" "the top of the console when it's opened.")) gui_comp_box = newcb(_("Use a completion widget"), 'use_gui_completion', tip=_("Use a widget instead of plain text " "output for tab completion")) pager_box = newcb(_("Use a pager to display additional text inside " "the console"), 'use_pager', tip=_("Useful if you don't want to fill the " "console with long help or completion texts.\n" "Note: Use the Q key to get out of the " "pager.")) calltips_box = newcb(_("Display balloon tips"), 'show_calltips') ask_box = newcb(_("Ask for confirmation before closing"), 'ask_before_closing') interface_layout = QVBoxLayout() interface_layout.addWidget(banner_box) interface_layout.addWidget(gui_comp_box) interface_layout.addWidget(pager_box) interface_layout.addWidget(calltips_box) interface_layout.addWidget(ask_box) interface_group.setLayout(interface_layout) # Background Color Group bg_group = QGroupBox(_("Background color")) light_radio = self.create_radiobutton(_("Light background"), 'light_color') dark_radio = self.create_radiobutton(_("Dark background"), 'dark_color') bg_layout = QVBoxLayout() bg_layout.addWidget(light_radio) bg_layout.addWidget(dark_radio) bg_group.setLayout(bg_layout) # Source Code Group source_code_group = QGroupBox(_("Source code")) buffer_spin = self.create_spinbox( _("Buffer: "), _(" lines"), 'buffer_size', min_=-1, max_=1000000, step=100, tip=_("Set the maximum number of lines of text shown in the\n" "console before truncation. Specifying -1 disables it\n" "(not recommended!)")) source_code_layout = QVBoxLayout() source_code_layout.addWidget(buffer_spin) source_code_group.setLayout(source_code_layout) # --- Graphics --- # Pylab Group pylab_group = QGroupBox(_("Support for graphics (Matplotlib)")) pylab_box = newcb(_("Activate support"), 'pylab') autoload_pylab_box = newcb(_("Automatically load Pylab and NumPy " "modules"), 'pylab/autoload', tip=_("This lets you load graphics support " "without importing \nthe commands to do " "plots. Useful to work with other\n" "plotting libraries different to " "Matplotlib or to develop \nGUIs with " "Spyder.")) autoload_pylab_box.setEnabled(self.get_option('pylab') and mpl_present) self.connect(pylab_box, SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), autoload_pylab_box.setEnabled) pylab_layout = QVBoxLayout() pylab_layout.addWidget(pylab_box) pylab_layout.addWidget(autoload_pylab_box) pylab_group.setLayout(pylab_layout) if not mpl_present: self.set_option('pylab', False) self.set_option('pylab/autoload', False) pylab_group.setEnabled(False) pylab_tip = _("This feature requires the Matplotlib library.\n" "It seems you don't have it installed.") pylab_box.setToolTip(pylab_tip) # Pylab backend Group inline = _("Inline") automatic = _("Automatic") backend_group = QGroupBox(_("Graphics backend")) bend_label = QLabel(_("Decide how graphics are going to be displayed " "in the console. If unsure, please select " "%s to put graphics inside the " "console or %s to interact with " "them (through zooming and panning) in a " "separate window.") % (inline, automatic)) bend_label.setWordWrap(True) backends = [(inline, 0), (automatic, 1), ("Qt", 2)] # TODO: Add gtk3 when 0.13 is released if sys.platform == 'darwin': backends.append( ("Mac OSX", 3) ) if programs.is_module_installed('pygtk'): backends.append( ("Gtk", 4) ) if programs.is_module_installed('wxPython'): backends.append( ("Wx", 5) ) if programs.is_module_installed('_tkinter'): backends.append( ("Tkinter", 6) ) backends = tuple(backends) backend_box = self.create_combobox( _("Backend:")+" ", backends, 'pylab/backend', default=0, tip=_("This option will be applied the " "next time a console is opened.")) backend_layout = QVBoxLayout() backend_layout.addWidget(bend_label) backend_layout.addWidget(backend_box) backend_group.setLayout(backend_layout) backend_group.setEnabled(self.get_option('pylab') and mpl_present) self.connect(pylab_box, SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), backend_group.setEnabled) # Inline backend Group inline_group = QGroupBox(_("Inline backend")) inline_label = QLabel(_("Decide how to render the figures created by " "this backend")) inline_label.setWordWrap(True) formats = (("PNG", 0), ("SVG", 1)) format_box = self.create_combobox(_("Format:")+" ", formats, 'pylab/inline/figure_format', default=0) resolution_spin = self.create_spinbox( _("Resolution:")+" ", " "+_("dpi"), 'pylab/inline/resolution', min_=50, max_=150, step=0.1, tip=_("Only used when the format is PNG. Default is " "72")) width_spin = self.create_spinbox( _("Width:")+" ", " "+_("inches"), 'pylab/inline/width', min_=2, max_=20, step=1, tip=_("Default is 6")) height_spin = self.create_spinbox( _("Height:")+" ", " "+_("inches"), 'pylab/inline/height', min_=1, max_=20, step=1, tip=_("Default is 4")) inline_layout = QVBoxLayout() inline_layout.addWidget(inline_label) inline_layout.addWidget(format_box) inline_layout.addWidget(resolution_spin) inline_layout.addWidget(width_spin) inline_layout.addWidget(height_spin) inline_group.setLayout(inline_layout) inline_group.setEnabled(self.get_option('pylab') and mpl_present) self.connect(pylab_box, SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), inline_group.setEnabled) # --- Startup --- # Run lines Group run_lines_group = QGroupBox(_("Run code")) run_lines_label = QLabel(_("You can run several lines of code when " "a console is started. Please introduce " "each one separated by commas, for " "example:
" "import os, import sys")) run_lines_label.setWordWrap(True) run_lines_edit = self.create_lineedit(_("Lines:"), 'startup/run_lines', '', alignment=Qt.Horizontal) run_lines_layout = QVBoxLayout() run_lines_layout.addWidget(run_lines_label) run_lines_layout.addWidget(run_lines_edit) run_lines_group.setLayout(run_lines_layout) # Run file Group run_file_group = QGroupBox(_("Run a file")) run_file_label = QLabel(_("You can also run a whole file at startup " "instead of just some lines (This is " "similar to have a PYTHONSTARTUP file).")) run_file_label.setWordWrap(True) file_radio = newcb(_("Use the following file:"), 'startup/use_run_file', False) run_file_browser = self.create_browsefile('', 'startup/run_file', '') run_file_browser.setEnabled(False) self.connect(file_radio, SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), run_file_browser.setEnabled) run_file_layout = QVBoxLayout() run_file_layout.addWidget(run_file_label) run_file_layout.addWidget(file_radio) run_file_layout.addWidget(run_file_browser) run_file_group.setLayout(run_file_layout) # ---- Advanced settings ---- # Greedy completer group greedy_group = QGroupBox(_("Greedy completion")) greedy_label = QLabel(_("Enable Tab completion on elements " "of lists, results of function calls, etc, " "without assigning them to a " "variable.
" "For example, you can get completions on " "things like li[0].<Tab> or " "ins.meth().<Tab>")) greedy_label.setWordWrap(True) greedy_box = newcb(_("Use the greedy completer"), "greedy_completer", tip="Warning: It can be unsafe because the " "code is actually evaluated when you press " "Tab.") greedy_layout = QVBoxLayout() greedy_layout.addWidget(greedy_label) greedy_layout.addWidget(greedy_box) greedy_group.setLayout(greedy_layout) # Autocall group autocall_group = QGroupBox(_("Autocall")) autocall_label = QLabel(_("Autocall makes IPython automatically call " "any callable object even if you didn't type " "explicit parentheses.
" "For example, if you type str 43 it " "becomes str(43) automatically.")) autocall_label.setWordWrap(True) smart = _('Smart') full = _('Full') autocall_opts = ((_('Off'), 0), (smart, 1), (full, 2)) autocall_box = self.create_combobox( _("Autocall: "), autocall_opts, 'autocall', default=0, tip=_("On %s mode, Autocall is not applied if " "there are no arguments after the callable. On " "%s mode, all callable objects are " "automatically called (even if no arguments are " "present).") % (smart, full)) autocall_layout = QVBoxLayout() autocall_layout.addWidget(autocall_label) autocall_layout.addWidget(autocall_box) autocall_group.setLayout(autocall_layout) # Sympy group sympy_group = QGroupBox(_("Symbolic Mathematics")) sympy_label = QLabel(_("Perfom symbolic operations in the console " "(e.g. integrals, derivatives, vector calculus, " "etc) and get the outputs in a beautifully " "printed style.")) sympy_label.setWordWrap(True) sympy_box = newcb(_("Use symbolic math"), "symbolic_math", tip=_("This option loads the Sympy library to work " "with.
Please refer to its documentation to " "learn how to use it.")) sympy_layout = QVBoxLayout() sympy_layout.addWidget(sympy_label) sympy_layout.addWidget(sympy_box) sympy_group.setLayout(sympy_layout) sympy_present = programs.is_module_installed("sympy") if not sympy_present: self.set_option("symbolic_math", False) sympy_box.setEnabled(False) sympy_tip = _("This feature requires the Sympy library.\n" "It seems you don't have it installed.") sympy_box.setToolTip(sympy_tip) # Prompts group prompts_group = QGroupBox(_("Prompts")) prompts_label = QLabel(_("Modify how Input and Output prompts are " "shown in the console.")) prompts_label.setWordWrap(True) in_prompt_edit = self.create_lineedit(_("Input prompt:"), 'in_prompt', '', _('Default is
' 'In [<span class="in-prompt-number">' '%i</span>]:'), alignment=Qt.Horizontal) out_prompt_edit = self.create_lineedit(_("Output prompt:"), 'out_prompt', '', _('Default is
' 'Out[<span class="out-prompt-number">' '%i</span>]:'), alignment=Qt.Horizontal) prompts_layout = QVBoxLayout() prompts_layout.addWidget(prompts_label) prompts_layout.addWidget(in_prompt_edit) prompts_layout.addWidget(out_prompt_edit) prompts_group.setLayout(prompts_layout) # --- Tabs organization --- tabs = QTabWidget() tabs.addTab(self.create_tab(font_group, interface_group, bg_group, source_code_group), _("Display")) tabs.addTab(self.create_tab(pylab_group, backend_group, inline_group), _("Graphics")) tabs.addTab(self.create_tab(run_lines_group, run_file_group), _("Startup")) tabs.addTab(self.create_tab(greedy_group, autocall_group, sympy_group, prompts_group), _("Advanced Settings")) vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addWidget(tabs) self.setLayout(vlayout) class KernelConnectionDialog(QDialog): """Dialog to connect to existing kernels (either local or remote)""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super(KernelConnectionDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle(_('Connect to an existing kernel')) main_label = QLabel(_("Please enter the connection info of the kernel " "you want to connect to. For that you can " "either select its JSON connection file using " "the Browse button, or write directly " "its id, in case it's a local kernel (for " "example kernel-3764.json or just " "3764).")) main_label.setWordWrap(True) main_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignJustify) # connection file cf_label = QLabel(_('Connection info:')) self.cf = QLineEdit() self.cf.setPlaceholderText(_('Path to connection file or kernel id')) self.cf.setMinimumWidth(250) cf_open_btn = QPushButton(_('Browse')) self.connect(cf_open_btn, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.select_connection_file) cf_layout = QHBoxLayout() cf_layout.addWidget(cf_label) cf_layout.addWidget(self.cf) cf_layout.addWidget(cf_open_btn) # remote kernel checkbox self.rm_cb = QCheckBox(_('This is a remote kernel')) # ssh connection self.hn = QLineEdit() self.hn.setPlaceholderText(_('username@hostname:port')) self.kf = QLineEdit() self.kf.setPlaceholderText(_('Path to ssh key file')) kf_open_btn = QPushButton(_('Browse')) self.connect(kf_open_btn, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.select_ssh_key) kf_layout = QHBoxLayout() kf_layout.addWidget(self.kf) kf_layout.addWidget(kf_open_btn) self.pw = QLineEdit() self.pw.setPlaceholderText(_('Password or ssh key passphrase')) self.pw.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) ssh_form = QFormLayout() ssh_form.addRow(_('Host name'), self.hn) ssh_form.addRow(_('Ssh key'), kf_layout) ssh_form.addRow(_('Password'), self.pw) # Ok and Cancel buttons accept_btns = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, Qt.Horizontal, self) self.connect(accept_btns, SIGNAL('accepted()'), self.accept) self.connect(accept_btns, SIGNAL('rejected()'), self.reject) # Dialog layout layout = QVBoxLayout(self) layout.addWidget(main_label) layout.addLayout(cf_layout) layout.addWidget(self.rm_cb) layout.addLayout(ssh_form) layout.addWidget(accept_btns) # remote kernel checkbox enables the ssh_connection_form def ssh_set_enabled(state): for wid in [self.hn, self.kf, kf_open_btn, self.pw]: wid.setEnabled(state) for i in range(ssh_form.rowCount()): ssh_form.itemAt(2 * i).widget().setEnabled(state) ssh_set_enabled(self.rm_cb.checkState()) self.connect(self.rm_cb, SIGNAL('stateChanged(int)'), ssh_set_enabled) def select_connection_file(self): cf = getopenfilename(self, _('Open IPython connection file'), osp.join(get_ipython_dir(), 'profile_default', 'security'), '*.json;;*.*')[0] self.cf.setText(cf) def select_ssh_key(self): kf = getopenfilename(self, _('Select ssh key'), get_ipython_dir(), '*.pem;;*.*')[0] self.kf.setText(kf) @staticmethod def get_connection_parameters(parent=None): dialog = KernelConnectionDialog(parent) result = dialog.exec_() is_remote = bool(dialog.rm_cb.checkState()) accepted = result == QDialog.Accepted if is_remote: falsy_to_none = lambda arg: arg if arg else None return (dialog.cf.text(), # connection file falsy_to_none(dialog.hn.text()), # host name falsy_to_none(dialog.kf.text()), # ssh key file falsy_to_none(dialog.pw.text()), # ssh password accepted) # ok else: return (dialog.cf.text(), None, None, None, accepted) class IPythonConsole(SpyderPluginWidget): """ IPython Console plugin This is a widget with tabs where each one is an IPythonClient """ CONF_SECTION = 'ipython_console' CONFIGWIDGET_CLASS = IPythonConsoleConfigPage DISABLE_ACTIONS_WHEN_HIDDEN = False def __init__(self, parent): SpyderPluginWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.tabwidget = None self.menu_actions = None self.extconsole = None # External console plugin self.inspector = None # Object inspector plugin self.historylog = None # History log plugin self.variableexplorer = None # Variable explorer plugin self.master_clients = 0 self.clients = [] # Initialize plugin self.initialize_plugin() layout = QVBoxLayout() self.tabwidget = Tabs(self, self.menu_actions) if hasattr(self.tabwidget, 'setDocumentMode')\ and not sys.platform == 'darwin': # Don't set document mode to true on OSX because it generates # a crash when the console is detached from the main window # Fixes Issue 561 self.tabwidget.setDocumentMode(True) self.connect(self.tabwidget, SIGNAL('currentChanged(int)'), self.refresh_plugin) self.connect(self.tabwidget, SIGNAL('move_data(int,int)'), self.move_tab) self.tabwidget.set_close_function(self.close_client) if sys.platform == 'darwin': tab_container = QWidget() tab_container.setObjectName('tab-container') tab_layout = QHBoxLayout(tab_container) tab_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) tab_layout.addWidget(self.tabwidget) layout.addWidget(tab_container) else: layout.addWidget(self.tabwidget) # Find/replace widget self.find_widget = FindReplace(self) self.find_widget.hide() self.register_widget_shortcuts("Editor", self.find_widget) layout.addWidget(self.find_widget) self.setLayout(layout) # Accepting drops self.setAcceptDrops(True) #------ SpyderPluginMixin API --------------------------------------------- def on_first_registration(self): """Action to be performed on first plugin registration""" self.main.tabify_plugins(self.main.extconsole, self) def apply_plugin_settings(self, options): """Apply configuration file's plugin settings""" font_n = 'plugin_font' font_o = self.get_plugin_font() inspector_n = 'connect_to_oi' inspector_o = CONF.get('inspector', 'connect/ipython_console') for client in self.clients: control = client.get_control() if font_n in options: client.set_font(font_o) if inspector_n in options and control is not None: control.set_inspector_enabled(inspector_o) def toggle_view(self, checked): """Toggle view""" if checked: self.dockwidget.show() self.dockwidget.raise_() # Start a client in case there are none shown if not self.clients: if self.main.is_setting_up: self.create_new_client(give_focus=False) else: self.create_new_client(give_focus=True) else: self.dockwidget.hide() #------ SpyderPluginWidget API -------------------------------------------- def get_plugin_title(self): """Return widget title""" return _('IPython console') def get_plugin_icon(self): """Return widget icon""" return get_icon('ipython_console.png') def get_focus_widget(self): """ Return the widget to give focus to when this plugin's dockwidget is raised on top-level """ client = self.tabwidget.currentWidget() if client is not None: return client.get_control() def closing_plugin(self, cancelable=False): """Perform actions before parent main window is closed""" for client in self.clients: client.close() return True def refresh_plugin(self): """Refresh tabwidget""" client = None if self.tabwidget.count(): # Give focus to the control widget of the selected tab client = self.tabwidget.currentWidget() control = client.get_control() control.setFocus() widgets = client.get_toolbar_buttons()+[5] # Change extconsole tab to the client's kernel widget idx = self.extconsole.get_shell_index_from_id( client.kernel_widget_id) if idx is not None: self.extconsole.tabwidget.setCurrentIndex(idx) else: control = None widgets = [] self.find_widget.set_editor(control) self.tabwidget.set_corner_widgets({Qt.TopRightCorner: widgets}) self.main.last_console_plugin_focus_was_python = False self.emit(SIGNAL('update_plugin_title()')) def get_plugin_actions(self): """Return a list of actions related to plugin""" ctrl = "Cmd" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "Ctrl" main_create_client_action = create_action(self, _("Open an &IPython console"), None, 'ipython_console.png', triggered=self.create_new_client, tip=_("Use %s+T when the console is selected " "to open a new one") % ctrl) create_client_action = create_action(self, _("Open a new console"), QKeySequence("Ctrl+T"), 'ipython_console.png', triggered=self.create_new_client) create_client_action.setShortcutContext(Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut) connect_to_kernel_action = create_action(self, _("Connect to an existing kernel"), None, None, _("Open a new IPython console connected to an existing kernel"), triggered=self.create_client_for_kernel) # Add the action to the 'Consoles' menu on the main window main_consoles_menu = self.main.consoles_menu_actions main_consoles_menu.insert(0, main_create_client_action) main_consoles_menu += [None, connect_to_kernel_action] # Plugin actions self.menu_actions = [create_client_action, connect_to_kernel_action] return self.menu_actions def register_plugin(self): """Register plugin in Spyder's main window""" self.main.add_dockwidget(self) self.extconsole = self.main.extconsole self.inspector = self.main.inspector self.historylog = self.main.historylog self.variableexplorer = self.main.variableexplorer self.connect(self, SIGNAL('focus_changed()'), self.main.plugin_focus_changed) if self.main.editor is not None: self.connect(self, SIGNAL("edit_goto(QString,int,QString)"), self.main.editor.load) self.connect(self.main.editor, SIGNAL('run_in_current_ipyclient(QString,QString,QString,bool)'), self.run_script_in_current_client) #------ Public API (for clients) ------------------------------------------ def get_clients(self): """Return clients list""" return [cl for cl in self.clients if isinstance(cl, IPythonClient)] # def get_kernels(self): # """Return IPython kernel widgets list""" # return [sw for sw in self.shellwidgets # if isinstance(sw, IPythonKernel)] # def get_focus_client(self): """Return current client with focus, if any""" widget = QApplication.focusWidget() for client in self.get_clients(): if widget is client or widget is client.get_control(): return client def get_current_client(self): """Return the currently selected client""" client = self.tabwidget.currentWidget() if client is not None: return client def run_script_in_current_client(self, filename, wdir, args, debug): """Run script in current client, if any""" norm = lambda text: remove_backslashes(to_text_string(text)) client = self.get_current_client() if client is not None: # Internal kernels, use runfile if client.kernel_widget_id is not None: line = "%s('%s'" % ('debugfile' if debug else 'runfile', norm(filename)) if args: line += ", args='%s'" % norm(args) if wdir: line += ", wdir='%s'" % norm(wdir) line += ")" else: # External kernels, use %run line = "%run " if debug: line += "-d " line += "\"%s\"" % to_text_string(filename) if args: line += " %s" % norm(args) self.execute_python_code(line) self.visibility_changed(True) self.raise_() else: #XXX: not sure it can really happen QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Warning'), _("No IPython console is currently available to run %s." "

Please open a new one and try again." ) % osp.basename(filename), QMessageBox.Ok) def execute_python_code(self, lines): client = self.get_current_client() if client is not None: client.shellwidget.execute(to_text_string(lines)) self.activateWindow() client.get_control().setFocus() def write_to_stdin(self, line): client = self.get_current_client() if client is not None: client.shellwidget.write_to_stdin(line) def create_new_client(self, give_focus=True): """Create a new client""" self.master_clients += 1 name = "%d/A" % self.master_clients client = IPythonClient(self, name=name, history_filename='history.py', menu_actions=self.menu_actions) self.add_tab(client, name=client.get_name()) self.main.extconsole.start_ipykernel(client, give_focus=give_focus) def register_client(self, client, restart=False, give_focus=True): """Register new client""" self.connect_client_to_kernel(client) client.show_shellwidget(give_focus=give_focus) # Local vars shellwidget = client.shellwidget control = shellwidget._control page_control = shellwidget._page_control # Create new clients with Ctrl+T shortcut self.connect(shellwidget, SIGNAL('new_ipyclient()'), self.create_new_client) # Handle kernel interrupts extconsoles = self.extconsole.shellwidgets kernel_widget = None if extconsoles: if extconsoles[-1].connection_file == client.connection_file: kernel_widget = extconsoles[-1] if restart: shellwidget.custom_interrupt_requested.disconnect() shellwidget.custom_interrupt_requested.connect( kernel_widget.keyboard_interrupt) if kernel_widget is None: shellwidget.custom_interrupt_requested.connect( client.interrupt_message) # Connect to our variable explorer if kernel_widget is not None and self.variableexplorer is not None: nsb = self.variableexplorer.currentWidget() # When the autorefresh button is active, our kernels # start to consume more and more CPU during time # Fix Issue 1450 # ---------------- # When autorefresh is off by default we need the next # line so that kernels don't start to consume CPU # Fix Issue 1595 nsb.auto_refresh_button.setChecked(True) nsb.auto_refresh_button.setChecked(False) nsb.auto_refresh_button.setEnabled(False) nsb.set_ipyclient(client) client.set_namespacebrowser(nsb) # If we are restarting the kernel we need to rename # the client tab and do no more from here on if restart: self.rename_client_tab(client) return # For tracebacks self.connect(control, SIGNAL("go_to_error(QString)"), self.go_to_error) # Handle kernel restarts asked by the user if kernel_widget is not None: shellwidget.custom_restart_requested.connect( lambda cl=client: self.restart_kernel(client)) else: shellwidget.custom_restart_requested.connect(client.restart_message) # Print a message if kernel dies unexpectedly shellwidget.custom_restart_kernel_died.connect( lambda t: client.if_kernel_dies(t)) # Connect text widget to our inspector if kernel_widget is not None and self.inspector is not None: control.set_inspector(self.inspector) control.set_inspector_enabled(CONF.get('inspector', 'connect/ipython_console')) # Connect client to our history log if self.historylog is not None: self.historylog.add_history(client.history_filename) self.connect(client, SIGNAL('append_to_history(QString,QString)'), self.historylog.append_to_history) # Set font for client client.set_font( self.get_plugin_font() ) # Connect focus signal to client's control widget self.connect(control, SIGNAL('focus_changed()'), lambda: self.emit(SIGNAL('focus_changed()'))) # Update the find widget if focus changes between control and # page_control self.find_widget.set_editor(control) if page_control: self.connect(page_control, SIGNAL('focus_changed()'), lambda: self.emit(SIGNAL('focus_changed()'))) self.connect(control, SIGNAL('visibility_changed(bool)'), self.refresh_plugin) self.connect(page_control, SIGNAL('visibility_changed(bool)'), self.refresh_plugin) self.connect(page_control, SIGNAL('show_find_widget()'), self.find_widget.show) def close_client(self, index=None, client=None, force=False): """Close client tab from index or widget (or close current tab)""" if not self.tabwidget.count(): return if client is not None: index = self.tabwidget.indexOf(client) if index is None and client is None: index = self.tabwidget.currentIndex() if index is not None: client = self.tabwidget.widget(index) # Check if related clients or kernels are opened # and eventually ask before closing them if not force and isinstance(client, IPythonClient): kernel_index = self.extconsole.get_shell_index_from_id( client.kernel_widget_id) close_all = True if len(self.get_related_clients(client)) > 0 and \ self.get_option('ask_before_closing'): ans = QMessageBox.question(self, self.get_plugin_title(), _("Do you want to close all other consoles connected " "to the same kernel as this one?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel) if ans == QMessageBox.Cancel: return close_all = ans == QMessageBox.Yes if close_all: if kernel_index is not None: self.extconsole.close_console(index=kernel_index, from_ipyclient=True) self.close_related_clients(client) client.close() # Note: client index may have changed after closing related widgets self.tabwidget.removeTab(self.tabwidget.indexOf(client)) self.clients.remove(client) self.emit(SIGNAL('update_plugin_title()')) def get_client_index_from_id(self, client_id): """Return client index from id""" for index, client in enumerate(self.clients): if id(client) == client_id: return index def rename_client_tab(self, client): """Add the pid of the kernel process to client tab""" index = self.get_client_index_from_id(id(client)) self.tabwidget.setTabText(index, client.get_name()) def get_related_clients(self, client): """ Get all other clients that are connected to the same kernel as `client` """ related_clients = [] for cl in self.get_clients(): if cl.connection_file == client.connection_file and \ cl is not client: related_clients.append(cl) return related_clients def close_related_clients(self, client): """Close all clients related to *client*, except itself""" related_clients = self.get_related_clients(client) for cl in related_clients: self.close_client(client=cl, force=True) #------ Public API (for kernels) ------------------------------------------ def ssh_tunnel(self, *args, **kwargs): if sys.platform == 'win32': return zmqtunnel.paramiko_tunnel(*args, **kwargs) else: return openssh_tunnel(self, *args, **kwargs) def tunnel_to_kernel(self, ci, hostname, sshkey=None, password=None, timeout=10): """tunnel connections to a kernel via ssh. remote ports are specified in the connection info ci.""" lports = zmqtunnel.select_random_ports(4) rports = ci['shell_port'], ci['iopub_port'], ci['stdin_port'], ci['hb_port'] remote_ip = ci['ip'] for lp, rp in zip(lports, rports): self.ssh_tunnel(lp, rp, hostname, remote_ip, sshkey, password, timeout) return tuple(lports) def create_kernel_manager_and_client(self, connection_file=None, hostname=None, sshkey=None, password=None): """Create kernel manager and client""" cf = find_connection_file(connection_file) kernel_manager = QtKernelManager(connection_file=cf, config=None) kernel_client = kernel_manager.client() kernel_client.load_connection_file() if hostname is not None: try: newports = self.tunnel_to_kernel(dict(ip=kernel_client.ip, shell_port=kernel_client.shell_port, iopub_port=kernel_client.iopub_port, stdin_port=kernel_client.stdin_port, hb_port=kernel_client.hb_port), hostname, sshkey, password) (kernel_client.shell_port, kernel_client.iopub_port, kernel_client.stdin_port, kernel_client.hb_port) = newports except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, _('Connection error'), _("Could not open ssh tunnel. The " "error was:\n\n") + to_text_string(e)) return None, None kernel_client.start_channels() # To rely on kernel's heartbeat to know when a kernel has died kernel_client.hb_channel.unpause() return kernel_manager, kernel_client def connect_client_to_kernel(self, client): """ Connect a client to its kernel """ km, kc = self.create_kernel_manager_and_client(client.connection_file, client.hostname, client.sshkey, client.password) if km is not None: widget = client.shellwidget widget.kernel_manager = km widget.kernel_client = kc def create_client_for_kernel(self): """Create a client connected to an existing kernel""" (cf, hostname, kf, pw, ok) = KernelConnectionDialog.get_connection_parameters(self) if not ok: return else: self._create_client_for_kernel(cf, hostname, kf, pw) def _create_client_for_kernel(self, cf, hostname, kf, pw): # Verifying if the connection file exists cf = osp.basename(cf) try: find_connection_file(cf) except (IOError, UnboundLocalError): QMessageBox.critical(self, _('IPython'), _("Unable to connect to IPython %s") % cf) return # Getting the master name that corresponds to the client # (i.e. the i in i/A) master_name = None slave_ord = ord('A') - 1 for cl in self.get_clients(): if cf in cl.connection_file: cf = cl.connection_file if master_name is None: master_name = cl.name.split('/')[0] new_slave_ord = ord(cl.name.split('/')[1]) if new_slave_ord > slave_ord: slave_ord = new_slave_ord # If we couldn't find a client with the same connection file, # it means this is a new master client if master_name is None: self.master_clients += 1 master_name = to_text_string(self.master_clients) # Set full client name name = master_name + '/' + chr(slave_ord + 1) # Getting kernel_widget_id from the currently open kernels. kernel_widget_id = None for sw in self.extconsole.shellwidgets: if sw.connection_file == cf.split('/')[-1]: kernel_widget_id = id(sw) # Creating the client client = IPythonClient(self, name=name, history_filename='history.py', connection_file=cf, kernel_widget_id=kernel_widget_id, menu_actions=self.menu_actions, hostname=hostname, sshkey=kf, password=pw) # Adding the tab self.add_tab(client, name=client.get_name()) # Connecting kernel and client self.register_client(client) def restart_kernel(self, client): """ Create a new kernel and connect it to `client` if the user asks for it """ # Took this bit of code (until if result == ) from the IPython project # (qt/frontend_widget.py - restart_kernel). # Licensed under the BSD license message = _('Are you sure you want to restart the kernel?') buttons = QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No result = QMessageBox.question(self, _('Restart kernel?'), message, buttons) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: client.show_restart_animation() # Close old kernel tab idx = self.extconsole.get_shell_index_from_id(client.kernel_widget_id) self.extconsole.close_console(index=idx, from_ipyclient=True) # Create a new one and connect it to the client self.extconsole.start_ipykernel(client) def get_shellwidget_by_kernelwidget_id(self, kernel_id): """Return the IPython widget associated to a kernel widget id""" for cl in self.clients: if cl.kernel_widget_id == kernel_id: return cl.shellwidget else: raise ValueError("Unknown kernel widget ID %r" % kernel_id) #------ Public API (for tabs) --------------------------------------------- def add_tab(self, widget, name): """Add tab""" self.clients.append(widget) index = self.tabwidget.addTab(widget, get_icon('ipython_console.png'), name) self.tabwidget.setCurrentIndex(index) if self.dockwidget and not self.ismaximized: self.dockwidget.setVisible(True) self.dockwidget.raise_() self.activateWindow() widget.get_control().setFocus() def move_tab(self, index_from, index_to): """ Move tab (tabs themselves have already been moved by the tabwidget) """ client = self.clients.pop(index_from) self.clients.insert(index_to, client) self.emit(SIGNAL('update_plugin_title()')) #------ Public API (for help) --------------------------------------------- def go_to_error(self, text): """Go to error if relevant""" match = get_error_match(to_text_string(text)) if match: fname, lnb = match.groups() self.emit(SIGNAL("edit_goto(QString,int,QString)"), osp.abspath(fname), int(lnb), '') def show_intro(self): """Show intro to IPython help""" from IPython.core.usage import interactive_usage self.inspector.show_rich_text(interactive_usage) def show_guiref(self): """Show qtconsole help""" from IPython.core.usage import gui_reference self.inspector.show_rich_text(gui_reference, collapse=True) def show_quickref(self): """Show IPython Cheat Sheet""" from IPython.core.usage import quick_reference self.inspector.show_plain_text(quick_reference) #----Drag and drop #TODO: try and reimplement this block # (this is still the original code block copied from externalconsole.py) # def dragEnterEvent(self, event): # """Reimplement Qt method # Inform Qt about the types of data that the widget accepts""" # source = event.mimeData() # if source.hasUrls(): # if mimedata2url(source): # pathlist = mimedata2url(source) # shellwidget = self.tabwidget.currentWidget() # if all([is_python_script(unicode(qstr)) for qstr in pathlist]): # event.acceptProposedAction() # elif shellwidget is None or not shellwidget.is_running(): # event.ignore() # else: # event.acceptProposedAction() # else: # event.ignore() # elif source.hasText(): # event.acceptProposedAction() # # def dropEvent(self, event): # """Reimplement Qt method # Unpack dropped data and handle it""" # source = event.mimeData() # shellwidget = self.tabwidget.currentWidget() # if source.hasText(): # qstr = source.text() # if is_python_script(unicode(qstr)): # self.start(qstr) # elif shellwidget: # shellwidget.shell.insert_text(qstr) # elif source.hasUrls(): # pathlist = mimedata2url(source) # if all([is_python_script(unicode(qstr)) for qstr in pathlist]): # for fname in pathlist: # self.start(fname) # elif shellwidget: # shellwidget.shell.drop_pathlist(pathlist) # event.acceptProposedAction()