# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2009-2013 Pierre Raybaut # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyderlib/__init__.py for details) """ Spyder, the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment ===================================================== Developped and maintained by the Spyder Development Team Copyright © 2009 - 2015 Pierre Raybaut Copyright © 2010 - 2015 The Spyder Development Team Licensed under the terms of the MIT License (see spyderlib/__init__.py for details) """ from __future__ import print_function #============================================================================== # Stdlib imports #============================================================================== import atexit import errno import os import os.path as osp import re import socket import shutil import sys import threading #============================================================================== # Keeping a reference to the original sys.exit before patching it #============================================================================== ORIGINAL_SYS_EXIT = sys.exit #============================================================================== # Check requirements #============================================================================== from spyderlib import requirements requirements.check_path() requirements.check_qt() #============================================================================== # Windows platforms only: support for hiding the attached console window #============================================================================== set_attached_console_visible = None is_attached_console_visible = None set_windows_appusermodelid = None if os.name == 'nt': from spyderlib.utils.windows import (set_attached_console_visible, is_attached_console_visible, set_windows_appusermodelid) #============================================================================== # Workaround: importing rope.base.project here, otherwise this module can't # be imported if Spyder was executed from another folder than spyderlib #============================================================================== try: import rope.base.project # analysis:ignore except ImportError: pass #============================================================================== # Don't show IPython ShimWarning's to our users # TODO: Move to Jupyter imports in 3.1 #============================================================================== try: import warnings from IPython.utils.shimmodule import ShimWarning warnings.simplefilter('ignore', ShimWarning) except: pass #============================================================================== # Qt imports #============================================================================== from spyderlib.qt.QtGui import (QApplication, QMainWindow, QSplashScreen, QPixmap, QMessageBox, QMenu, QColor, QShortcut, QKeySequence, QDockWidget, QAction, QDesktopServices, QStyleFactory) from spyderlib.qt.QtCore import (SIGNAL, QPoint, Qt, QSize, QByteArray, QUrl, QCoreApplication) from spyderlib.qt.compat import (from_qvariant, getopenfilename, getsavefilename) # Avoid a "Cannot mix incompatible Qt library" error on Windows platforms # when PySide is selected by the QT_API environment variable and when PyQt4 # is also installed (or any other Qt-based application prepending a directory # containing incompatible Qt DLLs versions in PATH): from spyderlib.qt import QtSvg # analysis:ignore #============================================================================== # Create our QApplication instance here because it's needed to render the # splash screen created below #============================================================================== from spyderlib.utils.qthelpers import qapplication MAIN_APP = qapplication() #============================================================================== # Create splash screen out of MainWindow to reduce perceived startup time. #============================================================================== from spyderlib.baseconfig import _, get_image_path SPLASH = QSplashScreen(QPixmap(get_image_path('splash.png'), 'png')) SPLASH_FONT = SPLASH.font() SPLASH_FONT.setPixelSize(10) SPLASH.setFont(SPLASH_FONT) SPLASH.show() SPLASH.showMessage(_("Initializing..."), Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignAbsolute, QColor(Qt.white)) QApplication.processEvents() #============================================================================== # Local utility imports #============================================================================== from spyderlib import __version__, __project_url__, __forum_url__, get_versions from spyderlib.baseconfig import (get_conf_path, get_module_data_path, get_module_source_path, STDERR, DEBUG, DEV, debug_print, TEST, SUBFOLDER, MAC_APP_NAME, running_in_mac_app) from spyderlib.config import (CONF, EDIT_EXT, IMPORT_EXT, OPEN_FILES_PORT, is_gtk_desktop) from spyderlib.cli_options import get_options from spyderlib import dependencies from spyderlib.ipythonconfig import IPYTHON_QT_INSTALLED from spyderlib.userconfig import NoDefault from spyderlib.utils import encoding, programs from spyderlib.utils.iofuncs import load_session, save_session, reset_session from spyderlib.utils.programs import is_module_installed from spyderlib.utils.introspection import module_completion from spyderlib.utils.misc import select_port from spyderlib.py3compat import (PY3, to_text_string, is_text_string, getcwd, u, qbytearray_to_str, configparser as cp) #============================================================================== # Local gui imports #============================================================================== # NOTE: Move (if possible) import's of widgets and plugins exactly where they # are needed in MainWindow to speed up perceived startup time (i.e. the time # from clicking the Spyder icon to showing the splash screen). try: from spyderlib.utils.environ import WinUserEnvDialog except ImportError: WinUserEnvDialog = None # analysis:ignore from spyderlib.utils.qthelpers import (create_action, add_actions, get_icon, get_std_icon, add_shortcut_to_tooltip, create_module_bookmark_actions, create_bookmark_action, create_program_action, DialogManager, keybinding, create_python_script_action, file_uri) from spyderlib.guiconfig import get_shortcut, remove_deprecated_shortcuts from spyderlib.otherplugins import get_spyderplugins_mods #============================================================================== # To save and load temp sessions #============================================================================== TEMP_SESSION_PATH = get_conf_path('temp.session.tar') #============================================================================== # Get the cwd before initializing WorkingDirectory, which sets it to the one # used in the last session #============================================================================== CWD = getcwd() #============================================================================== # Spyder's main window widgets utilities #============================================================================== def get_python_doc_path(): """ Return Python documentation path (Windows: return the PythonXX.chm path if available) """ if os.name == 'nt': doc_path = osp.join(sys.prefix, "Doc") if not osp.isdir(doc_path): return python_chm = [path for path in os.listdir(doc_path) if re.match(r"(?i)Python[0-9]{3}.chm", path)] if python_chm: return file_uri(osp.join(doc_path, python_chm[0])) else: vinf = sys.version_info doc_path = '/usr/share/doc/python%d.%d/html' % (vinf[0], vinf[1]) python_doc = osp.join(doc_path, "index.html") if osp.isfile(python_doc): return file_uri(python_doc) def get_focus_python_shell(): """Extract and return Python shell from widget Return None if *widget* is not a Python shell (e.g. IPython kernel)""" widget = QApplication.focusWidget() from spyderlib.widgets.shell import PythonShellWidget from spyderlib.widgets.externalshell.pythonshell import ExternalPythonShell if isinstance(widget, PythonShellWidget): return widget elif isinstance(widget, ExternalPythonShell): return widget.shell def get_focus_widget_properties(): """Get properties of focus widget Returns tuple (widget, properties) where properties is a tuple of booleans: (is_console, not_readonly, readwrite_editor)""" widget = QApplication.focusWidget() from spyderlib.widgets.shell import ShellBaseWidget from spyderlib.widgets.editor import TextEditBaseWidget textedit_properties = None if isinstance(widget, (ShellBaseWidget, TextEditBaseWidget)): console = isinstance(widget, ShellBaseWidget) not_readonly = not widget.isReadOnly() readwrite_editor = not_readonly and not console textedit_properties = (console, not_readonly, readwrite_editor) return widget, textedit_properties #============================================================================== # Main Window #============================================================================== class MainWindow(QMainWindow): """Spyder main window""" DOCKOPTIONS = QMainWindow.AllowTabbedDocks|QMainWindow.AllowNestedDocks SPYDER_PATH = get_conf_path('path') BOOKMARKS = ( ('numpy', "http://docs.scipy.org/doc/", _("Numpy and Scipy documentation")), ('matplotlib', "http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/contents.html", _("Matplotlib documentation")), ('PyQt4', "http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/", _("PyQt4 Reference Guide")), ('PyQt4', "http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/classes.html", _("PyQt4 API Reference")), ('xy', "http://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/", _("Python(x,y)")), ('winpython', "https://winpython.github.io/", _("WinPython")) ) def __init__(self, options=None): QMainWindow.__init__(self) qapp = QApplication.instance() self.default_style = str(qapp.style().objectName()) self.dialog_manager = DialogManager() self.init_workdir = options.working_directory self.profile = options.profile self.multithreaded = options.multithreaded self.light = options.light self.new_instance = options.new_instance self.debug_print("Start of MainWindow constructor") # Use a custom Qt stylesheet if sys.platform == 'darwin': spy_path = get_module_source_path('spyderlib') mac_style = open(osp.join(spy_path, 'mac_stylesheet.qss')).read() self.setStyleSheet(mac_style) # Shortcut management data self.shortcut_data = [] # Loading Spyder path self.path = [] self.project_path = [] if osp.isfile(self.SPYDER_PATH): self.path, _x = encoding.readlines(self.SPYDER_PATH) self.path = [name for name in self.path if osp.isdir(name)] self.remove_path_from_sys_path() self.add_path_to_sys_path() self.load_temp_session_action = create_action(self, _("Reload last session"), triggered=lambda: self.load_session(TEMP_SESSION_PATH)) self.load_session_action = create_action(self, _("Load session..."), None, 'fileopen.png', triggered=self.load_session, tip=_("Load Spyder session")) self.save_session_action = create_action(self, _("Save session and quit..."), None, 'filesaveas.png', triggered=self.save_session, tip=_("Save current session " "and quit application")) # Plugins self.console = None self.workingdirectory = None self.editor = None self.explorer = None self.inspector = None self.onlinehelp = None self.projectexplorer = None self.outlineexplorer = None self.historylog = None self.extconsole = None self.ipyconsole = None self.variableexplorer = None self.findinfiles = None self.thirdparty_plugins = [] # Preferences from spyderlib.plugins.configdialog import (MainConfigPage, ColorSchemeConfigPage) from spyderlib.plugins.shortcuts import ShortcutsConfigPage from spyderlib.plugins.runconfig import RunConfigPage self.general_prefs = [MainConfigPage, ShortcutsConfigPage, ColorSchemeConfigPage, RunConfigPage] self.prefs_index = None self.prefs_dialog_size = None # Actions self.close_dockwidget_action = None self.find_action = None self.find_next_action = None self.find_previous_action = None self.replace_action = None self.undo_action = None self.redo_action = None self.copy_action = None self.cut_action = None self.paste_action = None self.delete_action = None self.selectall_action = None self.maximize_action = None self.fullscreen_action = None # Menu bars self.file_menu = None self.file_menu_actions = [] self.edit_menu = None self.edit_menu_actions = [] self.search_menu = None self.search_menu_actions = [] self.source_menu = None self.source_menu_actions = [] self.run_menu = None self.run_menu_actions = [] self.debug_menu = None self.debug_menu_actions = [] self.consoles_menu = None self.consoles_menu_actions = [] self.tools_menu = None self.tools_menu_actions = [] self.external_tools_menu = None # We must keep a reference to this, # otherwise the external tools menu is lost after leaving setup method self.external_tools_menu_actions = [] self.view_menu = None self.plugins_menu = None self.toolbars_menu = None self.help_menu = None self.help_menu_actions = [] # Status bar widgets self.mem_status = None self.cpu_status = None # Toolbars self.toolbarslist = [] self.main_toolbar = None self.main_toolbar_actions = [] self.file_toolbar = None self.file_toolbar_actions = [] self.edit_toolbar = None self.edit_toolbar_actions = [] self.search_toolbar = None self.search_toolbar_actions = [] self.source_toolbar = None self.source_toolbar_actions = [] self.run_toolbar = None self.run_toolbar_actions = [] self.debug_toolbar = None self.debug_toolbar_actions = [] # Set Window title and icon if DEV is not None: title = "Spyder %s (Python %s.%s)" % (__version__, sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) else: title = "Spyder (Python %s.%s)" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) if DEBUG: title += " [DEBUG MODE %d]" % DEBUG self.setWindowTitle(title) icon_name = 'spyder_light.svg' if self.light else 'spyder.svg' # Resampling SVG icon only on non-Windows platforms (see Issue 1314): self.setWindowIcon(get_icon(icon_name, resample=os.name != 'nt')) if set_windows_appusermodelid != None: res = set_windows_appusermodelid() debug_print("appusermodelid: " + str(res)) # Showing splash screen self.splash = SPLASH if not self.light: if CONF.get('main', 'current_version', '') != __version__: CONF.set('main', 'current_version', __version__) # Execute here the actions to be performed only once after # each update (there is nothing there for now, but it could # be useful some day...) # List of satellite widgets (registered in add_dockwidget): self.widgetlist = [] # Flags used if closing() is called by the exit() shell command self.already_closed = False self.is_starting_up = True self.is_setting_up = True self.floating_dockwidgets = [] self.window_size = None self.window_position = None self.state_before_maximizing = None self.current_quick_layout = None self.previous_layout_settings = None self.last_plugin = None self.fullscreen_flag = None # isFullscreen does not work as expected # The following flag remember the maximized state even when # the window is in fullscreen mode: self.maximized_flag = None # Session manager self.next_session_name = None self.save_session_name = None # Track which console plugin type had last focus # True: Console plugin # False: IPython console plugin self.last_console_plugin_focus_was_python = True # To keep track of the last focused widget self.last_focused_widget = None # Server to open external files on a single instance self.open_files_server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) self.apply_settings() self.debug_print("End of MainWindow constructor") def debug_print(self, message): """Debug prints""" debug_print(message) #---- Window setup def create_toolbar(self, title, object_name, iconsize=24): """Create and return toolbar with *title* and *object_name*""" toolbar = self.addToolBar(title) toolbar.setObjectName(object_name) toolbar.setIconSize( QSize(iconsize, iconsize) ) self.toolbarslist.append(toolbar) return toolbar def setup(self): """Setup main window""" self.debug_print("*** Start of MainWindow setup ***") if not self.light: self.debug_print(" ..core actions") self.close_dockwidget_action = create_action(self, _("Close current pane"), triggered=self.close_current_dockwidget, context=Qt.ApplicationShortcut) self.register_shortcut(self.close_dockwidget_action, "_", "Close pane") _text = _("&Find text") self.find_action = create_action(self, _text, icon='find.png', tip=_text, triggered=self.find, context=Qt.WidgetShortcut) self.register_shortcut(self.find_action, "Editor", "Find text") self.find_next_action = create_action(self, _("Find &next"), icon='findnext.png', triggered=self.find_next, context=Qt.WidgetShortcut) self.register_shortcut(self.find_next_action, "Editor", "Find next") self.find_previous_action = create_action(self, _("Find &previous"), icon='findprevious.png', triggered=self.find_previous, context=Qt.WidgetShortcut) self.register_shortcut(self.find_previous_action, "Editor", "Find previous") _text = _("&Replace text") self.replace_action = create_action(self, _text, icon='replace.png', tip=_text, triggered=self.replace, context=Qt.WidgetShortcut) self.register_shortcut(self.replace_action, "Editor", "Replace text") def create_edit_action(text, tr_text, icon_name): textseq = text.split(' ') method_name = textseq[0].lower()+"".join(textseq[1:]) return create_action(self, tr_text, shortcut=keybinding(text.replace(' ', '')), icon=get_icon(icon_name), triggered=self.global_callback, data=method_name, context=Qt.WidgetShortcut) self.undo_action = create_edit_action("Undo", _("Undo"), 'undo.png') self.redo_action = create_edit_action("Redo", _("Redo"), 'redo.png') self.copy_action = create_edit_action("Copy", _("Copy"), 'editcopy.png') self.cut_action = create_edit_action("Cut", _("Cut"), 'editcut.png') self.paste_action = create_edit_action("Paste", _("Paste"), 'editpaste.png') self.delete_action = create_edit_action("Delete", _("Delete"), 'editdelete.png') self.selectall_action = create_edit_action("Select All", _("Select All"), 'selectall.png') self.edit_menu_actions = [self.undo_action, self.redo_action, None, self.cut_action, self.copy_action, self.paste_action, self.delete_action, None, self.selectall_action] self.search_menu_actions = [self.find_action, self.find_next_action, self.find_previous_action, self.replace_action] self.search_toolbar_actions = [self.find_action, self.find_next_action, self.replace_action] namespace = None if not self.light: self.debug_print(" ..toolbars") # File menu/toolbar self.file_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("&File")) self.connect(self.file_menu, SIGNAL("aboutToShow()"), self.update_file_menu) self.file_toolbar = self.create_toolbar(_("File toolbar"), "file_toolbar") # Edit menu/toolbar self.edit_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("&Edit")) self.edit_toolbar = self.create_toolbar(_("Edit toolbar"), "edit_toolbar") # Search menu/toolbar self.search_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("&Search")) self.search_toolbar = self.create_toolbar(_("Search toolbar"), "search_toolbar") # Source menu/toolbar self.source_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("Sour&ce")) self.source_toolbar = self.create_toolbar(_("Source toolbar"), "source_toolbar") # Run menu/toolbar self.run_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("&Run")) self.run_toolbar = self.create_toolbar(_("Run toolbar"), "run_toolbar") # Debug menu/toolbar self.debug_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("&Debug")) self.debug_toolbar = self.create_toolbar(_("Debug toolbar"), "debug_toolbar") # Consoles menu/toolbar self.consoles_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("C&onsoles")) # Tools menu self.tools_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("&Tools")) # View menu self.view_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("&View")) # Help menu self.help_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(_("&Help")) # Status bar status = self.statusBar() status.setObjectName("StatusBar") status.showMessage(_("Welcome to Spyder!"), 5000) self.debug_print(" ..tools") # Tools + External Tools prefs_action = create_action(self, _("Pre&ferences"), icon='configure.png', triggered=self.edit_preferences) self.register_shortcut(prefs_action, "_", "Preferences") add_shortcut_to_tooltip(prefs_action, context="_", name="Preferences") spyder_path_action = create_action(self, _("PYTHONPATH manager"), None, 'pythonpath_mgr.png', triggered=self.path_manager_callback, tip=_("Python Path Manager"), menurole=QAction.ApplicationSpecificRole) update_modules_action = create_action(self, _("Update module names list"), triggered=module_completion.reset, tip=_("Refresh list of module names " "available in PYTHONPATH")) self.tools_menu_actions = [prefs_action, spyder_path_action] if WinUserEnvDialog is not None: winenv_action = create_action(self, _("Current user environment variables..."), icon='win_env.png', tip=_("Show and edit current user environment " "variables in Windows registry " "(i.e. for all sessions)"), triggered=self.win_env) self.tools_menu_actions.append(winenv_action) self.tools_menu_actions += [None, update_modules_action] # External Tools submenu self.external_tools_menu = QMenu(_("External Tools")) self.external_tools_menu_actions = [] # Python(x,y) launcher self.xy_action = create_action(self, _("Python(x,y) launcher"), icon=get_icon('pythonxy.png'), triggered=lambda: programs.run_python_script('xy', 'xyhome')) if os.name == 'nt' and is_module_installed('xy'): self.external_tools_menu_actions.append(self.xy_action) # WinPython control panel self.wp_action = create_action(self, _("WinPython control panel"), icon=get_icon('winpython.svg'), triggered=lambda: programs.run_python_script('winpython', 'controlpanel')) if os.name == 'nt' and is_module_installed('winpython'): self.external_tools_menu_actions.append(self.wp_action) # Qt-related tools additact = [] for name in ("designer-qt4", "designer"): qtdact = create_program_action(self, _("Qt Designer"), name, 'qtdesigner.png') if qtdact: break for name in ("linguist-qt4", "linguist"): qtlact = create_program_action(self, _("Qt Linguist"), "linguist", 'qtlinguist.png') if qtlact: break args = ['-no-opengl'] if os.name == 'nt' else [] qteact = create_python_script_action(self, _("Qt examples"), 'qt.png', "PyQt4", osp.join("examples", "demos", "qtdemo", "qtdemo"), args) for act in (qtdact, qtlact, qteact): if act: additact.append(act) if additact and (is_module_installed('winpython') or \ is_module_installed('xy')): self.external_tools_menu_actions += [None] + additact # Guidata and Sift self.debug_print(" ..sift?") gdgq_act = [] if is_module_installed('guidata'): from guidata import configtools from guidata import config # (loading icons) analysis:ignore guidata_icon = configtools.get_icon('guidata.svg') guidata_act = create_python_script_action(self, _("guidata examples"), guidata_icon, "guidata", osp.join("tests", "__init__")) if guidata_act: gdgq_act += [guidata_act] if is_module_installed('guiqwt'): from guiqwt import config # analysis:ignore guiqwt_icon = configtools.get_icon('guiqwt.svg') guiqwt_act = create_python_script_action(self, _("guiqwt examples"), guiqwt_icon, "guiqwt", osp.join("tests", "__init__")) if guiqwt_act: gdgq_act += [guiqwt_act] sift_icon = configtools.get_icon('sift.svg') sift_act = create_python_script_action(self, _("Sift"), sift_icon, "guiqwt", osp.join("tests", "sift")) if sift_act: gdgq_act += [sift_act] if gdgq_act: self.external_tools_menu_actions += [None] + gdgq_act # ViTables vitables_act = create_program_action(self, _("ViTables"), "vitables", 'vitables.png') if vitables_act: self.external_tools_menu_actions += [None, vitables_act] # Maximize current plugin self.maximize_action = create_action(self, '', triggered=self.maximize_dockwidget) self.register_shortcut(self.maximize_action, "_", "Maximize pane") self.__update_maximize_action() # Fullscreen mode self.fullscreen_action = create_action(self, _("Fullscreen mode"), triggered=self.toggle_fullscreen) self.register_shortcut(self.fullscreen_action, "_", "Fullscreen mode") add_shortcut_to_tooltip(self.fullscreen_action, context="_", name="Fullscreen mode") # Main toolbar self.main_toolbar_actions = [self.maximize_action, self.fullscreen_action, None, prefs_action, spyder_path_action] self.main_toolbar = self.create_toolbar(_("Main toolbar"), "main_toolbar") # Internal console plugin self.debug_print(" ..plugin: internal console") from spyderlib.plugins.console import Console self.console = Console(self, namespace, exitfunc=self.closing, profile=self.profile, multithreaded=self.multithreaded, message=_("Spyder Internal Console\n\n" "This console is used to report application\n" "internal errors and to inspect Spyder\n" "internals with the following commands:\n" " spy.app, spy.window, dir(spy)\n\n" "Please don't use it to run your code\n\n")) self.console.register_plugin() # Working directory plugin self.debug_print(" ..plugin: working directory") from spyderlib.plugins.workingdirectory import WorkingDirectory self.workingdirectory = WorkingDirectory(self, self.init_workdir) self.workingdirectory.register_plugin() self.toolbarslist.append(self.workingdirectory) # Object inspector plugin if CONF.get('inspector', 'enable'): self.set_splash(_("Loading object inspector...")) from spyderlib.plugins.inspector import ObjectInspector self.inspector = ObjectInspector(self) self.inspector.register_plugin() # Outline explorer widget if CONF.get('outline_explorer', 'enable'): self.set_splash(_("Loading outline explorer...")) from spyderlib.plugins.outlineexplorer import OutlineExplorer fullpath_sorting = CONF.get('editor', 'fullpath_sorting', True) self.outlineexplorer = OutlineExplorer(self, fullpath_sorting=fullpath_sorting) self.outlineexplorer.register_plugin() # Editor plugin self.set_splash(_("Loading editor...")) from spyderlib.plugins.editor import Editor self.editor = Editor(self) self.editor.register_plugin() # Populating file menu entries quit_action = create_action(self, _("&Quit"), icon='exit.png', tip=_("Quit"), triggered=self.console.quit) self.register_shortcut(quit_action, "_", "Quit") self.file_menu_actions += [self.load_temp_session_action, self.load_session_action, self.save_session_action, None, quit_action] self.set_splash("") self.debug_print(" ..widgets") # Find in files if CONF.get('find_in_files', 'enable'): from spyderlib.plugins.findinfiles import FindInFiles self.findinfiles = FindInFiles(self) self.findinfiles.register_plugin() # Explorer if CONF.get('explorer', 'enable'): self.set_splash(_("Loading file explorer...")) from spyderlib.plugins.explorer import Explorer self.explorer = Explorer(self) self.explorer.register_plugin() # History log widget if CONF.get('historylog', 'enable'): self.set_splash(_("Loading history plugin...")) from spyderlib.plugins.history import HistoryLog self.historylog = HistoryLog(self) self.historylog.register_plugin() # Online help widget try: # Qt >= v4.4 from spyderlib.plugins.onlinehelp import OnlineHelp except ImportError: # Qt < v4.4 OnlineHelp = None # analysis:ignore if CONF.get('onlinehelp', 'enable') and OnlineHelp is not None: self.set_splash(_("Loading online help...")) self.onlinehelp = OnlineHelp(self) self.onlinehelp.register_plugin() # Project explorer widget if CONF.get('project_explorer', 'enable'): self.set_splash(_("Loading project explorer...")) from spyderlib.plugins.projectexplorer import ProjectExplorer self.projectexplorer = ProjectExplorer(self) self.projectexplorer.register_plugin() # External console if self.light: # This is necessary to support the --working-directory option: if self.init_workdir is not None: os.chdir(self.init_workdir) else: self.set_splash(_("Loading external console...")) from spyderlib.plugins.externalconsole import ExternalConsole self.extconsole = ExternalConsole(self, light_mode=self.light) self.extconsole.register_plugin() # Namespace browser if not self.light: # In light mode, namespace browser is opened inside external console # Here, it is opened as an independent plugin, in its own dockwidget self.set_splash(_("Loading namespace browser...")) from spyderlib.plugins.variableexplorer import VariableExplorer self.variableexplorer = VariableExplorer(self) self.variableexplorer.register_plugin() # IPython console if IPYTHON_QT_INSTALLED and not self.light: self.set_splash(_("Loading IPython console...")) from spyderlib.plugins.ipythonconsole import IPythonConsole self.ipyconsole = IPythonConsole(self) self.ipyconsole.register_plugin() if not self.light: nsb = self.variableexplorer.add_shellwidget(self.console.shell) self.connect(self.console.shell, SIGNAL('refresh()'), nsb.refresh_table) nsb.auto_refresh_button.setEnabled(False) self.set_splash(_("Setting up main window...")) # Help menu dep_action = create_action(self, _("Optional dependencies..."), triggered=self.show_dependencies, icon='advanced.png') report_action = create_action(self, _("Report issue..."), icon=get_icon('bug.png'), triggered=self.report_issue) support_action = create_action(self, _("Spyder support..."), triggered=self.google_group) # Spyder documentation doc_path = get_module_data_path('spyderlib', relpath="doc", attr_name='DOCPATH') # * Trying to find the chm doc spyder_doc = osp.join(doc_path, "Spyderdoc.chm") if not osp.isfile(spyder_doc): spyder_doc = osp.join(doc_path, os.pardir, "Spyderdoc.chm") # * Trying to find the html doc if not osp.isfile(spyder_doc): spyder_doc = osp.join(doc_path, "index.html") # * Trying to find the development-version html doc if not osp.isfile(spyder_doc): spyder_doc = osp.join(get_module_source_path('spyderlib'), os.pardir, 'build', 'lib', 'spyderlib', 'doc', "index.html") # * If we totally fail, point to our web build if not osp.isfile(spyder_doc): spyder_doc = 'http://pythonhosted.org/spyder' else: spyder_doc = file_uri(spyder_doc) doc_action = create_bookmark_action(self, spyder_doc, _("Spyder documentation"), shortcut="F1", icon=get_std_icon('DialogHelpButton')) tut_action = create_action(self, _("Spyder tutorial"), triggered=self.inspector.show_tutorial) self.help_menu_actions = [doc_action, tut_action, None, report_action, dep_action, support_action, None] # Python documentation if get_python_doc_path() is not None: pydoc_act = create_action(self, _("Python documentation"), triggered=lambda: programs.start_file(get_python_doc_path())) self.help_menu_actions.append(pydoc_act) # IPython documentation if self.ipyconsole is not None: ipython_menu = QMenu(_("IPython documentation"), self) intro_action = create_action(self, _("Intro to IPython"), triggered=self.ipyconsole.show_intro) quickref_action = create_action(self, _("Quick reference"), triggered=self.ipyconsole.show_quickref) guiref_action = create_action(self, _("Console help"), triggered=self.ipyconsole.show_guiref) add_actions(ipython_menu, (intro_action, guiref_action, quickref_action)) self.help_menu_actions.append(ipython_menu) # Windows-only: documentation located in sys.prefix/Doc ipm_actions = [] def add_ipm_action(text, path): """Add installed Python module doc action to help submenu""" path = file_uri(path) action = create_action(self, text, icon='%s.png' % osp.splitext(path)[1][1:], triggered=lambda path=path: programs.start_file(path)) ipm_actions.append(action) sysdocpth = osp.join(sys.prefix, 'Doc') if osp.isdir(sysdocpth): # exists on Windows, except frozen dist. for docfn in os.listdir(sysdocpth): pt = r'([a-zA-Z\_]*)(doc)?(-dev)?(-ref)?(-user)?.(chm|pdf)' match = re.match(pt, docfn) if match is not None: pname = match.groups()[0] if pname not in ('Python', ): add_ipm_action(pname, osp.join(sysdocpth, docfn)) # Documentation provided by Python(x,y), if available try: from xy.config import DOC_PATH as xy_doc_path xydoc = osp.join(xy_doc_path, "Libraries") def add_xydoc(text, pathlist): for path in pathlist: if osp.exists(path): add_ipm_action(text, path) break add_xydoc(_("Python(x,y) documentation folder"), [xy_doc_path]) add_xydoc(_("IPython documentation"), [osp.join(xydoc, "IPython", "ipythondoc.chm")]) add_xydoc(_("guidata documentation"), [osp.join(xydoc, "guidata", "guidatadoc.chm"), r"D:\Python\guidata\build\doc_chm\guidatadoc.chm"]) add_xydoc(_("guiqwt documentation"), [osp.join(xydoc, "guiqwt", "guiqwtdoc.chm"), r"D:\Python\guiqwt\build\doc_chm\guiqwtdoc.chm"]) add_xydoc(_("Matplotlib documentation"), [osp.join(xydoc, "matplotlib", "Matplotlibdoc.chm"), osp.join(xydoc, "matplotlib", "Matplotlib.pdf")]) add_xydoc(_("NumPy documentation"), [osp.join(xydoc, "NumPy", "numpy.chm")]) add_xydoc(_("NumPy reference guide"), [osp.join(xydoc, "NumPy", "numpy-ref.pdf")]) add_xydoc(_("NumPy user guide"), [osp.join(xydoc, "NumPy", "numpy-user.pdf")]) add_xydoc(_("SciPy documentation"), [osp.join(xydoc, "SciPy", "scipy.chm"), osp.join(xydoc, "SciPy", "scipy-ref.pdf")]) except (ImportError, KeyError, RuntimeError): pass # Installed Python modules submenu (Windows only) if ipm_actions: pymods_menu = QMenu(_("Installed Python modules"), self) add_actions(pymods_menu, ipm_actions) self.help_menu_actions.append(pymods_menu) # Online documentation web_resources = QMenu(_("Online documentation")) webres_actions = create_module_bookmark_actions(self, self.BOOKMARKS) webres_actions.insert(2, None) webres_actions.insert(5, None) add_actions(web_resources, webres_actions) self.help_menu_actions.append(web_resources) # Qt assistant link qta_exe = "assistant-qt4" if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else \ "assistant" qta_act = create_program_action(self, _("Qt documentation"), qta_exe) if qta_act: self.help_menu_actions += [qta_act, None] # About Spyder about_action = create_action(self, _("About %s...") % "Spyder", icon=get_std_icon('MessageBoxInformation'), triggered=self.about) self.help_menu_actions += [None, about_action] # Status bar widgets from spyderlib.widgets.status import MemoryStatus, CPUStatus self.mem_status = MemoryStatus(self, status) self.cpu_status = CPUStatus(self, status) self.apply_statusbar_settings() # Third-party plugins for mod in get_spyderplugins_mods(prefix='p_', extension='.py'): try: plugin = mod.PLUGIN_CLASS(self) self.thirdparty_plugins.append(plugin) plugin.register_plugin() except AttributeError as error: print("%s: %s" % (mod, str(error)), file=STDERR) # View menu self.plugins_menu = QMenu(_("Panes"), self) self.toolbars_menu = QMenu(_("Toolbars"), self) self.view_menu.addMenu(self.plugins_menu) self.view_menu.addMenu(self.toolbars_menu) reset_layout_action = create_action(self, _("Reset window layout"), triggered=self.reset_window_layout) quick_layout_menu = QMenu(_("Custom window layouts"), self) ql_actions = [] for index in range(1, 4): if index > 0: ql_actions += [None] qli_act = create_action(self, _("Switch to/from layout %d") % index, triggered=lambda i=index: self.quick_layout_switch(i)) self.register_shortcut(qli_act, "_", "Switch to/from layout %d" % index) qlsi_act = create_action(self, _("Set layout %d") % index, triggered=lambda i=index: self.quick_layout_set(i)) self.register_shortcut(qlsi_act, "_", "Set layout %d" % index) ql_actions += [qli_act, qlsi_act] add_actions(quick_layout_menu, ql_actions) if set_attached_console_visible is not None: cmd_act = create_action(self, _("Attached console window (debugging)"), toggled=set_attached_console_visible) cmd_act.setChecked(is_attached_console_visible()) add_actions(self.view_menu, (None, cmd_act)) add_actions(self.view_menu, (None, self.fullscreen_action, self.maximize_action, self.close_dockwidget_action, None, reset_layout_action, quick_layout_menu)) # Adding external tools action to "Tools" menu if self.external_tools_menu_actions: external_tools_act = create_action(self, _("External Tools")) external_tools_act.setMenu(self.external_tools_menu) self.tools_menu_actions += [None, external_tools_act] # Filling out menu/toolbar entries: add_actions(self.file_menu, self.file_menu_actions) add_actions(self.edit_menu, self.edit_menu_actions) add_actions(self.search_menu, self.search_menu_actions) add_actions(self.source_menu, self.source_menu_actions) add_actions(self.run_menu, self.run_menu_actions) add_actions(self.debug_menu, self.debug_menu_actions) add_actions(self.consoles_menu, self.consoles_menu_actions) add_actions(self.tools_menu, self.tools_menu_actions) add_actions(self.external_tools_menu, self.external_tools_menu_actions) add_actions(self.help_menu, self.help_menu_actions) add_actions(self.main_toolbar, self.main_toolbar_actions) add_actions(self.file_toolbar, self.file_toolbar_actions) add_actions(self.edit_toolbar, self.edit_toolbar_actions) add_actions(self.search_toolbar, self.search_toolbar_actions) add_actions(self.source_toolbar, self.source_toolbar_actions) add_actions(self.debug_toolbar, self.debug_toolbar_actions) add_actions(self.run_toolbar, self.run_toolbar_actions) # Apply all defined shortcuts (plugins + 3rd-party plugins) self.apply_shortcuts() #self.remove_deprecated_shortcuts() # Emitting the signal notifying plugins that main window menu and # toolbar actions are all defined: self.emit(SIGNAL('all_actions_defined()')) # Window set-up self.debug_print("Setting up window...") self.setup_layout(default=False) self.splash.hide() # Enabling tear off for all menus except help menu if CONF.get('main', 'tear_off_menus'): for child in self.menuBar().children(): if isinstance(child, QMenu) and child != self.help_menu: child.setTearOffEnabled(True) # Menu about to show for child in self.menuBar().children(): if isinstance(child, QMenu): self.connect(child, SIGNAL("aboutToShow()"), self.update_edit_menu) self.debug_print("*** End of MainWindow setup ***") self.is_starting_up = False def post_visible_setup(self): """Actions to be performed only after the main window's `show` method was triggered""" self.emit(SIGNAL('restore_scrollbar_position()')) if self.projectexplorer is not None: self.projectexplorer.check_for_io_errors() # Remove our temporary dir atexit.register(self.remove_tmpdir) # Remove settings test directory if TEST is not None: import tempfile conf_dir = osp.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), SUBFOLDER) atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, conf_dir, ignore_errors=True) # [Workaround for Issue 880] # QDockWidget objects are not painted if restored as floating # windows, so we must dock them before showing the mainwindow, # then set them again as floating windows here. for widget in self.floating_dockwidgets: widget.setFloating(True) # In MacOS X 10.7 our app is not displayed after initialized (I don't # know why because this doesn't happen when started from the terminal), # so we need to resort to this hack to make it appear. if running_in_mac_app(): import subprocess idx = __file__.index(MAC_APP_NAME) app_path = __file__[:idx] subprocess.call(['open', app_path + MAC_APP_NAME]) # Server to maintain just one Spyder instance and open files in it if # the user tries to start other instances with # $ spyder foo.py if CONF.get('main', 'single_instance') and not self.new_instance: t = threading.Thread(target=self.start_open_files_server) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # Connect the window to the signal emmited by the previous server # when it gets a client connected to it self.connect(self, SIGNAL('open_external_file(QString)'), lambda fname: self.open_external_file(fname)) # Create Plugins and toolbars submenus if not self.light: self.create_plugins_menu() self.create_toolbars_menu() # Open a Python console for light mode if self.light: self.extconsole.open_interpreter() self.extconsole.setMinimumHeight(0) if not self.light: # Hide Internal Console so that people don't use it instead of # the External or IPython ones if self.console.dockwidget.isVisible() and DEV is None: self.console.toggle_view_action.setChecked(False) self.console.dockwidget.hide() # Show the Object Inspector and Consoles by default plugins_to_show = [self.inspector] if self.ipyconsole is not None: if self.ipyconsole.isvisible: plugins_to_show += [self.extconsole, self.ipyconsole] else: plugins_to_show += [self.ipyconsole, self.extconsole] else: plugins_to_show += [self.extconsole] for plugin in plugins_to_show: if plugin.dockwidget.isVisible(): plugin.dockwidget.raise_() # Show history file if no console is visible ipy_visible = self.ipyconsole is not None and self.ipyconsole.isvisible if not self.extconsole.isvisible and not ipy_visible: self.historylog.add_history(get_conf_path('history.py')) # Give focus to the Editor if self.editor.dockwidget.isVisible(): try: self.editor.get_focus_widget().setFocus() except AttributeError: pass self.is_setting_up = False def load_window_settings(self, prefix, default=False, section='main'): """Load window layout settings from userconfig-based configuration with *prefix*, under *section* default: if True, do not restore inner layout""" get_func = CONF.get_default if default else CONF.get window_size = get_func(section, prefix+'size') prefs_dialog_size = get_func(section, prefix+'prefs_dialog_size') if default: hexstate = None else: hexstate = get_func(section, prefix+'state', None) pos = get_func(section, prefix+'position') is_maximized = get_func(section, prefix+'is_maximized') is_fullscreen = get_func(section, prefix+'is_fullscreen') return hexstate, window_size, prefs_dialog_size, pos, is_maximized, \ is_fullscreen def get_window_settings(self): """Return current window settings Symetric to the 'set_window_settings' setter""" window_size = (self.window_size.width(), self.window_size.height()) is_fullscreen = self.isFullScreen() if is_fullscreen: is_maximized = self.maximized_flag else: is_maximized = self.isMaximized() pos = (self.window_position.x(), self.window_position.y()) prefs_dialog_size = (self.prefs_dialog_size.width(), self.prefs_dialog_size.height()) hexstate = qbytearray_to_str(self.saveState()) return (hexstate, window_size, prefs_dialog_size, pos, is_maximized, is_fullscreen) def set_window_settings(self, hexstate, window_size, prefs_dialog_size, pos, is_maximized, is_fullscreen): """Set window settings Symetric to the 'get_window_settings' accessor""" self.setUpdatesEnabled(False) self.window_size = QSize(window_size[0], window_size[1]) # width,height self.prefs_dialog_size = QSize(prefs_dialog_size[0], prefs_dialog_size[1]) # width,height self.window_position = QPoint(pos[0], pos[1]) # x,y self.setWindowState(Qt.WindowNoState) self.resize(self.window_size) self.move(self.window_position) if not self.light: # Window layout if hexstate: self.restoreState( QByteArray().fromHex(str(hexstate)) ) # [Workaround for Issue 880] # QDockWidget objects are not painted if restored as floating # windows, so we must dock them before showing the mainwindow. for widget in self.children(): if isinstance(widget, QDockWidget) and widget.isFloating(): self.floating_dockwidgets.append(widget) widget.setFloating(False) # Is fullscreen? if is_fullscreen: self.setWindowState(Qt.WindowFullScreen) self.__update_fullscreen_action() # Is maximized? if is_fullscreen: self.maximized_flag = is_maximized elif is_maximized: self.setWindowState(Qt.WindowMaximized) self.setUpdatesEnabled(True) def save_current_window_settings(self, prefix, section='main'): """Save current window settings with *prefix* in the userconfig-based configuration, under *section*""" win_size = self.window_size prefs_size = self.prefs_dialog_size CONF.set(section, prefix+'size', (win_size.width(), win_size.height())) CONF.set(section, prefix+'prefs_dialog_size', (prefs_size.width(), prefs_size.height())) CONF.set(section, prefix+'is_maximized', self.isMaximized()) CONF.set(section, prefix+'is_fullscreen', self.isFullScreen()) pos = self.window_position CONF.set(section, prefix+'position', (pos.x(), pos.y())) if not self.light: self.maximize_dockwidget(restore=True)# Restore non-maximized layout qba = self.saveState() CONF.set(section, prefix+'state', qbytearray_to_str(qba)) CONF.set(section, prefix+'statusbar', not self.statusBar().isHidden()) def tabify_plugins(self, first, second): """Tabify plugin dockwigdets""" self.tabifyDockWidget(first.dockwidget, second.dockwidget) def setup_layout(self, default=False): """Setup window layout""" prefix = ('lightwindow' if self.light else 'window') + '/' (hexstate, window_size, prefs_dialog_size, pos, is_maximized, is_fullscreen) = self.load_window_settings(prefix, default) if hexstate is None and not self.light: # First Spyder execution: # trying to set-up the dockwidget/toolbar positions to the best # appearance possible splitting = ( (self.projectexplorer, self.editor, Qt.Horizontal), (self.editor, self.outlineexplorer, Qt.Horizontal), (self.outlineexplorer, self.inspector, Qt.Horizontal), (self.inspector, self.console, Qt.Vertical), ) for first, second, orientation in splitting: if first is not None and second is not None: self.splitDockWidget(first.dockwidget, second.dockwidget, orientation) for first, second in ((self.console, self.extconsole), (self.extconsole, self.ipyconsole), (self.ipyconsole, self.historylog), (self.inspector, self.variableexplorer), (self.variableexplorer, self.onlinehelp), (self.onlinehelp, self.explorer), (self.explorer, self.findinfiles), ): if first is not None and second is not None: self.tabify_plugins(first, second) for plugin in [self.findinfiles, self.onlinehelp, self.console, ]+self.thirdparty_plugins: if plugin is not None: plugin.dockwidget.close() for plugin in (self.inspector, self.extconsole): if plugin is not None: plugin.dockwidget.raise_() self.extconsole.setMinimumHeight(250) hidden_toolbars = [self.source_toolbar, self.edit_toolbar, self.search_toolbar] for toolbar in hidden_toolbars: toolbar.close() for plugin in (self.projectexplorer, self.outlineexplorer): plugin.dockwidget.close() self.set_window_settings(hexstate, window_size, prefs_dialog_size, pos, is_maximized, is_fullscreen) for plugin in self.widgetlist: plugin.initialize_plugin_in_mainwindow_layout() def reset_window_layout(self): """Reset window layout to default""" answer = QMessageBox.warning(self, _("Warning"), _("Window layout will be reset to default settings: " "this affects window position, size and dockwidgets.\n" "Do you want to continue?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if answer == QMessageBox.Yes: self.setup_layout(default=True) def quick_layout_switch(self, index): """Switch to quick layout number *index*""" if self.current_quick_layout == index: self.set_window_settings(*self.previous_layout_settings) self.current_quick_layout = None else: try: settings = self.load_window_settings('layout_%d/' % index, section='quick_layouts') except cp.NoOptionError: QMessageBox.critical(self, _("Warning"), _("Quick switch layout #%d has not yet " "been defined.") % index) return self.previous_layout_settings = self.get_window_settings() self.set_window_settings(*settings) self.current_quick_layout = index def quick_layout_set(self, index): """Save current window settings as quick layout number *index*""" self.save_current_window_settings('layout_%d/' % index, section='quick_layouts') def plugin_focus_changed(self): """Focus has changed from one plugin to another""" if self.light: # There is currently no point doing the following in light mode return self.update_edit_menu() self.update_search_menu() # Now deal with Python shell and IPython plugins shell = get_focus_python_shell() if shell is not None: # A Python shell widget has focus self.last_console_plugin_focus_was_python = True if self.inspector is not None: # The object inspector may be disabled in .spyder.ini self.inspector.set_shell(shell) from spyderlib.widgets.externalshell import pythonshell if isinstance(shell, pythonshell.ExtPythonShellWidget): shell = shell.parent() self.variableexplorer.set_shellwidget_from_id(id(shell)) elif self.ipyconsole is not None: focus_client = self.ipyconsole.get_focus_client() if focus_client is not None: self.last_console_plugin_focus_was_python = False kwid = focus_client.kernel_widget_id if kwid is not None: idx = self.extconsole.get_shell_index_from_id(kwid) if idx is not None: kw = self.extconsole.shellwidgets[idx] if self.inspector is not None: self.inspector.set_shell(kw) self.variableexplorer.set_shellwidget_from_id(kwid) # Setting the kernel widget as current widget for the # external console's tabwidget: this is necessary for # the editor/console link to be working (otherwise, # features like "Execute in current interpreter" will # not work with IPython clients unless the associated # IPython kernel has been selected in the external # console... that's not brilliant, but it works for # now: we shall take action on this later self.extconsole.tabwidget.setCurrentWidget(kw) focus_client.get_control().setFocus() def update_file_menu(self): """Update file menu""" self.load_temp_session_action.setEnabled(osp.isfile(TEMP_SESSION_PATH)) def update_edit_menu(self): """Update edit menu""" if self.menuBar().hasFocus(): return # Disabling all actions to begin with for child in self.edit_menu.actions(): child.setEnabled(False) widget, textedit_properties = get_focus_widget_properties() if textedit_properties is None: # widget is not an editor/console return #!!! Below this line, widget is expected to be a QPlainTextEdit instance console, not_readonly, readwrite_editor = textedit_properties # Editor has focus and there is no file opened in it if not console and not_readonly and not self.editor.is_file_opened(): return self.selectall_action.setEnabled(True) # Undo, redo self.undo_action.setEnabled( readwrite_editor \ and widget.document().isUndoAvailable() ) self.redo_action.setEnabled( readwrite_editor \ and widget.document().isRedoAvailable() ) # Copy, cut, paste, delete has_selection = widget.has_selected_text() self.copy_action.setEnabled(has_selection) self.cut_action.setEnabled(has_selection and not_readonly) self.paste_action.setEnabled(not_readonly) self.delete_action.setEnabled(has_selection and not_readonly) # Comment, uncomment, indent, unindent... if not console and not_readonly: # This is the editor and current file is writable for action in self.editor.edit_menu_actions: action.setEnabled(True) def update_search_menu(self): """Update search menu""" if self.menuBar().hasFocus(): return # Disabling all actions to begin with for child in [self.find_action, self.find_next_action, self.find_previous_action, self.replace_action]: child.setEnabled(False) widget, textedit_properties = get_focus_widget_properties() for action in self.editor.search_menu_actions: action.setEnabled(self.editor.isAncestorOf(widget)) if textedit_properties is None: # widget is not an editor/console return #!!! Below this line, widget is expected to be a QPlainTextEdit instance _x, _y, readwrite_editor = textedit_properties for action in [self.find_action, self.find_next_action, self.find_previous_action]: action.setEnabled(True) self.replace_action.setEnabled(readwrite_editor) self.replace_action.setEnabled(readwrite_editor) def create_plugins_menu(self): order = ['editor', 'console', 'ipython_console', 'variable_explorer', 'inspector', None, 'explorer', 'outline_explorer', 'project_explorer', 'find_in_files', None, 'historylog', 'profiler', 'breakpoints', 'pylint', None, 'onlinehelp', 'internal_console'] for plugin in self.widgetlist: action = plugin.toggle_view_action action.setChecked(plugin.dockwidget.isVisible()) try: name = plugin.CONF_SECTION pos = order.index(name) except ValueError: pos = None if pos is not None: order[pos] = action else: order.append(action) actions = order[:] for action in order: if type(action) is str: actions.remove(action) add_actions(self.plugins_menu, actions) def create_toolbars_menu(self): order = ['file_toolbar', 'run_toolbar', 'debug_toolbar', 'main_toolbar', 'Global working directory', None, 'search_toolbar', 'edit_toolbar', 'source_toolbar'] for toolbar in self.toolbarslist: action = toolbar.toggleViewAction() name = toolbar.objectName() try: pos = order.index(name) except ValueError: pos = None if pos is not None: order[pos] = action else: order.append(action) add_actions(self.toolbars_menu, order) def createPopupMenu(self): if self.light: menu = self.createPopupMenu() else: menu = QMenu('', self) actions = self.help_menu_actions[:3] + \ [None, self.help_menu_actions[-1]] add_actions(menu, actions) return menu def set_splash(self, message): """Set splash message""" if message: self.debug_print(message) self.splash.show() self.splash.showMessage(message, Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignAbsolute, QColor(Qt.white)) QApplication.processEvents() def remove_tmpdir(self): """Remove Spyder temporary directory""" shutil.rmtree(programs.TEMPDIR, ignore_errors=True) def closeEvent(self, event): """closeEvent reimplementation""" if self.closing(True): event.accept() else: event.ignore() def resizeEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method""" if not self.isMaximized() and not self.fullscreen_flag: self.window_size = self.size() QMainWindow.resizeEvent(self, event) def moveEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method""" if not self.isMaximized() and not self.fullscreen_flag: self.window_position = self.pos() QMainWindow.moveEvent(self, event) def hideEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method""" if not self.light: for plugin in self.widgetlist: if plugin.isAncestorOf(self.last_focused_widget): plugin.visibility_changed(True) QMainWindow.hideEvent(self, event) def change_last_focused_widget(self, old, now): """To keep track of to the last focused widget""" if (now is None and QApplication.activeWindow() is not None): QApplication.activeWindow().setFocus() self.last_focused_widget = QApplication.focusWidget() elif now is not None: self.last_focused_widget = now def closing(self, cancelable=False): """Exit tasks""" if self.already_closed or self.is_starting_up: return True prefix = ('lightwindow' if self.light else 'window') + '/' self.save_current_window_settings(prefix) if CONF.get('main', 'single_instance'): self.open_files_server.close() for widget in self.widgetlist: if not widget.closing_plugin(cancelable): return False self.dialog_manager.close_all() self.already_closed = True return True def add_dockwidget(self, child): """Add QDockWidget and toggleViewAction""" dockwidget, location = child.create_dockwidget() if CONF.get('main', 'vertical_dockwidget_titlebars'): dockwidget.setFeatures(dockwidget.features()| QDockWidget.DockWidgetVerticalTitleBar) self.addDockWidget(location, dockwidget) self.widgetlist.append(child) def close_current_dockwidget(self): widget = QApplication.focusWidget() for plugin in self.widgetlist: if plugin.isAncestorOf(widget): plugin.dockwidget.hide() break def __update_maximize_action(self): if self.state_before_maximizing is None: text = _("Maximize current pane") tip = _("Maximize current pane") icon = "maximize.png" else: text = _("Restore current pane") tip = _("Restore pane to its original size") icon = "unmaximize.png" self.maximize_action.setText(text) self.maximize_action.setIcon(get_icon(icon)) self.maximize_action.setToolTip(tip) def maximize_dockwidget(self, restore=False): """Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M First call: maximize current dockwidget Second call (or restore=True): restore original window layout""" if self.state_before_maximizing is None: if restore: return # No plugin is currently maximized: maximizing focus plugin self.state_before_maximizing = self.saveState() focus_widget = QApplication.focusWidget() for plugin in self.widgetlist: plugin.dockwidget.hide() if plugin.isAncestorOf(focus_widget): self.last_plugin = plugin self.last_plugin.dockwidget.toggleViewAction().setDisabled(True) self.setCentralWidget(self.last_plugin) self.last_plugin.ismaximized = True # Workaround to solve an issue with editor's outline explorer: # (otherwise the whole plugin is hidden and so is the outline explorer # and the latter won't be refreshed if not visible) self.last_plugin.show() self.last_plugin.visibility_changed(True) if self.last_plugin is self.editor: # Automatically show the outline if the editor was maximized: self.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.outlineexplorer.dockwidget) self.outlineexplorer.dockwidget.show() else: # Restore original layout (before maximizing current dockwidget) self.last_plugin.dockwidget.setWidget(self.last_plugin) self.last_plugin.dockwidget.toggleViewAction().setEnabled(True) self.setCentralWidget(None) self.last_plugin.ismaximized = False self.restoreState(self.state_before_maximizing) self.state_before_maximizing = None self.last_plugin.get_focus_widget().setFocus() self.__update_maximize_action() def __update_fullscreen_action(self): if self.isFullScreen(): icon = "window_nofullscreen.png" else: icon = "window_fullscreen.png" self.fullscreen_action.setIcon(get_icon(icon)) def toggle_fullscreen(self): if self.isFullScreen(): self.fullscreen_flag = False self.showNormal() if self.maximized_flag: self.showMaximized() else: self.maximized_flag = self.isMaximized() self.fullscreen_flag = True self.showFullScreen() self.__update_fullscreen_action() def add_to_toolbar(self, toolbar, widget): """Add widget actions to toolbar""" actions = widget.toolbar_actions if actions is not None: add_actions(toolbar, actions) def about(self): """About Spyder""" versions = get_versions() # Show Mercurial revision for development version revlink = '' if versions['revision']: rev = versions['revision'] revlink = " (Commit: %s)" % (rev, rev) QMessageBox.about(self, _("About %s") % "Spyder", """Spyder %s %s
The Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment

Copyright © 2009 - 2015 Pierre Raybaut
Copyright © 2010 - 2015 The Spyder Development Team
Licensed under the terms of the MIT License

Created by Pierre Raybaut
Developed and maintained by the Spyder Development Team
Many thanks to all the Spyder beta-testers and regular users.

Most of the icons come from the Crystal Project (© 2006-2007 Everaldo Coelho). Other icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane (all rights reserved) and by The Oxygen icon theme.

For bug reports and feature requests, please go to our Github website. For discussions around the project, please go to our Google Group

This project is part of a larger effort to promote and facilitate the use of Python for scientific and engineering software development. The popular Python distributions Anaconda, WinPython and Python(x,y) also contribute to this plan.

Python %s %dbits, Qt %s, %s %s on %s""" % (versions['spyder'], revlink, __project_url__, __project_url__, __forum_url__, versions['python'], versions['bitness'], versions['qt'], versions['qt_api'], versions['qt_api_ver'], versions['system'])) def show_dependencies(self): """Show Spyder's Optional Dependencies dialog box""" from spyderlib.widgets.dependencies import DependenciesDialog dlg = DependenciesDialog(None) dlg.set_data(dependencies.DEPENDENCIES) dlg.show() dlg.exec_() def report_issue(self): if PY3: from urllib.parse import quote else: from urllib import quote # analysis:ignore versions = get_versions() # Get git revision for development version revision = '' if versions['revision']: revision = versions['revision'] issue_template = """\ ## Description **What steps will reproduce the problem?** 1. 2. 3. **What is the expected output? What do you see instead?** **Please provide any additional information below** ## Version and main components * Spyder Version: %s %s * Python Version: %s * Qt Versions: %s, %s %s on %s ## Optional dependencies ``` %s ``` """ % (versions['spyder'], revision, versions['python'], versions['qt'], versions['qt_api'], versions['qt_api_ver'], versions['system'], dependencies.status()) url = QUrl("https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/issues/new") url.addEncodedQueryItem("body", quote(issue_template)) QDesktopServices.openUrl(url) def google_group(self): url = QUrl("http://groups.google.com/group/spyderlib") QDesktopServices.openUrl(url) #---- Global callbacks (called from plugins) def get_current_editor_plugin(self): """Return editor plugin which has focus: console, extconsole, editor, inspector or historylog""" if self.light: return self.extconsole widget = QApplication.focusWidget() from spyderlib.widgets.editor import TextEditBaseWidget from spyderlib.widgets.shell import ShellBaseWidget if not isinstance(widget, (TextEditBaseWidget, ShellBaseWidget)): return for plugin in self.widgetlist: if plugin.isAncestorOf(widget): return plugin else: # External Editor window plugin = widget from spyderlib.widgets.editor import EditorWidget while not isinstance(plugin, EditorWidget): plugin = plugin.parent() return plugin def find(self): """Global find callback""" plugin = self.get_current_editor_plugin() if plugin is not None: plugin.find_widget.show() plugin.find_widget.search_text.setFocus() return plugin def find_next(self): """Global find next callback""" plugin = self.get_current_editor_plugin() if plugin is not None: plugin.find_widget.find_next() def find_previous(self): """Global find previous callback""" plugin = self.get_current_editor_plugin() if plugin is not None: plugin.find_widget.find_previous() def replace(self): """Global replace callback""" plugin = self.find() if plugin is not None: plugin.find_widget.show_replace() def global_callback(self): """Global callback""" widget = QApplication.focusWidget() action = self.sender() callback = from_qvariant(action.data(), to_text_string) from spyderlib.widgets.editor import TextEditBaseWidget if isinstance(widget, TextEditBaseWidget): getattr(widget, callback)() def redirect_internalshell_stdio(self, state): if state: self.console.shell.interpreter.redirect_stds() else: self.console.shell.interpreter.restore_stds() def open_external_console(self, fname, wdir, args, interact, debug, python, python_args, systerm): """Open external console""" if systerm: # Running script in an external system terminal try: programs.run_python_script_in_terminal(fname, wdir, args, interact, debug, python_args) except NotImplementedError: QMessageBox.critical(self, _("Run"), _("Running an external system terminal " "is not supported on platform %s." ) % os.name) else: self.extconsole.visibility_changed(True) self.extconsole.raise_() self.extconsole.start( fname=to_text_string(fname), wdir=to_text_string(wdir), args=to_text_string(args), interact=interact, debug=debug, python=python, python_args=to_text_string(python_args) ) def execute_in_external_console(self, lines, focus_to_editor): """ Execute lines in external or IPython console and eventually set focus to the editor """ console = self.extconsole if self.ipyconsole is None or self.last_console_plugin_focus_was_python: console = self.extconsole else: console = self.ipyconsole console.visibility_changed(True) console.raise_() console.execute_python_code(lines) if focus_to_editor: self.editor.visibility_changed(True) def new_file(self, text): self.editor.new(text=text) def open_file(self, fname, external=False): """ Open filename with the appropriate application Redirect to the right widget (txt -> editor, spydata -> workspace, ...) or open file outside Spyder (if extension is not supported) """ fname = to_text_string(fname) ext = osp.splitext(fname)[1] if ext in EDIT_EXT: self.editor.load(fname) elif self.variableexplorer is not None and ext in IMPORT_EXT: self.variableexplorer.import_data(fname) elif encoding.is_text_file(fname): self.editor.load(fname) elif not external: fname = file_uri(fname) programs.start_file(fname) def open_external_file(self, fname): """ Open external files that can be handled either by the Editor or the variable explorer inside Spyder. """ fname = encoding.to_unicode_from_fs(fname) if osp.isfile(fname): self.open_file(fname, external=True) elif osp.isfile(osp.join(CWD, fname)): self.open_file(osp.join(CWD, fname), external=True) #---- PYTHONPATH management, etc. def get_spyder_pythonpath(self): """Return Spyder PYTHONPATH""" return self.path+self.project_path def add_path_to_sys_path(self): """Add Spyder path to sys.path""" for path in reversed(self.get_spyder_pythonpath()): sys.path.insert(1, path) def remove_path_from_sys_path(self): """Remove Spyder path from sys.path""" sys_path = sys.path while sys_path[1] in self.get_spyder_pythonpath(): sys_path.pop(1) def path_manager_callback(self): """Spyder path manager""" from spyderlib.widgets.pathmanager import PathManager self.remove_path_from_sys_path() project_pathlist = self.projectexplorer.get_pythonpath() dialog = PathManager(self, self.path, project_pathlist, sync=True) self.connect(dialog, SIGNAL('redirect_stdio(bool)'), self.redirect_internalshell_stdio) dialog.exec_() self.add_path_to_sys_path() encoding.writelines(self.path, self.SPYDER_PATH) # Saving path self.emit(SIGNAL("pythonpath_changed()")) def pythonpath_changed(self): """Project Explorer PYTHONPATH contribution has changed""" self.remove_path_from_sys_path() self.project_path = self.projectexplorer.get_pythonpath() self.add_path_to_sys_path() self.emit(SIGNAL("pythonpath_changed()")) def win_env(self): """Show Windows current user environment variables""" self.dialog_manager.show(WinUserEnvDialog(self)) #---- Preferences def apply_settings(self): """Apply settings changed in 'Preferences' dialog box""" qapp = QApplication.instance() # Set 'gtk+' as the default theme in Gtk-based desktops # Fixes Issue 2036 if is_gtk_desktop() and ('GTK+' in QStyleFactory.keys()): try: qapp.setStyle('gtk+') except: pass else: qapp.setStyle(CONF.get('main', 'windows_style', self.default_style)) default = self.DOCKOPTIONS if CONF.get('main', 'vertical_tabs'): default = default|QMainWindow.VerticalTabs if CONF.get('main', 'animated_docks'): default = default|QMainWindow.AnimatedDocks self.setDockOptions(default) for child in self.widgetlist: features = child.FEATURES if CONF.get('main', 'vertical_dockwidget_titlebars'): features = features|QDockWidget.DockWidgetVerticalTitleBar child.dockwidget.setFeatures(features) child.update_margins() self.apply_statusbar_settings() def apply_statusbar_settings(self): """Update status bar widgets settings""" for widget, name in ((self.mem_status, 'memory_usage'), (self.cpu_status, 'cpu_usage')): if widget is not None: widget.setVisible(CONF.get('main', '%s/enable' % name)) widget.set_interval(CONF.get('main', '%s/timeout' % name)) def edit_preferences(self): """Edit Spyder preferences""" from spyderlib.plugins.configdialog import ConfigDialog dlg = ConfigDialog(self) self.connect(dlg, SIGNAL("size_change(QSize)"), lambda s: self.set_prefs_size(s)) if self.prefs_dialog_size is not None: dlg.resize(self.prefs_dialog_size) for PrefPageClass in self.general_prefs: widget = PrefPageClass(dlg, main=self) widget.initialize() dlg.add_page(widget) for plugin in [self.workingdirectory, self.editor, self.projectexplorer, self.extconsole, self.ipyconsole, self.historylog, self.inspector, self.variableexplorer, self.onlinehelp, self.explorer, self.findinfiles ]+self.thirdparty_plugins: if plugin is not None: widget = plugin.create_configwidget(dlg) if widget is not None: dlg.add_page(widget) if self.prefs_index is not None: dlg.set_current_index(self.prefs_index) dlg.show() dlg.check_all_settings() self.connect(dlg.pages_widget, SIGNAL("currentChanged(int)"), self.__preference_page_changed) dlg.exec_() def __preference_page_changed(self, index): """Preference page index has changed""" self.prefs_index = index def set_prefs_size(self, size): """Save preferences dialog size""" self.prefs_dialog_size = size #---- Shortcuts def register_shortcut(self, qaction_or_qshortcut, context, name, default=NoDefault): """ Register QAction or QShortcut to Spyder main application, with shortcut (context, name, default) """ self.shortcut_data.append( (qaction_or_qshortcut, context, name, default) ) self.apply_shortcuts() def remove_deprecated_shortcuts(self): """Remove deprecated shortcuts""" data = [(context, name) for (qobject, context, name, default) in self.shortcut_data] remove_deprecated_shortcuts(data) def apply_shortcuts(self): """Apply shortcuts settings to all widgets/plugins""" toberemoved = [] for index, (qobject, context, name, default) in enumerate(self.shortcut_data): keyseq = QKeySequence( get_shortcut(context, name, default) ) try: if isinstance(qobject, QAction): qobject.setShortcut(keyseq) elif isinstance(qobject, QShortcut): qobject.setKey(keyseq) except RuntimeError: # Object has been deleted toberemoved.append(index) for index in sorted(toberemoved, reverse=True): self.shortcut_data.pop(index) #---- Sessions def load_session(self, filename=None): """Load session""" if filename is None: self.redirect_internalshell_stdio(False) filename, _selfilter = getopenfilename(self, _("Open session"), getcwd(), _("Spyder sessions")+" (*.session.tar)") self.redirect_internalshell_stdio(True) if not filename: return if self.close(): self.next_session_name = filename def save_session(self): """Save session and quit application""" self.redirect_internalshell_stdio(False) filename, _selfilter = getsavefilename(self, _("Save session"), getcwd(), _("Spyder sessions")+" (*.session.tar)") self.redirect_internalshell_stdio(True) if filename: if self.close(): self.save_session_name = filename def start_open_files_server(self): self.open_files_server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) port = select_port(default_port=OPEN_FILES_PORT) CONF.set('main', 'open_files_port', port) self.open_files_server.bind(('', port)) self.open_files_server.listen(20) while 1: # 1 is faster than True try: req, dummy = self.open_files_server.accept() except socket.error as e: # See Issue 1275 for details on why errno EINTR is # silently ignored here. eintr = errno.WSAEINTR if os.name == 'nt' else errno.EINTR # To avoid a traceback after closing on Windows if e.args[0] == eintr: continue raise fname = req.recv(1024) if not self.light: fname = fname.decode('utf-8') self.emit(SIGNAL('open_external_file(QString)'), fname) req.sendall(b' ') #============================================================================== # Utilities to create the 'main' function #============================================================================== def initialize(): """Initialize Qt, patching sys.exit and eventually setting up ETS""" # This doesn't create our QApplication, just holds a reference to # MAIN_APP, created above to show our splash screen as early as # possible app = qapplication() #----Monkey patching PyQt4.QtGui.QApplication class FakeQApplication(QApplication): """Spyder's fake QApplication""" def __init__(self, args): self = app # analysis:ignore @staticmethod def exec_(): """Do nothing because the Qt mainloop is already running""" pass from spyderlib.qt import QtGui QtGui.QApplication = FakeQApplication #----Monkey patching rope try: from spyderlib import rope_patch rope_patch.apply() except ImportError: # rope 0.9.2/0.9.3 is not installed pass #----Monkey patching sys.exit def fake_sys_exit(arg=[]): pass sys.exit = fake_sys_exit # Removing arguments from sys.argv as in standard Python interpreter sys.argv = [''] # Selecting Qt4 backend for Enthought Tool Suite (if installed) try: from enthought.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig ETSConfig.toolkit = 'qt4' except ImportError: pass #----Monkey patching rope (if installed) # Compatibility with new Mercurial API (>= 1.3). # New versions of rope (> 0.9.2) already handle this issue try: import rope if rope.VERSION == '0.9.2': import rope.base.fscommands class MercurialCommands(rope.base.fscommands.MercurialCommands): def __init__(self, root): self.hg = self._import_mercurial() self.normal_actions = rope.base.fscommands.FileSystemCommands() try: self.ui = self.hg.ui.ui( verbose=False, debug=False, quiet=True, interactive=False, traceback=False, report_untrusted=False) except: self.ui = self.hg.ui.ui() self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'interactive', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'debug', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'traceback', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'verbose', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'report_untrusted', 'no') self.ui.setconfig('ui', 'quiet', 'yes') self.repo = self.hg.hg.repository(self.ui, root) rope.base.fscommands.MercurialCommands = MercurialCommands except ImportError: pass return app class Spy(object): """ Inspect Spyder internals Attributes: app Reference to main QApplication object window Reference to spyder.MainWindow widget """ def __init__(self, app, window): self.app = app self.window = window def __dir__(self): return list(self.__dict__.keys()) +\ [x for x in dir(self.__class__) if x[0] != '_'] def versions(self): return get_versions() def run_spyder(app, options, args): """ Create and show Spyder's main window Start QApplication event loop """ #TODO: insert here # Main window main = MainWindow(options) try: main.setup() except BaseException: if main.console is not None: try: main.console.shell.exit_interpreter() except BaseException: pass raise main.show() main.post_visible_setup() if main.console: main.console.shell.interpreter.namespace['spy'] = \ Spy(app=app, window=main) # Open external files passed as args if args: for a in args: main.open_external_file(a) # Don't show icons in menus for Mac if sys.platform == 'darwin': QCoreApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_DontShowIconsInMenus, True) # Open external files with our Mac app if running_in_mac_app(): main.connect(app, SIGNAL('open_external_file(QString)'), lambda fname: main.open_external_file(fname)) # To give focus again to the last focused widget after restoring # the window main.connect(app, SIGNAL('focusChanged(QWidget*, QWidget*)'), main.change_last_focused_widget) app.exec_() return main def __remove_temp_session(): if osp.isfile(TEMP_SESSION_PATH): os.remove(TEMP_SESSION_PATH) #============================================================================== # Main #============================================================================== def main(): """Session manager""" __remove_temp_session() # **** Collect command line options **** # Note regarding Options: # It's important to collect options before monkey patching sys.exit, # otherwise, optparse won't be able to exit if --help option is passed options, args = get_options() if set_attached_console_visible is not None: set_attached_console_visible(DEBUG or options.show_console\ or options.reset_session\ or options.reset_to_defaults\ or options.optimize) app = initialize() if options.reset_session: # Remove all configuration files! reset_session() # CONF.reset_to_defaults(save=True) return elif options.reset_to_defaults: # Reset Spyder settings to defaults CONF.reset_to_defaults(save=True) return elif options.optimize: # Optimize the whole Spyder's source code directory import spyderlib programs.run_python_script(module="compileall", args=[spyderlib.__path__[0]], p_args=['-O']) return if CONF.get('main', 'crash', False): CONF.set('main', 'crash', False) SPLASH.hide() QMessageBox.information(None, "Spyder", "Spyder crashed during last session.

" "If Spyder does not start at all and before submitting a " "bug report, please try to reset settings to defaults by " "running Spyder with the command line option '--reset':
" "python spyder --reset" "

" "Warning: " "this command will remove all your Spyder configuration files " "located in '%s').

" "If restoring the default settings does not help, please take " "the time to search for known bugs or " "discussions matching your situation before " "eventually creating a new issue here. " "Your feedback will always be greatly appreciated." "" % (get_conf_path(), __project_url__, __forum_url__, __project_url__)) next_session_name = options.startup_session while is_text_string(next_session_name): if next_session_name: error_message = load_session(next_session_name) if next_session_name == TEMP_SESSION_PATH: __remove_temp_session() if error_message is None: CONF.load_from_ini() else: print(error_message) QMessageBox.critical(None, "Load session", u("Unable to load '%s'

Error message:
%s") % (osp.basename(next_session_name), error_message)) mainwindow = None try: mainwindow = run_spyder(app, options, args) except BaseException: CONF.set('main', 'crash', True) import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=STDERR) traceback.print_exc(file=open('spyder_crash.log', 'w')) if mainwindow is None: # An exception occured SPLASH.hide() return next_session_name = mainwindow.next_session_name save_session_name = mainwindow.save_session_name if next_session_name is not None: #-- Loading session # Saving current session in a temporary file # but only if we are not currently trying to reopen it! if next_session_name != TEMP_SESSION_PATH: save_session_name = TEMP_SESSION_PATH if save_session_name: #-- Saving session error_message = save_session(save_session_name) if error_message is not None: QMessageBox.critical(None, "Save session", u("Unable to save '%s'

Error message:
%s") % (osp.basename(save_session_name), error_message)) ORIGINAL_SYS_EXIT() if __name__ == "__main__": main()