# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import os.path as osp import socket import time import atexit import random # Local imports from spyderlib.cli_options import get_options from spyderlib.baseconfig import get_conf_path, running_in_mac_app from spyderlib.config import CONF from spyderlib.baseconfig import DEV, TEST from spyderlib.utils.external import lockfile from spyderlib.py3compat import is_unicode def send_args_to_spyder(args): """ Simple socket client used to send the args passed to the Spyder executable to an already running instance. Args can be Python scripts or files with these extensions: .spydata, .mat, .npy, or .h5, which can be imported by the Variable Explorer. """ port = CONF.get('main', 'open_files_port') # Wait ~50 secs for the server to be up # Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4766598/438386 for _x in range(200): try: for arg in args: client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) client.connect(("", port)) if is_unicode(arg): arg = arg.encode('utf-8') client.send(osp.abspath(arg)) client.close() except socket.error: time.sleep(0.25) continue break def main(): """ Start Spyder application. If single instance mode is turned on (default behavior) and an instance of Spyder is already running, this will just parse and send command line options to the application. """ # Renaming old configuration files (the '.' prefix has been removed) # (except for .spyder.ini --> spyder.ini, which is done in userconfig.py) if DEV is None: cpath = get_conf_path() for fname in os.listdir(cpath): if fname.startswith('.'): old, new = osp.join(cpath, fname), osp.join(cpath, fname[1:]) try: os.rename(old, new) except OSError: pass # Parse command line options options, args = get_options() if CONF.get('main', 'single_instance') and not options.new_instance \ and not running_in_mac_app(): # Minimal delay (0.1-0.2 secs) to avoid that several # instances started at the same time step in their # own foots while trying to create the lock file time.sleep(random.randrange(1000, 2000, 90)/10000.) # Lock file creation lock_file = get_conf_path('spyder.lock') lock = lockfile.FilesystemLock(lock_file) # Try to lock spyder.lock. If it's *possible* to do it, then # there is no previous instance running and we can start a # new one. If *not*, then there is an instance already # running, which is locking that file try: lock_created = lock.lock() except: # If locking fails because of errors in the lockfile # module, try to remove a possibly stale spyder.lock. # This is reported to solve all problems with # lockfile (See issue 2363) try: if os.name == 'nt': if osp.isdir(lock_file): import shutil shutil.rmtree(lock_file, ignore_errors=True) else: if osp.islink(lock_file): os.unlink(lock_file) except: pass # Then start Spyder as usual and *don't* continue # executing this script because it doesn't make # sense from spyderlib import spyder spyder.main() return if lock_created: # Start a new instance if TEST is None: atexit.register(lock.unlock) from spyderlib import spyder spyder.main() else: # Pass args to Spyder or print an informative # message if args: send_args_to_spyder(args) else: print("Spyder is already running. If you want to open a new \n" "instance, please pass to it the --new-instance option") else: from spyderlib import spyder spyder.main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()