# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2009-2010 Pierre Raybaut # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyderlib/__init__.py for details) """Utilities and wrappers around inspect module""" from __future__ import print_function import inspect import re # Local imports: from spyderlib.utils import encoding from spyderlib.py3compat import (is_text_string, builtins, get_meth_func, get_meth_class_inst, get_meth_class, get_func_defaults, to_text_string) SYMBOLS = r"[^\'\"a-zA-Z0-9_.]" def getobj(txt, last=False): """Return the last valid object name in string""" txt_end = "" for startchar, endchar in ["[]", "()"]: if txt.endswith(endchar): pos = txt.rfind(startchar) if pos: txt_end = txt[pos:] txt = txt[:pos] tokens = re.split(SYMBOLS, txt) token = None try: while token is None or re.match(SYMBOLS, token): token = tokens.pop() if token.endswith('.'): token = token[:-1] if token.startswith('.'): # Invalid object name return None if last: #XXX: remove this statement as well as the "last" argument token += txt[ txt.rfind(token) + len(token) ] token += txt_end if token: return token except IndexError: return None def getobjdir(obj): """ For standard objects, will simply return dir(obj) In special cases (e.g. WrapITK package), will return only string elements of result returned by dir(obj) """ return [item for item in dir(obj) if is_text_string(item)] def getdoc(obj): """ Return text documentation from an object. This comes in a form of dictionary with four keys: name: The name of the inspected object argspec: It's argspec note: A phrase describing the type of object (function or method) we are inspecting, and the module it belongs to. docstring: It's docstring """ docstring = inspect.getdoc(obj) or inspect.getcomments(obj) or '' # Most of the time doc will only contain ascii characters, but there are # some docstrings that contain non-ascii characters. Not all source files # declare their encoding in the first line, so querying for that might not # yield anything, either. So assume the most commonly used # multi-byte file encoding (which also covers ascii). try: docstring = to_text_string(docstring) except: pass # Doc dict keys doc = {'name': '', 'argspec': '', 'note': '', 'docstring': docstring} if callable(obj): try: name = obj.__name__ except AttributeError: doc['docstring'] = docstring return doc if inspect.ismethod(obj): imclass = get_meth_class(obj) if get_meth_class_inst(obj) is not None: doc['note'] = 'Method of %s instance' \ % get_meth_class_inst(obj).__class__.__name__ else: doc['note'] = 'Unbound %s method' % imclass.__name__ obj = get_meth_func(obj) elif hasattr(obj, '__module__'): doc['note'] = 'Function of %s module' % obj.__module__ else: doc['note'] = 'Function' doc['name'] = obj.__name__ if inspect.isfunction(obj): args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(obj) doc['argspec'] = inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults, formatvalue=lambda o:'='+repr(o)) if name == '': doc['name'] = name + ' lambda ' doc['argspec'] = doc['argspec'][1:-1] # remove parentheses else: argspec = getargspecfromtext(doc['docstring']) if argspec: doc['argspec'] = argspec # Many scipy and numpy docstrings begin with a function # signature on the first line. This ends up begin redundant # when we are using title and argspec to create the # rich text "Definition:" field. We'll carefully remove this # redundancy but only under a strict set of conditions: # Remove the starting charaters of the 'doc' portion *iff* # the non-whitespace characters on the first line # match *exactly* the combined function title # and argspec we determined above. signature = doc['name'] + doc['argspec'] docstring_blocks = doc['docstring'].split("\n\n") first_block = docstring_blocks[0].strip() if first_block == signature: doc['docstring'] = doc['docstring'].replace( signature, '', 1).lstrip() else: doc['argspec'] = '(...)' # Remove self from argspec argspec = doc['argspec'] doc['argspec'] = argspec.replace('(self)', '()').replace('(self, ', '(') return doc def getsource(obj): """Wrapper around inspect.getsource""" try: try: src = encoding.to_unicode( inspect.getsource(obj) ) except TypeError: if hasattr(obj, '__class__'): src = encoding.to_unicode( inspect.getsource(obj.__class__) ) else: # Bindings like VTK or ITK require this case src = getdoc(obj) return src except (TypeError, IOError): return def getsignaturefromtext(text, objname): """Get object signatures from text (object documentation) Return a list containing a single string in most cases Example of multiple signatures: PyQt4 objects""" if isinstance(text, dict): text = text.get('docstring', '') # Regexps oneline_re = objname + r'\([^\)].+?(?<=[\w\]\}\'"])\)(?!,)' multiline_re = objname + r'\([^\)]+(?<=[\w\]\}\'"])\)(?!,)' multiline_end_parenleft_re = r'(%s\([^\)]+(\),\n.+)+(?<=[\w\]\}\'"])\))' # Grabbing signatures if not text: text = '' sigs_1 = re.findall(oneline_re + '|' + multiline_re, text) sigs_2 = [g[0] for g in re.findall(multiline_end_parenleft_re % objname, text)] all_sigs = sigs_1 + sigs_2 # The most relevant signature is usually the first one. There could be # others in doctests but those are not so important if all_sigs: return all_sigs[0] else: return '' # Fix for Issue 1953 # TODO: Add more signatures and remove this hack in 2.4 getsignaturesfromtext = getsignaturefromtext def getargspecfromtext(text): """ Try to get the formatted argspec of a callable from the first block of its docstring This will return something like '(foo, bar, k=1)' """ blocks = text.split("\n\n") first_block = blocks[0].strip() return getsignaturefromtext(first_block, '') def getargsfromtext(text, objname): """Get arguments from text (object documentation)""" signature = getsignaturefromtext(text, objname) if signature: argtxt = signature[signature.find('(')+1:-1] return argtxt.split(',') def getargsfromdoc(obj): """Get arguments from object doc""" if obj.__doc__ is not None: return getargsfromtext(obj.__doc__, obj.__name__) def getargs(obj): """Get the names and default values of a function's arguments""" if inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.isbuiltin(obj): func_obj = obj elif inspect.ismethod(obj): func_obj = get_meth_func(obj) elif inspect.isclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, '__init__'): func_obj = getattr(obj, '__init__') else: return [] if not hasattr(func_obj, 'func_code'): # Builtin: try to extract info from doc args = getargsfromdoc(func_obj) if args is not None: return args else: # Example: PyQt4 return getargsfromdoc(obj) args, _, _ = inspect.getargs(func_obj.func_code) if not args: return getargsfromdoc(obj) # Supporting tuple arguments in def statement: for i_arg, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, list): args[i_arg] = "(%s)" % ", ".join(arg) defaults = get_func_defaults(func_obj) if defaults is not None: for index, default in enumerate(defaults): args[index+len(args)-len(defaults)] += '='+repr(default) if inspect.isclass(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj): if len(args) == 1: return None if 'self' in args: args.remove('self') return args def getargtxt(obj, one_arg_per_line=True): """ Get the names and default values of a function's arguments Return list with separators (', ') formatted for calltips """ args = getargs(obj) if args: sep = ', ' textlist = None for i_arg, arg in enumerate(args): if textlist is None: textlist = [''] textlist[-1] += arg if i_arg < len(args)-1: textlist[-1] += sep if len(textlist[-1]) >= 32 or one_arg_per_line: textlist.append('') if inspect.isclass(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj): if len(textlist) == 1: return None if 'self'+sep in textlist: textlist.remove('self'+sep) return textlist def isdefined(obj, force_import=False, namespace=None): """Return True if object is defined in namespace If namespace is None --> namespace = locals()""" if namespace is None: namespace = locals() attr_list = obj.split('.') base = attr_list.pop(0) if len(base) == 0: return False if base not in builtins.__dict__ and base not in namespace: if force_import: try: module = __import__(base, globals(), namespace) if base not in globals(): globals()[base] = module namespace[base] = module except (ImportError, SyntaxError): return False else: return False for attr in attr_list: try: attr_not_found = not hasattr(eval(base, namespace), attr) except SyntaxError: return False if attr_not_found: if force_import: try: __import__(base+'.'+attr, globals(), namespace) except (ImportError, SyntaxError): return False else: return False base += '.'+attr return True if __name__ == "__main__": class Test(object): def method(self, x, y=2): pass print(getargtxt(Test.__init__)) print(getargtxt(Test.method)) print(isdefined('numpy.take', force_import=True)) print(isdefined('__import__')) print(isdefined('.keys', force_import=True)) print(getobj('globals')) print(getobj('globals().keys')) print(getobj('+scipy.signal.')) print(getobj('4.')) print(getdoc(sorted)) print(getargtxt(sorted))