# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2011 Pierre Raybaut # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyderlib/__init__.py for details) """External shell's introspection and notification servers""" from spyderlib.qt.QtCore import QThread, SIGNAL, Signal import threading import socket import errno import os # Local imports from spyderlib.baseconfig import get_conf_path, DEBUG from spyderlib.utils.misc import select_port from spyderlib.utils.debug import log_last_error from spyderlib.utils.bsdsocket import read_packet, write_packet LOG_FILENAME = get_conf_path('introspection.log') DEBUG_INTROSPECTION = DEBUG >= 2 if DEBUG_INTROSPECTION: import logging logging.basicConfig(filename=get_conf_path('introspection_debug.log'), level=logging.DEBUG) SPYDER_PORT = 20128 class IntrospectionServer(threading.Thread): """Introspection server""" def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.shells = {} self.setDaemon(True) global SPYDER_PORT self.port = SPYDER_PORT = select_port(default_port=SPYDER_PORT) SPYDER_PORT += 1 def register(self, shell): """Register introspection server See notification server below""" shell_id = str(id(shell)) self.shells[shell_id] = shell def send_socket(self, shell_id, sock): """Send socket to the appropriate object for later communication""" shell = self.shells[shell_id] shell.set_introspection_socket(sock) if DEBUG_INTROSPECTION: logging.debug('Introspection server: shell [%r] port [%r]' % (shell, self.port)) def run(self): """Start server""" sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind( ("", self.port) ) while True: sock.listen(2) try: conn, _addr = sock.accept() except socket.error as e: # See Issue 1275 for details on why errno EINTR is # silently ignored here. eintr = errno.WSAEINTR if os.name == 'nt' else errno.EINTR if e.args[0] == eintr: continue raise shell_id = read_packet(conn) if shell_id is not None: self.send_socket(shell_id, conn) class NotificationServer(IntrospectionServer): """Notification server""" def __init__(self): IntrospectionServer.__init__(self) self.notification_threads = {} def register(self, shell): """Register notification server See pythonshell.ExternalPythonShell.create_process""" IntrospectionServer.register(self, shell) shell_id = str(id(shell)) n_thread = self.notification_threads[shell_id] = NotificationThread() return n_thread def send_socket(self, shell_id, sock): """Send socket to the appropriate object for later communication""" n_thread = self.notification_threads[shell_id] n_thread.set_notify_socket(sock) n_thread.start() if DEBUG_INTROSPECTION: logging.debug('Notification server: shell [%r] port [%r]' % (self.shells[shell_id], self.port)) INTROSPECTION_SERVER = None def start_introspection_server(): """ Start introspection server (only one time) This server is dedicated to introspection features, i.e. Spyder is calling it to retrieve informations on remote objects """ global INTROSPECTION_SERVER if INTROSPECTION_SERVER is None: if DEBUG_INTROSPECTION: import time time_str = "Logging time: %s" % time.ctime(time.time()) logging.debug("="*len(time_str)) logging.debug(time_str) logging.debug("="*len(time_str)) INTROSPECTION_SERVER = IntrospectionServer() INTROSPECTION_SERVER.start() return INTROSPECTION_SERVER NOTIFICATION_SERVER = None def start_notification_server(): """ Start notify server (only one time) This server is dedicated to notification features, i.e. remote objects are notifying Spyder about anything relevant like debugging data (pdb) or "this is the right moment to refresh variable explorer" (syshook) """ global NOTIFICATION_SERVER if NOTIFICATION_SERVER is None: NOTIFICATION_SERVER = NotificationServer() NOTIFICATION_SERVER.start() return NOTIFICATION_SERVER class NotificationThread(QThread): """Notification thread""" sig_process_remote_view = Signal(object) def __init__(self): QThread.__init__(self) self.notify_socket = None def set_notify_socket(self, notify_socket): """Set the notification socket""" self.notify_socket = notify_socket def run(self): """Start notification thread""" while True: if self.notify_socket is None: continue output = None try: try: cdict = read_packet(self.notify_socket) except: # This except statement is intended to handle a struct.error # (but when writing 'except struct.error', it doesn't work) # Note: struct.error is raised when the communication has # been interrupted and the received data is not a string # of length 8 as required by struct.unpack (see read_packet) break if cdict is None: # Another notification thread has just terminated and # then wrote 'None' in the notification socket # (see the 'finally' statement below) continue if not isinstance(cdict, dict): raise TypeError("Invalid data type: %r" % cdict) command = cdict['command'] data = cdict.get('data') if command == 'pdb_step': fname, lineno = data self.emit(SIGNAL('pdb(QString,int)'), fname, lineno) self.emit(SIGNAL('refresh_namespace_browser()')) elif command == 'refresh': self.emit(SIGNAL('refresh_namespace_browser()')) elif command == 'remote_view': self.sig_process_remote_view.emit(data) elif command == 'ipykernel': self.emit(SIGNAL('new_ipython_kernel(QString)'), data) elif command == 'open_file': fname, lineno = data self.emit(SIGNAL('open_file(QString,int)'), fname, lineno) else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported command: %r' % command) if DEBUG_INTROSPECTION: logging.debug("received command: %r" % command) except: log_last_error(LOG_FILENAME, "notification thread") finally: try: write_packet(self.notify_socket, output) except: # The only reason why it should fail is that Spyder is # closing while this thread is still alive break