# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ formlayout ========== Module creating Qt form dialogs/layouts to edit various type of parameters formlayout License Agreement (MIT License) ------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2009 Pierre Raybaut Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from __future__ import print_function # History: # 1.0.15: added support for multiline strings # 1.0.14: fixed Python 3 support (regression in 1.0.13) # 1.0.13: replaced obsolete QColorDialog.getRgba function and fixed other # compatibility issues with PySide (see Issue 8 of formlayout website) # 1.0.12: added support for Python 3 # 1.0.11: added support for PySide # 1.0.10: added float validator: disable "OK" and "Apply" button when not valid # 1.0.7: added support for "Apply" button # 1.0.6: code cleaning __version__ = '1.0.15' __license__ = __doc__ import os try: from spyderlib.qt.QtGui import QFormLayout except ImportError: raise ImportError("Warning: formlayout requires PyQt4 >v4.3") from spyderlib.qt.QtGui import (QWidget, QLineEdit, QComboBox, QLabel, QSpinBox, QIcon, QStyle, QDialogButtonBox, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QDialog, QColor, QPushButton, QCheckBox, QColorDialog, QPixmap, QTabWidget, QApplication, QStackedWidget, QDateEdit, QDateTimeEdit, QFont, QFontComboBox, QFontDatabase, QGridLayout, QDoubleValidator, QTextEdit) from spyderlib.qt.QtCore import Qt, SIGNAL, SLOT, QSize, Slot, Property import datetime # Local imports from spyderlib.baseconfig import _, DEBUG, STDERR from spyderlib.py3compat import is_text_string, to_text_string, is_string, u DEBUG_FORMLAYOUT = DEBUG >= 2 class ColorButton(QPushButton): """ Color choosing push button """ __pyqtSignals__ = ("colorChanged(QColor)",) def __init__(self, parent=None): QPushButton.__init__(self, parent) self.setFixedSize(20, 20) self.setIconSize(QSize(12, 12)) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.choose_color) self._color = QColor() def choose_color(self): color = QColorDialog.getColor(self._color, self.parentWidget()) if color.isValid(): self.set_color(color) def get_color(self): return self._color @Slot(QColor) def set_color(self, color): if color != self._color: self._color = color self.emit(SIGNAL("colorChanged(QColor)"), self._color) pixmap = QPixmap(self.iconSize()) pixmap.fill(color) self.setIcon(QIcon(pixmap)) color = Property("QColor", get_color, set_color) def text_to_qcolor(text): """ Create a QColor from specified string Avoid warning from Qt when an invalid QColor is instantiated """ color = QColor() if not is_string(text): # testing for QString (PyQt API#1) text = str(text) if not is_text_string(text): return color if text.startswith('#') and len(text)==7: correct = '#0123456789abcdef' for char in text: if char.lower() not in correct: return color elif text not in list(QColor.colorNames()): return color color.setNamedColor(text) return color class ColorLayout(QHBoxLayout): """Color-specialized QLineEdit layout""" def __init__(self, color, parent=None): QHBoxLayout.__init__(self) assert isinstance(color, QColor) self.lineedit = QLineEdit(color.name(), parent) self.connect(self.lineedit, SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), self.update_color) self.addWidget(self.lineedit) self.colorbtn = ColorButton(parent) self.colorbtn.color = color self.connect(self.colorbtn, SIGNAL("colorChanged(QColor)"), self.update_text) self.addWidget(self.colorbtn) def update_color(self, text): color = text_to_qcolor(text) if color.isValid(): self.colorbtn.color = color def update_text(self, color): self.lineedit.setText(color.name()) def text(self): return self.lineedit.text() def font_is_installed(font): """Check if font is installed""" return [fam for fam in QFontDatabase().families() if to_text_string(fam) == font] def tuple_to_qfont(tup): """ Create a QFont from tuple: (family [string], size [int], italic [bool], bold [bool]) """ if not isinstance(tup, tuple) or len(tup) != 4 \ or not font_is_installed(tup[0]) \ or not isinstance(tup[1], int) \ or not isinstance(tup[2], bool) \ or not isinstance(tup[3], bool): return None font = QFont() family, size, italic, bold = tup font.setFamily(family) font.setPointSize(size) font.setItalic(italic) font.setBold(bold) return font def qfont_to_tuple(font): return (to_text_string(font.family()), int(font.pointSize()), font.italic(), font.bold()) class FontLayout(QGridLayout): """Font selection""" def __init__(self, value, parent=None): QGridLayout.__init__(self) font = tuple_to_qfont(value) assert font is not None # Font family self.family = QFontComboBox(parent) self.family.setCurrentFont(font) self.addWidget(self.family, 0, 0, 1, -1) # Font size self.size = QComboBox(parent) self.size.setEditable(True) sizelist = list(range(6, 12)) + list(range(12, 30, 2)) + [36, 48, 72] size = font.pointSize() if size not in sizelist: sizelist.append(size) sizelist.sort() self.size.addItems([str(s) for s in sizelist]) self.size.setCurrentIndex(sizelist.index(size)) self.addWidget(self.size, 1, 0) # Italic or not self.italic = QCheckBox(_("Italic"), parent) self.italic.setChecked(font.italic()) self.addWidget(self.italic, 1, 1) # Bold or not self.bold = QCheckBox(_("Bold"), parent) self.bold.setChecked(font.bold()) self.addWidget(self.bold, 1, 2) def get_font(self): font = self.family.currentFont() font.setItalic(self.italic.isChecked()) font.setBold(self.bold.isChecked()) font.setPointSize(int(self.size.currentText())) return qfont_to_tuple(font) def is_edit_valid(edit): text = edit.text() state, _t = edit.validator().validate(text, 0) return state == QDoubleValidator.Acceptable class FormWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, data, comment="", parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) from copy import deepcopy self.data = deepcopy(data) self.widgets = [] self.formlayout = QFormLayout(self) if comment: self.formlayout.addRow(QLabel(comment)) self.formlayout.addRow(QLabel(" ")) if DEBUG_FORMLAYOUT: print("\n"+("*"*80)) print("DATA:", self.data) print("*"*80) print("COMMENT:", comment) print("*"*80) def get_dialog(self): """Return FormDialog instance""" dialog = self.parent() while not isinstance(dialog, QDialog): dialog = dialog.parent() return dialog def setup(self): for label, value in self.data: if DEBUG_FORMLAYOUT: print("value:", value) if label is None and value is None: # Separator: (None, None) self.formlayout.addRow(QLabel(" "), QLabel(" ")) self.widgets.append(None) continue elif label is None: # Comment self.formlayout.addRow(QLabel(value)) self.widgets.append(None) continue elif tuple_to_qfont(value) is not None: field = FontLayout(value, self) elif text_to_qcolor(value).isValid(): field = ColorLayout(QColor(value), self) elif is_text_string(value): if '\n' in value: for linesep in (os.linesep, '\n'): if linesep in value: value = value.replace(linesep, u("\u2029")) field = QTextEdit(value, self) else: field = QLineEdit(value, self) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = list(value) # in case this is a tuple selindex = value.pop(0) field = QComboBox(self) if isinstance(value[0], (list, tuple)): keys = [ key for key, _val in value ] value = [ val for _key, val in value ] else: keys = value field.addItems(value) if selindex in value: selindex = value.index(selindex) elif selindex in keys: selindex = keys.index(selindex) elif not isinstance(selindex, int): print("Warning: '%s' index is invalid (label: "\ "%s, value: %s)" % (selindex, label, value), file=STDERR) selindex = 0 field.setCurrentIndex(selindex) elif isinstance(value, bool): field = QCheckBox(self) field.setCheckState(Qt.Checked if value else Qt.Unchecked) elif isinstance(value, float): field = QLineEdit(repr(value), self) field.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(field)) dialog = self.get_dialog() dialog.register_float_field(field) self.connect(field, SIGNAL('textChanged(QString)'), lambda text: dialog.update_buttons()) elif isinstance(value, int): field = QSpinBox(self) field.setRange(-1e9, 1e9) field.setValue(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): field = QDateTimeEdit(self) field.setDateTime(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime.date): field = QDateEdit(self) field.setDate(value) else: field = QLineEdit(repr(value), self) self.formlayout.addRow(label, field) self.widgets.append(field) def get(self): valuelist = [] for index, (label, value) in enumerate(self.data): field = self.widgets[index] if label is None: # Separator / Comment continue elif tuple_to_qfont(value) is not None: value = field.get_font() elif is_text_string(value): if isinstance(field, QTextEdit): value = to_text_string(field.toPlainText() ).replace(u("\u2029"), os.linesep) else: value = to_text_string(field.text()) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): index = int(field.currentIndex()) if isinstance(value[0], int): # Return an int index, if initialization was an int value = index else: value = value[index+1] if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = value[0] elif isinstance(value, bool): value = field.checkState() == Qt.Checked elif isinstance(value, float): value = float(field.text()) elif isinstance(value, int): value = int(field.value()) elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = field.dateTime() try: value = value.toPyDateTime() # PyQt except AttributeError: value = value.toPython() # PySide elif isinstance(value, datetime.date): value = field.date() try: value = value.toPyDate() # PyQt except AttributeError: value = value.toPython() # PySide else: value = eval(str(field.text())) valuelist.append(value) return valuelist class FormComboWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, datalist, comment="", parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) self.combobox = QComboBox() layout.addWidget(self.combobox) self.stackwidget = QStackedWidget(self) layout.addWidget(self.stackwidget) self.connect(self.combobox, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.stackwidget, SLOT("setCurrentIndex(int)")) self.widgetlist = [] for data, title, comment in datalist: self.combobox.addItem(title) widget = FormWidget(data, comment=comment, parent=self) self.stackwidget.addWidget(widget) self.widgetlist.append(widget) def setup(self): for widget in self.widgetlist: widget.setup() def get(self): return [ widget.get() for widget in self.widgetlist] class FormTabWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, datalist, comment="", parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.tabwidget = QTabWidget() layout.addWidget(self.tabwidget) self.setLayout(layout) self.widgetlist = [] for data, title, comment in datalist: if len(data[0])==3: widget = FormComboWidget(data, comment=comment, parent=self) else: widget = FormWidget(data, comment=comment, parent=self) index = self.tabwidget.addTab(widget, title) self.tabwidget.setTabToolTip(index, comment) self.widgetlist.append(widget) def setup(self): for widget in self.widgetlist: widget.setup() def get(self): return [ widget.get() for widget in self.widgetlist] class FormDialog(QDialog): """Form Dialog""" def __init__(self, data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.apply_callback = apply # Form if isinstance(data[0][0], (list, tuple)): self.formwidget = FormTabWidget(data, comment=comment, parent=self) elif len(data[0])==3: self.formwidget = FormComboWidget(data, comment=comment, parent=self) else: self.formwidget = FormWidget(data, comment=comment, parent=self) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.formwidget) self.float_fields = [] self.formwidget.setup() # Button box self.bbox = bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok |QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.connect(self.formwidget, SIGNAL('update_buttons()'), self.update_buttons) if self.apply_callback is not None: apply_btn = bbox.addButton(QDialogButtonBox.Apply) self.connect(apply_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.apply) self.connect(bbox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), SLOT("accept()")) self.connect(bbox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), SLOT("reject()")) layout.addWidget(bbox) self.setLayout(layout) self.setWindowTitle(title) if not isinstance(icon, QIcon): icon = QWidget().style().standardIcon(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxQuestion) self.setWindowIcon(icon) def register_float_field(self, field): self.float_fields.append(field) def update_buttons(self): valid = True for field in self.float_fields: if not is_edit_valid(field): valid = False for btn_type in (QDialogButtonBox.Ok, QDialogButtonBox.Apply): btn = self.bbox.button(btn_type) if btn is not None: btn.setEnabled(valid) def accept(self): self.data = self.formwidget.get() QDialog.accept(self) def reject(self): self.data = None QDialog.reject(self) def apply(self): self.apply_callback(self.formwidget.get()) def get(self): """Return form result""" # It is import to avoid accessing Qt C++ object as it has probably # already been destroyed, due to the Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose attribute return self.data def fedit(data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None): """ Create form dialog and return result (if Cancel button is pressed, return None) data: datalist, datagroup title: string comment: string icon: QIcon instance parent: parent QWidget apply: apply callback (function) datalist: list/tuple of (field_name, field_value) datagroup: list/tuple of (datalist *or* datagroup, title, comment) -> one field for each member of a datalist -> one tab for each member of a top-level datagroup -> one page (of a multipage widget, each page can be selected with a combo box) for each member of a datagroup inside a datagroup Supported types for field_value: - int, float, str, unicode, bool - colors: in Qt-compatible text form, i.e. in hex format or name (red,...) (automatically detected from a string) - list/tuple: * the first element will be the selected index (or value) * the other elements can be couples (key, value) or only values """ # Create a QApplication instance if no instance currently exists # (e.g. if the module is used directly from the interpreter) if QApplication.startingUp(): _app = QApplication([]) dialog = FormDialog(data, title, comment, icon, parent, apply) if dialog.exec_(): return dialog.get() if __name__ == "__main__": def create_datalist_example(): return [('str', 'this is a string'), ('str', """this is a MULTILINE string"""), ('list', [0, '1', '3', '4']), ('list2', ['--', ('none', 'None'), ('--', 'Dashed'), ('-.', 'DashDot'), ('-', 'Solid'), ('steps', 'Steps'), (':', 'Dotted')]), ('float', 1.2), (None, 'Other:'), ('int', 12), ('font', ('Arial', 10, False, True)), ('color', '#123409'), ('bool', True), ('date', datetime.date(2010, 10, 10)), ('datetime', datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 10)), ] def create_datagroup_example(): datalist = create_datalist_example() return ((datalist, "Category 1", "Category 1 comment"), (datalist, "Category 2", "Category 2 comment"), (datalist, "Category 3", "Category 3 comment")) #--------- datalist example datalist = create_datalist_example() def apply_test(data): print("data:", data) print("result:", fedit(datalist, title="Example", comment="This is just an example.", apply=apply_test)) #--------- datagroup example datagroup = create_datagroup_example() print("result:", fedit(datagroup, "Global title")) #--------- datagroup inside a datagroup example datalist = create_datalist_example() datagroup = create_datagroup_example() print("result:", fedit(((datagroup, "Title 1", "Tab 1 comment"), (datalist, "Title 2", "Tab 2 comment"), (datalist, "Title 3", "Tab 3 comment")), "Global title"))