# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2009-2010 Pierre Raybaut # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyderlib/__init__.py for details) """Shell widgets: base, python and terminal""" # pylint: disable=C0103 # pylint: disable=R0903 # pylint: disable=R0911 # pylint: disable=R0201 import keyword import locale import os import os.path as osp import re import sys import time from spyderlib.qt.QtGui import (QMenu, QApplication, QToolTip, QKeySequence, QMessageBox, QTextCursor, QTextCharFormat) from spyderlib.qt.QtCore import (Qt, QCoreApplication, QTimer, SIGNAL, Property) from spyderlib.qt.compat import getsavefilename # Local import from spyderlib.baseconfig import get_conf_path, _, STDERR, DEBUG from spyderlib.config import CONF from spyderlib.guiconfig import get_font, create_shortcut, get_shortcut from spyderlib.utils import encoding from spyderlib.utils.qthelpers import (keybinding, create_action, add_actions, restore_keyevent, get_icon) from spyderlib.widgets.sourcecode.base import ConsoleBaseWidget from spyderlib.widgets.mixins import (InspectObjectMixin, TracebackLinksMixin, SaveHistoryMixin) from spyderlib.py3compat import (is_text_string, to_text_string, builtins, is_string, PY3) class ShellBaseWidget(ConsoleBaseWidget, SaveHistoryMixin): """ Shell base widget """ def __init__(self, parent, history_filename, profile=False): """ parent : specifies the parent widget """ ConsoleBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) SaveHistoryMixin.__init__(self) # Prompt position: tuple (line, index) self.current_prompt_pos = None self.new_input_line = True # History self.histidx = None self.hist_wholeline = False assert is_text_string(history_filename) self.history_filename = history_filename self.history = self.load_history() # Session self.historylog_filename = CONF.get('main', 'historylog_filename', get_conf_path('history.log')) # Context menu self.menu = None self.setup_context_menu() # Simple profiling test self.profile = profile # Buffer to increase performance of write/flush operations self.__buffer = [] self.__timestamp = 0.0 self.__flushtimer = QTimer(self) self.__flushtimer.setSingleShot(True) self.connect(self.__flushtimer, SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.flush) # Give focus to widget self.setFocus() # Completion completion_size = CONF.get('shell_appearance', 'completion/size') completion_font = get_font('console') self.completion_widget.setup_appearance(completion_size, completion_font) # Cursor width self.setCursorWidth( CONF.get('shell_appearance', 'cursor/width') ) def toggle_wrap_mode(self, enable): """Enable/disable wrap mode""" self.set_wrap_mode('character' if enable else None) def set_font(self, font): """Set shell styles font""" self.setFont(font) self.set_pythonshell_font(font) cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.select(QTextCursor.Document) charformat = QTextCharFormat() charformat.setFontFamily(font.family()) charformat.setFontPointSize(font.pointSize()) cursor.mergeCharFormat(charformat) #------ Context menu def setup_context_menu(self): """Setup shell context menu""" self.menu = QMenu(self) self.cut_action = create_action(self, _("Cut"), shortcut=keybinding('Cut'), icon=get_icon('editcut.png'), triggered=self.cut) self.copy_action = create_action(self, _("Copy"), shortcut=keybinding('Copy'), icon=get_icon('editcopy.png'), triggered=self.copy) paste_action = create_action(self, _("Paste"), shortcut=keybinding('Paste'), icon=get_icon('editpaste.png'), triggered=self.paste) save_action = create_action(self, _("Save history log..."), icon=get_icon('filesave.png'), tip=_("Save current history log (i.e. all " "inputs and outputs) in a text file"), triggered=self.save_historylog) self.delete_action = create_action(self, _("Delete"), shortcut=keybinding('Delete'), icon=get_icon('editdelete.png'), triggered=self.delete) selectall_action = create_action(self, _("Select All"), shortcut=keybinding('SelectAll'), icon=get_icon('selectall.png'), triggered=self.selectAll) add_actions(self.menu, (self.cut_action, self.copy_action, paste_action, self.delete_action, None, selectall_action, None, save_action) ) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method""" state = self.has_selected_text() self.copy_action.setEnabled(state) self.cut_action.setEnabled(state) self.delete_action.setEnabled(state) self.menu.popup(event.globalPos()) event.accept() #------ Input buffer def get_current_line_from_cursor(self): return self.get_text('cursor', 'eof') def _select_input(self): """Select current line (without selecting console prompt)""" line, index = self.get_position('eof') if self.current_prompt_pos is None: pline, pindex = line, index else: pline, pindex = self.current_prompt_pos self.setSelection(pline, pindex, line, index) def clear_line(self): """Clear current line (without clearing console prompt)""" if self.current_prompt_pos is not None: self.remove_text(self.current_prompt_pos, 'eof') def clear_terminal(self): """ Clear terminal window Child classes reimplement this method to write prompt """ self.clear() # The buffer being edited def _set_input_buffer(self, text): """Set input buffer""" if self.current_prompt_pos is not None: self.replace_text(self.current_prompt_pos, 'eol', text) else: self.insert(text) self.set_cursor_position('eof') def _get_input_buffer(self): """Return input buffer""" input_buffer = '' if self.current_prompt_pos is not None: input_buffer = self.get_text(self.current_prompt_pos, 'eol') input_buffer = input_buffer.replace(os.linesep, '\n') return input_buffer input_buffer = Property("QString", _get_input_buffer, _set_input_buffer) #------ Prompt def new_prompt(self, prompt): """ Print a new prompt and save its (line, index) position """ if self.get_cursor_line_column()[1] != 0: self.write('\n') self.write(prompt, prompt=True) # now we update our cursor giving end of prompt self.current_prompt_pos = self.get_position('cursor') self.ensureCursorVisible() self.new_input_line = False def check_selection(self): """ Check if selected text is r/w, otherwise remove read-only parts of selection """ if self.current_prompt_pos is None: self.set_cursor_position('eof') else: self.truncate_selection(self.current_prompt_pos) #------ Copy / Keyboard interrupt def copy(self): """Copy text to clipboard... or keyboard interrupt""" if self.has_selected_text(): ConsoleBaseWidget.copy(self) elif not sys.platform == 'darwin': self.interrupt() def interrupt(self): """Keyboard interrupt""" self.emit(SIGNAL("keyboard_interrupt()")) def cut(self): """Cut text""" self.check_selection() if self.has_selected_text(): ConsoleBaseWidget.cut(self) def delete(self): """Remove selected text""" self.check_selection() if self.has_selected_text(): ConsoleBaseWidget.remove_selected_text(self) def save_historylog(self): """Save current history log (all text in console)""" title = _("Save history log") self.emit(SIGNAL('redirect_stdio(bool)'), False) filename, _selfilter = getsavefilename(self, title, self.historylog_filename, "%s (*.log)" % _("History logs")) self.emit(SIGNAL('redirect_stdio(bool)'), True) if filename: filename = osp.normpath(filename) try: encoding.write(to_text_string(self.get_text_with_eol()), filename) self.historylog_filename = filename CONF.set('main', 'historylog_filename', filename) except EnvironmentError as error: QMessageBox.critical(self, title, _("Unable to save file '%s'" "

Error message:
%s" ) % (osp.basename(filename), to_text_string(error))) #------ Basic keypress event handler def on_enter(self, command): """on_enter""" self.execute_command(command) def execute_command(self, command): self.emit(SIGNAL("execute(QString)"), command) self.add_to_history(command) self.new_input_line = True def on_new_line(self): """On new input line""" self.set_cursor_position('eof') self.current_prompt_pos = self.get_position('cursor') self.new_input_line = False def paste(self): """Reimplemented slot to handle multiline paste action""" if self.new_input_line: self.on_new_line() ConsoleBaseWidget.paste(self) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ Reimplement Qt Method Basic keypress event handler (reimplemented in InternalShell to add more sophisticated features) """ if self.preprocess_keyevent(event): # Event was accepted in self.preprocess_keyevent return self.postprocess_keyevent(event) def preprocess_keyevent(self, event): """Pre-process keypress event: return True if event is accepted, false otherwise""" # Copy must be done first to be able to copy read-only text parts # (otherwise, right below, we would remove selection # if not on current line) ctrl = event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier meta = event.modifiers() & Qt.MetaModifier # meta=ctrl in OSX if event.key() == Qt.Key_C and \ ((Qt.MetaModifier | Qt.ControlModifier) & event.modifiers()): if meta and sys.platform == 'darwin': self.interrupt() elif ctrl: self.copy() event.accept() return True if self.new_input_line and ( len(event.text()) or event.key() in \ (Qt.Key_Up, Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Right) ): self.on_new_line() return False def postprocess_keyevent(self, event): """Post-process keypress event: in InternalShell, this is method is called when shell is ready""" event, text, key, ctrl, shift = restore_keyevent(event) # Is cursor on the last line? and after prompt? if len(text): #XXX: Shouldn't it be: `if len(unicode(text).strip(os.linesep))` ? if self.has_selected_text(): self.check_selection() self.restrict_cursor_position(self.current_prompt_pos, 'eof') cursor_position = self.get_position('cursor') if key in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter): if self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self._key_enter() # add and run selection else: self.insert_text(self.get_selected_text(), at_end=True) elif key == Qt.Key_Insert and not shift and not ctrl: self.setOverwriteMode(not self.overwriteMode()) elif key == Qt.Key_Delete: if self.has_selected_text(): self.check_selection() self.remove_selected_text() elif self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.stdkey_clear() elif key == Qt.Key_Backspace: self._key_backspace(cursor_position) elif key == Qt.Key_Tab: self._key_tab() elif key == Qt.Key_Space and ctrl: self._key_ctrl_space() elif key == Qt.Key_Left: if self.current_prompt_pos == cursor_position: # Avoid moving cursor on prompt return method = self.extend_selection_to_next if shift \ else self.move_cursor_to_next method('word' if ctrl else 'character', direction='left') elif key == Qt.Key_Right: if self.is_cursor_at_end(): return method = self.extend_selection_to_next if shift \ else self.move_cursor_to_next method('word' if ctrl else 'character', direction='right') elif (key == Qt.Key_Home) or ((key == Qt.Key_Up) and ctrl): self._key_home(shift, ctrl) elif (key == Qt.Key_End) or ((key == Qt.Key_Down) and ctrl): self._key_end(shift, ctrl) elif key == Qt.Key_Up: if not self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.set_cursor_position('eof') y_cursor = self.get_coordinates(cursor_position)[1] y_prompt = self.get_coordinates(self.current_prompt_pos)[1] if y_cursor > y_prompt: self.stdkey_up(shift) else: self.browse_history(backward=True) elif key == Qt.Key_Down: if not self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.set_cursor_position('eof') y_cursor = self.get_coordinates(cursor_position)[1] y_end = self.get_coordinates('eol')[1] if y_cursor < y_end: self.stdkey_down(shift) else: self.browse_history(backward=False) elif key in (Qt.Key_PageUp, Qt.Key_PageDown): #XXX: Find a way to do this programmatically instead of calling # widget keyhandler (this won't work if the *event* is coming from # the event queue - i.e. if the busy buffer is ever implemented) ConsoleBaseWidget.keyPressEvent(self, event) elif key == Qt.Key_Escape and shift: self.clear_line() elif key == Qt.Key_Escape: self._key_escape() elif key == Qt.Key_L and ctrl: self.clear_terminal() elif key == Qt.Key_V and ctrl: self.paste() elif key == Qt.Key_X and ctrl: self.cut() elif key == Qt.Key_Z and ctrl: self.undo() elif key == Qt.Key_Y and ctrl: self.redo() elif key == Qt.Key_A and ctrl: self.selectAll() elif key == Qt.Key_Question and not self.has_selected_text(): self._key_question(text) elif key == Qt.Key_ParenLeft and not self.has_selected_text(): self._key_parenleft(text) elif key == Qt.Key_Period and not self.has_selected_text(): self._key_period(text) elif len(text) and not self.isReadOnly(): self.hist_wholeline = False self.insert_text(text) self._key_other(text) else: # Let the parent widget handle the key press event ConsoleBaseWidget.keyPressEvent(self, event) #------ Key handlers def _key_enter(self): command = self.input_buffer self.insert_text('\n', at_end=True) self.on_enter(command) self.flush() def _key_other(self, text): raise NotImplementedError def _key_backspace(self, cursor_position): raise NotImplementedError def _key_tab(self): raise NotImplementedError def _key_ctrl_space(self): raise NotImplementedError def _key_home(self, shift, ctrl): if self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.stdkey_home(shift, ctrl, self.current_prompt_pos) def _key_end(self, shift, ctrl): if self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.stdkey_end(shift, ctrl) def _key_pageup(self): raise NotImplementedError def _key_pagedown(self): raise NotImplementedError def _key_escape(self): raise NotImplementedError def _key_question(self, text): raise NotImplementedError def _key_parenleft(self, text): raise NotImplementedError def _key_period(self, text): raise NotImplementedError #------ History Management def load_history(self): """Load history from a .py file in user home directory""" if osp.isfile(self.history_filename): rawhistory, _ = encoding.readlines(self.history_filename) rawhistory = [line.replace('\n', '') for line in rawhistory] if rawhistory[1] != self.INITHISTORY[1]: rawhistory[1] = self.INITHISTORY[1] else: rawhistory = self.INITHISTORY history = [line for line in rawhistory \ if line and not line.startswith('#')] # Truncating history to X entries: while len(history) >= CONF.get('historylog', 'max_entries'): del history[0] while rawhistory[0].startswith('#'): del rawhistory[0] del rawhistory[0] # Saving truncated history: encoding.writelines(rawhistory, self.history_filename) return history def browse_history(self, backward): """Browse history""" if self.is_cursor_before('eol') and self.hist_wholeline: self.hist_wholeline = False tocursor = self.get_current_line_to_cursor() text, self.histidx = self.__find_in_history(tocursor, self.histidx, backward) if text is not None: if self.hist_wholeline: self.clear_line() self.insert_text(text) else: cursor_position = self.get_position('cursor') # Removing text from cursor to the end of the line self.remove_text('cursor', 'eol') # Inserting history text self.insert_text(text) self.set_cursor_position(cursor_position) def __find_in_history(self, tocursor, start_idx, backward): """Find text 'tocursor' in history, from index 'start_idx'""" if start_idx is None: start_idx = len(self.history) # Finding text in history step = -1 if backward else 1 idx = start_idx if len(tocursor) == 0 or self.hist_wholeline: idx += step if idx >= len(self.history) or len(self.history) == 0: return "", len(self.history) elif idx < 0: idx = 0 self.hist_wholeline = True return self.history[idx], idx else: for index in range(len(self.history)): idx = (start_idx+step*(index+1)) % len(self.history) entry = self.history[idx] if entry.startswith(tocursor): return entry[len(tocursor):], idx else: return None, start_idx #------ Simulation standards input/output def write_error(self, text): """Simulate stderr""" self.flush() self.write(text, flush=True, error=True) if DEBUG: STDERR.write(text) def write(self, text, flush=False, error=False, prompt=False): """Simulate stdout and stderr""" if prompt: self.flush() if not is_string(text): # This test is useful to discriminate QStrings from decoded str text = to_text_string(text) self.__buffer.append(text) ts = time.time() if flush or prompt: self.flush(error=error, prompt=prompt) elif ts - self.__timestamp > 0.05: self.flush(error=error) self.__timestamp = ts # Timer to flush strings cached by last write() operation in series self.__flushtimer.start(50) def flush(self, error=False, prompt=False): """Flush buffer, write text to console""" # Fix for Issue 2452 if PY3: try: text = "".join(self.__buffer) except TypeError: text = b"".join(self.__buffer) try: text = text.decode( locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] ) except: pass else: text = "".join(self.__buffer) self.__buffer = [] self.insert_text(text, at_end=True, error=error, prompt=prompt) QCoreApplication.processEvents() self.repaint() # Clear input buffer: self.new_input_line = True #------ Text Insertion def insert_text(self, text, at_end=False, error=False, prompt=False): """ Insert text at the current cursor position or at the end of the command line """ if at_end: # Insert text at the end of the command line self.append_text_to_shell(text, error, prompt) else: # Insert text at current cursor position ConsoleBaseWidget.insert_text(self, text) #------ Re-implemented Qt Methods def focusNextPrevChild(self, next): """ Reimplemented to stop Tab moving to the next window """ if next: return False return ConsoleBaseWidget.focusNextPrevChild(self, next) #------ Drag and drop def dragEnterEvent(self, event): """Drag and Drop - Enter event""" event.setAccepted(event.mimeData().hasFormat("text/plain")) def dragMoveEvent(self, event): """Drag and Drop - Move event""" if (event.mimeData().hasFormat("text/plain")): event.setDropAction(Qt.MoveAction) event.accept() else: event.ignore() def dropEvent(self, event): """Drag and Drop - Drop event""" if (event.mimeData().hasFormat("text/plain")): text = to_text_string(event.mimeData().text()) if self.new_input_line: self.on_new_line() self.insert_text(text, at_end=True) self.setFocus() event.setDropAction(Qt.MoveAction) event.accept() else: event.ignore() def drop_pathlist(self, pathlist): """Drop path list""" raise NotImplementedError # Example how to debug complex interclass call chains: # # from spyderlib.utils.debug import log_methods_calls # log_methods_calls('log.log', ShellBaseWidget) class PythonShellWidget(TracebackLinksMixin, ShellBaseWidget, InspectObjectMixin): """Python shell widget""" QT_CLASS = ShellBaseWidget INITHISTORY = ['# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-', '# *** Spyder Python Console History Log ***',] SEPARATOR = '%s##---(%s)---' % (os.linesep*2, time.ctime()) def __init__(self, parent, history_filename, profile=False): ShellBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent, history_filename, profile) TracebackLinksMixin.__init__(self) InspectObjectMixin.__init__(self) # Local shortcuts self.shortcuts = self.create_shortcuts() def create_shortcuts(self): inspectsc = create_shortcut(self.inspect_current_object, context='Console', name='Inspect current object', parent=self) return [inspectsc] def get_shortcut_data(self): """ Returns shortcut data, a list of tuples (shortcut, text, default) shortcut (QShortcut or QAction instance) text (string): action/shortcut description default (string): default key sequence """ return [sc.data for sc in self.shortcuts] #------ Context menu def setup_context_menu(self): """Reimplements ShellBaseWidget method""" ShellBaseWidget.setup_context_menu(self) self.copy_without_prompts_action = create_action(self, _("Copy without prompts"), icon=get_icon('copywop.png'), triggered=self.copy_without_prompts) clear_line_action = create_action(self, _("Clear line"), QKeySequence(get_shortcut('console', 'Clear line')), icon=get_icon('eraser.png'), tip=_("Clear line"), triggered=self.clear_line) clear_action = create_action(self, _("Clear shell"), QKeySequence(get_shortcut('console', 'Clear shell')), icon=get_icon('clear.png'), tip=_("Clear shell contents " "('cls' command)"), triggered=self.clear_terminal) add_actions(self.menu, (self.copy_without_prompts_action, clear_line_action, clear_action)) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Reimplements ShellBaseWidget method""" state = self.has_selected_text() self.copy_without_prompts_action.setEnabled(state) ShellBaseWidget.contextMenuEvent(self, event) def copy_without_prompts(self): """Copy text to clipboard without prompts""" text = self.get_selected_text() lines = text.split(os.linesep) for index, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('>>> ') or line.startswith('... '): lines[index] = line[4:] text = os.linesep.join(lines) QApplication.clipboard().setText(text) #------ Key handlers def postprocess_keyevent(self, event): """Process keypress event""" ShellBaseWidget.postprocess_keyevent(self, event) if QToolTip.isVisible(): _event, _text, key, _ctrl, _shift = restore_keyevent(event) self.hide_tooltip_if_necessary(key) def _key_other(self, text): """1 character key""" if self.is_completion_widget_visible(): self.completion_text += text def _key_backspace(self, cursor_position): """Action for Backspace key""" if self.has_selected_text(): self.check_selection() self.remove_selected_text() elif self.current_prompt_pos == cursor_position: # Avoid deleting prompt return elif self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.stdkey_backspace() if self.is_completion_widget_visible(): # Removing only last character because if there was a selection # the completion widget would have been canceled self.completion_text = self.completion_text[:-1] def _key_tab(self): """Action for TAB key""" if self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): empty_line = not self.get_current_line_to_cursor().strip() if empty_line: self.stdkey_tab() else: self.show_code_completion(automatic=False) def _key_ctrl_space(self): """Action for Ctrl+Space""" if not self.is_completion_widget_visible(): self.show_code_completion(automatic=False) def _key_pageup(self): """Action for PageUp key""" pass def _key_pagedown(self): """Action for PageDown key""" pass def _key_escape(self): """Action for ESCAPE key""" if self.is_completion_widget_visible(): self.hide_completion_widget() def _key_question(self, text): """Action for '?'""" if self.get_current_line_to_cursor(): last_obj = self.get_last_obj() if last_obj and not last_obj.isdigit(): self.show_object_info(last_obj) self.insert_text(text) # In case calltip and completion are shown at the same time: if self.is_completion_widget_visible(): self.completion_text += '?' def _key_parenleft(self, text): """Action for '('""" self.hide_completion_widget() if self.get_current_line_to_cursor(): last_obj = self.get_last_obj() if last_obj and not last_obj.isdigit(): self.insert_text(text) self.show_object_info(last_obj, call=True) return self.insert_text(text) def _key_period(self, text): """Action for '.'""" self.insert_text(text) if self.codecompletion_auto: # Enable auto-completion only if last token isn't a float last_obj = self.get_last_obj() if last_obj and not last_obj.isdigit(): self.show_code_completion(automatic=True) #------ Paste def paste(self): """Reimplemented slot to handle multiline paste action""" text = to_text_string(QApplication.clipboard().text()) if len(text.splitlines()) > 1: # Multiline paste if self.new_input_line: self.on_new_line() self.remove_selected_text() # Remove selection, eventually end = self.get_current_line_from_cursor() lines = self.get_current_line_to_cursor() + text + end self.clear_line() self.execute_lines(lines) self.move_cursor(-len(end)) else: # Standard paste ShellBaseWidget.paste(self) #------ Code Completion / Calltips # Methods implemented in child class: # (e.g. InternalShell) def get_dir(self, objtxt): """Return dir(object)""" raise NotImplementedError def get_module_completion(self, objtxt): """Return module completion list associated to object name""" pass def get_globals_keys(self): """Return shell globals() keys""" raise NotImplementedError def get_cdlistdir(self): """Return shell current directory list dir""" raise NotImplementedError def iscallable(self, objtxt): """Is object callable?""" raise NotImplementedError def get_arglist(self, objtxt): """Get func/method argument list""" raise NotImplementedError def get__doc__(self, objtxt): """Get object __doc__""" raise NotImplementedError def get_doc(self, objtxt): """Get object documentation dictionary""" raise NotImplementedError def get_source(self, objtxt): """Get object source""" raise NotImplementedError def is_defined(self, objtxt, force_import=False): """Return True if object is defined""" raise NotImplementedError def show_code_completion(self, automatic): """Display a completion list based on the current line""" # Note: unicode conversion is needed only for ExternalShellBase text = to_text_string(self.get_current_line_to_cursor()) last_obj = self.get_last_obj() if text.startswith('import '): obj_list = self.get_module_completion(text) words = text.split(' ') if ',' in words[-1]: words = words[-1].split(',') self.show_completion_list(obj_list, completion_text=words[-1], automatic=automatic) return elif text.startswith('from '): obj_list = self.get_module_completion(text) if obj_list is None: return words = text.split(' ') if '(' in words[-1]: words = words[:-2] + words[-1].split('(') if ',' in words[-1]: words = words[:-2] + words[-1].split(',') self.show_completion_list(obj_list, completion_text=words[-1], automatic=automatic) return obj_dir = self.get_dir(last_obj) if last_obj and obj_dir and text.endswith('.'): self.show_completion_list(obj_dir, automatic=automatic) return # Builtins and globals if not text.endswith('.') and last_obj \ and re.match(r'[a-zA-Z_0-9]*$', last_obj): b_k_g = dir(builtins)+self.get_globals_keys()+keyword.kwlist for objname in b_k_g: if objname.startswith(last_obj) and objname != last_obj: self.show_completion_list(b_k_g, completion_text=last_obj, automatic=automatic) return else: return # Looking for an incomplete completion if last_obj is None: last_obj = text dot_pos = last_obj.rfind('.') if dot_pos != -1: if dot_pos == len(last_obj)-1: completion_text = "" else: completion_text = last_obj[dot_pos+1:] last_obj = last_obj[:dot_pos] completions = self.get_dir(last_obj) if completions is not None: self.show_completion_list(completions, completion_text=completion_text, automatic=automatic) return # Looking for ' or ": filename completion q_pos = max([text.rfind("'"), text.rfind('"')]) if q_pos != -1: completions = self.get_cdlistdir() if completions: self.show_completion_list(completions, completion_text=text[q_pos+1:], automatic=automatic) return #------ Drag'n Drop def drop_pathlist(self, pathlist): """Drop path list""" if pathlist: files = ["r'%s'" % path for path in pathlist] if len(files) == 1: text = files[0] else: text = "[" + ", ".join(files) + "]" if self.new_input_line: self.on_new_line() self.insert_text(text) self.setFocus() class TerminalWidget(ShellBaseWidget): """ Terminal widget """ COM = 'rem' if os.name == 'nt' else '#' INITHISTORY = ['%s *** Spyder Terminal History Log ***' % COM, COM,] SEPARATOR = '%s%s ---(%s)---' % (os.linesep*2, COM, time.ctime()) def __init__(self, parent, history_filename, profile=False): ShellBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent, history_filename, profile) #------ Key handlers def _key_other(self, text): """1 character key""" pass def _key_backspace(self, cursor_position): """Action for Backspace key""" if self.has_selected_text(): self.check_selection() self.remove_selected_text() elif self.current_prompt_pos == cursor_position: # Avoid deleting prompt return elif self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.stdkey_backspace() def _key_tab(self): """Action for TAB key""" if self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.stdkey_tab() def _key_ctrl_space(self): """Action for Ctrl+Space""" pass def _key_escape(self): """Action for ESCAPE key""" self.clear_line() def _key_question(self, text): """Action for '?'""" self.insert_text(text) def _key_parenleft(self, text): """Action for '('""" self.insert_text(text) def _key_period(self, text): """Action for '.'""" self.insert_text(text) #------ Drag'n Drop def drop_pathlist(self, pathlist): """Drop path list""" if pathlist: files = ['"%s"' % path for path in pathlist] if len(files) == 1: text = files[0] else: text = " ".join(files) if self.new_input_line: self.on_new_line() self.insert_text(text) self.setFocus()