# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2009-2010 Pierre Raybaut # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyderlib/__init__.py for details) """QPlainTextEdit base class""" # pylint: disable=C0103 # pylint: disable=R0903 # pylint: disable=R0911 # pylint: disable=R0201 import os import re import sys from spyderlib.qt.QtGui import (QTextCursor, QColor, QFont, QApplication, QTextEdit, QTextCharFormat, QToolTip, QListWidget, QPlainTextEdit, QPalette, QMainWindow, QTextOption, QMouseEvent, QTextFormat, QClipboard) from spyderlib.qt.QtCore import SIGNAL, Qt, QEventLoop, QEvent, QPoint from spyderlib.qt.compat import to_qvariant # Local imports from spyderlib.widgets.sourcecode.terminal import ANSIEscapeCodeHandler from spyderlib.widgets.mixins import BaseEditMixin from spyderlib.widgets.calltip import CallTipWidget from spyderlib.py3compat import to_text_string, str_lower, PY3 class CompletionWidget(QListWidget): """Completion list widget""" def __init__(self, parent, ancestor): QListWidget.__init__(self, ancestor) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.SubWindow | Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.textedit = parent self.completion_list = None self.case_sensitive = False self.enter_select = None self.hide() self.connect(self, SIGNAL("itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*)"), self.item_selected) def setup_appearance(self, size, font): self.resize(*size) self.setFont(font) def show_list(self, completion_list, automatic=True): if len(completion_list) == 1 and not automatic: self.textedit.insert_completion(completion_list[0]) return self.completion_list = completion_list self.clear() self.addItems(completion_list) self.setCurrentRow(0) QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) self.show() self.setFocus() self.raise_() # Retrieving current screen height desktop = QApplication.desktop() srect = desktop.availableGeometry(desktop.screenNumber(self)) screen_right = srect.right() screen_bottom = srect.bottom() point = self.textedit.cursorRect().bottomRight() point.setX(point.x()+self.textedit.get_linenumberarea_width()) point = self.textedit.mapToGlobal(point) # Computing completion widget and its parent right positions comp_right = point.x()+self.width() ancestor = self.parent() if ancestor is None: anc_right = screen_right else: anc_right = min([ancestor.x()+ancestor.width(), screen_right]) # Moving completion widget to the left # if there is not enough space to the right if comp_right > anc_right: point.setX(point.x()-self.width()) # Computing completion widget and its parent bottom positions comp_bottom = point.y()+self.height() ancestor = self.parent() if ancestor is None: anc_bottom = screen_bottom else: anc_bottom = min([ancestor.y()+ancestor.height(), screen_bottom]) # Moving completion widget above if there is not enough space below x_position = point.x() if comp_bottom > anc_bottom: point = self.textedit.cursorRect().topRight() point = self.textedit.mapToGlobal(point) point.setX(x_position) point.setY(point.y()-self.height()) if ancestor is not None: # Useful only if we set parent to 'ancestor' in __init__ point = ancestor.mapFromGlobal(point) self.move(point) if to_text_string(self.textedit.completion_text): # When initialized, if completion text is not empty, we need # to update the displayed list: self.update_current() def hide(self): QListWidget.hide(self) self.textedit.setFocus() def keyPressEvent(self, event): text, key = event.text(), event.key() alt = event.modifiers() & Qt.AltModifier shift = event.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier ctrl = event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier modifier = shift or ctrl or alt if (key in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter) and self.enter_select) \ or key == Qt.Key_Tab: self.item_selected() elif key in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Right) or text in ('.', ':'): self.hide() self.textedit.keyPressEvent(event) elif key in (Qt.Key_Up, Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_PageUp, Qt.Key_PageDown, Qt.Key_Home, Qt.Key_End, Qt.Key_CapsLock) and not modifier: QListWidget.keyPressEvent(self, event) elif len(text) or key == Qt.Key_Backspace: self.textedit.keyPressEvent(event) self.update_current() elif modifier: self.textedit.keyPressEvent(event) else: self.hide() QListWidget.keyPressEvent(self, event) def update_current(self): completion_text = to_text_string(self.textedit.completion_text) if completion_text: for row, completion in enumerate(self.completion_list): if not self.case_sensitive: completion = completion.lower() completion_text = completion_text.lower() if completion.startswith(completion_text): self.setCurrentRow(row) break else: self.hide() else: self.hide() def focusOutEvent(self, event): event.ignore() # Don't hide it on Mac when main window loses focus because # keyboard input is lost # Fixes Issue 1318 if sys.platform == "darwin": if event.reason() != Qt.ActiveWindowFocusReason: self.hide() else: self.hide() def item_selected(self, item=None): if item is None: item = self.currentItem() self.textedit.insert_completion( to_text_string(item.text()) ) self.hide() class TextEditBaseWidget(QPlainTextEdit, BaseEditMixin): """Text edit base widget""" BRACE_MATCHING_SCOPE = ('sof', 'eof') cell_separators = None def __init__(self, parent=None): QPlainTextEdit.__init__(self, parent) BaseEditMixin.__init__(self) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.extra_selections_dict = {} self.connect(self, SIGNAL('textChanged()'), self.changed) self.connect(self, SIGNAL('cursorPositionChanged()'), self.cursor_position_changed) self.indent_chars = " "*4 # Code completion / calltips if parent is not None: mainwin = parent while not isinstance(mainwin, QMainWindow): mainwin = mainwin.parent() if mainwin is None: break if mainwin is not None: parent = mainwin self.completion_widget = CompletionWidget(self, parent) self.codecompletion_auto = False self.codecompletion_case = True self.codecompletion_enter = False self.completion_text = "" self.calltip_widget = CallTipWidget(self, hide_timer_on=True) self.calltips = True self.calltip_position = None self.has_cell_separators = False self.highlight_current_cell_enabled = False # The color values may be overridden by the syntax highlighter # Highlight current line color self.currentline_color = QColor(Qt.red).lighter(190) self.currentcell_color = QColor(Qt.red).lighter(194) # Brace matching self.bracepos = None self.matched_p_color = QColor(Qt.green) self.unmatched_p_color = QColor(Qt.red) def setup_completion(self, size=None, font=None): self.completion_widget.setup_appearance(size, font) def set_indent_chars(self, indent_chars): self.indent_chars = indent_chars def set_palette(self, background, foreground): """ Set text editor palette colors: background color and caret (text cursor) color """ palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(QPalette.Base, background) palette.setColor(QPalette.Text, foreground) self.setPalette(palette) # Set the right background color when changing color schemes # or creating new Editor windows. This seems to be a Qt bug. # Fixes Issue 2028 if sys.platform == 'darwin': if self.objectName(): style = "QPlainTextEdit#%s {background: %s; color: %s;}" % \ (self.objectName(), background.name(), foreground.name()) self.setStyleSheet(style) #------Extra selections def get_extra_selections(self, key): return self.extra_selections_dict.get(key, []) def set_extra_selections(self, key, extra_selections): self.extra_selections_dict[key] = extra_selections def update_extra_selections(self): extra_selections = [] for key, extra in list(self.extra_selections_dict.items()): if key == 'current_line' or key == 'current_cell': # Python 3 compatibility (weird): current line has to be # highlighted first extra_selections = extra + extra_selections else: extra_selections += extra self.setExtraSelections(extra_selections) def clear_extra_selections(self, key): self.extra_selections_dict[key] = [] self.update_extra_selections() def changed(self): """Emit changed signal""" self.emit(SIGNAL('modificationChanged(bool)'), self.document().isModified()) #------Highlight current line def highlight_current_line(self): """Highlight current line""" selection = QTextEdit.ExtraSelection() selection.format.setProperty(QTextFormat.FullWidthSelection, to_qvariant(True)) selection.format.setBackground(self.currentline_color) selection.cursor = self.textCursor() selection.cursor.clearSelection() self.set_extra_selections('current_line', [selection]) self.update_extra_selections() def unhighlight_current_line(self): """Unhighlight current line""" self.clear_extra_selections('current_line') #------Highlight current cell def highlight_current_cell(self): """Highlight current cell""" if self.cell_separators is None or \ not self.highlight_current_cell_enabled: return selection = QTextEdit.ExtraSelection() selection.format.setProperty(QTextFormat.FullWidthSelection, to_qvariant(True)) selection.format.setBackground(self.currentcell_color) selection.cursor, whole_file_selected, whole_screen_selected =\ self.select_current_cell_in_visible_portion() if whole_file_selected: self.clear_extra_selections('current_cell') elif whole_screen_selected: if self.has_cell_separators: self.set_extra_selections('current_cell', [selection]) self.update_extra_selections() else: self.clear_extra_selections('current_cell') else: self.set_extra_selections('current_cell', [selection]) self.update_extra_selections() def unhighlight_current_cell(self): """Unhighlight current cell""" self.clear_extra_selections('current_cell') #------Brace matching def find_brace_match(self, position, brace, forward): start_pos, end_pos = self.BRACE_MATCHING_SCOPE if forward: bracemap = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'} text = self.get_text(position, end_pos) i_start_open = 1 i_start_close = 1 else: bracemap = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'} text = self.get_text(start_pos, position) i_start_open = len(text)-1 i_start_close = len(text)-1 while True: if forward: i_close = text.find(bracemap[brace], i_start_close) else: i_close = text.rfind(bracemap[brace], 0, i_start_close+1) if i_close > -1: if forward: i_start_close = i_close+1 i_open = text.find(brace, i_start_open, i_close) else: i_start_close = i_close-1 i_open = text.rfind(brace, i_close, i_start_open+1) if i_open > -1: if forward: i_start_open = i_open+1 else: i_start_open = i_open-1 else: # found matching brace if forward: return position+i_close else: return position-(len(text)-i_close) else: # no matching brace return def __highlight(self, positions, color=None, cancel=False): if cancel: self.clear_extra_selections('brace_matching') return extra_selections = [] for position in positions: if position > self.get_position('eof'): return selection = QTextEdit.ExtraSelection() selection.format.setBackground(color) selection.cursor = self.textCursor() selection.cursor.clearSelection() selection.cursor.setPosition(position) selection.cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextCharacter, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) extra_selections.append(selection) self.set_extra_selections('brace_matching', extra_selections) self.update_extra_selections() def cursor_position_changed(self): """Brace matching""" if self.bracepos is not None: self.__highlight(self.bracepos, cancel=True) self.bracepos = None cursor = self.textCursor() if cursor.position() == 0: return cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) text = to_text_string(cursor.selectedText()) pos1 = cursor.position() if text in (')', ']', '}'): pos2 = self.find_brace_match(pos1, text, forward=False) elif text in ('(', '[', '{'): pos2 = self.find_brace_match(pos1, text, forward=True) else: return if pos2 is not None: self.bracepos = (pos1, pos2) self.__highlight(self.bracepos, color=self.matched_p_color) else: self.bracepos = (pos1,) self.__highlight(self.bracepos, color=self.unmatched_p_color) #-----Widget setup and options def set_codecompletion_auto(self, state): """Set code completion state""" self.codecompletion_auto = state def set_codecompletion_case(self, state): """Case sensitive completion""" self.codecompletion_case = state self.completion_widget.case_sensitive = state def set_codecompletion_enter(self, state): """Enable Enter key to select completion""" self.codecompletion_enter = state self.completion_widget.enter_select = state def set_calltips(self, state): """Set calltips state""" self.calltips = state def set_wrap_mode(self, mode=None): """ Set wrap mode Valid *mode* values: None, 'word', 'character' """ if mode == 'word': wrap_mode = QTextOption.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere elif mode == 'character': wrap_mode = QTextOption.WrapAnywhere else: wrap_mode = QTextOption.NoWrap self.setWordWrapMode(wrap_mode) #------Reimplementing Qt methods def copy(self): """ Reimplement Qt method Copy text to clipboard with correct EOL chars """ QApplication.clipboard().setText(self.get_selected_text()) def toPlainText(self): """ Reimplement Qt method Fix PyQt4 bug on Windows and Python 3 """ # Fix what appears to be a PyQt4 bug when getting file # contents under Windows and PY3. This bug leads to # corruptions when saving files with certain combinations # of unicode chars on them (like the one attached on # Issue 1546) if os.name == 'nt' and PY3: text = self.get_text('sof', 'eof') return text.replace('\u2028', '\n').replace('\u2029', '\n')\ .replace('\u0085', '\n') else: return super(TextEditBaseWidget, self).toPlainText() def keyPressEvent(self, event): text, key = event.text(), event.key() ctrl = event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier meta = event.modifiers() & Qt.MetaModifier # Use our own copy method for {Ctrl,Cmd}+C to avoid Qt # copying text in HTML (See Issue 2285) if (ctrl or meta) and key == Qt.Key_C: self.copy() else: super(TextEditBaseWidget, self).keyPressEvent(event) #------Text: get, set, ... def get_selection_as_executable_code(self): """Return selected text as a processed text, to be executable in a Python/IPython interpreter""" ls = self.get_line_separator() _indent = lambda line: len(line)-len(line.lstrip()) line_from, line_to = self.get_selection_bounds() text = self.get_selected_text() if not text: return lines = text.split(ls) if len(lines) > 1: # Multiline selection -> eventually fixing indentation original_indent = _indent(self.get_text_line(line_from)) text = (" "*(original_indent-_indent(lines[0])))+text # If there is a common indent to all lines, find it. # Moving from bottom line to top line ensures that blank # lines inherit the indent of the line *below* it, # which is the desired behavior. min_indent = 999 current_indent = 0 lines = text.split(ls) for i in range(len(lines)-1, -1, -1): line = lines[i] if line.strip(): current_indent = _indent(line) min_indent = min(current_indent, min_indent) else: lines[i] = ' ' * current_indent if min_indent: lines = [line[min_indent:] for line in lines] # Remove any leading whitespace or comment lines # since they confuse the reserved word detector that follows below while lines: first_line = lines[0].lstrip() if first_line == '' or first_line[0] == '#': lines.pop(0) else: break # Add an EOL character after indentation blocks that start with some # Python reserved words, so that it gets evaluated automatically # by the console varname = re.compile('[a-zA-Z0-9_]*') # matches valid variable names maybe = False nextexcept = () for n, line in enumerate(lines): if not _indent(line): word = varname.match(line).group() if maybe and word not in nextexcept: lines[n-1] += ls maybe = False if word: if word in ('def', 'for', 'while', 'with', 'class'): maybe = True nextexcept = () elif word == 'if': maybe = True nextexcept = ('elif', 'else') elif word == 'try': maybe = True nextexcept = ('except', 'finally') if maybe: if lines[-1].strip() == '': lines[-1] += ls else: lines.append(ls) return ls.join(lines) def get_cell_as_executable_code(self): """Return cell contents as executable code""" start_pos, end_pos = self.__save_selection() cursor, whole_file_selected = self.select_current_cell() if not whole_file_selected: self.setTextCursor(cursor) text = self.get_selection_as_executable_code() self.__restore_selection(start_pos, end_pos) return text def is_cell_separator(self, cursor=None, block=None): """Return True if cursor (or text block) is on a block separator""" assert cursor is not None or block is not None if cursor is not None: cursor0 = QTextCursor(cursor) cursor0.select(QTextCursor.BlockUnderCursor) text = to_text_string(cursor0.selectedText()) else: text = to_text_string(block.text()) if self.cell_separators is None: return False else: return text.lstrip().startswith(self.cell_separators) def select_current_cell(self): """Select cell under cursor cell = group of lines separated by CELL_SEPARATORS returns the textCursor and a boolean indicating if the entire file is selected""" cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) cur_pos = prev_pos = cursor.position() # Moving to the next line that is not a separator, if we are # exactly at one of them while self.is_cell_separator(cursor): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock) prev_pos = cur_pos cur_pos = cursor.position() if cur_pos == prev_pos: return cursor, False prev_pos = cur_pos # If not, move backwards to find the previous separator while not self.is_cell_separator(cursor): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock) prev_pos = cur_pos cur_pos = cursor.position() if cur_pos == prev_pos: if self.is_cell_separator(cursor): return cursor, False else: break cursor.setPosition(prev_pos) cell_at_file_start = cursor.atStart() # Once we find it (or reach the beginning of the file) # move to the next separator (or the end of the file) # so we can grab the cell contents while not self.is_cell_separator(cursor): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cur_pos = cursor.position() if cur_pos == prev_pos: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) break prev_pos = cur_pos cell_at_file_end = cursor.atEnd() return cursor, cell_at_file_start and cell_at_file_end def select_current_cell_in_visible_portion(self): """Select cell under cursor in the visible portion of the file cell = group of lines separated by CELL_SEPARATORS returns -the textCursor -a boolean indicating if the entire file is selected -a boolean indicating if the entire visible portion of the file is selected""" cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) cur_pos = prev_pos = cursor.position() beg_pos = self.cursorForPosition(QPoint(0, 0)).position() bottom_right = QPoint(self.viewport().width() - 1, self.viewport().height() - 1) end_pos = self.cursorForPosition(bottom_right).position() # Moving to the next line that is not a separator, if we are # exactly at one of them while self.is_cell_separator(cursor): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock) prev_pos = cur_pos cur_pos = cursor.position() if cur_pos == prev_pos: return cursor, False, False prev_pos = cur_pos # If not, move backwards to find the previous separator while not self.is_cell_separator(cursor)\ and cursor.position() >= beg_pos: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock) prev_pos = cur_pos cur_pos = cursor.position() if cur_pos == prev_pos: if self.is_cell_separator(cursor): return cursor, False, False else: break cell_at_screen_start = cursor.position() <= beg_pos cursor.setPosition(prev_pos) cell_at_file_start = cursor.atStart() # Selecting cell header if not cell_at_file_start: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) # Once we find it (or reach the beginning of the file) # move to the next separator (or the end of the file) # so we can grab the cell contents while not self.is_cell_separator(cursor)\ and cursor.position() <= end_pos: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cur_pos = cursor.position() if cur_pos == prev_pos: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) break prev_pos = cur_pos cell_at_file_end = cursor.atEnd() cell_at_screen_end = cursor.position() >= end_pos return cursor,\ cell_at_file_start and cell_at_file_end,\ cell_at_screen_start and cell_at_screen_end def go_to_next_cell(self): """Go to the next cell of lines""" cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock) cur_pos = prev_pos = cursor.position() while not self.is_cell_separator(cursor): # Moving to the next code cell cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock) prev_pos = cur_pos cur_pos = cursor.position() if cur_pos == prev_pos: return self.setTextCursor(cursor) def get_line_count(self): """Return document total line number""" return self.blockCount() def __save_selection(self): """Save current cursor selection and return position bounds""" cursor = self.textCursor() return cursor.selectionStart(), cursor.selectionEnd() def __restore_selection(self, start_pos, end_pos): """Restore cursor selection from position bounds""" cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(start_pos) cursor.setPosition(end_pos, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.setTextCursor(cursor) def __duplicate_line_or_selection(self, after_current_line=True): """Duplicate current line or selected text""" cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() start_pos, end_pos = self.__save_selection() if to_text_string(cursor.selectedText()): cursor.setPosition(end_pos) # Check if end_pos is at the start of a block: if so, starting # changes from the previous block cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) if not to_text_string(cursor.selectedText()): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock) end_pos = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(start_pos) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) while cursor.position() <= end_pos: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) if cursor.atEnd(): cursor_temp = QTextCursor(cursor) cursor_temp.clearSelection() cursor_temp.insertText(self.get_line_separator()) break cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) text = cursor.selectedText() cursor.clearSelection() if not after_current_line: # Moving cursor before current line/selected text cursor.setPosition(start_pos) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) start_pos += len(text) end_pos += len(text) cursor.insertText(text) cursor.endEditBlock() self.setTextCursor(cursor) self.__restore_selection(start_pos, end_pos) def duplicate_line(self): """ Duplicate current line or selected text Paste the duplicated text *after* the current line/selected text """ self.__duplicate_line_or_selection(after_current_line=True) def copy_line(self): """ Copy current line or selected text Paste the duplicated text *before* the current line/selected text """ self.__duplicate_line_or_selection(after_current_line=False) def __move_line_or_selection(self, after_current_line=True): """Move current line or selected text""" cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() start_pos, end_pos = self.__save_selection() if to_text_string(cursor.selectedText()): # Check if start_pos is at the start of a block cursor.setPosition(start_pos) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) start_pos = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(end_pos) # Check if end_pos is at the start of a block: if so, starting # changes from the previous block cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) if to_text_string(cursor.selectedText()): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock) end_pos = cursor.position() else: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) start_pos = cursor.position() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock) end_pos = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(start_pos) cursor.setPosition(end_pos, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) sel_text = to_text_string(cursor.selectedText()) cursor.removeSelectedText() if after_current_line: text = to_text_string(cursor.block().text()) start_pos += len(text)+1 end_pos += len(text)+1 cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock) else: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock) text = to_text_string(cursor.block().text()) start_pos -= len(text)+1 end_pos -= len(text)+1 cursor.insertText(sel_text) cursor.endEditBlock() self.setTextCursor(cursor) self.__restore_selection(start_pos, end_pos) def move_line_up(self): """Move up current line or selected text""" self.__move_line_or_selection(after_current_line=False) def move_line_down(self): """Move down current line or selected text""" self.__move_line_or_selection(after_current_line=True) def extend_selection_to_complete_lines(self): """Extend current selection to complete lines""" cursor = self.textCursor() start_pos, end_pos = cursor.selectionStart(), cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(start_pos) cursor.setPosition(end_pos, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) if cursor.atBlockStart(): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.setTextCursor(cursor) def delete_line(self): """Delete current line""" cursor = self.textCursor() if self.has_selected_text(): self.extend_selection_to_complete_lines() start_pos, end_pos = cursor.selectionStart(), cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(start_pos) else: start_pos = end_pos = cursor.position() cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.setPosition(start_pos) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) while cursor.position() <= end_pos: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) if cursor.atEnd(): break cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() cursor.endEditBlock() self.ensureCursorVisible() #------Code completion / Calltips def hide_tooltip_if_necessary(self, key): """Hide calltip when necessary""" try: calltip_char = self.get_character(self.calltip_position) before = self.is_cursor_before(self.calltip_position, char_offset=1) other = key in (Qt.Key_ParenRight, Qt.Key_Period, Qt.Key_Tab) if calltip_char not in ('?', '(') or before or other: QToolTip.hideText() except (IndexError, TypeError): QToolTip.hideText() def show_completion_widget(self, textlist, automatic=True): """Show completion widget""" self.completion_widget.show_list(textlist, automatic=automatic) def hide_completion_widget(self): """Hide completion widget""" self.completion_widget.hide() def show_completion_list(self, completions, completion_text="", automatic=True): """Display the possible completions""" if completions is None or len(completions) == 0 or \ completions == [completion_text]: return self.completion_text = completion_text # Sorting completion list (entries starting with underscore are # put at the end of the list): underscore = set([comp for comp in completions if comp.startswith('_')]) completions = sorted(set(completions)-underscore, key=str_lower)+\ sorted(underscore, key=str_lower) self.show_completion_widget(completions, automatic=automatic) def select_completion_list(self): """Completion list is active, Enter was just pressed""" self.completion_widget.item_selected() def insert_completion(self, text): if text: cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor, len(self.completion_text)) cursor.removeSelectedText() self.insert_text(text) def is_completion_widget_visible(self): """Return True is completion list widget is visible""" return self.completion_widget.isVisible() #------Standard keys def stdkey_clear(self): if not self.has_selected_text(): self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.NextCharacter, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.remove_selected_text() def stdkey_backspace(self): if not self.has_selected_text(): self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.remove_selected_text() def __get_move_mode(self, shift): return QTextCursor.KeepAnchor if shift else QTextCursor.MoveAnchor def stdkey_up(self, shift): self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.Up, self.__get_move_mode(shift)) def stdkey_down(self, shift): self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.Down, self.__get_move_mode(shift)) def stdkey_tab(self): self.insert_text(self.indent_chars) def stdkey_home(self, shift, ctrl, prompt_pos=None): """Smart HOME feature: cursor is first moved at indentation position, then at the start of the line""" move_mode = self.__get_move_mode(shift) if ctrl: self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.Start, move_mode) else: cursor = self.textCursor() if prompt_pos is None: start_position = self.get_position('sol') else: start_position = self.get_position(prompt_pos) text = self.get_text(start_position, 'eol') indent_pos = start_position+len(text)-len(text.lstrip()) if cursor.position() != indent_pos: cursor.setPosition(indent_pos, move_mode) else: cursor.setPosition(start_position, move_mode) self.setTextCursor(cursor) def stdkey_end(self, shift, ctrl): move_mode = self.__get_move_mode(shift) if ctrl: self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End, move_mode) else: self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock, move_mode) def stdkey_pageup(self): pass def stdkey_pagedown(self): pass def stdkey_escape(self): pass #----Qt Events def mousePressEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method""" if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and event.button() == Qt.MidButton: self.calltip_widget.hide() self.setFocus() event = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseButtonPress, event.pos(), Qt.LeftButton, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier) QPlainTextEdit.mousePressEvent(self, event) QPlainTextEdit.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event) # Send selection text to clipboard to be able to use # the paste method and avoid the strange Issue 1445 # NOTE: This issue seems a focusing problem but it # seems really hard to track mode_clip = QClipboard.Clipboard mode_sel = QClipboard.Selection text_clip = QApplication.clipboard().text(mode=mode_clip) text_sel = QApplication.clipboard().text(mode=mode_sel) QApplication.clipboard().setText(text_sel, mode=mode_clip) self.paste() QApplication.clipboard().setText(text_clip, mode=mode_clip) else: self.calltip_widget.hide() QPlainTextEdit.mousePressEvent(self, event) def focusInEvent(self, event): """Reimplemented to handle focus""" self.emit(SIGNAL("focus_changed()")) self.emit(SIGNAL("focus_in()")) self.highlight_current_cell() QPlainTextEdit.focusInEvent(self, event) def focusOutEvent(self, event): """Reimplemented to handle focus""" self.emit(SIGNAL("focus_changed()")) QPlainTextEdit.focusOutEvent(self, event) def wheelEvent(self, event): """Reimplemented to emit zoom in/out signals when Ctrl is pressed""" # This feature is disabled on MacOS, see Issue 1510 if sys.platform != 'darwin': if event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: if event.delta() < 0: self.emit(SIGNAL("zoom_out()")) elif event.delta() > 0: self.emit(SIGNAL("zoom_in()")) return QPlainTextEdit.wheelEvent(self, event) self.highlight_current_cell() class QtANSIEscapeCodeHandler(ANSIEscapeCodeHandler): def __init__(self): ANSIEscapeCodeHandler.__init__(self) self.base_format = None self.current_format = None def set_light_background(self, state): if state: self.default_foreground_color = 30 self.default_background_color = 47 else: self.default_foreground_color = 37 self.default_background_color = 40 def set_base_format(self, base_format): self.base_format = base_format def get_format(self): return self.current_format def set_style(self): """ Set font style with the following attributes: 'foreground_color', 'background_color', 'italic', 'bold' and 'underline' """ if self.current_format is None: assert self.base_format is not None self.current_format = QTextCharFormat(self.base_format) # Foreground color if self.foreground_color is None: qcolor = self.base_format.foreground() else: cstr = self.ANSI_COLORS[self.foreground_color-30][self.intensity] qcolor = QColor(cstr) self.current_format.setForeground(qcolor) # Background color if self.background_color is None: qcolor = self.base_format.background() else: cstr = self.ANSI_COLORS[self.background_color-40][self.intensity] qcolor = QColor(cstr) self.current_format.setBackground(qcolor) font = self.current_format.font() # Italic if self.italic is None: italic = self.base_format.fontItalic() else: italic = self.italic font.setItalic(italic) # Bold if self.bold is None: bold = self.base_format.font().bold() else: bold = self.bold font.setBold(bold) # Underline if self.underline is None: underline = self.base_format.font().underline() else: underline = self.underline font.setUnderline(underline) self.current_format.setFont(font) def inverse_color(color): color.setHsv(color.hue(), color.saturation(), 255-color.value()) class ConsoleFontStyle(object): def __init__(self, foregroundcolor, backgroundcolor, bold, italic, underline): self.foregroundcolor = foregroundcolor self.backgroundcolor = backgroundcolor self.bold = bold self.italic = italic self.underline = underline self.format = None def apply_style(self, font, light_background, is_default): self.format = QTextCharFormat() self.format.setFont(font) foreground = QColor(self.foregroundcolor) if not light_background and is_default: inverse_color(foreground) self.format.setForeground(foreground) background = QColor(self.backgroundcolor) if not light_background: inverse_color(background) self.format.setBackground(background) font = self.format.font() font.setBold(self.bold) font.setItalic(self.italic) font.setUnderline(self.underline) self.format.setFont(font) class ConsoleBaseWidget(TextEditBaseWidget): """Console base widget""" BRACE_MATCHING_SCOPE = ('sol', 'eol') COLOR_PATTERN = re.compile('\x01?\x1b\[(.*?)m\x02?') def __init__(self, parent=None): TextEditBaseWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.light_background = True self.setMaximumBlockCount(300) # ANSI escape code handler self.ansi_handler = QtANSIEscapeCodeHandler() # Disable undo/redo (nonsense for a console widget...): self.setUndoRedoEnabled(False) self.connect(self, SIGNAL('userListActivated(int, const QString)'), lambda user_id, text: self.emit(SIGNAL('completion_widget_activated(QString)'), text)) self.default_style = ConsoleFontStyle( foregroundcolor=0x000000, backgroundcolor=0xFFFFFF, bold=False, italic=False, underline=False) self.error_style = ConsoleFontStyle( foregroundcolor=0xFF0000, backgroundcolor=0xFFFFFF, bold=False, italic=False, underline=False) self.traceback_link_style = ConsoleFontStyle( foregroundcolor=0x0000FF, backgroundcolor=0xFFFFFF, bold=True, italic=False, underline=True) self.prompt_style = ConsoleFontStyle( foregroundcolor=0x00AA00, backgroundcolor=0xFFFFFF, bold=True, italic=False, underline=False) self.font_styles = (self.default_style, self.error_style, self.traceback_link_style, self.prompt_style) self.set_pythonshell_font() self.setMouseTracking(True) def set_light_background(self, state): self.light_background = state if state: self.set_palette(background=QColor(Qt.white), foreground=QColor(Qt.darkGray)) else: self.set_palette(background=QColor(Qt.black), foreground=QColor(Qt.lightGray)) self.ansi_handler.set_light_background(state) self.set_pythonshell_font() def set_selection(self, start, end): cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(start) cursor.setPosition(end, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.setTextCursor(cursor) def truncate_selection(self, position_from): """Unselect read-only parts in shell, like prompt""" position_from = self.get_position(position_from) cursor = self.textCursor() start, end = cursor.selectionStart(), cursor.selectionEnd() if start < end: start = max([position_from, start]) else: end = max([position_from, end]) self.set_selection(start, end) def restrict_cursor_position(self, position_from, position_to): """In shell, avoid editing text except between prompt and EOF""" position_from = self.get_position(position_from) position_to = self.get_position(position_to) cursor = self.textCursor() cursor_position = cursor.position() if cursor_position < position_from or cursor_position > position_to: self.set_cursor_position(position_to) #------Python shell def insert_text(self, text): """Reimplement TextEditBaseWidget method""" self.textCursor().insertText(text, self.default_style.format) def paste(self): """Reimplement Qt method""" if self.has_selected_text(): self.remove_selected_text() self.insert_text(QApplication.clipboard().text()) def append_text_to_shell(self, text, error, prompt): """ Append text to Python shell In a way, this method overrides the method 'insert_text' when text is inserted at the end of the text widget for a Python shell Handles error messages and show blue underlined links Handles ANSI color sequences Handles ANSI FF sequence """ cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End) while True: index = text.find(chr(12)) if index == -1: break text = text[index+1:] self.clear() if error: is_traceback = False for text in text.splitlines(True): if text.startswith(' File') \ and not text.startswith(' File "<'): is_traceback = True # Show error links in blue underlined text cursor.insertText(' ', self.default_style.format) cursor.insertText(text[2:], self.traceback_link_style.format) else: # Show error/warning messages in red cursor.insertText(text, self.error_style.format) if is_traceback: self.emit(SIGNAL('traceback_available()')) elif prompt: # Show prompt in green cursor.insertText(text, self.prompt_style.format) else: # Show other outputs in black last_end = 0 for match in self.COLOR_PATTERN.finditer(text): cursor.insertText(text[last_end:match.start()], self.default_style.format) last_end = match.end() for code in [int(_c) for _c in match.group(1).split(';')]: self.ansi_handler.set_code(code) self.default_style.format = self.ansi_handler.get_format() cursor.insertText(text[last_end:], self.default_style.format) # # Slower alternative: # segments = self.COLOR_PATTERN.split(text) # cursor.insertText(segments.pop(0), self.default_style.format) # if segments: # for ansi_tags, text in zip(segments[::2], segments[1::2]): # for ansi_tag in ansi_tags.split(';'): # self.ansi_handler.set_code(int(ansi_tag)) # self.default_style.format = self.ansi_handler.get_format() # cursor.insertText(text, self.default_style.format) self.set_cursor_position('eof') self.setCurrentCharFormat(self.default_style.format) def set_pythonshell_font(self, font=None): """Python Shell only""" if font is None: font = QFont() for style in self.font_styles: style.apply_style(font=font, light_background=self.light_background, is_default=style is self.default_style) self.ansi_handler.set_base_format(self.default_style.format)