from __future__ import print_function __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' from numpy import errstate from numpy.testing import Tester from warnings import simplefilter from .tools.sm_exceptions import (ConvergenceWarning, CacheWriteWarning, IterationLimitWarning, InvalidTestWarning) simplefilter("always", (ConvergenceWarning, CacheWriteWarning, IterationLimitWarning, InvalidTestWarning)) class NoseWrapper(Tester): ''' This is simply a monkey patch for numpy.testing.Tester. It allows extra_argv to be changed from its default None to ['--exe'] so that the tests can be run the same across platforms. It also takes kwargs that are passed to numpy.errstate to suppress floating point warnings. ''' def test(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=['--exe'], doctests=False, coverage=False, **kwargs): ''' Run tests for module using nose %(test_header)s doctests : boolean If True, run doctests in module, default False coverage : boolean If True, report coverage of NumPy code, default False (Requires the coverage module: kwargs Passed to numpy.errstate. See its documentation for details. ''' # cap verbosity at 3 because nose becomes *very* verbose beyond that verbose = min(verbose, 3) from numpy.testing import utils utils.verbose = verbose if doctests: print("Running unit tests and doctests for %s" % self.package_name) else: print("Running unit tests for %s" % self.package_name) self._show_system_info() # reset doctest state on every run import doctest doctest.master = None argv, plugins = self.prepare_test_args(label, verbose, extra_argv, doctests, coverage) from numpy.testing.noseclasses import NumpyTestProgram with errstate(**kwargs): simplefilter('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) t = NumpyTestProgram(argv=argv, exit=False, plugins=plugins) return t.result test = NoseWrapper().test try: from .version import version as __version__ except ImportError: __version__ = 'not-yet-built'