""" Holds files for l1 regularization of LikelihoodModel, using cvxopt. """ import numpy as np import statsmodels.base.l1_solvers_common as l1_solvers_common from cvxopt import solvers, matrix def fit_l1_cvxopt_cp( f, score, start_params, args, kwargs, disp=False, maxiter=100, callback=None, retall=False, full_output=False, hess=None): """ Solve the l1 regularized problem using cvxopt.solvers.cp Specifically: We convert the convex but non-smooth problem .. math:: \\min_\\beta f(\\beta) + \\sum_k\\alpha_k |\\beta_k| via the transformation to the smooth, convex, constrained problem in twice as many variables (adding the "added variables" :math:`u_k`) .. math:: \\min_{\\beta,u} f(\\beta) + \\sum_k\\alpha_k u_k, subject to .. math:: -u_k \\leq \\beta_k \\leq u_k. Parameters ---------- All the usual parameters from LikelhoodModel.fit alpha : non-negative scalar or numpy array (same size as parameters) The weight multiplying the l1 penalty term trim_mode : 'auto, 'size', or 'off' If not 'off', trim (set to zero) parameters that would have been zero if the solver reached the theoretical minimum. If 'auto', trim params using the Theory above. If 'size', trim params if they have very small absolute value size_trim_tol : float or 'auto' (default = 'auto') For use when trim_mode === 'size' auto_trim_tol : float For sue when trim_mode == 'auto'. Use qc_tol : float Print warning and don't allow auto trim when (ii) in "Theory" (above) is violated by this much. qc_verbose : Boolean If true, print out a full QC report upon failure abstol : float absolute accuracy (default: 1e-7). reltol : float relative accuracy (default: 1e-6). feastol : float tolerance for feasibility conditions (default: 1e-7). refinement : int number of iterative refinement steps when solving KKT equations (default: 1). """ start_params = np.array(start_params).ravel('F') ## Extract arguments # k_params is total number of covariates, possibly including a leading constant. k_params = len(start_params) # The start point x0 = np.append(start_params, np.fabs(start_params)) x0 = matrix(x0, (2 * k_params, 1)) # The regularization parameter alpha = np.array(kwargs['alpha_rescaled']).ravel('F') # Make sure it's a vector alpha = alpha * np.ones(k_params) assert alpha.min() >= 0 ## Wrap up functions for cvxopt f_0 = lambda x: _objective_func(f, x, k_params, alpha, *args) Df = lambda x: _fprime(score, x, k_params, alpha) G = _get_G(k_params) # Inequality constraint matrix, Gx \leq h h = matrix(0.0, (2 * k_params, 1)) # RHS in inequality constraint H = lambda x, z: _hessian_wrapper(hess, x, z, k_params) ## Define the optimization function def F(x=None, z=None): if x is None: return 0, x0 elif z is None: return f_0(x), Df(x) else: return f_0(x), Df(x), H(x, z) ## Convert optimization settings to cvxopt form solvers.options['show_progress'] = disp solvers.options['maxiters'] = maxiter if 'abstol' in kwargs: solvers.options['abstol'] = kwargs['abstol'] if 'reltol' in kwargs: solvers.options['reltol'] = kwargs['reltol'] if 'feastol' in kwargs: solvers.options['feastol'] = kwargs['feastol'] if 'refinement' in kwargs: solvers.options['refinement'] = kwargs['refinement'] ### Call the optimizer results = solvers.cp(F, G, h) x = np.asarray(results['x']).ravel() params = x[:k_params] ### Post-process # QC qc_tol = kwargs['qc_tol'] qc_verbose = kwargs['qc_verbose'] passed = l1_solvers_common.qc_results( params, alpha, score, qc_tol, qc_verbose) # Possibly trim trim_mode = kwargs['trim_mode'] size_trim_tol = kwargs['size_trim_tol'] auto_trim_tol = kwargs['auto_trim_tol'] params, trimmed = l1_solvers_common.do_trim_params( params, k_params, alpha, score, passed, trim_mode, size_trim_tol, auto_trim_tol) ### Pack up return values for statsmodels # TODO These retvals are returned as mle_retvals...but the fit wasn't ML if full_output: fopt = f_0(x) gopt = float('nan') # Objective is non-differentiable hopt = float('nan') iterations = float('nan') converged = 'True' if results['status'] == 'optimal'\ else results['status'] retvals = { 'fopt': fopt, 'converged': converged, 'iterations': iterations, 'gopt': gopt, 'hopt': hopt, 'trimmed': trimmed} else: x = np.array(results['x']).ravel() params = x[:k_params] ### Return results if full_output: return params, retvals else: return params def _objective_func(f, x, k_params, alpha, *args): """ The regularized objective function. """ x_arr = np.asarray(x) params = x_arr[:k_params].ravel() u = x_arr[k_params:] # Call the numpy version objective_func_arr = f(params, *args) + (alpha * u).sum() # Return return matrix(objective_func_arr) def _fprime(score, x, k_params, alpha): """ The regularized derivative. """ x_arr = np.asarray(x) params = x_arr[:k_params].ravel() # Call the numpy version # The derivative just appends a vector of constants fprime_arr = np.append(score(params), alpha) # Return return matrix(fprime_arr, (1, 2 * k_params)) def _get_G(k_params): """ The linear inequality constraint matrix. """ I = np.eye(k_params) A = np.concatenate((-I, -I), axis=1) B = np.concatenate((I, -I), axis=1) C = np.concatenate((A, B), axis=0) # Return return matrix(C) def _hessian_wrapper(hess, x, z, k_params): """ Wraps the hessian up in the form for cvxopt. cvxopt wants the hessian of the objective function and the constraints. Since our constraints are linear, this part is all zeros. """ x_arr = np.asarray(x) params = x_arr[:k_params].ravel() zh_x = np.asarray(z[0]) * hess(params) zero_mat = np.zeros(zh_x.shape) A = np.concatenate((zh_x, zero_mat), axis=1) B = np.concatenate((zero_mat, zero_mat), axis=1) zh_x_ext = np.concatenate((A, B), axis=0) return matrix(zh_x_ext, (2 * k_params, 2 * k_params))