from statsmodels.compat.python import range import numpy as np def _make_index(prob,size): """ Returns a boolean index for given probabilities. Notes --------- prob = [.75,.25] means that there is a 75% chance of the first column being True and a 25% chance of the second column being True. The columns are mutually exclusive. """ rv = np.random.uniform(size=(size,1)) cumprob = np.cumsum(prob) return np.logical_and(np.r_[0,cumprob[:-1]] <= rv, rv < cumprob) def mixture_rvs(prob, size, dist, kwargs=None): """ Sample from a mixture of distributions. Parameters ---------- prob : array-like Probability of sampling from each distribution in dist size : int The length of the returned sample. dist : array-like An iterable of distributions objects from scipy.stats. kwargs : tuple of dicts, optional A tuple of dicts. Each dict in kwargs can have keys loc, scale, and args to be passed to the respective distribution in dist. If not provided, the distribution defaults are used. Examples -------- Say we want 5000 random variables from mixture of normals with two distributions norm(-1,.5) and norm(1,.5) and we want to sample from the first with probability .75 and the second with probability .25. >>> from scipy import stats >>> prob = [.75,.25] >>> Y = mixture_rvs(prob, 5000, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=.5))) """ if len(prob) != len(dist): raise ValueError("You must provide as many probabilities as distributions") if not np.allclose(np.sum(prob), 1): raise ValueError("prob does not sum to 1") if kwargs is None: kwargs = ({},)*len(prob) idx = _make_index(prob,size) sample = np.empty(size) for i in range(len(prob)): sample_idx = idx[...,i] sample_size = sample_idx.sum() loc = kwargs[i].get('loc',0) scale = kwargs[i].get('scale',1) args = kwargs[i].get('args',()) sample[sample_idx] = dist[i].rvs(*args, **dict(loc=loc,scale=scale, size=sample_size)) return sample class MixtureDistribution(object): '''univariate mixture distribution for simple case for now (unbound support) does not yet inherit from scipy.stats.distributions adding pdf to mixture_rvs, some restrictions on broadcasting Currently it does not hold any state, all arguments included in each method. ''' #def __init__(self, prob, size, dist, kwargs=None): def rvs(self, prob, size, dist, kwargs=None): return mixture_rvs(prob, size, dist, kwargs=kwargs) def pdf(self, x, prob, dist, kwargs=None): """ pdf a mixture of distributions. Parameters ---------- prob : array-like Probability of sampling from each distribution in dist dist : array-like An iterable of distributions objects from scipy.stats. kwargs : tuple of dicts, optional A tuple of dicts. Each dict in kwargs can have keys loc, scale, and args to be passed to the respective distribution in dist. If not provided, the distribution defaults are used. Examples -------- Say we want 5000 random variables from mixture of normals with two distributions norm(-1,.5) and norm(1,.5) and we want to sample from the first with probability .75 and the second with probability .25. >>> from scipy import stats >>> prob = [.75,.25] >>> Y = mixture.pdf(x, prob, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=.5))) """ if len(prob) != len(dist): raise ValueError("You must provide as many probabilities as distributions") if not np.allclose(np.sum(prob), 1): raise ValueError("prob does not sum to 1") if kwargs is None: kwargs = ({},)*len(prob) for i in range(len(prob)): loc = kwargs[i].get('loc',0) scale = kwargs[i].get('scale',1) args = kwargs[i].get('args',()) if i == 0: #assume all broadcast the same as the first dist pdf_ = prob[i] * dist[i].pdf(x, *args, loc=loc, scale=scale) else: pdf_ += prob[i] * dist[i].pdf(x, *args, loc=loc, scale=scale) return pdf_ def cdf(self, x, prob, dist, kwargs=None): """ cdf of a mixture of distributions. Parameters ---------- prob : array-like Probability of sampling from each distribution in dist size : int The length of the returned sample. dist : array-like An iterable of distributions objects from scipy.stats. kwargs : tuple of dicts, optional A tuple of dicts. Each dict in kwargs can have keys loc, scale, and args to be passed to the respective distribution in dist. If not provided, the distribution defaults are used. Examples -------- Say we want 5000 random variables from mixture of normals with two distributions norm(-1,.5) and norm(1,.5) and we want to sample from the first with probability .75 and the second with probability .25. >>> from scipy import stats >>> prob = [.75,.25] >>> Y = mixture.pdf(x, prob, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=.5))) """ if len(prob) != len(dist): raise ValueError("You must provide as many probabilities as distributions") if not np.allclose(np.sum(prob), 1): raise ValueError("prob does not sum to 1") if kwargs is None: kwargs = ({},)*len(prob) for i in range(len(prob)): loc = kwargs[i].get('loc',0) scale = kwargs[i].get('scale',1) args = kwargs[i].get('args',()) if i == 0: #assume all broadcast the same as the first dist cdf_ = prob[i] * dist[i].cdf(x, *args, loc=loc, scale=scale) else: cdf_ += prob[i] * dist[i].cdf(x, *args, loc=loc, scale=scale) return cdf_ def mv_mixture_rvs(prob, size, dist, nvars, **kwargs): """ Sample from a mixture of multivariate distributions. Parameters ---------- prob : array-like Probability of sampling from each distribution in dist size : int The length of the returned sample. dist : array-like An iterable of distributions instances with callable method rvs. nvargs : int dimension of the multivariate distribution, could be inferred instead kwargs : tuple of dicts, optional ignored Examples -------- Say we want 2000 random variables from mixture of normals with two multivariate normal distributions, and we want to sample from the first with probability .4 and the second with probability .6. import statsmodels.sandbox.distributions.mv_normal as mvd cov3 = np.array([[ 1. , 0.5 , 0.75], [ 0.5 , 1.5 , 0.6 ], [ 0.75, 0.6 , 2. ]]) mu = np.array([-1, 0.0, 2.0]) mu2 = np.array([4, 2.0, 2.0]) mvn3 = mvd.MVNormal(mu, cov3) mvn32 = mvd.MVNormal(mu2, cov3/2., 4) rvs = mix.mv_mixture_rvs([0.4, 0.6], 2000, [mvn3, mvn32], 3) """ if len(prob) != len(dist): raise ValueError("You must provide as many probabilities as distributions") if not np.allclose(np.sum(prob), 1): raise ValueError("prob does not sum to 1") if kwargs is None: kwargs = ({},)*len(prob) idx = _make_index(prob,size) sample = np.empty((size, nvars)) for i in range(len(prob)): sample_idx = idx[...,i] sample_size = sample_idx.sum() #loc = kwargs[i].get('loc',0) #scale = kwargs[i].get('scale',1) #args = kwargs[i].get('args',()) # use int to avoid numpy bug with np.random.multivariate_normal sample[sample_idx] = dist[i].rvs(size=int(sample_size)) return sample if __name__ == '__main__': from scipy import stats obs_dist = mixture_rvs([.25,.75], size=10000, dist=[stats.norm, stats.beta], kwargs=(dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=1,args=(1,.5)))) nobs = 10000 mix = MixtureDistribution() ## mrvs = mixture_rvs([1/3.,2/3.], size=nobs, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], ## kwargs = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=.75))) mix_kwds = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.25),dict(loc=1,scale=.75)) mrvs = mix.rvs([1/3.,2/3.], size=nobs, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs=mix_kwds) grid = np.linspace(-4,4, 100) mpdf = mix.pdf(grid, [1/3.,2/3.], dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs=mix_kwds) mcdf = mix.cdf(grid, [1/3.,2/3.], dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs=mix_kwds) doplot = 1 if doplot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.hist(mrvs, bins=50, normed=True, color='red') plt.title('histogram of sample and pdf') plt.plot(grid, mpdf, lw=2, color='black') plt.figure() plt.hist(mrvs, bins=50, normed=True, cumulative=True, color='red') plt.title('histogram of sample and pdf') plt.plot(grid, mcdf, lw=2, color='black')