""" This script contains empirical likelihood ANOVA. Currently the script only contains one feature that allows the user to compare means of multiple groups General References ------------------ Owen, A. B. (2001). Empirical Likelihood. Chapman and Hall. """ from statsmodels.compat.python import range import numpy as np from .descriptive import _OptFuncts from scipy import optimize from scipy.stats import chi2 class _ANOVAOpt(_OptFuncts): """ Class containing functions that are optimized over when conducting ANOVA """ def _opt_common_mu(self, mu): """ Optimizes the likelihood under the null hypothesis that all groups have mean mu Parameters ---------- mu : float The common mean Returns ------- llr : float -2 times the llr ratio, which is the test statistic """ nobs = self.nobs endog = self.endog num_groups = self.num_groups endog_asarray = np.zeros((nobs, num_groups)) obs_num = 0 for arr_num in range(len(endog)): new_obs_num = obs_num + len(endog[arr_num]) endog_asarray[obs_num: new_obs_num, arr_num] = endog[arr_num] - \ mu obs_num = new_obs_num est_vect = endog_asarray wts = np.ones(est_vect.shape[0]) * (1. / (est_vect.shape[0])) eta_star = self._modif_newton(np.zeros(num_groups), est_vect, wts) denom = 1. + np.dot(eta_star, est_vect.T) self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights)) return -2 * llr class ANOVA(_ANOVAOpt): """ A class for ANOVA and comparing means. Parameters ---------- endog : list of arrays endog should be a list containing 1 dimensional arrays. Each array is the data collected from a certain group. """ def __init__(self, endog): self.endog = endog self.num_groups = len(self.endog) self.nobs = 0 for i in self.endog: self.nobs = self.nobs + len(i) def compute_ANOVA(self, mu=None, mu_start=0, return_weights=0): """ Returns -2 log likelihood, the pvalue and the maximum likelihood estimate for a common mean. Parameters ---------- mu : float If a mu is specified, ANOVA is conducted with mu as the common mean. Otherwise, the common mean is the maximum empirical likelihood estimate of the common mean. Default is None. mu_start : float Starting value for commean mean if specific mu is not specified. Default = 0 return_weights : bool if TRUE, returns the weights on observations that maximize the likelihood. Default is FALSE Returns ------- res: tuple The log-likelihood, p-value and estimate for the common mean. """ if mu is not None: llr = self._opt_common_mu(mu) pval = 1 - chi2.cdf(llr, self.num_groups - 1) if return_weights: return llr, pval, mu, self.new_weights else: return llr, pval, mu else: res = optimize.fmin_powell(self._opt_common_mu, mu_start, full_output=1, disp=False) llr = res[1] mu_common = float(res[0]) pval = 1 - chi2.cdf(llr, self.num_groups - 1) if return_weights: return llr, pval, mu_common, self.new_weights else: return llr, pval, mu_common