""" Empirical Likelihood Linear Regression Inference The script contains the function that is optimized over nuisance parameters to conduct inference on linear regression parameters. It is called by eltest in OLSResults. General References ----------------- Owen, A.B.(2001). Empirical Likelihood. Chapman and Hall """ import numpy as np from statsmodels.emplike.descriptive import _OptFuncts class _ELRegOpts(_OptFuncts): """ A class that holds functions to be optimized over when conducting hypothesis tests and calculating confidence intervals. Parameters ---------- OLSResults : Results instance A fitted OLS result """ def __init__(self): pass def _opt_nuis_regress(self, nuisance_params, param_nums=None, endog=None, exog=None, nobs=None, nvar=None, params=None, b0_vals=None, stochastic_exog=None): """ A function that is optimized over nuisance parameters to conduct a hypothesis test for the parameters of interest Parameters ---------- nuisance_params: 1darray Parameters to be optimized over Returns ------- llr : float -2 x the log-likelihood of the nuisance parameters and the hypothesized value of the parameter(s) of interest. """ params[param_nums] = b0_vals nuis_param_index = np.int_(np.delete(np.arange(nvar), param_nums)) params[nuis_param_index] = nuisance_params new_params = params.reshape(nvar, 1) self.new_params = new_params est_vect = exog * \ (endog - np.squeeze(np.dot(exog, new_params))).reshape(nobs, 1) if not stochastic_exog: exog_means = np.mean(exog, axis=0)[1:] exog_mom2 = (np.sum(exog * exog, axis=0))[1:]\ / nobs mean_est_vect = exog[:, 1:] - exog_means mom2_est_vect = (exog * exog)[:, 1:] - exog_mom2 regressor_est_vect = np.concatenate((mean_est_vect, mom2_est_vect), axis=1) est_vect = np.concatenate((est_vect, regressor_est_vect), axis=1) wts = np.ones(nobs) * (1. / nobs) x0 = np.zeros(est_vect.shape[1]).reshape(-1, 1) try: eta_star = self._modif_newton(x0, est_vect, wts) denom = 1. + np.dot(eta_star, est_vect.T) self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom # the following commented out code is to verify weights # see open issue #1845 #self.new_weights /= self.new_weights.sum() #if not np.allclose(self.new_weights.sum(), 1., rtol=0, atol=1e-10): # raise RuntimeError('weights do not sum to 1') llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights)) return -2 * llr except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: return np.inf