''' The one parameter exponential family distributions used by GLM. ''' # TODO: quasi, quasibinomial, quasipoisson # see http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~qli/biostatistics_r_doc/library/stats/html/family.html # for comparison to R, and McCullagh and Nelder import numpy as np from scipy import special from scipy.stats import ss from . import links as L from . import varfuncs as V FLOAT_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps class Family(object): """ The parent class for one-parameter exponential families. Parameters ---------- link : a link function instance Link is the linear transformation function. See the individual families for available links. variance : a variance function Measures the variance as a function of the mean probabilities. See the individual families for the default variance function. See Also -------- :ref:`links` """ # TODO: change these class attributes, use valid somewhere... valid = [-np.inf, np.inf] links = [] def _setlink(self, link): """ Helper method to set the link for a family. Raises a ValueError exception if the link is not available. Note that the error message might not be that informative because it tells you that the link should be in the base class for the link function. See glm.GLM for a list of appropriate links for each family but note that not all of these are currently available. """ # TODO: change the links class attribute in the families to hold # meaningful information instead of a list of links instances such as # [, # , # ] # for Poisson... self._link = link if not isinstance(link, L.Link): raise TypeError("The input should be a valid Link object.") if hasattr(self, "links"): validlink = link in self.links validlink = max([isinstance(link, _) for _ in self.links]) if not validlink: errmsg = "Invalid link for family, should be in %s. (got %s)" raise ValueError(errmsg % (repr(self.links), link)) def _getlink(self): """ Helper method to get the link for a family. """ return self._link # link property for each family is a pointer to link instance link = property(_getlink, _setlink, doc="Link function for family") def __init__(self, link, variance): self.link = link() self.variance = variance def starting_mu(self, y): """ Starting value for mu in the IRLS algorithm. Parameters ---------- y : array The untransformed response variable. Returns ------- mu_0 : array The first guess on the transformed response variable. Notes ----- mu_0 = (endog + mean(endog))/2. Notes ----- Only the Binomial family takes a different initial value. """ return (y + y.mean())/2. def weights(self, mu): """ Weights for IRLS steps Parameters ---------- mu : array-like The transformed mean response variable in the exponential family Returns ------- w : array The weights for the IRLS steps Notes ----- `w` = 1 / (link'(`mu`)**2 * variance(`mu`)) """ return 1. / (self.link.deriv(mu)**2 * self.variance(mu)) def deviance(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Deviance of (endog,mu) pair. Deviance is usually defined as twice the loglikelihood ratio. Parameters ---------- endog : array-like The endogenous response variable mu : array-like The inverse of the link function at the linear predicted values. scale : float, optional An optional scale argument Returns ------- Deviance : array The value of deviance function defined below. Notes ----- Deviance is defined .. math:: \sum_i(2 loglike(y_i, y_i) - 2 * loglike(y_i, mu_i)) / scale where y is the endogenous variable. The deviance functions are analytically defined for each family. """ raise NotImplementedError def resid_dev(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ The deviance residuals Parameters ---------- endog : array The endogenous response variable mu : array The inverse of the link function at the linear predicted values. scale : float, optional An optional argument to divide the residuals by scale Returns ------- Deviance residuals. Notes ----- The deviance residuals are defined for each family. """ raise NotImplementedError def fitted(self, lin_pred): """ Fitted values based on linear predictors lin_pred. Parameters ----------- lin_pred : array Values of the linear predictor of the model. dot(X,beta) in a classical linear model. Returns -------- mu : array The mean response variables given by the inverse of the link function. """ return self.link.inverse(lin_pred) def predict(self, mu): """ Linear predictors based on given mu values. Parameters ---------- mu : array The mean response variables Returns ------- lin_pred : array Linear predictors based on the mean response variables. The value of the link function at the given mu. """ return self.link(mu) def loglike(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ The loglikelihood function. Parameters ---------- `endog` : array Usually the endogenous response variable. `mu` : array Usually but not always the fitted mean response variable. Returns ------- llf : float The value of the loglikelihood evaluated at (endog,mu). Notes ----- This is defined for each family. endog and mu are not restricted to `endog` and `mu` respectively. For instance, the deviance function calls both loglike(endog,endog) and loglike(endog,mu) to get the likelihood ratio. """ raise NotImplementedError def resid_anscombe(self, endog, mu): """ The Anscome residuals. See also -------- statsmodels.families.family.Family docstring and the `resid_anscombe` for the individual families for more information. """ raise NotImplementedError class Poisson(Family): """ Poisson exponential family. Parameters ---------- link : a link instance, optional The default link for the Poisson family is the log link. Available links are log, identity, and sqrt. See statsmodels.family.links for more information. Attributes ---------- Poisson.link : a link instance The link function of the Poisson instance. Poisson.variance : varfuncs instance `variance` is an instance of statsmodels.genmod.families.family.varfuncs.mu See also -------- statsmodels.genmod.families.family.Family :ref:`links` """ links = [L.log, L.identity, L.sqrt] variance = V.mu valid = [0, np.inf] def __init__(self, link=L.log): self.variance = Poisson.variance self.link = link() def _clean(self, x): """ Helper function to trim the data so that is in (0,inf) Notes ----- The need for this function was discovered through usage and its possible that other families might need a check for validity of the domain. """ return np.clip(x, FLOAT_EPS, np.inf) def resid_dev(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """Poisson deviance residual Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional argument to divide the residuals by scale Returns ------- resid_dev : array Deviance residuals as defined below Notes ----- resid_dev = sign(endog-mu)*sqrt(2*endog*log(endog/mu)-2*(endog-mu)) """ endog_mu = self._clean(endog/mu) return np.sign(endog - mu) * np.sqrt(2 * endog * np.log(endog_mu) - 2 * (endog - mu))/scale def deviance(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): ''' Poisson deviance function Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional scale argument Returns ------- deviance : float The deviance function at (endog,mu) as defined below. Notes ----- If a constant term is included it is defined as :math:`deviance = 2*\\sum_{i}(Y*\\log(Y/\\mu))` ''' endog_mu = self._clean(endog/mu) return 2*np.sum(endog*np.log(endog_mu))/scale def loglike(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Loglikelihood function for Poisson exponential family distribution. Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional The default is 1. Returns ------- llf : float The value of the loglikelihood function evaluated at (endog,mu,scale) as defined below. Notes ----- llf = scale * sum(-mu + endog*log(mu) - gammaln(endog+1)) where gammaln is the log gamma function """ return scale * np.sum(-mu + endog*np.log(mu)-special.gammaln(endog+1)) def resid_anscombe(self, endog, mu): """ Anscombe residuals for the Poisson exponential family distribution Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable Returns ------- resid_anscombe : array The Anscome residuals for the Poisson family defined below Notes ----- resid_anscombe is defined .. math: (3/2.)*(endog^{2/3.} - \\mu**(2/3.))/\\mu^{1/6.} """ return (3/2.)*(endog**(2/3.)-mu**(2/3.))/mu**(1/6.) class Gaussian(Family): """ Gaussian exponential family distribution. Parameters ---------- link : a link instance, optional The default link for the Gaussian family is the identity link. Available links are log, identity, and inverse. See statsmodels.family.links for more information. Attributes ---------- Gaussian.link : a link instance The link function of the Gaussian instance Gaussian.variance : varfunc instance `variance` is an instance of statsmodels.family.varfuncs.constant See also -------- statsmodels.genmod.families.family.Family :ref:`links` """ links = [L.log, L.identity, L.inverse_power] variance = V.constant def __init__(self, link=L.identity): self.variance = Gaussian.variance self.link = link() def resid_dev(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Gaussian deviance residuals Parameters ----------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional argument to divide the residuals by scale Returns ------- resid_dev : array Deviance residuals as defined below Notes -------- `resid_dev` = (`endog` - `mu`)/sqrt(variance(`mu`)) """ return (endog - mu) / np.sqrt(self.variance(mu))/scale def deviance(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Gaussian deviance function Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional scale argument Returns ------- deviance : float The deviance function at (endog,mu) as defined below. Notes -------- `deviance` = sum((endog-mu)**2) """ return np.sum((endog-mu)**2)/scale def loglike(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Loglikelihood function for Gaussian exponential family distribution. Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional Scales the loglikelihood function. The default is 1. Returns ------- llf : float The value of the loglikelihood function evaluated at (endog,mu,scale) as defined below. Notes ----- If the link is the identity link function then the loglikelihood function is the same as the classical OLS model. llf = -(nobs/2)*(log(SSR) + (1 + log(2*pi/nobs))) where SSR = sum((endog-link^(-1)(mu))**2) If the links is not the identity link then the loglikelihood function is defined as llf = sum((`endog`*`mu`-`mu`**2/2)/`scale` - `endog`**2/(2*`scale`) - \ (1/2.)*log(2*pi*`scale`)) """ if isinstance(self.link, L.Power) and self.link.power == 1: # This is just the loglikelihood for classical OLS nobs2 = endog.shape[0]/2. SSR = ss(endog-self.fitted(mu)) llf = -np.log(SSR) * nobs2 llf -= (1+np.log(np.pi/nobs2))*nobs2 return llf else: # Return the loglikelihood for Gaussian GLM return np.sum((endog * mu - mu**2/2)/scale - endog**2/(2 * scale) - .5*np.log(2 * np.pi * scale)) def resid_anscombe(self, endog, mu): """ The Anscombe residuals for the Gaussian exponential family distribution Parameters ---------- endog : array Endogenous response variable mu : array Fitted mean response variable Returns ------- resid_anscombe : array The Anscombe residuals for the Gaussian family defined below Notes -------- `resid_anscombe` = `endog` - `mu` """ return endog-mu class Gamma(Family): """ Gamma exponential family distribution. Parameters ---------- link : a link instance, optional The default link for the Gamma family is the inverse link. Available links are log, identity, and inverse. See statsmodels.family.links for more information. Attributes ---------- Gamma.link : a link instance The link function of the Gamma instance Gamma.variance : varfunc instance `variance` is an instance of statsmodels.family.varfuncs.mu_squared See also -------- statsmodels.genmod.families.family.Family :ref:`links` """ links = [L.log, L.identity, L.inverse_power] variance = V.mu_squared def __init__(self, link=L.inverse_power): self.variance = Gamma.variance self.link = link() def _clean(self, x): """ Helper function to trim the data so that is in (0,inf) Notes ----- The need for this function was discovered through usage and its possible that other families might need a check for validity of the domain. """ return np.clip(x, FLOAT_EPS, np.inf) def deviance(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Gamma deviance function Parameters ----------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional scale argument Returns ------- deviance : float Deviance function as defined below Notes ----- `deviance` = 2*sum((endog - mu)/mu - log(endog/mu)) """ endog_mu = self._clean(endog/mu) return 2 * np.sum((endog - mu)/mu - np.log(endog_mu)) def resid_dev(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): r""" Gamma deviance residuals Parameters ----------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional argument to divide the residuals by scale Returns ------- resid_dev : array Deviance residuals as defined below Notes ----- `resid_dev` is defined .. math: sign(endog - \mu) * \sqrt{-2*(-(endog-\mu)/\mu + \log(endog/\mu))} """ endog_mu = self._clean(endog/mu) return np.sign(endog - mu) * np.sqrt(-2 * (-(endog - mu)/mu + np.log(endog_mu))) def loglike(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Loglikelihood function for Gamma exponential family distribution. Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional The default is 1. Returns ------- llf : float The value of the loglikelihood function evaluated at (endog,mu,scale) as defined below. Notes -------- llf = -1/scale * sum(endog/mu + log(mu) + (scale-1)*log(endog) +\ log(scale) + scale*gammaln(1/scale)) where gammaln is the log gamma function. """ return - 1./scale * np.sum(endog/mu + np.log(mu) + (scale - 1) * np.log(endog) + np.log(scale) + scale * special.gammaln(1./scale)) # in Stata scale is set to equal 1 for reporting llf # in R it's the dispersion, though there is a loss of precision vs. # our results due to an assumed difference in implementation def resid_anscombe(self, endog, mu): """ The Anscombe residuals for Gamma exponential family distribution Parameters ---------- endog : array Endogenous response variable mu : array Fitted mean response variable Returns ------- resid_anscombe : array The Anscombe residuals for the Gamma family defined below Notes ----- resid_anscombe = 3*(endog**(1/3.)-mu**(1/3.))/mu**(1/3.) """ return 3*(endog**(1/3.)-mu**(1/3.))/mu**(1/3.) class Binomial(Family): """ Binomial exponential family distribution. Parameters ---------- link : a link instance, optional The default link for the Binomial family is the logit link. Available links are logit, probit, cauchy, log, and cloglog. See statsmodels.family.links for more information. Attributes ---------- Binomial.link : a link instance The link function of the Binomial instance Binomial.variance : varfunc instance `variance` is an instance of statsmodels.family.varfuncs.binary See also -------- statsmodels.genmod.families.family.Family :ref:`links` Notes ----- endog for Binomial can be specified in one of three ways. """ links = [L.logit, L.probit, L.cauchy, L.log, L.cloglog, L.identity] variance = V.binary # this is not used below in an effort to include n def __init__(self, link=L.logit): # , n=1.): # TODO: it *should* work for a constant n>1 actually, if data_weights # is equal to n self.n = 1 # overwritten by initialize if needed but always used to initialize # variance since endog is assumed/forced to be (0,1) self.variance = V.Binomial(n=self.n) self.link = link() def starting_mu(self, y): """ The starting values for the IRLS algorithm for the Binomial family. A good choice for the binomial family is starting_mu = (y + .5)/2 """ return (y + .5)/2 def initialize(self, endog): ''' Initialize the response variable. Parameters ---------- endog : array Endogenous response variable Returns -------- If `endog` is binary, returns `endog` If `endog` is a 2d array, then the input is assumed to be in the format (successes, failures) and successes/(success + failures) is returned. And n is set to successes + failures. ''' if (endog.ndim > 1 and endog.shape[1] > 1): y = endog[:, 0] self.n = endog.sum(1) # overwrite self.n for deviance below return y*1./self.n else: return endog def deviance(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): ''' Deviance function for either Bernoulli or Binomial data. Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable (already transformed to a probability if appropriate). mu : array Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional scale argument Returns -------- deviance : float The deviance function as defined below Notes ----- If the endogenous variable is binary: `deviance` = -2*sum(I_one * log(mu) + (I_zero)*log(1-mu)) where I_one is an indicator function that evalueates to 1 if endog_i == 1. and I_zero is an indicator function that evaluates to 1 if endog_i == 0. If the model is ninomial: `deviance` = 2*sum(log(endog/mu) + (n-endog)*log((n-endog)/(n-mu))) where endog and n are as defined in Binomial.initialize. ''' if np.shape(self.n) == () and self.n == 1: one = np.equal(endog, 1) return -2 * np.sum(one * np.log(mu + 1e-200) + (1-one) * np.log(1 - mu + 1e-200)) else: return 2 * np.sum(self.n * (endog * np.log(endog/mu + 1e-200) + (1 - endog) * np.log((1 - endog) / (1 - mu) + 1e-200))) def resid_dev(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Binomial deviance residuals Parameters ----------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional argument to divide the residuals by scale Returns ------- resid_dev : array Deviance residuals as defined below Notes ----- If `endog` is binary: resid_dev = sign(endog-mu)*sqrt(-2*log(I_one*mu + I_zero*(1-mu))) where I_one is an indicator function that evaluates as 1 if endog == 1 and I_zero is an indicator function that evaluates as 1 if endog == 0. If `endog` is binomial: resid_dev = sign(endog - mu) * sqrt(2 * n * (endog * log(endog/mu) + (1 - endog) * log((1 - endog)/(1 - mu)))) where endog and n are as defined in Binomial.initialize. """ mu = self.link._clean(mu) if np.shape(self.n) == () and self.n == 1: one = np.equal(endog, 1) return np.sign(endog-mu)*np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(one * mu + (1 - one) * (1 - mu)))/scale else: return (np.sign(endog - mu) * np.sqrt(2 * self.n * (endog * np.log(endog/mu + 1e-200) + (1 - endog) * np.log((1 - endog)/(1 - mu) + 1e-200)))/scale) def loglike(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Loglikelihood function for Binomial exponential family distribution. Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional The default is 1. Returns ------- llf : float The value of the loglikelihood function evaluated at (endog,mu,scale) as defined below. Notes -------- If `endog` is binary: `llf` = scale*sum(endog*log(mu/(1-mu))+log(1-mu)) If `endog` is binomial: `llf` = scale*sum(gammaln(n+1) - gammaln(y+1) - gammaln(n-y+1) +\ y*log(mu/(1-mu)) + n*log(1-mu) where gammaln is the log gamma function and y = endog*n with endog and n as defined in Binomial initialize. This simply makes y the original number of successes. """ if np.shape(self.n) == () and self.n == 1: return scale * np.sum(endog * np.log(mu/(1 - mu) + 1e-200) + np.log(1 - mu)) else: y = endog * self.n # convert back to successes return scale * np.sum(special.gammaln(self.n + 1) - special.gammaln(y + 1) - special.gammaln(self.n - y + 1) + y * np.log(mu/(1 - mu)) + self.n * np.log(1 - mu)) def resid_anscombe(self, endog, mu): ''' The Anscombe residuals Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable Returns ------- resid_anscombe : array The Anscombe residuals as defined below. Notes ----- sqrt(n)*(cox_snell(endog)-cox_snell(mu))/(mu**(1/6.)*(1-mu)**(1/6.)) where cox_snell is defined as cox_snell(x) = betainc(2/3., 2/3., x)*betainc(2/3.,2/3.) where betainc is the incomplete beta function The name 'cox_snell' is idiosyncratic and is simply used for convenience following the approach suggested in Cox and Snell (1968). Further note that cox_snell(x) = x**(2/3.)/(2/3.)*hyp2f1(2/3.,1/3.,5/3.,x) where hyp2f1 is the hypergeometric 2f1 function. The Anscombe residuals are sometimes defined in the literature using the hyp2f1 formulation. Both betainc and hyp2f1 can be found in scipy. References ---------- Anscombe, FJ. (1953) "Contribution to the discussion of H. Hotelling's paper." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B. 15, 229-30. Cox, DR and Snell, EJ. (1968) "A General Definition of Residuals." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B. 30, 248-75. ''' cox_snell = lambda x: (special.betainc(2/3., 2/3., x) * special.beta(2/3., 2/3.)) return np.sqrt(self.n) * ((cox_snell(endog) - cox_snell(mu)) / (mu**(1/6.) * (1 - mu)**(1/6.))) class InverseGaussian(Family): """ InverseGaussian exponential family. Parameters ---------- link : a link instance, optional The default link for the inverse Gaussian family is the inverse squared link. Available links are inverse_squared, inverse, log, and identity. See statsmodels.family.links for more information. Attributes ---------- InverseGaussian.link : a link instance The link function of the inverse Gaussian instance InverseGaussian.variance : varfunc instance `variance` is an instance of statsmodels.family.varfuncs.mu_cubed See also -------- statsmodels.genmod.families.family.Family :ref:`links` Notes ----- The inverse Guassian distribution is sometimes referred to in the literature as the wald distribution. """ links = [L.inverse_squared, L.inverse_power, L.identity, L.log] variance = V.mu_cubed def __init__(self, link=L.inverse_squared): self.variance = InverseGaussian.variance self.link = link() def resid_dev(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Returns the deviance residuals for the inverse Gaussian family. Parameters ----------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional argument to divide the residuals by scale Returns ------- resid_dev : array Deviance residuals as defined below Notes ----- `dev_resid` = sign(endog-mu)*sqrt((endog-mu)**2/(endog*mu**2)) """ return np.sign(endog-mu) * np.sqrt((endog-mu)**2/(endog*mu**2))/scale def deviance(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Inverse Gaussian deviance function Parameters ----------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional scale argument Returns ------- deviance : float Deviance function as defined below Notes ----- `deviance` = sum((endog=mu)**2/(endog*mu**2)) """ return np.sum((endog-mu)**2/(endog*mu**2))/scale def loglike(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): """ Loglikelihood function for inverse Gaussian distribution. Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional The default is 1. Returns ------- llf : float The value of the loglikelihood function evaluated at (endog,mu,scale) as defined below. Notes ----- `llf` = -(1/2.)*sum((endog-mu)**2/(endog*mu**2*scale) + log(scale*endog**3) + log(2*pi)) """ return -.5 * np.sum((endog - mu)**2/(endog * mu**2 * scale) + np.log(scale * endog**3) + np.log(2 * np.pi)) def resid_anscombe(self, endog, mu): """ The Anscombe residuals for the inverse Gaussian distribution Parameters ---------- endog : array Endogenous response variable mu : array Fitted mean response variable Returns ------- resid_anscombe : array The Anscombe residuals for the inverse Gaussian distribution as defined below Notes ----- `resid_anscombe` = log(endog/mu)/sqrt(mu) """ return np.log(endog/mu)/np.sqrt(mu) class NegativeBinomial(Family): """ Negative Binomial exponential family. Parameters ---------- link : a link instance, optional The default link for the negative binomial family is the log link. Available links are log, cloglog, identity, nbinom and power. See statsmodels.family.links for more information. alpha : float, optional The ancillary parameter for the negative binomial distribution. For now `alpha` is assumed to be nonstochastic. The default value is 1. Permissible values are usually assumed to be between .01 and 2. Attributes ---------- NegativeBinomial.link : a link instance The link function of the negative binomial instance NegativeBinomial.variance : varfunc instance `variance` is an instance of statsmodels.family.varfuncs.nbinom See also -------- statsmodels.genmod.families.family.Family :ref:`links` Notes ----- Power link functions are not yet supported. """ links = [L.log, L.cloglog, L.identity, L.nbinom, L.Power] # TODO: add the ability to use the power links with an if test # similar to below variance = V.nbinom def __init__(self, link=L.log, alpha=1.): self.alpha = alpha self.variance = V.NegativeBinomial(alpha=self.alpha) if isinstance(link, L.NegativeBinomial): self.link = link(alpha=self.alpha) else: self.link = link() def _clean(self, x): """ Helper function to trim the data so that is in (0,inf) Notes ----- The need for this function was discovered through usage and its possible that other families might need a check for validity of the domain. """ return np.clip(x, FLOAT_EPS, np.inf) def deviance(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): r""" Returns the value of the deviance function. Parameters ----------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable scale : float, optional An optional scale argument Returns ------- deviance : float Deviance function as defined below Notes ----- `deviance` = sum(piecewise) where piecewise is defined as If :math:`Y_{i} == 0`: .. math:: piecewise_i = 2\log(1+\alpha*\mu)/\alpha If :math:`Y_{i} > 0`: .. math:: piecewise_i = math2 Y \log(Y/\mu)-2/\alpha(1+\alpha Y) * \log((1+\alpha Y)/(1+\alpha\mu)) """ iszero = np.equal(endog, 0) notzero = 1 - iszero tmp = np.zeros(len(endog)) endog_mu = self._clean(endog/mu) tmp = iszero * 2 * np.log(1 + self.alpha * mu)/self.alpha tmp += notzero * (2 * endog * np.log(endog_mu) - 2/self.alpha * (1 + self.alpha*endog) * np.log((1 + self.alpha * endog) / (1 + self.alpha * mu))) return np.sum(tmp)/scale def resid_dev(self, endog, mu, scale=1.): r''' Negative Binomial Deviance Residual Parameters ---------- endog : array-like `endog` is the response variable mu : array-like `mu` is the fitted value of the model scale : float, optional An optional argument to divide the residuals by scale Returns -------- resid_dev : array The array of deviance residuals Notes ----- `resid_dev` = sign(endog-mu) * sqrt(piecewise) where piecewise is defined as If :math:`Y_i = 0`: .. math:: piecewise_i = 2*log(1+alpha*mu)/alpha If :math:`Y_i > 0`: .. math:: piecewise_i = 2*Y*log(Y/\mu) - 2/\alpha * (1 + \alpha * Y) * \log((1 + \alpha * Y)/(1 + \alpha * \mu)) ''' iszero = np.equal(endog, 0) notzero = 1 - iszero tmp = np.zeros(len(endog)) tmp = iszero * 2 * np.log(1 + self.alpha * mu)/self.alpha tmp += notzero * (2 * endog * np.log(endog/mu) - 2/self.alpha * (1 + self.alpha * endog) * np.log((1 + self.alpha * endog) / (1 + self.alpha * mu))) return np.sign(endog - mu) * np.sqrt(tmp)/scale def loglike(self, endog, lin_pred=None): """ The loglikelihood function for the negative binomial family. Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable lin_pred : array-like The linear predictor of the model. This is dot(exog,params), plus the offset if present. Returns ------- llf : float The value of the loglikelihood function evaluated at (endog,mu,scale) as defined below. Notes ----- sum(endog*log(alpha*exp(lin_pred)/(1+alpha*exp(lin_pred))) - log(1+alpha*exp(lin_pred))/alpha + constant) where constant is defined as:: constant = gammaln(endog + 1/alpha) - gammaln(endog + 1) - gammaln(1/alpha) """ # don't need to specify mu if lin_pred is None: raise AttributeError('The loglikelihood for the negative binomial' ' requires that the fitted values be ' 'provided via the `lin_pred` keyword ' 'argument.') constant = (special.gammaln(endog + 1/self.alpha) - special.gammaln(endog+1) - special.gammaln(1/self.alpha)) exp_lin_pred = np.exp(lin_pred) return (np.sum(endog * np.log(self.alpha * exp_lin_pred / (1 + self.alpha * exp_lin_pred)) - np.log(1 + self.alpha * exp_lin_pred)/self.alpha + constant)) def resid_anscombe(self, endog, mu): """ The Anscombe residuals for the negative binomial family Parameters ---------- endog : array-like Endogenous response variable mu : array-like Fitted mean response variable Returns ------- resid_anscombe : array The Anscombe residuals as defined below. Notes ----- `resid_anscombe` = (hyp2f1(-alpha*endog)-hyp2f1(-alpha*mu)+\ 1.5*(endog**(2/3.)-mu**(2/3.)))/(mu+alpha*mu**2)**(1/6.) where hyp2f1 is the hypergeometric 2f1 function parameterized as hyp2f1(x) = hyp2f1(2/3.,1/3.,5/3.,x) """ hyp2f1 = lambda x : special.hyp2f1(2/3., 1/3., 5/3., x) return ((hyp2f1(-self.alpha * endog) - hyp2f1(-self.alpha * mu) + 1.5 * (endog**(2/3.)-mu**(2/3.))) / (mu + self.alpha*mu**2)**(1/6.))