""" Created on Sun Oct 10 14:57:50 2010 Author: josef-pktd, Skipper Seabold License: BSD TODO: check everywhere initialization of signal.lfilter """ from statsmodels.compat.python import range import numpy as np from scipy import signal, optimize from statsmodels.base.model import (LikelihoodModel, GenericLikelihoodModel) #copied from sandbox/regression/mle.py #rename until merge of classes is complete class Arma(GenericLikelihoodModel): #switch to generic mle """ univariate Autoregressive Moving Average model, conditional on initial values The ARMA model is estimated either with conditional Least Squares or with conditional Maximum Likelihood. The implementation is using scipy.filter.lfilter which makes it faster than the Kalman Filter Implementation. The Kalman Filter Implementation however uses the exact Maximum Likelihood and will be more accurate, statistically more efficent in small samples. In large samples conditional LS, conditional MLE and exact MLE should be very close to each other, they are equivalent asymptotically. Notes ----- this can subclass TSMLEModel TODO: - CondLS return raw estimation results - needs checking that there is no wrong state retained, when running fit several times with different options - still needs consistent order options. - Currently assumes that the mean is zero, no mean or effect of exogenous variables are included in the estimation. """ def __init__(self, endog, exog=None): #need to override p,q (nar,nma) correctly super(Arma, self).__init__(endog, exog) #set default arma(1,1) self.nar = 1 self.nma = 1 #self.initialize() def initialize(self): pass def geterrors(self, params): #copied from sandbox.tsa.arima.ARIMA p, q = self.nar, self.nma ar = np.concatenate(([1], -params[:p])) ma = np.concatenate(([1], params[p:p+q])) #lfilter_zi requires same length for ar and ma maxlag = 1+max(p,q) armax = np.zeros(maxlag) armax[:p+1] = ar mamax = np.zeros(maxlag) mamax[:q+1] = ma #remove zi again to match better with Skipper's version #zi = signal.lfilter_zi(armax, mamax) #errorsest = signal.lfilter(rhoy, rhoe, self.endog, zi=zi)[0] #zi is also returned errorsest = signal.lfilter(ar, ma, self.endog) return errorsest def loglike(self, params): """ Loglikelihood for arma model Notes ----- The ancillary parameter is assumed to be the last element of the params vector """ # #copied from sandbox.tsa.arima.ARIMA # p = self.nar # rhoy = np.concatenate(([1], params[:p])) # rhoe = np.concatenate(([1], params[p:-1])) # errorsest = signal.lfilter(rhoy, rhoe, self.endog) errorsest = self.geterrors(params) sigma2 = np.maximum(params[-1]**2, 1e-6) axis = 0 nobs = len(errorsest) #this doesn't help for exploding paths #errorsest[np.isnan(errorsest)] = 100 # llike = -0.5 * (np.sum(np.log(sigma2),axis) # + np.sum((errorsest**2)/sigma2, axis) # + nobs*np.log(2*np.pi)) llike = -0.5 * (nobs*np.log(sigma2) + np.sum((errorsest**2)/sigma2, axis) + nobs*np.log(2*np.pi)) return llike #add for Jacobian calculation bsejac in GenericMLE, copied from loglike def nloglikeobs(self, params): """ Loglikelihood for arma model Notes ----- The ancillary parameter is assumed to be the last element of the params vector """ # #copied from sandbox.tsa.arima.ARIMA # p = self.nar # rhoy = np.concatenate(([1], params[:p])) # rhoe = np.concatenate(([1], params[p:-1])) # errorsest = signal.lfilter(rhoy, rhoe, self.endog) errorsest = self.geterrors(params) sigma2 = np.maximum(params[-1]**2, 1e-6) axis = 0 nobs = len(errorsest) #this doesn't help for exploding paths #errorsest[np.isnan(errorsest)] = 100 # llike = -0.5 * (np.sum(np.log(sigma2),axis) # + np.sum((errorsest**2)/sigma2, axis) # + nobs*np.log(2*np.pi)) llike = 0.5 * (np.log(sigma2) + (errorsest**2)/sigma2 + np.log(2*np.pi)) return llike #use generic instead # def score(self, params): # """ # Score vector for Arma model # """ # #return None # #print params # jac = ndt.Jacobian(self.loglike, stepMax=1e-4) # return jac(params)[-1] #use generic instead # def hessian(self, params): # """ # Hessian of arma model. Currently uses numdifftools # """ # #return None # Hfun = ndt.Jacobian(self.score, stepMax=1e-4) # return Hfun(params)[-1] #copied from arima.ARIMA, needs splitting out of method specific code def fit(self, order=(0,0), start_params=None, method="ls", **optkwds): ''' Estimate lag coefficients of an ARIMA process. Parameters ---------- order : sequence p,d,q where p is the number of AR lags, d is the number of differences to induce stationarity, and q is the number of MA lags to estimate. method : str {"ls", "ssm"} Method of estimation. LS is conditional least squares. SSM is state-space model and the Kalman filter is used to maximize the exact likelihood. rhoy0, rhoe0 : array_like (optional) starting values for estimation Returns ------- (rh, cov_x, infodict, mesg, ier) : output of scipy.optimize.leastsq rh : estimate of lag parameters, concatenated [rhoy, rhoe] cov_x : unscaled (!) covariance matrix of coefficient estimates ''' if not hasattr(order, '__iter__'): raise ValueError("order must be an iterable sequence. Got type \ %s instead" % type(order)) p,q = order self.nar = p # needed for geterrors, needs cleanup self.nma = q ## if d > 0: ## raise ValueError("Differencing not implemented yet") ## # assume no constant, ie mu = 0 ## # unless overwritten then use w_bar for mu ## Y = np.diff(endog, d, axis=0) #TODO: handle lags? x = self.endog.squeeze() # remove the squeeze might be needed later # def errfn( rho): # #rhoy, rhoe = rho # rhoy = np.concatenate(([1], rho[:p])) # rhoe = np.concatenate(([1], rho[p:])) # etahatr = signal.lfilter(rhoy, rhoe, x) # #print rho,np.sum(etahatr*etahatr) # return etahatr #replace with start_params if start_params is None: arcoefs0 = 0.5 * np.ones(p) macoefs0 = 0.5 * np.ones(q) start_params = np.r_[arcoefs0, macoefs0] method = method.lower() if method == "ls": #update optim_kwds = dict(ftol=1e-10, full_output=True) optim_kwds.update(optkwds) #changes: use self.geterrors (nobs,): # rh, cov_x, infodict, mesg, ier = \ # optimize.leastsq(errfn, np.r_[rhoy0, rhoe0],ftol=1e-10,full_output=True) rh, cov_x, infodict, mesg, ier = \ optimize.leastsq(self.geterrors, start_params, **optim_kwds) #TODO: need missing parameter estimates for LS, scale, residual-sdt #TODO: integrate this into the MLE.fit framework? elif method == "ssm": pass else: #this is also conditional least squares # fmin_bfgs is slow or doesn't work yet errfnsum = lambda rho : np.sum(self.geterrors(rho)**2) #xopt, {fopt, gopt, Hopt, func_calls, grad_calls optim_kwds = dict(maxiter=2, full_output=True) optim_kwds.update(optkwds) rh, fopt, gopt, cov_x, _,_, ier = \ optimize.fmin_bfgs(errfnsum, start_params, **optim_kwds) infodict, mesg = None, None self.params = rh self.ar_est = np.concatenate(([1], -rh[:p])) self.ma_est = np.concatenate(([1], rh[p:p+q])) #rh[-q:])) doesnt work for q=0, added p+q as endpoint for safety if var is included self.error_estimate = self.geterrors(rh) return rh, cov_x, infodict, mesg, ier #renamed and needs check with other fit def fit_mle(self, order=(0,0), start_params=None, method='nm', maxiter=5000, tol=1e-08, **kwds): '''Estimate an ARMA model with given order using Conditional Maximum Likelihood Parameters ---------- order : tuple, 2 elements specifies the number of lags(nar, nma) to include, not including lag 0 start_params : array_like, 1d, (nar+nma+1,) start parameters for the optimization, the length needs to be equal to the number of ar plus ma coefficients plus 1 for the residual variance method : str optimization method, as described in LikelihoodModel maxiter : int maximum number of iteration in the optimization tol : float tolerance (?) for the optimization Returns ------- mlefit : instance of (GenericLikelihood ?)Result class contains estimation results and additional statistics ''' nar, nma = p, q = order self.nar, self.nma = nar, nma if start_params is None: start_params = np.concatenate((0.05*np.ones(nar + nma), [1])) mlefit = super(Arma, self).fit(start_params=start_params, maxiter=maxiter, method=method, tol=tol, **kwds) #bug fix: running ls and then mle didn't overwrite this rh = mlefit.params self.params = rh self.ar_est = np.concatenate(([1], -rh[:p])) self.ma_est = np.concatenate(([1], rh[p:p+q])) self.error_estimate = self.geterrors(rh) return mlefit #copied from arima.ARIMA def predicted(self, ar=None, ma=None): '''past predicted values of time series just added, not checked yet ''' # #ar, ma not used, not useful as arguments for predicted pattern # #need it for prediction for other time series, endog # if ar is None: # ar = self.ar_est # if ma is None: # ma = self.ma_est return self.endog - self.error_estimate #copied from arima.ARIMA def forecast(self, ar=None, ma=None, nperiod=10): '''nperiod ahead forecast at the end of the data period forecast is based on the error estimates ''' eta = np.r_[self.error_estimate, np.zeros(nperiod)] if ar is None: ar = self.ar_est if ma is None: ma = self.ma_est return signal.lfilter(ma, ar, eta) def forecast2(self, step_ahead=1, start=None, end=None, endog=None): '''rolling h-period ahead forecast without reestimation, 1 period ahead only in construction: uses loop to go over data and not sure how to get (finite) forecast polynomial for h-step Notes ----- just the idea: To improve performance with expanding arrays, specify total period by endog and the conditional forecast period by step_ahead This should be used by/with results which should contain predicted error or noise. Could be either a recursive loop or lfilter with a h-step ahead forecast filter, but then I need to calculate that one. ??? further extension: allow reestimation option question: return h-step ahead or range(h)-step ahead ? ''' if step_ahead != 1: raise NotImplementedError p,q = self.nar, self.nma k = 0 errors = self.error_estimate y = self.endog #this is for 1step ahead only, still need h-step predictive polynomial arcoefs_rev = self.params[k:k+p][::-1] macoefs_rev = self.params[k+p:k+p+q][::-1] predicted = [] # create error vector iteratively for i in range(start, end): predicted.append(sum(arcoefs_rev*y[i-p:i]) + sum(macoefs_rev * errors[i-p:i])) return np.asarray(predicted) def forecast3(self, step_ahead=1, start=None): #, end=None): '''another try for h-step ahead forecasting ''' from .arima_process import arma2ma, ArmaProcess p,q = self.nar, self.nma k=0 ar = self.params[k:k+p] ma = self.params[k+p:k+p+q] marep = arma2ma(ar,ma, start)[step_ahead+1:] #truncated ma representation errors = self.error_estimate forecasts = np.convolve(errors, marep) return forecasts#[-(errors.shape[0] - start-5):] #get 5 overlapping for testing #copied from arima.ARIMA #TODO: is this needed as a method at all? #JP: not needed in this form, but can be replace with using the parameters @classmethod def generate_sample(cls, ar, ma, nsample, std=1): eta = std * np.random.randn(nsample) return signal.lfilter(ma, ar, eta)