from __future__ import print_function, division from sympy.core import Add, Mul, S, Dummy from sympy.core.cache import cacheit from sympy.core.compatibility import default_sort_key, range from sympy.functions import KroneckerDelta, Piecewise, piecewise_fold from sympy.sets import Interval @cacheit def _expand_delta(expr, index): """ Expand the first Add containing a simple KroneckerDelta. """ if not expr.is_Mul: return expr delta = None func = Add terms = [S(1)] for h in expr.args: if delta is None and h.is_Add and _has_simple_delta(h, index): delta = True func = h.func terms = [terms[0]*t for t in h.args] else: terms = [t*h for t in terms] return func(*terms) @cacheit def _extract_delta(expr, index): """ Extract a simple KroneckerDelta from the expression. Returns the tuple ``(delta, newexpr)`` where: - ``delta`` is a simple KroneckerDelta expression if one was found, or ``None`` if no simple KroneckerDelta expression was found. - ``newexpr`` is a Mul containing the remaining terms; ``expr`` is returned unchanged if no simple KroneckerDelta expression was found. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import KroneckerDelta >>> from import _extract_delta >>> from import x, y, i, j, k >>> _extract_delta(4*x*y*KroneckerDelta(i, j), i) (KroneckerDelta(i, j), 4*x*y) >>> _extract_delta(4*x*y*KroneckerDelta(i, j), k) (None, 4*x*y*KroneckerDelta(i, j)) See Also ======== sympy.functions.special.tensor_functions.KroneckerDelta deltaproduct deltasummation """ if not _has_simple_delta(expr, index): return (None, expr) if isinstance(expr, KroneckerDelta): return (expr, S(1)) if not expr.is_Mul: raise ValueError("Incorrect expr") delta = None terms = [] for arg in expr.args: if delta is None and _is_simple_delta(arg, index): delta = arg else: terms.append(arg) return (delta, expr.func(*terms)) @cacheit def _has_simple_delta(expr, index): """ Returns True if ``expr`` is an expression that contains a KroneckerDelta that is simple in the index ``index``, meaning that this KroneckerDelta is nonzero for a single value of the index ``index``. """ if expr.has(KroneckerDelta): if _is_simple_delta(expr, index): return True if expr.is_Add or expr.is_Mul: for arg in expr.args: if _has_simple_delta(arg, index): return True return False @cacheit def _is_simple_delta(delta, index): """ Returns True if ``delta`` is a KroneckerDelta and is nonzero for a single value of the index ``index``. """ if isinstance(delta, KroneckerDelta) and delta.has(index): p = (delta.args[0] - delta.args[1]).as_poly(index) if p: return == 1 return False @cacheit def _remove_multiple_delta(expr): """ Evaluate products of KroneckerDelta's. """ from sympy.solvers import solve if expr.is_Add: return expr.func(*list(map(_remove_multiple_delta, expr.args))) if not expr.is_Mul: return expr eqs = [] newargs = [] for arg in expr.args: if isinstance(arg, KroneckerDelta): eqs.append(arg.args[0] - arg.args[1]) else: newargs.append(arg) if not eqs: return expr solns = solve(eqs, dict=True) if len(solns) == 0: return S.Zero elif len(solns) == 1: for key in solns[0].keys(): newargs.append(KroneckerDelta(key, solns[0][key])) expr2 = expr.func(*newargs) if expr != expr2: return _remove_multiple_delta(expr2) return expr @cacheit def _simplify_delta(expr): """ Rewrite a KroneckerDelta's indices in its simplest form. """ from sympy.solvers import solve if isinstance(expr, KroneckerDelta): try: slns = solve(expr.args[0] - expr.args[1], dict=True) if slns and len(slns) == 1: return Mul(*[KroneckerDelta(*(key, value)) for key, value in slns[0].items()]) except NotImplementedError: pass return expr @cacheit def deltaproduct(f, limit): """ Handle products containing a KroneckerDelta. See Also ======== deltasummation sympy.functions.special.tensor_functions.KroneckerDelta sympy.concrete.products.product """ from sympy.concrete.products import product if ((limit[2] - limit[1]) < 0) == True: return S.One if not f.has(KroneckerDelta): return product(f, limit) if f.is_Add: # Identify the term in the Add that has a simple KroneckerDelta delta = None terms = [] for arg in sorted(f.args, key=default_sort_key): if delta is None and _has_simple_delta(arg, limit[0]): delta = arg else: terms.append(arg) newexpr = f.func(*terms) k = Dummy("kprime", integer=True) if isinstance(limit[1], int) and isinstance(limit[2], int): result = deltaproduct(newexpr, limit) + sum([ deltaproduct(newexpr, (limit[0], limit[1], ik - 1)) * delta.subs(limit[0], ik) * deltaproduct(newexpr, (limit[0], ik + 1, limit[2])) for ik in range(int(limit[1]), int(limit[2] + 1))] ) else: result = deltaproduct(newexpr, limit) + deltasummation( deltaproduct(newexpr, (limit[0], limit[1], k - 1)) * delta.subs(limit[0], k) * deltaproduct(newexpr, (limit[0], k + 1, limit[2])), (k, limit[1], limit[2]), no_piecewise=_has_simple_delta(newexpr, limit[0]) ) return _remove_multiple_delta(result) delta, _ = _extract_delta(f, limit[0]) if not delta: g = _expand_delta(f, limit[0]) if f != g: from sympy import factor try: return factor(deltaproduct(g, limit)) except AssertionError: return deltaproduct(g, limit) return product(f, limit) from sympy import Eq c = Eq(limit[2], limit[1] - 1) return _remove_multiple_delta(f.subs(limit[0], limit[1])*KroneckerDelta(limit[2], limit[1])) + \ S.One*_simplify_delta(KroneckerDelta(limit[2], limit[1] - 1)) @cacheit def deltasummation(f, limit, no_piecewise=False): """ Handle summations containing a KroneckerDelta. The idea for summation is the following: - If we are dealing with a KroneckerDelta expression, i.e. KroneckerDelta(g(x), j), we try to simplify it. If we could simplify it, then we sum the resulting expression. We already know we can sum a simplified expression, because only simple KroneckerDelta expressions are involved. If we couldn't simplify it, there are two cases: 1) The expression is a simple expression: we return the summation, taking care if we are dealing with a Derivative or with a proper KroneckerDelta. 2) The expression is not simple (i.e. KroneckerDelta(cos(x))): we can do nothing at all. - If the expr is a multiplication expr having a KroneckerDelta term: First we expand it. If the expansion did work, then we try to sum the expansion. If not, we try to extract a simple KroneckerDelta term, then we have two cases: 1) We have a simple KroneckerDelta term, so we return the summation. 2) We didn't have a simple term, but we do have an expression with simplified KroneckerDelta terms, so we sum this expression. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import oo, symbols >>> from import k >>> i, j = symbols('i, j', integer=True, finite=True) >>> from import deltasummation >>> from sympy import KroneckerDelta, Piecewise >>> deltasummation(KroneckerDelta(i, k), (k, -oo, oo)) 1 >>> deltasummation(KroneckerDelta(i, k), (k, 0, oo)) Piecewise((1, 0 <= i), (0, True)) >>> deltasummation(KroneckerDelta(i, k), (k, 1, 3)) Piecewise((1, And(1 <= i, i <= 3)), (0, True)) >>> deltasummation(k*KroneckerDelta(i, j)*KroneckerDelta(j, k), (k, -oo, oo)) j*KroneckerDelta(i, j) >>> deltasummation(j*KroneckerDelta(i, j), (j, -oo, oo)) i >>> deltasummation(i*KroneckerDelta(i, j), (i, -oo, oo)) j See Also ======== deltaproduct sympy.functions.special.tensor_functions.KroneckerDelta sympy.concrete.sums.summation """ from sympy.concrete.summations import summation from sympy.solvers import solve if ((limit[2] - limit[1]) < 0) == True: return S.Zero if not f.has(KroneckerDelta): return summation(f, limit) x = limit[0] g = _expand_delta(f, x) if g.is_Add: return piecewise_fold( g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args])) # try to extract a simple KroneckerDelta term delta, expr = _extract_delta(g, x) if not delta: return summation(f, limit) solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x) if len(solns) == 0: return S.Zero elif len(solns) != 1: return Sum(f, limit) value = solns[0] if no_piecewise: return expr.subs(x, value) return Piecewise( (expr.subs(x, value), Interval(*limit[1:3]).as_relational(value)), (S.Zero, True) )